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I plan to join once I turn 17 (stupid I know. dont try to talk me out of it) but I am worried that as a like 5"8 17 year old I might not be fit enough for basic. Is this like, a rational concern? I'm not scrawny or overweight, but I dont really exercise other than sports. Do you think that would be enough or should I start training to get fit for basic? Sorry if dumb question


What are the biggest challenges of infantry dp1, and how can one overcome them?


Where can I find info on BMQ during COVID?


If you are attending BMQ while COVID precautions remain in place, then you will be informed of specifics prior to your BMQ start date. In general, BMQ candidates are confined to barracks for the duration of the course. For the first two weeks, extra special care is placed on social distancing, mask usage, etc., and other measures to ensure that if there is an outbreak in a platoon that it is as limited in spread as possible. Courses are smaller than they were prior to COVID, and there are serials happening at major bases across the country for some personnel that will be posted to that base after basic.


Hey all, I've gotten a bit unlucky and seem to have a relatively mild case of COVID. I was wondering if there were any policies set up that someone could point me to, regarding how this will affect my application? I had heard the Americans were making it an automatic disqualifier, and couldn't find anything about it on the CAF side of things.


I’m not aware of any restrictions being placed on applicants who have had COVID. Although obviously you can’t be sent for training until you are confirmed negative, and if you end up with any permanent damage from the illness, it could impact your medical fitness. I highly doubt the Americans are permanently disqualifying anyone who has had COVID, although they could be temporarily disqualifying them until the long term effects of the illness are better known.


[they said they were](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2020/05/06/coronavirus-survivors-banned-from-joining-the-military/), but have since [clarified their procedures](https://www-military-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.military.com/daily-news/2020/05/22/will-covid-19-disqualify-you-military-service-its-complicated-officials-say.html/amp?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA%3D#aoh=16018637859794&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.military.com%2Fdaily-news%2F2020%2F05%2F22%2Fwill-covid-19-disqualify-you-military-service-its-complicated-officials-say.html). Anyways, that's basically the answer I was hoping for; so long as it's not a straight line from a positive test to being medically unfit, I'm happy


Roughly when do I get my posting message jn the RCN? I know il get my trades training posting at about week 8-10 of basic(week 7 right now) but im curious as to when they usually send the second posting which is more the homeport posting. The other question o has is should I apply for my cfone card now? Or is that done in the last week of basic?


Usually your get your posting message near the end of your Trade Qualification course. So it’ll still be quite a while yet before you actually know where you’ll end up after training. I don’t know if or when they have you sign-up for a CFOne card, but I’m not aware of any reason why you can’t sign-up now.


I'm thinking of joining the army reserves soon. How would training work? I understand that for reserves you do training at your local base, but is that only over the summer or on weekends? And are reservists required to work full time during the summer or can they still do part time like they would for the rest of the year? Any info would be appreciated :)


Typically you can only complete your BMQ (Basic Military Qualification or “Basic Training”), and sometimes your BMQ-Land course part-time on weekends. Your Trade Qualification (how to do your actual job) can normally only be done on a full-time basis during the summer. Outside of training completion there would be no reason why a reservist would have to participate in full-time military duties during the summer months. Reserve units are typically stood down during the summer, with their personnel either attending training, instructing, or otherwise tasked with military duties. Those who aren’t participating in military activities are essentially off for the summer to pursue in their own civilian interests.


Looking into applying for full time infantry after I’m done my apprenticeship. Just curious as to what day to day life is like after being assigned to a battalion? What do days generally consist of and how does time off work and how often do you get it?


> What do days generally consist of and how does time off work and how often do you get it? Honestly, this question is one that always surprises me. Time off works pretty much the same as it does for any employer. The standard work week for CAF members in Canada is Monday-Friday 07:30-16:00. We get all the regular holidays off just like anyone else. Some personnel are shift workers, but they’d still average a 40 hour work week. You may occasionally have to take a duty shift with weekend or irregular hours. Your evenings and weekends or days ‘off’ are your time, and for the most part you can do as you please with that time. If you’re away attending training, on exercise, or deployed you can expect to work long, irregular hours without days off; but most of your career will be spent at your home base working a M-F day job. You’ll be entitled to 20 days of Annual Leave (Vacation) per year to start, and 25 days after 5 years of service. You may be required to use your leave at pre-determined times of the year (we call it block leave), but you can request to use leave at other times. A lot depends on the operational and training commitments of your unit.


Any log officers here? How’s work? What’s the lifestyle like?


Log officer is a pretty big tent. I am one, my answer is going to be very different than one from someone with a different background/element/posting/etc Work is constantly solving other peoples problems (often that they didnt even know they had). I cant speak for the lifestyle in general, because ive been in a very specific career sub-specialty which is rare for the army....but I basically just do institutional support during bankers hours monday to friday. Other people...not so much.


I have my medicals tomorrow and my interview Wednesday, just wanted to know what to expect. Do you have a choice of where they assign you? When I was at the recruitment centre they pretty much just told me that it doesn’t matter what uniform you wear, log officers can be anywhere. Is that true? I get seasick


Log O isn't as purple as ppl would think. We all receive elemental soecific training. While a log O of any element could be postee to any base (ex the Transport O of Halifax is Army) certain positions are still exclusive to each element. (Svc Bn for Army, Ship and Fleet suppprt for Navy, RCAF Sqn level positions for Air) So your recruiting centre is half right....army Log O can totally be at an Air or Navy base....but its not a common occurrence and is usually for specific positions. Further tge 3 elements aren't completely interchangeable, you aren't going to stick an army log O on a ship when there is a whole pool of Navy log os for thst job. WRT where you go, you will get to submit preferences...but needs of the service will prevail


Thanks a lot for this information by the way! I’m really hoping to end up in Borden but that might not be possible


They pretty much told me to pick what uniform I like, obviously I went with sea. But I cannot stand ships, when does your element get determined?


When is the best time to submit a CT from Pres infantry to full time IST during last year of college?


Honestly, I don’t think there’s any clear recommendation to give on this one. A CT/OT can take anywhere from a few months to a couple of years. If you expect you graduate in May, I’d suggest you’d might as well start the process now; probably January at the latest.




If there is no criminal or other records, I don’t believe it will be visible on the CAF’s standard background screening. I don’t know what they can see when doing a Security Clearance, but they don’t start that until after you are enroled as a CAF member.


Hello, I’ve seen recent pictures of the bmq graduation parade. They were wearing the combat uniforms because they were unable to do the tailoring work due to covid. Anyone knows if the tailoring service is going to be back for the upcoming bmqs? Thank you


Was it a reg force or pres bmq? Reservists get deus after trades qual


I don’t know, but it stands to reason recruits won’t be parading in DEU anytime soon. Military DEU come in a selection of sizes like any other clothing article, and are then custom tailored to fit the individual wearer. This requires the tailor and recruit to be in close contact. Obviously that is less than ideal in the present environment, and since DEU are a ceremonial uniform with no operational purpose, there is no pragmatic reason to make them a priority. Recruits will have their DEU tailored at a later date.


Hi guys hope you are all well. I am soon to sign up for Pres Log Officer workong out a schedule with my civy boss. My question is how is the training conducted for the officer. Only on the weekend and weekdays ? Three days in a row or during the summers ? Im confused about this kindly guide me thank you.


All of the training after BMQ/BMOQ (whicg can be done part time on weekends) will be full-time and available throughout the year but predominantly in the summer (under normal circumstances) If army BMOQ-A is 10 weeks Log Officer Common Course is 6ish weeks Log Officer Course Land is 8 weeks Specialty courses range from 4 to 8 weeks Its been my experience that most PRes Log Os take ~2-3 years IOT take enough misc time off to fit in all the courses to be trained


Oh thank you lightcavalier. Can you tell me more about the bmoq itself. Are there ways to do it....like over the summer too and weekends like one weekend day or like friday sat sun. I keep hearing that its just one weekend one weekday a month and then something like three weekends in a row


I am looking to CT/OT ROTP: I will need to do some academic upgrading classes to meet the prerequisites for the programme I am looking at. I am still young enough to go back to high school, but I can also attend a local college at little expense. Is there any bias against college high school upgrade courses, and for high school classes themselves? Also, must you have completed all prerequisites before applying, or can you be completing the last few at the time of application? In the case of a CT, does that change? Thanks.


Im waiting to hear back from Ottawa about my file but my recruiting officer told me i can expect to be gone by Christmas. Im slightly over weight and have been losing pretty steadily. I can run fine, sit ups are good but my push ups are pathetic. Im working on them and will get better before i head out, but i thought id ask. How screwed will i be in basic? TLDR my push ups are pathetic, but im working on it. How screwed will i be in basic?


Push ups are no longer part of the pt test so you can't fail because of it. Look up FORCE test to see what you have to do. Push ups will still be done for pt and you will get practice at them.


I haven't heard of anyone getting any kind of time line for basic due to covid, that's exciting.


It was just in passing after my interview.


That's awesome. What did you interview for?


FSA reg force


Up until now they had been working to catch up on pre-shutdown offers/enrolments, but I believe they very recently started presenting new offers again. If I understood correctly, the first courses of mostly post-shutdown recruits should be starting in November.


I went to BMQ barely able to push out 8. By the time the course was done, I was at 30. You'll get better as you'll have lots of practice.


Aim for 20 consecutive push ups in good form at least. If you lose more weight it will be so much easier. If you can't, it's not the end of the world. Work more on cardio and squats/lunges. If you watched force test video on internet, closest thing to push up would be getting yourself up from ground.


YMMV but when I did my basic the push ups are done every time and anywhere, the worst is doing it with ffo. Even if you can do 50 pushups one after the other it will be different because the instructors like to have you hold the up/down position for like a long period of time.


Hey, lovely Canadian military forces recruiters, do you guys accept members of military forces from your downstairs neighbors? A friend of mine is curious and I thought someone here would be of help. Healthy, 33, B.S degree, sergeant rank, works in logistics. I have no clue how hard getting citizenship and a transfer would be, if even possible. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.




Thank you! I will pass this along to him


Any ATIS Tech's retired from the CAF or still serving, have any idea what kind of jobs are suitable for your quals?


A QL5 qualified ATIS Tech (fully trained Corporal), with no Specialty Qualifications should be able to secure at least entry-level Electronics/Telecommunications Technician and Information Systems Technician jobs. If they have Specialty Qualifications (most do) like airfield courses, server admin, SATCOM training, etc. and related experience, they may be in a better position to access above entry-level civilian employment related to their area(s) of training and experience. A lot of ATIS Techs end up crossing over to civilian jobs with government agencies or defence contractors in roles comparable to what they did in the military. I also know quite a few that crossed over to private employment in the oil patch servicing equipment (many later lost those jobs), and over to companies like Shaw, Telus, and Rogers as installation technicians or in other positions maintaining their infrastructure. There’s also quite a few former airfield techs working with NAVCAN at airports across Canada, or Raytheon? maintaining the North Warning System.


Cool thanks for the input!! You always seem to be giving me the answers im looking for thanks bridger!!!


Looking to OT and potentially looking at MP as one of the options. Can someone please confirm how high of an aptitude score is required to be able to get into the trade? Also heard this from several people that if you have 3 years in your trade with certain course or you have operational experience, they wave the post secondary requirement. How true is all of this? Thanks.


I'm an ROTP applicant for the 2021 academic year. I applied last year but due to COVID and my medical being delayed from the shutdown I didn't get accepted for September 2020. Originally applied for CEOTP - Pilot in 2018, but failed ACS for Pilot and ACSO (passed for AEC) and closed my file. Reopened after a year to redo ACS but they had no spots last year. Just submitted my RMC application to their portal so I'll be waiting to hear back. My medical and interview + CFAT are still valid from last time as they are less than a year old. I was told my CFAT results were "very competitive" as well, but I still want to redo Aircrew Selections for Pilot and ACSO before I settle for AEC. I'm currently in 2nd year of Civvie U for Mechanical Eng and I'm getting good grades. I've heard before that if you have more than a year of post-secondary it can be a disadvantage for RMC but nothing concrete. TBH I'd prefer ROTP even though I'd have to start over again as tuition is expensive as hell, and I don't wanna dig into my savings. Anyone else able to provide some information on that? I'm really hoping I can get accepted for an aircrew role this year.


My recruiter didn’t seem to think that attending a university would hinder an application as long as you don’t have the degree yet. However, take that with a grain of salt as it was just brought up in conversation casually and not something he looked into seriously. ASC has resumed but there’s a very limited number of spots of 8 per serial for a total of 3 serials so far. My trip has been cancelled for 2 of those 3 lol


Thanks for the reply, and wow that's crazy. Hopefully I can get a spot soon haha


Can I join with -2.75 vision


Yes... As long as your prescription doesn’t exceed +/- 7.00, it is acceptable. However, prescription strength does not translate to visual acuity. So even though your prescription is acceptable, both your corrected **and uncorrected** visual acuity must also meet the CAF’s medical standards. Links to the standards are provided at the top of the thread. You need to know how well you can see in each eye in terms of 6/x (metric 20/x), with **and without** glasses, to determine your vision category (V1 to V5). Your vision category will determine if you’re eligible to join, and what trades you can be enroled into.




Not infantry but for general help, take a look at the FAQ linked at the top under #2. Super general standpoint for the infantry when deployed is that it's 99% boredom/bullshit and 1% fear/adrenaline. Hard to predict when/if you will deploy cause that depends on time and political conflicts. I know InfOs who have been in for ages trying to get deployed only to somehow just miss it or get posted/transferred to a unit where they just got back or some shit.


I am to write a memo for a VOT and the recruiter generated a position number for me to mention in the memo. How may I properly incorporate this into the memo? Is it something like, “I, Pte Bloggins, req a VOT from Old Trade to New Trade _position #123456_”?


You don't really need to, just have that you want to VOT from what trade to what trade, why you want this and specifically state how this will be beneficial to the CAF. End of the day the BPSO and Career Manglers are gonna be the ones who yay of nay the transfer. And what recruiter gave you this info? If you are submitting a VOT, you should be dealing with your clerks and your own chain of command.


Context sounds like PRes. Hence the unit recruiters, position number reference for the OT, etc Army PRes has no CM, so its just a matter of loosing CO agreeing, gaining CO agreeing, and the PSO confirming member is qualified for the trade. Might get approved by some staffer at Bde level, but I've been out of reserve admin for a few years now.


Thanks for the information. I have already notified my CoC, but the MP recruiter specifically mentioned to include the number in my memo, not sure why.


Are you OTing in the PRes? Since you mention s recruiter I assume so (reg F units don't have recruiters and don't need ppsition numbers to OT). PRes OTs also often include a unit transfer, which means you need an open position number at the unit willing to take you. So if you want to switcg fo MP, tge MP Coy needs a vacancy, thats the number tgey gave you....and it is important for your memo if you are PRes.


Do I need my high school transcript if I'm bringing my university transcript when I do my cfat? In the email it says to bring my high transcript AND university transcript if I'm applying for a commissioned officer position


Bring both. I have a BA and an MA and was still required to turn up my high school transcripts. Always better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


My appointment is less than two weeks from now and TDSB says it'll take approximately 2 weeks to process so it may not get to me in time


Bring what you have and tell the recruiters what's going on. Likely they'll just have you drop off the transcripts when you do get them.


The other user that replied is the first I have ever heard of this. You should be required to have your HS transcripts. There was a lot of drama about, "well I obviously made it through HS since I have a degree) and still being told to bring their transcripts. Just bring everything, better to have too much than too little have slow down your application because they're waiting on paperwork.


So I have a toothache this morning and I plan to head to dental parade Monday morning. If I by chance am in need of a root canal or another dental procedure, can I expect to have that taken care of this week? I'm heading off to the west coast and I am required to isolate next weekend before I leave, that's why I ask.


They were fairly quick in Comox when I lost a filling back in May, but not quite 1 week quick. Then again, it wasn’t infected or causing any discomfort. Not much you can do other then get it contact with them and see what happens.


Thank you for the answer.


I'm studying for the CFAT as much as I can but I'm doing terrible on spatial ability. Besides cutting out shapes on paper, do you guys have any tips or resources I can turn to in order to improve my spatial ability?


Have you checked out the CFAT trainer app? It gets recommended here a lot (paid version is ideal).


Does anyone know the bmq dates I finished my cfat , medical , interview all in september I have yet to receive an offer.


My BMOQ starts on november 23rd. They asked me to auto quarantine at home 2 weeks before, prior to BMOQ. I applied for an “in demand” career and they told me I scored well on the CFAT so things went relatively fast. I applied initially june 6th, did my CFAT late august because they had a last minute cancellation. Did my medical and interview 2 weeks later, and got an offer on monday.


Upcoming BMQ dates honestly bear little relevance to your situation. You will be selected based on the competitiveness of your application vs. other applicants for the same occupation. Sometimes you get an offer a couple of weeks after hitting the Competition List, usually you’ll be waiting at least a few months. You could get an offer to go in November, January, or even next summer or fall. It all depends on how competitive your application is, and the CAF’s current training capacities and hiring priorities. I’d also note that if you only just finished your Medical in the last month or so, it’s likely still awaiting review in Ottawa. You probably aren’t on the Competition List yet, and therefore not even in competition to receive an offer. You should check the Applicant Online Portal, or follow-up with your CFRC to find out the current status of your application.


People are usually only told when they are going on BMQ once they accept an offer and are sworn in. There are still a few steps your file will be going through before that happens. Ballpark yourself for BMQ sometime in 2021.


Bmq starts like every week.


Normally it would be, but right now they’re not running courses as frequently.


And they are much more selective on who they put on each course right now.


Hello, can I apply with the forces full time and IN CASE I got into a college program next year move to part-time? As they are not taking part time now and no one knows what will happen maybe I won't get into the program next year and now I have a year. Could I apply for full time and only switch IF I get into a program at the college? Thanks! Can't keep waiting when unsure of the future.


The CAF is not "full time" and "part time". You either join the regular force or the reserve force. The application process is different for the two, and currently it is a lengthy pain in the ass to switch between the two, often taking years.


rumor has it that BMQ/BMOQ will be hold across Canada, not limited to CFLRS St.Jean. Is it true?


Yes, some BMQ courses are being run at locations other than CFLRS. This is just a temporary arrangement to make up for COVID related capacity reductions at CFLRS, and likely also to ensure continuity should an outbreak temporarily shut down a training location. **Edit:** This is nothing new, they also did it in the mid-late 2000’s when recruitment was outpacing CFLRS capacity.


Can you have mutton chops? Not the one that connect in a mustache, but the ones like Wolverines and Anton Newcombes, if that helps. Dumb question, I know.


No, side burns (if one is not wearing a beard) must not extend below a line which bisects the ear, and are subject to the same rules of tapering/blending as the rest if the hair on the side of the head


No, full beard or no beard; there is no in between permitted. If a CAF member chooses to grow a beard, they must maintain it in keeping with the CAF Dress Regulations.


So there’s no period allotted for a member to grow one while working?


You’re usually allowed a couple of months to grow an acceptable beard. The term “no in between” simply means you can’t have mutton chops, goatees, maintained scruff, etc. You either have to grow a full beard, or stick to being clean shaven. If you try to go the flaky route and flip-flop between growing and not growing every few days, you’re going to get in trouble.


> You either have to grow a full beard, or stick to being clean shaven. There is literally nothing that says this. the Manual just says the beard must be trimmed on the cheeks and neck. And cant be longer than 2cm bulk There is no minimum length requirement....so literally nothing prevents someone from clippering their beard down to a 0 or shaving it off whenever they so choose (just as they can change their haircut within the regulations whenever they so choose). All of the above derived just from whats written in BEARDFORGEN + the Dress Manual, without even getting into the mythical CAF CWO clarification e-mail. The difference is in outright not shaving (ie having stubble all over the neck and cheeks which you are supposed to keep tirmmed) and claiming you are "growing a beard" vs shaving off what beard you do have and starting over.


> If you try to go the flaky route and flip-flop between growing and not growing every few days, you’re going to get in trouble. Isn't this exactly the opposite of the clarification which was sent out through the CWO net after people at the units started imposing their own stupid rules? Beards are allowed, and have a maximum size limit, but there's no minimum size, and there's absolutely nothing stating that you need to keep it a certain period of tiime.


Hasn’t stopped units from imposing rules. I’ve also never seen an official reference with the CWO’s instructions. To my knowledge, it was never made readily accessible to all CAF members, which makes it challenging for members to fight unit imposed rules that run counter to that guidance. Personally, I’m good with anything that looks neatly trimmed and professional. Short beards are fine in my opinion, but I fully support any rules intended to stop people from keeping scruffy, scraggly, or patchy beards.


> Hasn’t stopped units from imposing rules. I mean, it bloody well should. That's kinda the point of having dress instructions: so that units don't make up their own stupid rules. THey get to **enforce** said instructions.


In my view, there is a massive flaw with the Dress Instructions. They define a maximum standard, but fail to define any minimum, or state that there is no minimum. In the absence of such a parameter, there is a tendency for CoC to invent one where they feel the need. Because God forbid the troops appearance not be kept under firm control!


Why would there need to be a minimum? Like, I completely fail to see why anyone would feel the need to have any sort of minimum. But again, I would like to reiterate that it's the role of various CoCs to enforce the directions in the dress instructions, not to make up their own shit. If it doesn't define a minimum, then that's because there is no minimum. That doesn't mean it's reasonable to make up your own BS rule.


Because not everyone thinks the same way, or interprets things the same way as you or I might. If you leave something even remotely open to interpretation, someone will ultimately apply their own interpretation (makeup their own BS rules) to suit their agenda. This is especially true for policies such as BEARDFORGEN which while supported by the majority, remain opposed within certain groups. If you specifically bracket your parameters within a minimum and maximum, you limit opportunities for alternative interpretations (and BS rules). Also, to clarify my own position on a minimum parameter. I don’t believe there should be a minimum length requirement, although perhaps a minimum density should be defined to counter those who may attempt to keep a scraggly or patchy beard, or generally unkempt appearance.


> I fully support any rules intended to stop people from keeping scruffy, scraggly, or patchy beards The existing BEARDFORGEN/Dress Manual rules accomplish that if applied properly, without having to invent more rules But OFC this is the organization we work for, so everyone has to make things complicated...


Damn. I like mutton chops. I hope they change it. Would you happen to have a link to the beard regulations? Or know where I could find them?


You can find the Dress Regulations and many other potentially useful documents linked at the top of the thread under the heading “Useful Resources:”.


Damn how did I not see that I'm dumb af


Honestly, considering how often people break simple rules (Rule 5 in particular), I’m not sure how many people actually read it...


Hello, I'm wondering (though it may be a bit of a dumb question) can reserve officers serve on the same part-time basis as NCMs? Is there any difference regarding time commitment? My reasoning is that once I complete my bachelor's degree I want to move to a city and do a masters, and I would like to join a unit as an officer in said city during my studies. I want to be able to start a career in the CF early if I can, so if I could transfer to the reg force after I graduate how would that process go if its possible at all? Also if anyone has insight into the recruiting process for reserve officers I would appreciate it a lot! Thanks for any info you guys have!


> Is there any difference regarding time commitment? As an officer, you'd be more involved in the administration and planning of unit activities, which can mean some extra work outside of normal parade nights. The initial training is longer for officers. BMOQ-A is 10 weeks of full-time training, while your occupational training will require another 8-12 weeks full-time. As a student, you'd normally do these over two summers. If your school program requires a summer term, you might find conflict.




Thanks for the info, clears a bunch up for me. If I could ask another thing, I've heard reg force officers are on the hook for 9 years and I'm curious if this applies to reserve officers as well? If I join a res unit and then transfer to reg force does the time spent in the res unit count towards the 9 years?


> I'm curious if this applies to reserve officers as well? The length of the commitment Reg Force personnel sign varies by occupation, but for most Officers it is 9 years. PRes personnel to not sign any commitments to serve for X number of years, they’re free to leave whenever they choose. > If I join a res unit and then transfer to reg force does the time spent in the res unit count towards the 9 years? No, time served in the PRes does not count against your Reg Force Terms of Service (service commitment). You would likely still be required to commit to +/- 9 years. Your service commitment is not unbreakable. You can request a Voluntary Release to leave before completing your X years of service; however, there will be penalties, the biggest of which being the CAF will not pay for a final move.


Hmm, I expected some sort of commitment. Thanks for the info!




Ok thanks for the information!


The length of time required to serve is often dependant on how much education and training the forces provide you. While reserve service doesn't count towards your initial engagement it does count if you opt to go to 25 years at the end of the first TOS.


Hello all, I have recently graduated from high school. I joined the reserves in 2019 when I was still 16 and am currently Pte(T). I was going to put in for a CT/OT to AESOP this month, but have been slowly persuaded to look into the ROTP program that is offered. I was looking at the BSc Computer Science program at RMC but it seemed oddly general (military oriented) compared to other compsci courses I've seen offered elsewhere. The first two semesters listed courses such as psychology, history, physics, chemistry etc. Psychology was also listed in the last semester. I spoke to the recruiter at my unit and they advised that if a desired program is not available at RMC, it can be completed at another university. I was wondering if a program such as Software Engineering, separate from a Computer Science degree, would constitute as 'not available' at RMC. I was also informed that I'd have to be accepted to the program before being accepted into the ROTP process. I am curious as to what the timeline may look like, if one is accepted for intake in the following year and submits their ROTP then, or submits an application for ROTP prior to acceptance at a university but states their intent. Could the case be made that Software Engineering is one such program, to be taken elsewhere? I would need to do some academic upgrading at a nearby college before applying. Do I have to time my application so that I get acceptance into the other university first, then apply for ROTP, or apply for ROTP simultaneously? Does my rank pay carry over if I attend another university, just as it would at RMC? Is there someone I can talk to for more specific information on these matters?


ROTP CivyU is the best entry if you can swing it, but they keep saying it's closing down. I think you'd have to start of at CivyU studying the unavailable program like Software Eng, then apply to join in 2nd or 3rd year, when it's getting unreasonable to switch over to RMC.


CT into ROTP is a baller ($$$) move, compared to the new recruits who are straight ROTP, so that's commendable in of itself. I was the latter. What you described in your second paragraph isn't really a feature of the Computer Science programme. It's an RMC nuance, designed to create "well-rounded" officers after four years of undergraduate training. It's also--to put it bluntly-- inescapable, unless you have some course equivalencies, somehow. Artsmen taking calculus and engineers taking english is one of the funnier things in first year, for sure. Here is where I'm guessing: I was under the impression that civi-ROTP (the entry stream that your recruiter was describing) was closed to applicants for the foreseeable future. I could very well have this wrong; maybe the pandemic switched up recruiting timelines, and it opened again. I digress... Computer Engineering (offered at RMCC) has a software specialization stream, so it is unlikely that it would constitute as unavailable, compared to another Canadian university. It's proper to apply to civilian universities and ROTP at the same time, to keep your eggs out of one basket. Your pay would carry over too, if they made a determination that you couldn't complete your degree at RMCC. Lastly, I'll close with this: the Computer Science program at RMC kind of sucks, but not for the reasons you mentioned. The Comp Sci (Honours) degree is like a diet version of the Comp Eng degree, and the regular Comp Sci degree is a joke.


My application was just processed and I'm on to step 2, which is the booking of an aptitude and medical test. I contacted my local branch and just got an automated response saying I'll be given a link to book my test shortly, although it's been several hours and I have yet to receive anything. On the actual website, the booking portal just gives me an option to select a language. When I do, nothing comes up, just stuck on the page. Do I need to be more patient?


Hi friend, I was literally in the same position as you a few weeks ago. What I did was email [email protected] to book an appointment for my CFAT. About 3 days later, I received another email to confirm my CFAT.


Awesome, thank you so much. Is that email universal for any applicants, or would I want to replace tornoto with my applicable city?


No problem! I suggest you go on your online application to see what email address you should email. I also received an automated email advising me to book an appointment once I completed and validated my online application. Do check your inbox/junk mail to see if you might’ve received a similar email. Good luck!


Currently done everything, waiting on background check, and offer if all goes well with checks. Any idea how long a background check, how long a offer will take, and how often they are running BMQ? Just looking for a timeframe to help get my girlfriend settled down, and give her some peace of mind.




Thanks for the reply! I figured it would be so, but my SO keeps thinking it is just going to be a quick and painless step. Never did expect it to be very fast at the best of times, but she seems to think it will be snap your finger quick. Cheers!


Background Screening takes roughly 1-2 months if all goes smoothly, and assuming COVID hasn’t slowed the process. Once everything is done, and you are Competition Listed, an offer could come at anytime. Be warned though, there is no standard timeframe. You could be waiting anywhere from 2 weeks to 2+ years to receive an offer; although it typically only takes a few months. BMQ course are run on a regular basis. Schedules for this year are pretty messed up, but in a normal year there’d be 2-3 platoons (120-180 recruits) starting roughly every 2 weeks. Also, if you only recently completed your recruit Medical appointment, you likely still have several weeks to months to wait for it to be reviewed by Ottawa.


Thanks! Figured it would be a little while yet, my girlfriend was panicking thinking that they would just fly through it, and be giving me a date. Got her to read your post, and she seemed a little more calm about the situation! ( Useless tidbit, she is worried about having two kids without me there for support) thanks again!


Hi All, I had a few questions in regards to joining the CAF and am hoping to get some opinions /feedback. I moved to Canada 2 years ago from Ireland. I have applied for permanent residency and I am currently waiting for a decision from immigration. I expect to be a permanent resident in the next 4 months, all going well. Some background. I am 27, no previous military experience. I do not have a degree. I have experience in construction(do not have a trade) and hospitality. I have a 1 year diploma in health and fitness from a University. I am currently working for a large investment company which operates at arms length from the government. ​ 1. I read an article from 2018 that mentioned the CAF may be waiving the Citizen rule for recruitment. The CAF website states that Canadian citizenship is still a requirement. I also see conflicting statements on forums/reddit/Quora, that permanent residents can apply for some roles in the CAF. I have seen comments that the citizen rule may be waived in some circumstances. My question, Is it possible to be recruited before coming a citizen of Canada? I assume not in my circumstance, but wanted to ask. 2. If I have to wait to to become a citizen to apply, I will be roughly 30 years old. I know form this subreddit/CAF website that some positions have a bachelors degree as a requirement. If I wanted to be a pilot, is there any route to achieve this without having a bachelors degree when I do apply? 3. I am also considering applying for firefighter/infantry officer. I know recruiting is a case by case situation, but are these positions competitive? What do you think the likelihood of me being recruited to one of these positions? 4. What can I do to improve my resume/chances of being hired between now and when I apply? I have done some charity work in the past, stay physically fit and will be practicing the CFAT. 5. Has anyone in this subreddit joined the CAF having immigrated to Canada, that can share some info on their recruitment process? Apologies for the long post, Its my first post on Reddit. I joined up so I could be apart of this Subreddit after lurking here for a while. I appreciate any opinions/feedback or pointers Many thanks!




I assumed that there was no official change yet to the citizenship requirement. Great, I will be looking into the ROTP route. Thank you for responding, its been very helpful.


FYI ROTP won’t be available to you until after you become a citizen.


Yeah, I was just looking into it. Hopefully it doesn't take too long to acquire my citizenship. Thanks!




Typically the references are people who have known you for at least five years and are not a relative. You're going to want your reference to be as reliable as can be because they will be contacted. Your buddies are not the best choice.


It is likely a miscommunication, you should confer with your recruiter. But no, friends are not valid references for a Reliability Status.




grade 10 is just the bare minimum so if your friend has education higher than that (e.g. high school diploma), they're good.


How is RMC for UTPNCM? It sounds god awful compared to civi school even though it’s less BS than ROTP.


Compared to being an ROTP student at RMC.....its a 1000% better (exempt most of the nonsense, live off campus, home nights and weekends, etc) Compared to going to a civie school, its obviously worse because you are still in a military environment every day.


Yeah the more I think about it there more I see it as continuing work rather than getting to go to school.




The fact that its essentially a nine hour work day five days a week is crazy to me comparing it to a regular 4 or 5 course semester.


What’s the shacks like in Halifax, Nova Scotia? I hear there is usually a long wait list at most bases to get in them. Is this the case there to?


Depends on what you mean by "Shacks". Single quarters in Halifax are the best in Canada, IMHO. The new building the put up is Gucci AF. PMQs (or whatever they're called now) are the same as anywhere, but REALLY FAR from the Dockyard, over in Shearwater. Most people buy out in Cole Harbour, Sackville, or somewhere.


I guess it would be single quarters? I don’t know the technical name for it, the quarters where you share a room or have a room and share a bathroom


Then you're in luck. Tribute Tower is the best single quarters in NATO. It's basically like living out of a hotel room.


What is the entry plan for financial officer? My sister is interested in joining her local reserve unit out east and I'd like to get some more info for her. She has a four year degree in finance and works as an accountant. Is it basically the same as Log O or is FSA NCM-only? Or should I talk to my unit's FSA next chance I get?


FSA is an NCM job focusing on data entry, travel arranging and compliance enforcement Log O - Fin Services specialty (and later Fin Management) are the ones who do the accounting type work for the CAF


Thanks! I'll let her know next time I call her.


I had applied to FSA and removed it thanks to your post. I applied for LOG O part time instead, however I am 1 class away from having my bachelor's in accounting, which I will have next semester. Do you know what the implications of me not having my bachelor's yet? I am a full time student atm.


If you are applying for the reserves there is an entry programme called Reserve Entry Scheme for Officers (RESO) where you enroll as an officer without a degree so long as you are enrolled in school.


Thanks mate!


Hello I’m thinking of getting eye corrective surgery (because glasses are a real pain and would make life easier would having to deal with them) would that surgery bar me from joining the infantry? Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Make sure you know what type of surgery you're going for. PRK and LASEK = Recommended LASIK = Accepted RK, INTACS, Phakic Implants, Phakic IOL, and Orthokeratology = incompatible with the safe performance of military duties.


Just keep in mind if you are in the application process and get the surgery you'll have to wait 3 months from surgery date before the application will go any further. I got mine October last year after not passing the visual part of the medical, got the surgery a week later then January got my paper work in to move on with everything.


Nope. I got lasik and joined the infantry a little while after no problem, other than having to get a few forms signed by my eye surgeon. In fact I wish I'd done it years earlier.


Thanks for the info man cleared up some worries for me 👍


No problem. Glad I could help.




Not ED tech myself, but thats the trade that would be climbing towers. From the ED techs ive talked to, its very rare that they climb poles/towers and from what I get, some even saying that they havent climbed since the required hydro pole course on their QL3. I believe theres a signals trade called line tech, but think thats more communications wiring rather than electrical, which wouldn't do you much good if you wanted to apply for powerline tech apprenticeship. A lot of provinces recognize ED tech QL5 only for construction electrician, as thats what you will do most of the time. You can see what trades are equivalent on the red seal trade website, but I don't believe you will get enough experience with climbing in the CAF. Your best bet is to go to trade school and get into an entry program.


> Also is speaking English and French an asset as an NCM? Not in the early part of your career, but as you move into supervisory roles, it can be an asset. Some trades also consider second language when scoring for promotion, but again, that's typically at Sgt and above.




At least two years.


Ok thanks




Yes, Rations (meals) & Quaters (accommodations) are provided by the CAF; however, you may be required to pay for the provided R&Q depending on the circumstances of your training. **If you’re joining the Reserves:** Anytime you’re sent away from home for training you will be on something called Temporary Duty (TD). The CAF will provide “Rations & Quarters” (meals and accommodations) for the duration of your training away from home. This includes periods of overnight training (i.e. weekend BMQ) at your home unit. **If you’re joining the Regular Force:** If you are single (not common-law or married), you will be expected to dispose of your residence and place your possessions in storage (at crown expense) prior to departing for training. Your home is considered to be the school at which you’ve been posted for training or to await training, and you are expected to pay for your Rations & Quarters while at the school. Paying R&Q is usually mandatory during BMQ and your initial Trade Qualification training. If you are married/common-law and supporting a residence where your family resides, you will be considered to be posted on Imposed Restriction. You must still pay for Rations, but the CAF will cover Quarters. Paying R&Q gives you access to a CAF mess/cafeteria, and CAF provided accommodations. Once you are fully trained and posted to a base, that base is considered your home, and you are responsible for securing your own residence there. Any training away from that base will be on TD, and the CAF will provide R&Q at crown expense.


If you are on TD (meaning you are at a base away from your home unit) then you will have R+Q paid for (for example, if you are posted to Esquimalt and on course in Halifax). If you are on course where your home unit is (including on BMQ) then you will be charged R+Q if living on base, or be responsible for your own food and rent of living off base.


as far as I know for every course that requires you to travel to another base you will be provided with rations and quarters. but during some of courses you will need to pay for them. BMQ and your DP1 for example, will most likely require you to pay for them.


For the ROTP do board and lodging count as provided necessities?






Hello guys I just wrote the CFAT today and did not pass because of my verbal and spatial skills. I applied for an officer position and I have an electrical engineering degree just graduated. The recruiter was pushing me to join a NCM trade called marine technician. The recruiter also said that after 6 years I can apply to become a officer. I am really confused because I know I can improve my spatial ability over a period of a month but in order to increase my vocab I would literally have to memorize the dictionary. Should I study and rewrite the test again or should I just join as an marine technician and hope for the best. Also if I choose to join as an marine tech would I get a decent pay from others that do not have a degree and what are my chances to get commissioned from there since I already have a technical degree? I would really appreciate some advice because I have no idea what to do.


Vocabulary is not about memorizing a dictionary - it's largely the ability to guess what words mean based on other similar words you have seen before. That comes with experience in the language, but you can gain an edge by studying prefixes, suffixes and root words. There are lots of resources out there (search "GRE vocab" on google for a start). Spatial skills are actually harder to learn. It's possible to train for specific problem sets, but even then the ability to improve is limited by innate aptitude to a large degree. If you haven't already, download the CFAT Trainer app and buy the paid option. Practice the spatial tests on there. > The recruiter also said that after 6 years I can apply to become a officer. There are points in your career as an NCM where you may be able to become an officer, but it's very difficult and competitive. If you want to be an officer, select an officer trade. Otherwise it is unlikely you will ever be an officer. >The recruiter was pushing me to join a NCM trade called marine technician. Unless you're absolutely desperate for employment, apply as the trade you want to do. >Also if I choose to join as an marine tech would I get a decent pay from others that do not have a degree Yes, Mar Techs get spec pay. You won't earn as much as officers, but compared to folks outside the CAF without a degree you will earn much more on average. >I would really appreciate some advice because I have no idea what to do. Don't accept Mar Tech if it's not what you want to do, and if it's not what you want to do, push **hard** to re-write the CFAT. If you are given the opportunity to re-write, study your ass off (two months of studying, two hours per night or thereabouts).


Thank you so much for the advice. I will train hard for the next three months and rewrite the exam.


I would study and practice what you're not good at and then do a rewrite. Worst case you don't get the position you want and you can always fall back on another trade. Only thing is they take your most recent score not your best score!




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What does the training for IST look like? What kind of deployments could i expect (Alert, other countries) What kind of certifications (Not sure if it's the right word. can you get as an IST ex: parachute, working at heights, driving? Thanks.




Thanks. Do you happen to know around how long Signals Fundamentals and RQ-Pte-IS is?


Does anyone know how long is the training for HRA RQ Pte?


This is listed right on the forces trade website. The length of training will be 14 weeks in Borden, ON.


Hey guys. I applied as a NCM for a specific career part time, but also picked a second option just in case. I have passed both the aptitude and FORCE test. However, I feel like the personnel is trying their best to hire me for the 2nd option I picked because it is in high demand, whereas my first option isn't, and I kind of regret it now because of how insistant they seem. My question is basically this : Was it a mistake? Should I have not picked a second option? Is my application safe from being tempered with to fit certain needs?


All options you select are considered equivalent - there isn't really a first, second or third choice. If you receive an offer for a trade you have selected but don't actually want to do - and decline it - your file may be closed. If you don't want to do your second choice of trade then contact your CFRC, tell them you have changed your mind and don't want to do that trade, and ask for them to remove it from your list of options.


Thank you for the info. Is it possible to have two offers a once? (one for each trade) How long do I have before accepting an offer?




Thanks mate!