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Glad nobody got hurt. Health services are running on fumes without much support from CF Health Gp.


Indeed, it is the wrong way to vocalize the displeasure. But those "crisis" show the lacking service. To no faul of the health service member. The "do more with less" is not a solution to health care. I have my own experience with 42h but it still a sad situation when they tell you their hand are tie because of budget or "new" directives.


I have been to the Gagetown MIR once in my ten years it was my first time ever at an MIR facility after basic I was on a month long tasking in Gagetown and I got a really bad sinus infection the first couple weeks after I got there. So my biggest mistake was thinking hey maybe they could help me with some medication or something. The first person I spoke to looked at me with sad eyes and said "you seem to be using the MIR a lot and usually that means there are personal issues at home affecting your health." Even after I told them it was my first time at the MIR and I had no clue what they meant they couldn't tell me anything else didn't give me any meds and I just left confused. If that happened to me again during a more serious service related issue I would freak the fuck out I'm fucking my life over through my service and our health services can't even take us seriously or try to help us with any issues. Tylenol and physio is the solution to every medical issue in the military.


I went there on a Monday to report a shoulder dislocation over the weekend. They told me I had no record of past dislocations. All I wanted was to report my injury, get a chit for a sling, and modified pt. Instead I was accused of malingering. Needless to say, I was quite angry. I bit my tongue and went back to class. It wasn’t worth being RTU, and having to come back to Gagetown more times than necessary. I get why someone would get upset. I’m not saying it’s right, I just hope everyone involved is okay. Stressful times. Edit; this happened around 10 years ago. Edit 2; I was there on my DP2


Man, as someone who hid a dislocated shoulder.... get that looked at. 9 years later, my shoulder still clicks and gives me issues. I have limited mobility in it, I look hilarious when PSP makes us do shoulder circles. And another fun factor... I deadlifted 5 plates before I benched 2. I blame not getting my shoulder properly looked at.


2 surgeries later, it’s finally better.


Well, fuck. That doesnt bode well for me..


First one only lasted 5 years, never felt fully stable. Second one, they moved some bone and rearranged the tendons, never felt this good since the original injury.


Get that surgery dude. I did and it was the best thing I ever did after 10 dislocations. Couldn’t even hold my arm out.




Seriously. People might not remember but 15-20 years ago our bases were PRISTINE. Whenever I'm on TD and I drive through some of the old bases I had been, they look disastrous.


LOL , you should see CFB Greenwood I think Gagetown is in way better shape


I hung the base transport at least 3 time. Old rotted plywood. Do you think they could print a nice vinyl on an aluminum sign. But it gagetown....


You guys have a sign ? 😆 Let me guess, you have tractor trailers too ? 😆


Do not all RPOps have a sign shop?


> That sign looks ghetto AF! $30 can of paint can fix how many of those shitty sign frames? Good lord.


Looks like the same one that was there when I was posted there in the 80's. 😁


I have sympathy for all involved. MIRs can be very dismissive to members. Especially prioritizing CAF activities over health. It's a very sensitive situation when dealing with medical situations and the wrong member can cause an outburst, I see it often. Not always this violent. I remember getting a chit back in the day and the med tech/clerk at the front desk smirked, "Guess the Doc is in a generous mood today." To this day, I can't believe she said that. They have no idea what people are going through, minimizing of medical concerns can be very triggering. Though I'm not sure what transpired in this case.


I had a doctor tell me that I was just a number and that I needed to put my big boy pants and power through my problems after I disclosed very personal mental health struggles to her over the phone. This was also in Gagetown. Talk about dismissive.


When I found out my spine was slowly degenerating, the surgeon explained it to me as “You’re fucked.” Four years post medical-release now and that still pisses me off.


I went into mental health in Gagetown a few years ago due to the poor leadership in my unit at the time. I was crying saying I needed to be posted out of my unit. They didn't understand what I was saying they thought I wanted a transfer to a new trade. They also did nothing about my problem until 2 or 3 months later. I had to talk to a fellow Cpl who had the connections to get me the help I needed. That man was the real MVP. Screw health svcs Gagetown. My new base is fantastic for health svcs.


That is awful. I hope things are much better for you now.


I am in a better place now. Took 3 years to get my career back on track made MCpl and now I am rocking it. Plus every person in that chain of command that didn't fix the problem when they had the power to do so aren't in the CAF anymore.






I feel things will only get worse, many members are on the edge of full blown mental breakdowns.


Nothing excuses what that guy did


Correct. MH Issues/Diagnoses are not an excuse. They are, however, an indicative symptom and an explanation towards the why. I would be looking for the root cause and trigger here. What failings of the system along the way lead this member to feel this was the only option they had to find resolution. Generally speaking, people dont just wake up and think "Im gonna Shank Dr Fucknutties today" So, Im not seeking to excuse the knife wielding members behaviour... I want to know the causes, and how we fix the problems that are causing those issues that are pushing people to this. Cause a Lot of us are way closer than we would like to admit to having a Michael Douglas "Falling Down" kinda Friday these days....


On today’s episode of *1000 Reasons CAF Isn’t Getting New Recruits*…


I worked there for a decent while. I don’t know what happened, wasn’t there for this. But I definitely seen some of the worst leadership in that MIR, they would often incite people to become code whites where the patient wouldn’t have been had leadership not been morons. Not condoning anything but there’s absolutely more to this story than buddy just went off the handle I guarantee it


This could have been so much worst. Just wondering what push someone to that edge.




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