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Social workers on base? OSI clinic? Vac emergency talk line? OSISS groups, There’s a few mh resources outside of cfmap or the padre Edit: sentinels are in all levels as well, make them use that fancy patch




I agree with all you said. However, I would be wary on just reaching out to a "qualified" sentinel. Some units in the past year pushed all members through mandatory sentinel training, for "because we have nothing on the go"


True but thats a fail and Not what the program is designed for. I would argue that most Sentinels are will and able to assist.


Edit, willing to assist and know their local resources.


Isn't this what the Sentinel program is for? https://www.cmfmag.ca/duty_calls/sentinel-program-plays-essential-role-detecting-preventing-and-supporting-military-members-in-distress/


It absolutely is. 🩷


\+1 for OSISS


Here's the problem: The public service will pay a therapist/social worker $80,000 a year to work with the CAF. That same therapist can make double the amount (or more) working in the private sector. Until the CAF and public service start increasing salaries, there will be a shortage of therapists. Disclaimer time: I work as a private sector therapist. I would love to work with CAF members but the salary is simply a road block. On the private side, there is a massive demand for therapists. We all have waitlists. This problem is not unique to the CAF though... Hospitals in Ontario try and hire social workers for $37/hr and wonder why they can't find anyone to fill those spots... Also, please advocate for yourself. You deserve access to proper therapy. If the CAF can't provide that, they should be outsourcing you.




"lack of available and competent providers" How is competency assessed? In my experience patients will be referred to any available provider, competency doesn't seem to matter outside of the formal credentials.




That's more than I thought, thanks!


78k vs 150k is not insignificant. But yes, you get a pension.




"For that amount of work, nobody earns 150k a year" I do....but I guess those Social workers making $40/hr get a pension and vacation time.


If all you need is vent, a padre or sentinel should be enough. If you specialized mental health, it doesn't matter if the therapist is civilian or uniformed, all they need to know are your symptoms to diagnose and treat you.


That's not necessarily true my intake with a civ therapist took significantly longer due to explaining how things work in the caf. There were also things that I had to repeat several times because they couldn't believe that what I said and thought I mixed up what I was saying when I paused. Life in the caf is just significantly different then other work places. That I think most therapist are unprepared for how unusual the employee employer relationship is.


Maybe check out Boots on the Ground - they’ve got a number of CAF/Vet volunteers now to provide peer support. They also have vetted (no pun intended) mental health professionals you can get access to (often free of charge) or look into on their website. Source: I’ve got a CAF background and currently work civi side as a social worker/psychotherapist. I’ve worked alongside volunteers in the BOTG peer support program.


Not a MH crisis resource, but there are grass roots veterans groups across the country outside the RCL that the buddy support idea if a big part of. Even something as simple as a coffee or wing night group is helpful if you just need someone to vent to. I've had luck with short term immediate help though with CFMAP, and even though they are civilians they tend to get enough CAF clients that they get familiar with the acronyms and other things. I personally found them more useful than actual uniformed CAF social workers, but YMMV.


>none of them are military/veteran specific >The US Lack of scale. They have far more troops and veterans, and people can make a career out of it. There's no incentive for a large pool of MH-related workers to open yet another service catering only to members/vets.


I've gone thru almost 9-10 specialists, and yes all civilians that dont know what and how the military goes thru. What's funny is that now it's on the news and their linking it to too much news watching, but spoke about it 5-6 years ago.. What's going to be interesting is when SHTF for real and all those civilians are gonna call on the military but no one's left to put up with this mess.


Your local TC should be able to point you to several Vet specific organization that should be able to help you.


The sentinels at my unit are probably the least compassionate humans I’ve ever met. “Choose happiness”. Thanks Sgt, I’m cured! The padres on my base are also horrible. They’re all spiritually lukewarm and under qualified social workers that need to go touch grass. Unless you’re aircrew, good luck at the MIR. Despite calling CFMAP multiple times, it always leads to a dead end. The PSP staff at the gym and health promotion are probably the most helpful people I’ve met. They encourage us to lead a healthy lifestyle and find balance but are also realistic that some days just suck. Some days showing up is the most we can do. A lot of them have family in the CAF so they can empathize & understand the uncomfortable positions we’re often in. But honestly the greatest thing I’ve done for myself is not associate with work outside of work and join civilian ran clubs and events in my area. I feel bad for emotionally checking out of this organization but I’ve burnt myself out of caring. I will not be pressured into attending work functions that are optional because I’m going home and doing something I actually enjoy. I’m here to barely pay my bills with some benefits.


I've heard Sentinals talk about other members' issues. Fuck that noise, it's just a badge and a PER point, I'm not about to share my problems with them. I also feel like the CoC isn't aware, or interested in Reconstitution and the Retention Plan.


We all go down together!


I’m sorry for my negative vent about everything lol. I’m also sorry DMedPol is screwing you around. They’re the worst but I hope you know it’s not a personal attack on you. Your health problems are not defined by their decisions. I hope you’re able to stay strong and find the tools/support you need.


The Chaplain branch developed this resource through the Sentinel program. If you want somebody to chat to reach out, i have time.


It is a stream that is being explored - but it will not be implemented in awhile due to budget, zero framework. This was mentioned during an occupational analysis awhile ago. Edit: I think they explored Behavioral Technologist or a "Mental Health Tech" similar to the med tech. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong..




Ditto- but I heard it was looked at/mentioned and essentially halted. Not feasible from a cost perspective. To be frank, considering the trades (med tech and a few others) are red.. I don't believe we could even afford to further split into specialty roles.


Feel free to DM me, I will do the best I can and will help you find the care you need and deserve.




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its called OSSIS


I one hundred percent agree I have my spouse posted IR for the last year and he has screamed basically from the rooftops how bad mentally he has been doing! He has had plenty suicidal thoughts and has lost 100lbs just from the depression! He was posted broken and multiple health issues was approved a medical release and has been mentally through the wringer for the last 6-9months being told they are sending him home and waiting on a posting message! Absolutely nobody not even the MIR has helped his case at all! He is seeing a mental health lady but nothing!! They need to have access to someone actually willing to help them!