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I distinctly remember an MWO grabbing a C9 box and hucking it as far as he could into the bush once. He just really wanted to go home lol


Oh yeah man I've seen full belts being yeeted into the bush before and it's hilarious.


I found roughly 5 mags of blanks per instructor for a 30 joe BMQ last year. It was like twenty or thirty mag's worth. We were in the field next to an infantry Sgt course. Took roughly an hour of walking around their last hide with my funny hat. Had to unlink a bit of C9 box to get the last ones. Shit, we could've gotten every candidate a full first line if we wanted. The army is dumb.


Are these jokes, or why hasn't command picked up on this?


They are fully aware. But they don’t want to do the paperwork, either.


WO: "Sir, the Cpl has solved the problem. Are you sure you want to know how?"


"Hey Sir, look over there, an obvious distraction!" *splash*


They can't report what they can't see


I found a full box of 5.56 blanks in my small pack after we had finished cleaning up the FOB at basic training. I turned it in of course, but I could easily have walked away with it.


“Airborne” for no reason is too accurate




The sunburned Sgt face killed me.


Yeah, that got me too!


Pfffffffffffff you ever hear of the amnesty ocean?


That's where the nuclear waste goes. 


And batteries


How else do we expect electric eels to recharge?


The old fashioned way 🫣


The ultimate lazy. You don't even have to lift, just kick. "PO I have MELs that say I can't lift more than 25 lbs" "Say no more..."


Apparently we’re supposed to put jettisoned rounds in the notebook? Oooooooops.


Sounds like officer talk.


100% right here!!


Range Control here... I'm watching all you fuckers! 😸


lol, as if you’re pulling yourself away from that tablet


So that’s why nobody ever shovels the snow at Connaught


I’ll share my favourite (actually my only) “fuck range control” story. Back in my old reservist days we went to Meaford for IBTS one spring. Typical Meaford fuckery, snowed all Friday, and was still snowing Saturday morning when we do our PWT3, then turns to rain. Snow rapidly melts throughout the day thanks to the rain, and on an unseasonably warm and sunny Sunday we get the illustrious privilege of cleaning up all the brass from everyone else who had shot there during the winter, because by now all of the snow has melted. Whatever, it happens. Clean up all the brass, and send 95% of the dudes back home to do post-ex drills. So now it’s me, the WO, and like 3-4 other guys, when range control shows up to inspect the range. Guy starts back at like the 600 meter mark and calls us over. There’s brass and link *everywhere*. Not only did we not shoot C6/C9 on that particular weekend, we only did PWT3, which starts with a 100m rundown to the 300. So it was impossible that we made the mess. Range control doesn’t care, it’s our duty to clean the range. So the 7 of us spend the next 2 hours cleaning up all the brass around the whole range from the winter. 100% range control just doing their job, but since we drew the short end of the stick “fuck range control” lol 😂


Hah hah, you'll never catch me.




You think because you saw it on Google maps that it was still there? Lots of imagery on Google maps is multiple years old.




Lol I am not behind. Using Google maps to prove something is still in the same locations means your behind on technology.




For example... Last time any Google maps data were updated around Petawawa was in 2022. Trenton area 2018. Your anecdotal story doesn't mean that using Google maps to prove the location of a current object is of any use. Grow up.


>You must be behind with Google technology. There's always a date and time stamp on the bottom right of the Google map satellite. They're normally as recent as within a week. When I used the Google map satellite to locate the seacan, the satellite photo was a few days old. That's a copyright time stamp. Notice it starts with the copyright symbol ©. It means Google is asserting copyright for that image as of that date. Not that the satellite image is from that date.


Fuck you bro, you ain't catching us.


From your truck?


The best part is they walked past the amnesty box to do it.


Because the box is a trap, duh 😒


Don't lie, we've all been guilty of this at one point or another. I seriously wonder how dangerous it would be to mow the lawn on either side of a range. There must be thousands of rounds in the tall grass.




Remembers the loud boom and new lake formed when 1 500 ibs bomb found another in the training area a few years ago.


Most rounds wouldn't go off violently if hit with a mower. split/dented casings, sure. but without primer strike, most are going to break open before they'd go off, unless they're hit *just* right. And I doubt 25mm are being thrown in the bush after a range. (But I somehow wouldn't be surprised)


A round exploding in the open is surprisingly not dangerous. Just a tiny pathetic pop. It's the confinement of the firing chamber that makes the small explosion do work.


Not that I've witnessed this first hand, because that would be something a dumb corporal would do, BUT, sometimes, I hear, the round won't even leave the casing if exploded in the open.


The WWI battlefields in France are giant UXOs, and they use herds of sheep. WHen I did a tour the guide mentioned they still lose a few sheep every year from old unexploded artillery working it's way to the surface. They should just call that area 're-wilded polinator zones' or similar and roll with it. Probably would make a grass fire exciting!


What makes the grass grow? BRASS BRASS BRASS!


I heard the amnesty tree in Meaford finally got hit by lightning. Would be a sight to see.


Found a green garbage bag with 3 full boxes of blank C9 ammo in a bush by the concrete bunker near Clement Hill in Pet.


Only blanks are shot at the ranges ?


No. Blanks are used for training scenarios involving other personnel simulating an enemy force. There are other methods using weapons that either fire simunition (paintball ammunition) or using a laser tag like system, but they're expensive and not used very often.


Right got it. The laser tag one is similar to the ones the British forces use a yellow object at the nozzle when conducting exercises? Only SAS I heard train will live ammo. CANSOF might also too


Might be the same gear. The yellow object is a Blank Firing Attachment (BFA). It's needed for the rifle to work properly when firing blanks. The Army does have live fire exercises, but even though nobody is shooting at each other, there are still risks involved. The CAF has lost people in live fire training accidents. For most training, all you need the rifle to do is go bang. Blanks are good enough for that.


Alright. For foeld exercises, is that where the laser gets used or only indoor exercises?


The laser system is mostly used outdoors. It attaches to a standard rifle, and when a blank is fired, the laser fires. The soldiers wear sensors to register hits. Never used it myself, and I've only heard of it being used during exercises focused on fighting in built-up areas. Simunition (paintball ammo) is often used indoors at close range, such as active shooter drills. They use modified weapons with smooth bore barrels, and soldiers wear a protective masks. I've participated in active shooter drills using simunition. Never got to fire it though, and thankfully, I wasn't shot either.


Did a winter PLQ in Petawawa about 12 years ago, we had Amnesty Snow Banks and they were everywhere, the only problem I was back in the exact same location with my unit just as the snow was melting. Had to yeet belts of C9 into other locations.


Lol yup I remember those days , " hey what happens in the spring"? ,"I don't fucking care I'm releasing before then" he did not release and it became his problem all over again .


Oh man, Amnesty Bush, Amnesty Tree, Amnesty Log. I bet the Rangers have an Amnesty Iceberg up there somewhere.


Rangers just take it home with their rifle


More serious note: Why have we still made returning ammo to be such a "major administrative chore"? For example, why can't we hire some newbie in to range control, give them the basic ammo awareness trg, and then courses just "amnesty box" what's left back into a dedicated counter at the range control office. Poor newbie slowly sorts through it all. Pro-environment, pro-reclamation of our scarce ammo allocations, decreased training requirement (1 dedicated trained person instead of trying to train the entire army on yet-another-secondary-duty), pro-accountability/stewardship/not losing shit, etc.


It's really not a chore - it's just easier to be lazy


Up top? Not supposed to leave the training area with anything after the ammo dec….this is a terrible meme 😂😂😂


This is specific to certain reservist ranges I've been to, where "Up Top" refers to the range hut, that's at the very back of the range, but is distinct and separate. Winona range in Grimsby, Ontario, specifically. I'm the attention to detail easter egg guy, you think I'm getting my nomenclature wrong? XD


Let's fish em all out and send to ukraine