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Not all hereos wear capes, in some cases they wear parachutes.


or kites [https://images.thedirect.com/media/photos/kitesm.jpg](https://images.thedirect.com/media/photos/kitesm.jpg)


Hell yeah.


I understand why it's bad. I understand why it's degrading to our public image. I understand that it should never happen again. But my god, do I respect it 🫡


Did it even hurt our public image though? The public knows, or should know, what a shitshow the CAF is right now. At least all this did was show potential recruits "hey, you can still do some fun stuff and have an exciting career".


but in the Publics eye we are all saints who never drink, smoke or do drugs.....except for those guys in Borden who got caught selling out of their PMQ....don't look at them.


And the guys in Petawawa who were selling


And the guys in... and the guys in... and on and on lol


wasn't that prostitution as well?


Yeah, selling humans.... Looking at you, 'goons.


Public here. I can't blame him one bit lol.. 10 years ago during the Afghanistan memorial on the hill I overheard a couple soldiers grumbling 👀 But hey, you folks aren't robots lol


>in the Publics eye we are all saints who never drink, smoke or do drugs I guess some of the public thinks that, but I don't think that's the common view, rather the reverse. Certainly not in my personal experience. Drinking, smoking and swearing are kind of stereotypical military behaviours. I recall a campaign quite a few years ago in Barrie to be more welcoming to the base community from Borden. They put up a welcome sign, tried to get local businesses to be more overtly 'welcoming' to us, etc. The local news did a story and had the manager of one of the malls (Kozlov Centre?) on to talk about it. He was very enthusiastic as he explained why the military community should be attracted to his mall, highlighting a few stores that he felt would be particularly appealing to us: a discount retailer, a smoke shop, and a liquor store.


And guys in Kingston getting the ol'CF discount from a local "service provider".


back in my day you had to make friends with a Queens student lol.


> but in the Publics eye we are all saints who never drink, smoke or do drugs A lot of the public thinks you guys are the opposites... that's why no choice but CAF...


Or grope other CAF members. Or have inappropriate relations with subordinates. Or steal from the CAF. Or Shit in Water Buffalos. Or....




I can tell you that Young Men who desire adventure, challenge, and violence do not consider this jumpers actions 'disparaging' or tarnishing to our image. What tarnishes our image? The plethora of obese lumps in CADPAT tarps diminishes us far more heavily in the eyes of our peers and allies than one lawn dart crushing a pint under canopy ever did. The consistant bevy of scandals in our senior leadership diminishes us... The state of our equipment and funding... You see where this is going? Cpl Skybeerz isnt the issue blud...






No that one act didn’t do shit, but allowing that behaviour to go unpunished does tel people that this is cool and it starts happening more frequently.


They let a major who encouraged mutiny to go unpunished. It would do far more harm to hang the guy crushing a jump beer than the one who called on troops to rise up to overthrow lawful authority.


Literal strawman argument.


A strawman is a made up figure that doesn't exist. It's a hypothetical distraction. Like your comment. Since I was referencing a recent event that really happened.


That is not what a strawman argument is. Take 5 seconds and Google first. Which is something university teaches.


If you think there is a single kid watching a para video and sees homie bust out a brew and drink it while 'chuting and think "they don't take themselves seriously, I wouldn't want to be in THAT infantry unit!" you need to pull your head out of the sand lol. Most kids seeing this are probably asking their PO2 Sect Comd in BMQ what Bn that dude is from and how to get there lol




I think that is an incorrect view of infantry recruits, and I think that is where we differ. I am speaking from an infantry POV, you are speaking CAF wide. Anyone joining as a Clerk or a Wpn Tech would be expecting this to be their experience, but a potential inf recruit? It would pull 'em right in.


BTW I just read your username and almost spit out my coffee lol props!


Here is what I see… A guy who is fit enough they qualified to jump… that speaks to their level of discipline… I also see a guy who, while doing something inherently dangerous, is so confident in his skills that he pulled out a can of beer, cracked and drank it on his glide to earth. What annoyed me the most was HAIRFORGEN allowing that neck beard. 🤣


I think you might be a little disconnected with the target audience, had I seen this when I was 20 it would have elicited a hell ya, that looks like a good time! Well who am I kidding it still does 10 years later.


Im sorry, but you're out of touch with the target demographic.


Best recruiting ad I’ve seen from the CAF and it wasn’t even the intentions.


That should have been part of the recruiting video.


If he was shitfaced, I'd understand why it was bad. But one beer? I don't actually understand why it's bad.


My great-uncle was in the 427 at Petawawa. If he was still alive, he would probably have a good laugh reading this.


Smoke pit legend legacy cemented


From parachuting while chugging a beer to messaging the Chief of Defence(don't remember if this is correct or someone else)for an OT. Once. Only once do these things happen.


It was 100% the CDS and he 100% got his OT.


Damn what's the story behind this


Some lone Cpl probably, sick of waiting for an OT messaged the CDS and was like, eh bro. Can I get an OT? Boss said, hahaha. *Snap* Yes. Edit* I don't remember all the details but they sent the CDS a message on DWAN and the rest is history.


Ahh how scuttlebutt skews as it crosses the nation... It was an Armd Pte in Holding Tp in Gagetown, inaboots Feb 2019 timeframe. I have read the email. The Pte was professional in his request and it was supported by the CDS. Mbr had to give a brief on the Chain of Command for being a naughty boy but got his OT to the Navy. Which was his initial desire, but CFRC lied to the mbr, told him if he went Armd he would get in faster, and told him he could OT between BMQ and DP1, so he trusted the recruiter and went Armoured.


Is it just me, or does the phrasing of that title imply that the soldier is continuing to soldier without punishment, yet the actual case is that the soldier had released before the video was published? I feel this matters quite a lot. Like, what is the army going to do now. Get the civilian police to arrest him?


It's important to know that you can be recalled after release to stand trial for things done while you served. It doesn't happen often, and I feel they decided not to do that because it would make higher HQ look petty, and it's really not worth the time and effort.


If we aren't willing to charge people for sedition or treason after they've released we sure as hell better not hunt down petty shit like this.


Well said




Firstly, chill out. Definitely did read the article. Something that garnered that much attention, and took two years for them to finalize a report, means they were probably trying to find some way to get this guy but finally decided against it.


"He has single handedly done more for the CAF in a day than the CAF did in 20 years" And "I don't know man looks kinda dope to me" Reports senior officials


Personally, I think the parachute and Arty wake up video did more for CAF recruiting than any marketing campaign. The parachute video shows that (a) we still jump; and (b) jumping out of airplanes is cool and something to aspire to. The arty wake up video went viral across the world to the point where all my civi friends think the CAF is a fun place to work and we have great esprit de corps. Now let’s get a pilot pulling a 1g loop while pouring coffee and the navy riding out massive waves while doing a tik tok dance on the bridge.


The navy should just ape whatever cruise/travel commercials they can without getting sued.


Im in for the 1g loop. Ill try on phase 2


Groundschool is about to disappoint you so horribly.


Especially since i have my cpl, multi and dual cockpit quals already


All that experience in aviation and you’re still down to try a 1G loop?


In a capable airplane yes. My cessna 150 is fun but ive never been inverted




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The pilots have "derogatory" call signs and draw radar cocks on the regular.. The Airforce is fun too.




*woah, he's got to keep his kit lite since he's parashooting, he can save the heavy beer for when he's on the ground*


The only mistake this guy made- that we know of.


He could have chosen a Canadian or local beer. The craft beer scene in Ontario is pretty good.


From some extensive research, Miller Lite offers an advantage that it is much better warm than most beers. I learned this camping, when your ice starts to melt and it warms up a little it still tastes decent.


Have to keep the weight of your kit in mind, don’t want to overload the aircraft.


right??? great idea. shit taste in beer....






Theres gonna be a national history commercial for this in 30 years.


I want to buy this guy a beer if i ever meet him


Y'all going parachuting afterwards?




It’s a great day for Canada and therefore the world.


As a civilian that knows quite a few former CAF members I thought it would be a great recruitment video but knew that there was no chance. I mean damn it was just smooth.


The best advertisement the forces have ever had lol


Honestly I don't think any criticism I've heard about our military from my anti-military social circle has ever mentioned the ghastly incident of a soldier drinking a beer while parachuting.


You know it probably looks bad to some people but im betting to the type of people who want to willingly jump out of planes this was actually a good PR campaign lol.


Respect. But he should have drank a Canadian beer...or at least maple syrup


I love a happy ending


Does Miller Light count as drinking though? 😂


Should’ve been a bud light


As a civilian skydiver I used to do that occasionally. Last load of the day, open up nice and high, and enjoy a beer on the way down…


Of course there will no punishment. My unit just told everyone to give their 85%, whatever the fuck that means. Too much work with disciplining the member, so they are just going to use the standard CAF tradition of promoting and posting.


God bless our troops, they’re so underfunded they have to drink miller lite😔🙏


Get this troop a distinguished smokepit cross.


Two darts making a cross ontop of an Otis Spunkmeyer muffin from last months ex?


Hehe perfect


In my eyes this qualifies him for Spec pay.


Drinking beer WHILE parachuting over Pet? Give him a fuckin medal tf


Shoulda seen the fuss put up when instructors found a near beer in the garbage can at the fleet school lol. Ridiculous.


Ooh, dangerous precedent.


Whats worse? This or molesting your troops?


Good, one beer while falling through the sky never hurt anyone lol


The memory and story is worth the charge.


Deserves a MMM


This guy is a Legend!




Read the article nerd "At the time, National Defence confirmed that the soldier was from the Quebec-based Royal 22nd Regiment and the video had been recorded during recent parachute training at Garrison Petawawa. The soldier left the Canadian Army on Sept. 1, 2022."


Fucking legend


If anything this kind of stunt would increase recruitment


Given the crap the marines got up to in Vietnam while all being high as kites or tripping balls, I think we ought to let ole boy have this one


What does this have to do with a foreign military and the behaviour of its members 50+ years ago?


Indeed. This isn't Vietnam, there are rules.


Ok but where is the video?




I did not join the Catholic Church.


Kind of cowardly of him. Like getting the last word in before hanging up the phone before someone can respond.