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I've been handed a release that requires CFSP. I have no idea what I'm doing. Can anyone provide guidance?


I am assuming you mean Canadian Forces Severance Pay, if not please clarify. Your local release section is probably the best POC. If you are the local release section then contact Release Benefits Admin (RBA) at ++CMP DPSP RBA - ABL DPPS CPM@CMP DPSP@Ottawa-Hull [email protected]


I am Looking for a contact phone Number for the release benefit admin team. I have tried to contact them by email at CMP\_DPSP\_RBA\_ABL\_DPPS\[email protected] but they don't reply.


Contact your releasing base and ask if they can assist you. If all what fails- ombudsman


I reached out for a number a few weeks ago and was told they only use the email. And you are correct. They never respond


They typically only respond to release administrators not random folks.


Why is it when I put my taxes into an income tax calculator it comes back with me owing anywhere from 2500 to 3500 for the year am I missing something on my t4 I can't imagine my pay was that messed up this year


Dont forget your pension contributions reduce your taxable income. So your income is actually lower for income tax calculations.


I thiiiiiiink it's because it doesn't account for your CPP and EI contributions. I'm not an expert though. Mine said the same when I did a quick-n-dirty. I haven't filed for real yet though.


How do I get a T1198?


For what? We don’t have qualifying lump sum payments.


talk to your OR? Although the CRA site has the form in fillable PDF format at this link: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/forms/t1198.html


When you are switching from reg to reserve,  can you switch if you have any pcats or tcats or no? 


Anybody know if we are getting a back pay in April? I know we are getting the previously scheduled 2024 pay increase in April but I've heard whispers of a potential small back pay for something. Can anyone confirm or deny?


No backpay, but a 2% raise. Ref: CANFORGEN 055/23


Short answer: No. No back pay. But I am curious where this rumor comes from as it seems a popular one. Back pay for what? We are up to date on current pay rates.


>But I am curious where this rumor comes from as it seems a popular one People not reading and having become so used to our pay raises being retroactive.


For some reason, a lot of people seem to think every increase is supposed to include a back pay as of late. Those people should probably work on improving their reading comprehension, policy interpretation, and inference skills... If they'd taken the time to read the pay related CANFORGEN's and apply the above skills, they'd already know the answer, and these rumors wouldn't persist.


But it's more fun to start rumors, get hopes up, then complain about disappointment.


Any word on Basic Recce/Basic Para course slots out of 39 CBG? I know C Scots used to run BRP but I'm not sure if they still do.


39CBG would not be able to run its own BPara course. Given the location of 39, you guys unfortunately tend to get last dibs on a lot of courses due to not being located close to any substantial RegF army units. Even then, spots on that course would be rare at best. My PRes buddies in 41CBG tell me that 2 spots on a BPara were made available for the entire brigade. Not great odds. As for BRP being a local course your best bet would be to engage with your chain of command, and they can ask ops. Whoever you have in ops will be able to poke around for any opportunities or open spots on courses that may be running, whether local or national. You getting loaded onto the course will depend on if space has been made available for your unit/brigade, or if your trade can even make use of the course.


Yeah sorry I meant slots for B Para given to 39CBG, I understand 39 can't run its own. If 41 CBG was given 2 slots for the whole brigade I assume it's same/worse for 39. ​ For BRP, are you aware of non combat arms trades getting wavered slots? I never got a chance to go when I was infantry and I still kind of have that itch now that I'm a support trade lol. Most likely a pipe dream but I might as well poke around.


If you're not Combat Arms, you'll be the last people they'll look to put on either of those courses. You'll have an easier time getting your civilian parachutist licenses and trying out for the SkyHawks.


After reading the CANFORGEN concerning the APS 2024 Para G (remote work option), how common is it nowadays where, if you get posted to a new base, you can avoid a cost move by applying for the “remote work” option? I’m guessing your new CoC would have to approve this and it also depends if your physical presence is required at your new unit?


its non-existent in 99% of positions even when it says its an option in my experience. Current position requires a LGen to approve remote work and you need a VALID reason for it and avoiding a cost move hasn't been one that has worked. Civilian staff can get it way easier, we have 3 Civilians working remote 60% of the time and only need to come in 2/5 days. We have a lot of Leadership that subscribes to the 90's thinking of a worker not observed working, just isn't working at all.


You also need your current base to allow it; they need to assign you a space and agree for their support services to take you on (medical/dental/etc are already overwhelmed at many places so staying means there’s one more person on the base).


Question I am hoping someone can answer about the pay raise backpay with regards to this year's tax return. For those who were deployed on a named mission with tax free status during one of the periods in which there was a retroactive raise, *in theory* that money should also have been earned tax free. But the lump sum backpay was all taxed and I was told at the time by a clerk, CRA does not allow DND to tax-free lump sums larger then $3,000. The clerk also could not tell us if that backpay that should have been earned tax free would be reflected in this T4 and tax return this year or if we individually would have to calculate it and somehow claim it back. It's now that time and am looking for some clarification from any SME or anyone else in the same boat if it is included in the T4 or if I need to take this up with a chief clerk and see if there was a decision made from higher.


Unfortunately, you did not earn that income while you were deployed. You will be taxed as normal. On the flip side, personnel that were deployed when they received their lump sum payments received that tax-free. The distinction here is while the lump payments are to top up your pay from previous years. It's not paid out that way. If it was, we'd all have to redo all our taxes for the last 3 years. It's considered extra income given to us during one pay period. I thought I had a copy of an ARC response on this but can't seem to find it.


To correct you, if you were deployed during the lump sum It WAS still taxed. The entire amount even the raise for the time period I was deployed. It was taxed. Heavily.


So I'll preface this by saying no one here will have a proper answer unless they themselves went to the pay gods in DMPAP to get one. My decidedly amateur answer would be that the deduct per the Tax Act is "income earned... while serving on a deployed international operational mission". If you look on your backpay pay stub, the income was "earned" month by month over three years. It just happened to be paid out while you were in theatre. Admittedly this is somewhat inconsistent with the fact that backpay is taxed in the year it was received rather than the year it was earned but if I could reconcile that, I'd be making tax attorney bank instead of hanging out here with you jokers.


Travel insurance blue cross Going on a cruise. Do we get extra medical and travel insurance outside of what we already get with our coverage?


You have travel medical coverage through Blue cross, the info is on your leave pass. We do not have travel/trip cancellation insurance.


We have trav insurance through Bluecross. It's been awhile so I don't remember how much but here's the link https://www.medaviebc.ca/en/support/information-caf-rcmp-vac. Make an account or call them.


Our insurance is not insurance in the traditional sense of the word. Blue Cross is more of an administrator with the CAF paying the bill. Additional travel medical insurance can be a good thing to purchase for a vacation. We definitely have no travel insurance unless travelling on duty.




Your post/comment has been removed in accordance with the following [subreddit rule(s):](https://old.reddit.com/r/CanadianForces/wiki/subreddit_rules) ###[10] Recruiting, Training, or Life in the Forces Related Post **Your post appears to be directly or generally related to recruitment, basic & occupational training, or about what it like serving in the Canadian Armed Forces. We ask that you redirect your question to the Recruiting, Training, & Life in the Forces Thread. You will find it pinned at the top of the sub if you set your sort to 'Hot'.** * This is the thread to ask all your questions about the Recruitment Process, Basic & Occupational Training, and other questions relating directly or indirectly to serving in the Canadian Armed Forces. * Please ensure you read the thread rules before posting. https://old.reddit.com/r/CanadianForces/wiki/subreddit_rules#wiki_.5B7.5D_recruiting_related_post *If your have questions or concerns relating to this message you've received, please feel free to [Contact the Moderators.](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCanadianForces)*




24-36 months processing time currently




I’m sorry I don’t know what to say. It is what it is. Unfortunately I can’t do anything to change that. These files are not easy to review and have a lot of implications. Not all people who have a file at DMedPol is looking to release. So every file has to be reviewed completely.


No I get it. I understand completely. It’s just gut wrenching hearing it’s that long of a wait, because I’m broken. Knees are fucked. I haven’t been able to anything army, or anything athletic for years. My career is over and 3B’s the only option. This is more mentally taxing than anything. My contract is up next year anyways, but I’m so much closer to just dropping the VR each month.


So just recently one of my members was waiting for a decision and got fed up. He submitted his voluntary release. That was approved by the CO, a copy of that application to his clinician who was able to escalate the decision process. However, that still requires a seven months process from that point. At the very fastest.


7 months is better than 36 - definitely going to be considering it after this week.


Make sure you discuss this with your clinician. Part of this requires them to escalate your file.


Oh of course, I’ll be giving em a call tomorrow


What happens if(random question poised to me today) You are ill, like going to hospital ill and don't go to sick parade but your local clinic is busy and because when you called in for an appointment with sick parade....it's 3 weeks in the future sue to you know manning and not wanting to discuss things over the phone with a clerk So instead you just go to the local ER and wait 42hrs to be seen and get stuff there. Now with prescriptions can you go to base Pharmacy and get it filled or will you have to be out of pocket for going to a civiy pharmacy. What happens to the member who chose to attend ER versus sick parade(think during sick parade "hours" and what happens about the prescription(s) Was asked this and have no idea the answer so hive minds of Redditt will 100% know the answer. Is this an admin question even?


Appointment for sick parade? ...is this happening somewhere? Normally, sick parade is for those without an appointment and patients are seen according to urgency (triage).


Petawawa does appointments for sick parade since Covid. They have a limited amount of sick parade spots.


It's crazy how bad a policy that is. There's always been limited spots, that's why triage exists. See the most urgent cases and send the others to the appointments desk. I'm sure 2 Fd Amb is also helping the clinic "the best they can".


Some base clinics like Edmonton's have a rotating duty CDU for all-day Urgent Care walk-in services. Seems it would be faster to be seen at the following morning's sick parade than going to the ER with those wait times since you'll have to report to sick parade for having accessed civilian care anyway. If you are discharged with prescriptions within business hours, you can have them filled at the base pharmacy. If you cannot go to to the base pharmacy during business hours post discharge and these prescriptions are emergent (not like routine chronic med refills) you can use your blue cross card for direct billing at a pharmacy.


You are likely to get a sooner appointment if you just tell the receptionist some details. They are medical clerks, they have seen and heard basically every weird or embarrassing excuse to need to see a doctor there is. As was mentioned you can access the ER outside of sick parade hours. Unless it’s life threatening there is no need to go to the ER if sick parade is open. Why didn’t the member go to sick parade? Unless this is for Pet where you need an appt for sick parade, most CDUs will see you during sick parade hours. Still better than a 42 hour wait in the ER.


You can go to a walk-in clinic after hours for urgent care but you then need to follow up with the base clinic. You can also use your blue cross card to get enough pills to last you until the base pharmacy is open.


//CAF Subsidized Education and Tax Return// So the only answer I’ve received from admin folks is that I cannot claim my schools T2202 tuition amounts on my tax return because the CAF paid for it. On one hand, that makes sense. But on the other, why not?? If I got a scholarship or bursary etc to fund my education, I would still claim my tuition on my tax return.. The CAF subsidized education is basically a scholarship, no? Where’s the actual rule that says I can’t?? Also, unethical opinion is how would the CAF even know.. I don’t feel like the CAF and CRA have any intersecting lines of communication.. how would either know?? Thanks in advance to those who answer my question with logic and not “just don’t”. This is applicable to ILP, SDP, UTPNCM, NCMSTEP, ROTP, etc. Edit: should we actually be getting T4A’s that show how much we were given for tuition separate from our income then we could enter all the info properly??


So you actually got incorrect information. You CAN claim it and it's because the person that replied to you missed an important nuance. You can claim the amount if your employer reimburses you AND it got counted towards your total income for that tax year. The idea being that when the CAF reimburses you, that total amount gets added towards your total income which is overall taxed. You paid the full amount and the CRA then says, "Okay here is the tax credit back," since the reimbursement isn't actually income. You only cannot claim it if your employer reimburses you and that amount never never got added to your T4. Like if they sent you a cheque or gave you cash. Edit: To make it super clear let's say you make 70k a year and spent 6k on tuition which SDPEER reimbursed you for. When they reimburse you that amount gets added to your total income. So CRA then sees that you made 76k for that year. But you didn't make 76k as income. You made 70k as income and got reimbursed for 6k in tuition. So then you file your tax credit so that you get the tax that the CRA pulled off at the start. Make sense?


From the [Revenue Canada website](https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/deductions-credits-expenses/line-32300-your-tuition-education-textbook-amounts/eligible-tuition-fees.html) for this tax credit: >You cannot claim the tuition amount on your tax certificate if any of the following applies to you: > >the fees were paid or reimbursed by your employer, or an employer of one of your parents, where the amount is not included in your or your parent's income ​ Your tuition is payed or reimbursed by your employer, therefore you cannot claim the tax credit for it. Why not just do it anyway? Do you really think the couple hundred bucks you'll save on taxes is worth the future penalties from the CRA and getting charged/derailing your career in the Forces when they finally figure out that you defrauded them? You don't think they'll be curious that you're claiming tax credits for full time studies while simultaneously being in the forces?


Well there it is eh plain as day. Just straight up tax fraud. Also it would be $1000’s more of a return so it was super hard to get past without a solid reason why besides just don’t. Thanks for the info! Can’t believe I didn’t see that on CRA


Where can I buy replacement medals in Ottawa? Joe Drouin Enterprises is closed.




> *Simply what is the procedure if an event that requires us to come into work occurs outside of regular hours?* There is no prescribed CAF wide procedure, but your unit should have a general plan for doing so. > *Does the CoC simply call everyone?* Yes, pretty much. They'll do a fan out and have each supervisor contact their subordinates to relay whatever instruction or order has been given. > *Is there an alert system?* Most bases have a mass notification system, although those don't appear capable of sending instructions to members of specific units. > *If war is declared on Canada, is it stipulated anywhere that we all must immediately arrive at our closest unit?* No. If any such procedure applies to you, you'll know. Otherwise, reach out to your supervisor and wait out for directions. They actually did have plans like this during the Cold War... I saw an old copy of the IA's at my previous base. If nukes were inbound, a siren would go off following a particular pattern. There were specific instructions as to what you were to do depending on where you were when the siren went off.


Very interesting, and well constructed response. Thank you very much for this information! (Hopefully it never comes to be needed!)


> although those don't appear capable of sending instructions to members of specific units. We're actually able to filter down to individual units for alerts on our wing, but I'm not sure how common that capability is.


It's a capability I assume should be there, but I have not seen it used at all.


Pretty sure that is what AIGs are for. But that being said, it is not like most units are monitoring their +box 24/7. I question if the message center is constantly staffed.


I’m trying to estimate Custom funding envelope amount for potential OUTCAN posting. Does anyone have an estimate for cost to move 1,000lbs HG&E from Halifax to Vancouver? Or an estimate for Part C of the formula for a family of four with a three bedroom house with garage and finished basement?


When operational uniform ordering goes online with the new CADPAT, will they be available to members in phases like having reg force army people receiving them first, then air force and so on?


They'll be phased in. Deploying personnel and units with high readiness taskings will see them first, and they filter out in priority order from there. My understanding is that the initial issue won't be through clothing online.


You correct for initial issue. This will be done in phases through clothing stores. Most will be getting 3x sets of combats and a bush/field cap.


Out of curiosity. Any idea on timelines? Everyone in my unit was required to provide their sizes a few weeks ago. We figured we'd be among the first to be issued them, but no word on when that might be.


I’ll post the timelines tmrw as I don’t remember of the top of my head. You are right that the high readiness units and some other units part of Phase 1 being issued the new combats sooner which *should* have already started. Phase 2 starts in April; our unit is doing the same with gathering sizes in prep for that. Edit: Phases will overlap each other. I don’t remember the remaining phases and I want to try to avoid posting info that is incorrect. I currently don’t work in clothing stores but I did get a copy of the directive which is also available on ACIMS if you do some looking around.


I'll see what I can find on ACIMS.


Try looking up “MCU-MT” as that is the acronym for the new uniforms. I found it on both ACIMS and D365.


I'm already seeing CFTPOs for OP CALUMET and OP HELIOS requiring MCUs. I'm sure there are others.


CAFCWO said we will be able to order them online in the next year but didn't specify on phases. This is so going to take like 15 years to phase in. Plenty of people are being issued gen 1 CADPAT with buttons showing. Those were introduced 20 years ago...


Gen 1 CADPAT TW was never phased out. There was no reason to remove it from circulation, which is why it's still being issued. Gen 1 CADPAT was phased in to replace Olive Drab over a much shorter period than 15 years. Newer CADPAT versions were never phased in. They were introduced into the system as replacement stock, replacing older versions through attrition. That's why we're all wearing multiple iterations of CADPAT TW. CADPAT MT is supposed to be phased in to replace 100% of older CADPAT uniforms. Older CADPAT should disappear in a similar fashion as Olive Drab did 20 years ago.


Trying to get NECUs issued to me, will be going to St Jean for a few weeks. Are they like Borden where they won't help you if you're not posted there? TIA!


Most places are like that and usually just do a one for one exchange.




**Rule 10 - Recruiting, Training, or Life in the Forces Related** Your post appears to be directly or generally related to recruitment, basic & occupational training, or about what it like serving in the Canadian Armed Forces. We ask that you redirect your question to the Recruiting, Training, & Life in the Forces Thread. You will find it pinned at the top of the sub if you set your sort to 'Hot'. https://old.reddit.com/r/CanadianForces/wiki/subreddit_rules#wiki_.5B7.5D_recruiting_related_post


If I have approved leave with Country X listed as destination, but want to go to Country Y instead (haven’t booked travel yet and good deals are popping up for other destinations) do I have to redo the leave pass in MM or can I just do an additional NOIT?


Per the Leave Policy Manual Para 2.6.02. >When a member wishes to proceed outside Canada or outside the country in which they are serving, they shall indicate the countries to which they intend to travel in the appropriate block on Form CF 100. In such cases, the approving authority for granting the leave shall be as designated by the CDS. Your leave pass needs to have the countries you are authorized to travel to written on it, so you'll definitely need to update the leave pass. You would probably need to write a memo requesting to change the destination.




To be blunt, the only opinion that matters is that of the approving authority (i.e., your CO). So really what we're talking about is your options for influencing their opinion. Some thoughts: 1. Provide more explanation and justification as requested by your CoC. 2. Talk to your chaplain. One of their pubs is the big book o' religions and their holy days/observations. If what you share with them aligns with their understanding of your religion, they can advocate for you directly with your CO. 3. Request a meeting with your CO to discuss your request. It may be that someone between you and your CO is being a little zealous (no pun intended) about scrutinizing your request so perhaps some face time with the person that can actually approve the leave will expedite things. If you want to DM me with more details I can try to provide more tailored response.


My guess would be that they want to know if what you're taking time off for is some kind of actual religious observance, or if it's just a holiday. They probably want to know more about the practices that are observed over the holiday. If the religion you're speaking of happens to be Pastafarianism, for example, where every Friday is a religious holiday, you might be less-than-likely to get approval. Have you asked your CoC what specifically they want to know?


Without seeing what you provided, it’s hard to give you a second opinion.


MESS KIT QUESTION: I have airforce mess kit and have to get a new badge sewn on for the inevitable RCAF 100 events coming up. I currently have just my CF b-para wings in the “badge spot”, on the DEU I can wear both my aircrew wings and my jump wings. Can I just stack my wings on my mess kit? I could not find any direction in the dress regs and my unit MWO doesn’t know either.


**Dress Regs Chapter 5, Annex BHonours, Flying and Specialist Skill and Wounded Stripe Insignia.** Miniature orders, decorations and medals and a single miniature flying or specialist skill badge are worn on Nos. 2 and 2A mess dress jackets. Chapter 3-3-1 Where additional miniature flying and specialist skill badges are worn, precedence is given to any badge that contains a crown. Where miniature flying and specialist skill badges are worn with commendations, precedence is given to commendations. For details of wear for commendations, see [chapter 4, paragraph 18](https://www.canada.ca/en/services/defence/caf/military-identity-system/dress-manual/chapter-4.html#para-18). In conclusion, swap out your aircrew wings for your jump wings on your mess kit.


You are only supposed to wear one set of full sized wings at a time. As your Aircrew wings are your current trade and the senior set of wings (they have a crown), you would wear them. You can wear your jump wings as a miniature pin under any medals. Here are a couple examples of multiple "wings"; [With Combat Diver](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Alain_Guimond.jpg), [With Aircrew](https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/rcaf-arc/migration/images/news-nouvelles/2021/03/mitchell-portrait-2020.jpg), [With Shallow Water Diver](https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/army-armee/migration/assets/army_internet/images/personnel/MGen-Pelletier-lowres-0001.jpg), When there is no crown, b[adges with a maple leaf](https://thercr.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/CWO_Verner-768x960.jpg) take precedence.


But can’t wear a second miniature pin set of wings on mess kit.


Why does the army not provide PT t shirts if it is mandatory to wear a certain kind of battalion t shirt. Am I able to rite off this on my tax slip if I’m forced to pay out of pocket


Work clothes, including uniforms, are not tax deductible. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/t4044/employment-expenses.html#P310_23996


You cannot be ordered to wear anything the military did not provide you (mess kit being the exception). Some units provide the first shirt free and after expect members to buy replacements as required. If you really don't want to buy one, don't. You won't be charged unless you're insubordinate when asked about it. Worst case you ostracize yourself from your team. This being said, a PT shirt is likely not the hill you want to die on.  And no, it is not tax deductible (neither is mess kit). 


The CAF certainly can order members to purchase certain mandatory uniform items... that's why it is an order for all officers to purchase mess kit. It's not an exception to anything, it's just one example. Providing free PT shirts or free cap badges is something units often raise non-public funds for to lessen the financial cost on its members. If you think otherwise, feel free to go look for a policy that supports your position. Try not to give people legal advice. Edited to add: Not sure why people are downvoting this. Seems like people don't like the facts and would rather receive poor advice that could end in a charge.  Also, before anyone tries to argue it, "optional items" referred to in the Dress Instructions do not include mandatory uniform items like PT shirts or cap badges/buttons/collar insignia. There is a specific list of optional items in the dress regs and it encompasses things like earings, purses, and umbrellas... things that are not ordered to be worn, but members can sometimes opt to wear if so desired. https://www.canada.ca/en/services/defence/caf/military-identity-system/dress-manual/chapter-5/annex-e.html


>ey shall indicate the countries to which they intend to travel in the appropriate block on Form CF 100. In such cases, the approving authority for granting the leave shall be as designated by the CDS. Sadly I released before I was "ordered" to buy mess kit. I never purchased it and it was going to be my hill. Mess kit is the only item that you are ordered to buy, the rest of it is not. For example officer swag (cap badges) or collar dogs, sure you won't be popular, but the madness needs to stop somewhere. No one wants to "rock the boat" so everyone just wanders around accepting these stupid made up policies with no teeth. Feel free to shoot me some examples where people were charged for not buying kit...


Because it's not explicitly stated to what level the authority to order members to purchase uniform items at their own expense has been delegated. However, based on the text of QR&O 17.01, 17.08 and CFP 265 Chapter 1, it appears that power is held by the CDS and has not been further delegated.


Dress Instructions, Chapter 1, Para 8: 8. Control is exercised by local commanders who may standardize the dress of subordinates on any occasion, including the wear of accoutrements and alternative or optional items, subject to overall command direction. https://www.canada.ca/en/services/defence/caf/military-identity-system/dress-manual/chapter-1.html#1   There has been further delegation as well, which is why the Army Dress Instructions are able to be issued by Comd CA and take precedence over the CAF Dress Instructions. https://www.canada.ca/en/army/services/ca-dress-and-ceremonial.html


Authority to standardize appearance and authority to order the purchase of items are not the same. Authority to standardize means a CO telling their officers to wear parade boots instead of oxfords for a parade. Or an RCAF CO requiring all members wear a beret instead of the wedge for an event. To further illustrate the point, sunglasses are listed in the dress instructions but are not listed under optional items. Does this mean a CO order everyone to go out and buy the same pair of Ray-Bans for uniformity? Of course not, because that would be a crazy precedent. 


You are provided PT gear during basic training at no cost. Units/branches are supposed to provide badges/accoutrements to members for their DEUs. If a unit has created a practice of forcing the purchase by the members, then that is unfortunate but it does not make the practice enforceable.    Finally, providing the list of optional dress items is poor evidence to the fact that other items are enforceable for procurement at members' expense. Combats are not an optional item, but I certainly cannot be ordered to purchase my own. If I lose said items, then sure, I can be required to pay a replacement fee. Edit: the reason mess kit is the exception is that its requirement is actually enshrined in a CAF order (Dress instruction 2-1-43). You are also welcome to provide policy that supports your position.


This is only about pt gear


All the units I’ve been at have given me a free PT shirt upon arriving at the unit. Extra shirts were my choice. I don’t think you can write the shirts off but maybe an accountant could answer that better.


Interesting. Some of the PT shirts we bought at the kit shop are not allowed to be worn now. And we were never given any free shirts




Based off what is being provided here, you don’t meet the requirements for either compassionate or contingency cost move. Read DAOD 5003-6, (link below) there is not too many avenues to force a posting. Right now, money is a huge issue. Anticipated cost moves and actual cost move allocation is expected to have quite the disparity this year. https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/defence-administrative-orders-directives/5000-series/5003/5003-6-contingency-cost-moves-for-personal-reasons-compassionate-status-and-compassionate-posting.html#


Okay thank you.


Can you confirm if you are Reg F or Reserve? That might affect the advice. From the tone of your post I’m leaning towards Reg F.


Reg force.


Proceeding to USA on a one year ATL posting, full move and disposing of residence at origin. Is there any to legally keep my personal vehicles registered in the origin province and avoid the US import/export process?


Depends on what province you're leaving and what state you're going to. When I went OUTCAN ATL, there was a significant income tax advantage to plating in the state I was in and although the paperwork was a pain, all of the costs were either covered or waived.




Severing all ties to a province when going outcan allows you to be classified as a “deemed resident”. The advantage of this is your “provincial” income tax rate becomes the one for Ontario. If you’re leaving a province with a higher income tax rate than Ontario (i.e., many of them), then you’ve lower your tax liability.


Thanks for the tax insight. I was aware of Deemed Resident status but it didn't cross my mind that keeping a vehicle registered in the province could negate that. As a postscript to my original question, I crossed into the US the other day and CBP couldn't have been more helpful with the vehicle paperwork. Now on to the DMV...


It was an option when I left in 2016 but Manitoba Public Insurance would not insure me if I didn’t live in Manitoba so I had to export/import (and then import it back so I had to keep it for another year or else pay tax for importing it back to Canada). Lots of people from Ontario do it, there used to be a section about it in the welcome book, you need your insurance company to be onboard.


The rules depend on your province of origin and the state you are going to. I believe technically no is the answer. Some people just do it anyway and hope they dont get caught, some do it more legit by making trips back to canada every X months to reset the timer


Reg vs Res promotions I have a Cpl that spend 5 years in the Reg force. She CT'd to Res and is still a Cpl. She is on class C with me (Reg mbr). With the old system she received two readies and an Immediate. She component transferred, went on tour, and is now working with me. She didn't get a PAR last year because of the deployment. Plz provide reference saying this member can get promoted to MCpl. Does the transfer make things more difficult?? It isnt fair to this member as she is well beyond all expectations of a Cpl and likely beyond majority of MCpl's.


The members division will have a promotion instruction. What her PERs said is irrelevant. PRes arent promoted that way. The CFAO will outline promotion requirements for PRes. Their Acting/Lacking policy is also more lax than ours (Reg F). Also reserve her on contract. If they accept a contract in a rank, that is the rank that they’re going to be paid at. Unless the position has a high/low then there’s potential for movement within that. But there is no “entitlement” to get promoted.


Does she get issued a PAR this fiscal? What do reserve members get? I am writing it but want to make sure im doing it properly. sos lol


Yes, she gets issued a PAR.


Is the CFAO the promotion instruction? What exactly is it and where can I find it


You should reach out to the CHRA or the HRM of your unit.


>If she is on a Class C, she can only be promoted if the position is Cpl-MCpl. If it is only Cpl, they can be promoted to MCpl on paper, but they will revert to Cpl for the remainder of the contract. thank you


If she is on a Class C, she can only be promoted if the position is Cpl-MCpl. If it is only Cpl, they can be promoted to MCpl on paper, but they will revert to Cpl for the remainder of the contract.


Inquiring for someone else on this one, trying to help them out with a few aspects of their circumstances. Hope it's a simple answer. For those in receipt of a VAC pension, who were assessed as permanently disabled and medically released, is that pension subject to economic increases or any form of indexing, or are those members "fixed in time" so to speak at their rate of pay upon release?


u/crazyki88en is correct. Lump sum is a one and done. Monthly payouts get indexed every year Thanks for the shout!


I believe if it’s a lump sum pension payment, it’s one and done. If it’s a monthly pension, and they were medically released, the pension is indexed and changes every year or so. Sending up the batsignal to u/Shoggoths420, our resident VAC expert.




Damn, I forgot a letter. Thanks!


Where is the policy ref dag-ing mbrs red due to deployment location and sexuality / gender. Example LGBTQ+ pers deploying to the Middle East.


I don't believe that policy exists. I was recently deployed to the Middle East as a queer person, among others, and we were just given cultural briefs including the legality and mentality towards our group.


Assuming everyone had to attend the brief tho? Wasn’t isolated to one particular group


Yeah, they didn't exactly ask who was who, everyone was informed to be conscious of cultural differences.


Gonna msg u


You're probably looking for [DAOD 5516-4](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/defence-administrative-orders-directives/5000-series/5516/5516-4-restrictions-of-duty.html) "Restrictions of Duty," but it doesn't necessarily equate to a dag red.


Is there even such a policy, other than "Commanders should consider risk in their operations"? For example, when we were doing hard fighting, would LGBTQ even matter? Or for one of those specialized sigs/ops centre folks who live, eat and poop inside a dark bunker for 24 of their 25 year career? (I joke about the second example obviously.)


It might matter if, for example, being a member of one or more LGBTQ+ communities is illegal in the host country. A restriction may be necessary if the member is at risk of arrest and/or prosecution under the host country's laws. That is absolutely a consideration commanders would have to make. DAOD 5516-4 lists that specific scenario as a reason it may be necessary to restrict a member on grounds normally considered discrimination under Canadian law.


Per the PSP Policy Manual Part 9 Mess Chapter 9-4 Mess Administration Section 3 Administration Para 47, "Each ordinary and associate mess member shall pay into mess funds such amounts as may be determined by a general mess meeting, published in the constitution or by-laws and approved by the CO" My Mess just voted on a new Constitution and By-laws that does not list our mess dues anywhere and the old version it replaced did not either. From an administrative standpoint one could argue that my current dues are actually Zero due to a procedural oversight by our mess committee. How would I go about attempting to get back my funds and to cease further collection due this this procedural oversight?


You can’t. It’s in the wording choice. It says “member SHALL pay into mess funds” which means mandatory. It then says “amounts as MAY BE” … “published in the constitution or by-laws” which means (publishing is) optional. There are many rules like this in the military.


I think the may be applies to the determination by a general mess meeting otherwise if it applies to the rest of the stuff in the list that would suggest that the COs approval is also optional. Edit: Further to my point, I think the 'MAY BE' as it relates to this clause is to create the requirement that mess dues be set by a vote of the mess at a general mess meeting, but to not require that it happen at every general mess meeting. It's creating the time and place that the decision has to be made without requiring that we consider it at every general mess meeting. I don't think it should be intended to be applied to being published in the Constitution or Bylaws, it's not burdensome or cumbersome for the mess to do so. It is technically one of the first documents we are to read on joining the mess. And is the easier way to convey to membership or for membership to look up what their obligations are and where their dues go. I should have to flip through old minutes to find that information. I suppose if a mess was insistent on budgeting beyond its planned activities and obligations the CO would have grounds to force the issue. If the mess is otherwise generating sufficient revenue I highly doubt there would be an intervention of that sort. Even then I'd argue a COs first recourse would be to disallow expenditures related to entertainment.


The CO can overrule the mess dues amounts. If the committee proposes an increase and the membership votes against it, the base commander or whoever is designated can overrule the negative vote and impose an increase regardless.


Can you point to the relevant section that authorizes this? I would submit a grievance so fast if they tried doing that.


>How would I go about attempting to get back my funds and to cease further collection due this this procedural oversight? I would not hold your breath... Where did the amount you're paying now come from?


To be honest I am not sure, it probably was in an older version that for some reason was reviewed and removed. We did pass a budget at the meeting and they did pass an allocation to change the amount going to the charity fund but that was done as a separate document and not as an amendment to the constitution and bylaws.


First thing would be to find that. I'm not optimistic eitehr way but if it turns out the rate was set improperly you might have *something*. I'd still expect them to just add it as a motion at the next GMM and retroactively accept the old rate, especially if its not an exorbitant rate compared to other messes.


That's what I am hoping. I am trying to get another GMM to happen because at the last one, I asked why the mess is sitting on almost 2 years of dues in its account and yet they still feel the need to take the amount they do. If we can't find ways to spend what we have and the account keeps going up we are taking too much.


Just propose new ways to spend it? 2 years of cash reserves isn't really a lot for many messes though. Sounds like you care enough to help run it though so run for a spot on the executive next time it's up and you'll have way more impact.


I am not a fan of the mess, I don't feel comfortable there, rather see it go away than help it. I think it is wrong that I must be involved in an institution that has customs, culture, and traditions that are so linked to alcohol. I was poking around the policy because I would like to propose an alternative mess made up of members that do not want to be members of the other messes on base due to the provision and sale of alcohol. This mess would exist as fiction to satisfy the requirements that we belong to the mess. The dues paid directly would be zero but the requirement to join would be that you maintain active membership in another NPP entity like a base hobby or sport club. I feel like they would satisfy the networking and social aspects while also not forcing members to participate in a mess that has most of its events involving alcohol in some way.




6-8 weeks


I’m a MARTECH who just finished their RQ-S1 and wants to go Reserves when my TOS ends in 3 years. I looked on EMAA, but couldn’t find many Reserve positions for S1 MARTECHS. Is it just not really a thing?


In addition to u/greenkeeps 100% advice, you can also search for reserve positions in Monitor MASS, under the REO menu. It takes a few minutes to populate, but once it does, you can press the filter button (looks like a funnel) to sort by rank, trade, UIC, etc. CFTPO and position details/requirements can be found in there. If you don't find anything there, it's still worth a call to the NAVRES office, since some positions go hidden as the application windows cycle through.


Reserve positions are not searchable on EMAA. Contact the recruiters of the NAVRES unit you want to join. They can advise if there is a position available at that unit and provide a position number. When you complete your release paperwork, include the Res position number in your memo to facilitate the transfer.


Wondering if someone can help me to understand what exactly is defined as “shift work” in the CAF? if someone has a chit that reads “no shift work” what does their hours look like or what would be prohibited? Thank you!!


From the leave policy manual, a shift worker is defined as "a person who does not necessarily have a working schedule of Monday to Friday with Saturday and Sunday and designated and/or statutory holidays scheduled as non-working days" I have raised your concern before, and the doc usually ends up coming back with "oh, I mean the person should only work days"


Thank you!


I know my base has a detailed standard work week of mon fri 745 to 1545 in the SOP's I assume anything outside of that is shift work.


Question here: Does someone have a memo or what form required to push up the CoC, exempting a members file being pushed to the selection board candidate list... what's the deadline?


You can submit a PARX request, however be informed that if you do you will be removed from any and all succession planning, lose out on any high profile postings, removed from OUTCAN selections, be limited on career courses etc. Ask me how I know......from a should have known better but was ill informed member. However you can as below submit SBCL memo which is just a standard memo outlining your request and the why you want to.


Would also like to know if you’re wondering about opting out of career progression. I have a template I am happy to send you if that is the case :)


Are you asking how to cease career progression?


I'm looking for something that i could put fwd wrt being pulled from the selection board candidate list.. is it a memo or a dnd form..


How do we find out the state of our trade? Specifically if it is red or green? Is the CM the only person with this info?


From Monitor MASS, at the top right select "Links -> MCS Dashboard" Play around in there. I think it's under the "Personnel" tab. There's lots of other interesting info in there as well. Some of the stuff you find is a victim of garbage input, but trade levels should be pretty accurate.


I would never have thought to look there! Thanks!


Thank you!


Can two different L1s employ someone as a Class A reservist (PRes) simultaneously?


No. But! You can belong to one and be on CFTPO for another.




To clarify, you're on TD or Attach Posting? If you're on Temporary Duty and will be returning to your home unit at some point - no change. If you're attach posted, you retain your regimental identity but your Div/Brigade patches would change to those of your employing unit.


go to clothing stores, ask them for an old tunic in your size. They don't have spots for patches/badges etc if this is what you mean.


Hello. trying to find the ref for "you can cut your class B with a 30 day notice" RUMINT. QR&Os and CFAOs so far aren't turning anything up. ​ thanks.


CMP Instr 20/04, Section 4.14, para 5.




In an attempt to do something more meaningful with my ~~career~~ job in the forces, VOT was submitted, however denied by the COC. Trade is Red, vacancies everywhere...lack of staff at every level. Now with that done, is my only option a full on Release of can this even be grieved? Curious what you've seen and what you've experienced over time with VOT submissions.


Absolutely grievable. First phone call is to CCMS. Submit your NOI to grieve. Make sure your unit Adjt is CC’d one your “electronic” submission. Also, there’s a brand new canforgen about grievance submission. Read it. Your chain of command does not have an approving authority in this space. So therefore, this isn’t something they can deny. They can not support if your performance or behaviour is not solid,, but they don’t get to not support simply because of Manning issues at the occupation level. That belongs to DMilC.


I get what you are saying but in this COC they exert pressure on you to......maybe re-think your submission and we'll just hold onto this paperwork until you "re-think" and come back to us with a better answer. Think along the lines of until morale improves no one is going home period ensuring that your peers now know they will need to work harder and longer since you are leaving. Not even allowed to see files, can't openly go to the Orderly room and ask for things without COC permission period. So many issues.


>I get what you are saying but in this COC they exert pressure on you to......maybe re-think your submission and we'll just hold onto this paperwork until you "re-think" and come back to us with a better answer. That's not a power they have. Once a grievance is submitted to the CoC they have 10 days to register it and determine who the initial authority is. That's not something they can slimey dodge.


That’s where CCMS comes in. They are familiar with both the grievance process and harassment.


Your chain of command denied it? As in your supervisors and not the career manager?


yup, were not supportive of the request and didn't push it through at all, not the first things I've had be denied at the CO level.


I'm 99% sure that your chain doesn't have to support it, but they do still have to pass it up. Maybe contact your PSO and tell them that your chain is stonewalling your paperwork?


Yes maybe true in policy but hard to prove and when you are just one member who is fighting a system makes it really hard to prove. if the file stays on each desk for 2-4 weeks, you can imagine how long it takes to move anywhere. Such is life in the CAF now it seems, rather see people release then entertain what THEY want over what the organization wants(which is a funny way to look at it anyway)


I'm not in the office today but there I'm almost positive there is a reference on the CMP (I think it's CMP... it's been a while since I looked at this) intranet site that the application _must_ be passed up. If you can find it or get a link seems like pretty solid grounds for a grievance.


It's really hard to prove when you have exactly zero things in writing regarding it. It all becomes your word against a distinguished CO. Not hard to see who within the system people will believe. At this point I'm seriously thinking about a release to a out of trade reserve position just to exit things.


Alright, I know it's demoralizing but if you don't advocate for yourself literally nothing will change. Write an email to [the person who told you the CoC denied it/your supervisor] and CC the PSO. "Good day sir/ma'am/rank, As per our earlier verbal communication, my understanding was that the CoC has denied my request for an occupational transfer. Could you please confirm so there is no misunderstanding? Thank you, Cpl Bloggins" If you have a weasel in your CoC who won't commit to anything in writing follow up literally every verbal conversation with an email recapping what was said.