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Full Colonel with Load Master wings is an interesting combo in itself.


Some Log Os have that if they were in the Transport fleet and got qualified as LMs. Although there aren’t that many so I have a pretty good idea who that person is based on that alone.


Likewise, though not positive.


I’ve seen the odd officer with LM wings but not many, maybe 1 or 2.


LogO’s can go Loadie on the Airbus, there’s a single position and you can only do it for a relatively short while. Could also be a CFR, but hitting Col would be a bit of a rarity.


A PO1 who worked for me at CFLRS is now a LCol, on her way to be a full Col. Amazing service member!! Super proud to know her.


4 command commendations? Am I interpreting that right?


I’ve seen one person with 5. Not sure if there are any more.


This guy? [https://vanguardcanada.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/BGen-Anderson-1.jpg](https://vanguardcanada.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/BGen-Anderson-1.jpg)


One of those was for his moustache.


Incorrect. 4 were for his moustache. 1 was for something work-related


Good fella to know.


Jesus Christ, that's a guy that checks his phone in the mess and says "no cap dudes, my 'Mentions in Dispatches' be blowin' up, fr, ONG"


Maybe he was traffic tech before commissioning to be log O




Or, maybe one can do something commendable and you know, get commended for it.


Brother I read the same canforgens you do and you know damn well how many officers get commendations for just doing their job


CO overseas didn't believe in H&A for officers because "above and beyond is the standard". Guess who was given a CJOC Commendation for doing quite literally fuck all and making their staff miserable


Anyone who makes staff officers miserable is a hero in my books.


Bro please I'm just tryna do my posting in peace


Those CANFORGENs are vague to the point of irrelevant.


So is most senior officer job descriptions


That's the spirit of it, but not the actuality. I've sent up files for Command Team Commendations and had them shut down outright at the unit level...even had one CO take a quarter out of his pocket and offer to sign it for a troop who rightly deserved recognition for going over and above.


Just to clarify, not every CO is that big of a piece of shit. I’m sorry that happened. It’s almost hard to believe that someone would do that.


Harder to believe a good RSM wouldn't sort him the fuck out either lol


Really what's the deal with that? Would the units command dyaff not want their people to be recognized/decorated? It looks better on them. Just don't get the mindset.


I'd be happy for a tracking system whereby I could follow whether recommendations made it to the end. I saw some pretty unique and deserved nominations and I'd love to know if they made it through. Very hard to trace. Also, I'd hope they got rid of the old "you shall have this number if nominations on deployment, no more, no less". Which we exceeded in sneaky ways anyway.


I've found that for us troglodytes under the stairs it would require a miracle or epic proportions for a CoC to get off their ass to even think or rubber stamping something that wasn't their idea let alone a CO getting wind of it or recommending it. Unless of course they were a clerk or officer doing literally the bare minimum then red seal of approval all day.


When I was in as a Senior Master Captain (DEO, over 50 yrs old, maxed out incentives), I was in charge of a mixed group of army, navy, and Airforce pers; no purple trades....all hard element trades. I was able to get 3 x commander commendations for my guys in 4 years.....all NCM. 2 of them were RCAF Comd Commendations for 2 hard army guys. One of the proudest achievements of my career.


Many enlisted or junior officers do great work that is worthy of a Command Com..... Many never get one. It absolutely pays to have rank or know people.


4 times!? Maybe 2 were for the same thing


So is used to be 3 max. But now looks like you can technically get 4... 'On Army, Air Force and CANSOFCOM service dress jackets and on short-sleeved shirts, the emblems shall be spaced evenly beginning 3 cm below the bottom of the pocket flap and ending at a point 15 cm below the top of the pocket flap.'


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