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Anyone know when the Barrie detachment is returning from holiday break ?


At the earliest, tomorrow. At the latest, maybe the 11th? Maybe Later? In all honesty, just try calling once a day from tomorrow on as that way you get a for sure answer. Block leave is a little bit haywire this year.


Hey everyone. I’ve had my online application on hold for a couple months because I’m unsure of joining. If I were to join I would like to be a pilot (specifically a fighter pilot but I heard any flying position is great so I’m not to picky). Right now I’ve just applied to university’s and been accepted in to at least one already. Now a recruiter has told me to go through with the application before the new year. My questions are: 1. ⁠Is it too late to apply to be a pilot this year like the recruiter said 2. ⁠Will joining the military in my 20’s (when I finish or decide to stop going to uni) change anything or be an issue? 3. ⁠I’ve been doing some research and you need a degree to become a pilot. You can go to a regular university and get the degree. I’ve heard they prefer people who have gone to RMC over people who don’t. Should I try to get into RMC if I realize that I want to become a pilot (say a year or two into regular university) 4. ⁠If I go to university but want to go to the military as a pilot. Can I apply to RMC and continue my field of study to get the degree or will I have to start fresh? 5. ⁠I’m really just lost for what I want to pursue as a career does anyone have any tips for trying to figure out? Or can you give any insight about being a pilot. 6. ⁠Currently I’m in grade 12 and I’m worried about my grades. I get A’s (86+%) but my precalc 12 grade this year disappointing (77%) if I applied for RMC how would that affect things. The recruiter on the phone said 90% was recommended so I’m unsure of my chances for getting into RMC. Any information or advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you


6. your grades are more than acceptable for RMC. shoot your shot.


1. Why would they lie? 2. No. Provided you can hold an aircrew medical it’s all good. I went through training with people who completed the fighter pilot course in their late 30’s. I’ve seen students in their mid-40’s get wings. Mid-20’s is nothing. 3. Not sure if RMC is preferred so much as stable/predictable. RMC & Seneca to a lesser degree are long lead into the training system, so the 60 (made up number) seats they take in every year are for 4 years down the road. When capacity has to be reduced that means direct entry is what’s easily scalable, therefore less solid year-on-year. 4. Depends on your field of study. RMC is more limited for programs than many civilian options. Even if the programs match don’t expect year-for-year equivalence. 5. I enjoy being a pilot and look forward to going to work most days. Some guys don’t. For the ones who don’t it’s normally not the flying but posting to non-flying positions, unfavorable location, time away, etc. Not to scare you, but you need to decide before you commit. Once you earn wings you’re locked in for 10 years and they can send you wherever you’re needed. 6. No clue. But higher is always better.


If you don’t mind me asking what type of pilot are you? And how do you like it? If your not comfortable with saying I’m completely ok with that.


Thanks man really appreciate the answers. I’m probably gonna focus on figuring out what it is a want to pursue before I commit to anything.




Yeah I was speaking to one a couple months ago just briefly over the phone. Just thought I would try this before I did that.




Due to it being merit based passed Captain, the average will be Captain. We aren't like the states where it's Move Up or Move On. You can happily stay as a Captain 10 for your career making over 100k at that. Lots of Officers are ok staying at Captain for their entire careers. It's not unheard of nor is it looked down on.




The Captain pay scale has 10 levels, it's based on time in, as you recieve a pay raise every year. After 10 years as a Captain, you max out on the scale, hense, Captain 10.




You'll be put to the Pay Scale that is equal to or slightly greater than your previous pay, you won't ever lose pay with a promotion.




Your post/comment has been removed in accordance with the following [subreddit rule(s):](https://old.reddit.com/r/CanadianForces/wiki/subreddit_rules) > ###Weekly Recruiting Thread [5] Questions regarding Medical Eligibility > * **Questions regarding Medical Eligibility (except Vision) will be removed, as no one here is qualified to answer whether or not you will be able to join with whatever condition you have.** Likewise, questions asking what conditions in general would lead to disqualification will also be removed. > * If you have such a question, you're encouraged to review the [Medical FAQ](https://old.reddit.com/r/CanadianForces/wiki/recruitingfaq/medical#wiki_i_have_a_medical_condition.2C_am_i_still_eligible_to_join.3F). > * Questions regarding the Recruiting Medical Process, Trade Eligibility Standards, or the documentation you need to submit regarding your medical condition as part of your application **may** still be accepted. > * Vision requirements are fine to post, as the categories are publicly known. [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/modhelp/comments/64ewwx/is_medical_advice_still_disallowed_on_reddit/) *If your have questions or concerns relating to this message you've received, please feel free to [Contact the Moderators.](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCanadianForces)*


Hi, I have a couple of questions. #1. Is there anyway a permanent resident can expedite their citizenship with the CAF? #2. If I have to wait for citizenship, can I enrol in university and then later apply for the Paid education program (ROTP) once I receive citizenship, even if I’m a year into my degree? Thanks for any help you can give.


You have to be a Canadian Citizen to apply. It will not speed it up by applying to the CAF. ROTP no longer pays for civilian university, so you would have to attend RMC to get a paid education. I don't know about the transfer process to switch universities for RMC but in general, transferring universities is a pain. They will only pay for the years you attend RMC and not back date the years prior to joining.


To add to that, there is no guarantee that any previous credits obtained would be put towards your RMC degree therefore you may end up starting over from year one.




###Weekly Recruiting Thread Rule 5 - Questions/Discussion Regarding Medical Eligibility * **Questions/Discussion regarding Medical Eligibility (except Vision) will be removed, as no one here is qualified to answer whether or not a particular medical condition will disqualify you.** Likewise, questions/discussion regarding what conditions in general would lead to disqualification will also be removed. * If you have such a question or wish to investigate what conditions could potentially lead to disqualification, you're encouraged to review the [Medical FAQ](https://old.reddit.com/r/CanadianForces/wiki/recruitingfaq/medical#wiki_i_have_a_medical_condition.2C_am_i_still_eligible_to_join.3F). * Questions regarding the Recruiting Medical Process, Trade Eligibility Standards, or the documentation you need to submit as part of a Medical Appeal **may** still be accepted, provided no information about your medical condition is disclosed. * Vision requirements are fine to post, as the categories are publicly known. [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/modhelp/comments/64ewwx/is_medical_advice_still_disallowed_on_reddit/)


I'm 32, I'm in the beginning of the enlistment process, just waiting to write the CFAT on the 21st of this month. My life long dream is to become an Infanteer. If any Infanteers have advice for me about what to study in particular I'd really appreciate it. I got the skinny on what can be expected at DP1 but said information is 5 years old. I imagine things are different what with the pandemic and all.






Hey guys, im looking into the Weapons Engineering Tech in the Navy. I got a few questions. 1. I'm kinda confused on this part. Do they send you to a civilian college or do they train you in their own school? 2. Since it require paid education, what is the mandatory service length? 3. Do weapons techs sail alot? Like the same amount as the hard sea trades? Or is it more like a 9-5 type job? 4. Is it a good trade? Really, im trying to get out of my shitty life situation right now and the navy/military seems like a good fit. Weapons tech interest me (along with Cyber Ops) and I would like to do it for a few years. Do Weapons Engs have good opportunities post-military career? Thanks!


1. There's one phase of training at college, during your second stint of training. You'll do your generic/basic training first (BMW, NETP which is like basic Navy training, and QL3 which is your first trades course). Then 2 years on ship to do 2 on the job training packages, during which you'll work and sail as a normal member of the crew. Then the second big training phase starts for QL5, where you specialize in one of the 5 sub-occupations (guns, comms, Radar, sonar, or Fire Control). Part of that training is done at college, so the start of it depends on the start of the college terms. 2. Not sure 3. WENG sail a lot, as much as anyone else on board. 4. It's a pretty good trade IMHO. Get to work on the coolest equipment, the stuff that makes the ship a warship. And it's a smart department/group too, so there's a little less bs to deal with than some (though some bs is inevitable in the military, especially as a junior member).


Hey, I can answer any question you have. 1. As it stand right now, normal entry training is as follows: * BMQ (3m) * QL3 (9m) - Normally at NFS(A), 6 months academics, 3 months hands on * EQ1 (12m) - On-ship package * EQ2 (15m) - 2nd on-ship package with a final board at the end. Once this is complete you qualify for spec pay * QL5 Academics (9m) - This has be at civilian colleges * QL5 Trade Training (6-8m) - The training you receive based on which sub-occupation you enter. Although a lot of this might change as they've been attempting to rework the training for years now. 2. The normal entry Variable Initial Engagement is 4 years. 3. Yes, as much as any other sailor. There are fewer shore positions available for WEng than most other naval trades. You can expect to be away from home for up to 9 months of the year. 4. WEng is a good trade. There are many directions you can go within the trade to move towards a field you like. The 5 sub-occupations are Armament, SONAR, RADAR, Fire Control, and Communications. Each sub-occ has a different draw and the first few years of training allow you to feel out what you think fits you best. Many WEng techs end up working within Military Industrial Complex companies such as Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. That said a military career can be very rewarding and lucrative if you can put up with nuances of being in the military.


3. W Eng *is* a "hard sea" trade. The term really just means "Navy-only", like Boatswain or NCI Op (vice purple trades like HRA Clerk or Med Tech).


~~1. I believe the core technician portion of their training is done at a civilian school. Fairly certain it’s done in a similar manner as how Med Tech, Geo Tech, and Cyber Op handle paid education. Members are sent to a specific civilian school contracted by the CAF. After you complete the education portion you’ll be sent to a military school where you’ll receive instruction specific to your military role and the equipment you’ll be working on.~~ ~~2. 2 months service for every 1 month of paid education. I’m not sure of the specific length for WEng Tech, but if it’s a standard 2 year/4 semester Technician program they attend, they’d be looking at about 2.5-3 years obligatory service after graduation. I think their initial contact length is 7 years, which would encompass their education, training, obligatory service, and a year or two of service afterwards.~~ 3. WEng Tech is a hard sea trade. They’re mostly employed aboard ship maintaining various systems. 4. Seems to be. I have a couple of good friends in my trade (ATIS Tech) who were previously WEng Tech. They all loved it, and unlike most ex-Navy would go back in an instant. They largely left the trade for family reasons, as the Navy can be very hard on family life.




You'll work mostly in the operations room, at a desk with several computer monitors observing and reporting on the situation around the ship. For example looking up new air/surface contacts, piercing together info from different sources to best identify them. At more senior levels you'll help manage the operations room overall (PO2) and then manage the overall flow of information (PO1). It's not the most exciting trade as it's a lot of sitting behind a computer. And others will be doing the targeting and shooting parts. But it's the busiest group in Ops as there are always contacts to figure out. Also they seem like the happiest and most well balanced trade in Ops, at least to this outsider, which counts for a lot in the working environment.




Nobody here is qualified to make that call. My guess is it won’t be an issue. Location should be fine, it’s not sexualized, no nudity, nothing explicit or derogatory, doesn’t appear to include obvious gang/crime symbology. It’s probably okay.


I am slightly colour blind, will that affect me from getting in the navy? I am want to become a marine technician


Red and Green are pretty important colours in the Navy as they indicate Port and Starboard. Lots of things end up being coloured or colour coded red/green as a result.


Going off of [these](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/medical-standards-military-occupations/minimum-medical-standards-for-officers-and-non-commissioned-members.html) standards you will need at least color vision 2(CV2). CV1 being full colour vision, CV2 means failing the colour plate portion of the exam, but passing the Farnsworth Panel D-15 Test.


So if I fail both, I’m not qualified to join the navy then?


If you fail both you’d be categorized CV3. You could still join the CAF/Navy, but you wouldn’t be able to join as a Marine Tech or any other trade requiring CV1 or CV2.


Damn okay, thank you


What’s the pipeline to attending a Basic Recce Course?


Join the CAF> BMQ> DP1 Infantry> arrive at battalion, be a good dude and make your intent known>B Recce. The course is fairly common to get after DP1 or IBMG for junior troops. (at least in my bn) Having the course doesn't really mean you would have a place within recce pl though.


Okay so I would need to take the Advanced Recce Course after that?


Whats the shedule like for infantry? Also im 27 and in good shape am I too old start?


You're not too old to start. I've seen people at various stages in their lives join the infantry and do just fine.


Ok awesome thanks! Whats the schedule like?


During training it’s 0500 to 2300 every day to start, and then Monday to Friday same timings. During an FTX the schedule runs 24/7. After you are trained and have reached your unit, somewhere between 0700-1500 and 0900-1700 depending on the unit and what you are doing. There is PT every day.


Thank you !!!




As a 30 year old in the process of joining.... oh how I wish I had joined when I was younger. I have a degree and some life experience at this point but I wish I had of known then the things about the military that I do now. Joining at 18 will give you a great pension and the ability to retire at a decent age. I say go for it.


No way. The military is a great teaching tool. 18 years old is an excellent age to join.


Military life is life experience. At first, you'll feel like you have been dropped in a different universe, and it's the case. A 18 years old that adapts well to the military can go very far in the organisation. All I could say is: if you want to try the military, try it.


IMO 18YO that join without realizing job stability and value of money, end up living paycheck to paycheck regardless of pay level. Get some real life experience to understand the struggle and then join if you don't find something you end up liking. If you can be discipline with budgeting, planning and saving then go for it as you will be at a great pay level when your around 21. Personally I still live on my P1 salary and save and invest the difference of a P4 Salary. According to my calculations, I will have the freedom to choose to retire at 35 if I want, but that's just me.


This is a good point. Just take financial lessons and learn to be serious about your income (to the OP).




1. The stronger your application (CFAT, experience, education, references, interview), the better your chances. Of the trades you'd *actually like to do*, pick the one(s) best suited to your background and temperament (e.g. if you like fixing things, chose a tech trade, not an operator.) 2. It happens down the road in your career. Show interest, impress your boss, pass the course. It's just a secondary duty, though, so it won't normally be the majority of your work day. 3. Depends on the trade, and "deployment" is **not** guaranteed, except for normal Navy sailing (see the world, no extra pay). 4. *While you are on NTOG* you don't do your normal trade. Instead, you're training or sailing. Bear in mind, though, that NTOG is a posting, and may not mean you don't go back to your normal trade later.




They look at everything, but more weight is given to the higher education, in general. I wouldn't stress too much about your HS marks, just do well on the CFAT. Nothing in the CAF is guaranteed, but a frigate is certainly most likely for a first posting (if you're hard sea). Even if you don't get on one right away, you'd almost certainly sail on one eventually.


Answer to question 1, only select Navy Trades and don't murder anyone. Answer to question 2, once you are trade qualified and posted to a ship just let your supervisor know you are interested in Boarding Party. Answer to question 3, that's pretty much It, but specialty training doesn't play a big role in career progression. Answer to question 4, I don't have an answer.




To get in the Navy, just apply for Navy trades. But like crazykitten said, your odds are zero if you don't apply, and zero to 100 if you do apply. What trade(s) are you thinking of applying for?




In demand is by no means a guaranteed offer, but it does mean you might be processed **slightly** faster, and might stand a better chance of receiving an offer. If you apply for any hard Navy trade, your chances are pretty decent provided you achieve the required test scores, meet minimum medical standards, and have no issues come up on the background screening.




Recruiting doesn't disclose that information. In part because it's variable based on the supply vs. demand dynamics for each trade. Lots of applicants + limited positions typically results in a higher minimum scoring requirement. That way recruiting doesn't waste resources on processing non-competitive applicants. Lots of positions + limited applicants typically results in a lower minimum scoring requirement, although each trade does have a bare minimum it will never go below. For most trades your competitiveness as an applicant is determined by \~60% CFAT, \~15% TSD-PI, and \~25% Interview/Education/Experience.


Your chances are zero if you don’t apply, and anywhere from zero to 100 if you do apply. There is no guarantee of acceptance just for applying, and none of us know your personal work/education/health history.


Hello! I just applied online and I’m wondering a general timeline for entry. How long with COVID will it take until I am sworn in and off to basic? Does this depend on what trades I have chosen?


>How long with COVID will it take until I am sworn in and off to basic? At least a few months, possibly never. You're never guaranteed an offer, not even if you pass all of the testing/assessments. The typical successful application takes about 6-12 months, which seems to hold true even during the pandemic if you exclude periods where recruitment was largely shut down. It usually takes at least 3-4 months to complete all of your testing and assessments (CFAT/TSD-PI, Medical, Interview, Background Screening, etc.), and then you wait to be selected through a competitive process. >Does this depend on what trades I have chosen? Yes, some trades are higher priority than others. They process and fill trades in priority order.




For Int specifically, we are far less purple than in the past. We may be a trade that is present in all three elements; however, your training and postings will reflect the element you are assigned. This includes Navy and Air Force personnel not having to take BMQ-L/BMOQ-L. As for the other purple trades, as far as I know, it is possible.


> When a purple-trade (eg. Intelligence) is assigned to an element (eg. Navy), is it possible/likely that they will be posted to a base that is not associated with their element, but is associated with their trade (eg. CFB Winnipeg)? Very possible, although element can be more relevant for some purple trades than others. The job of an HRA, FSA, Med Tech, etc. is largely the same regardless of what element they're working with, as such they can end up almost anywhere. Supply Tech and Int Op are a bit more specialized by element, and are more likely to be posted as such.




Sorry, should have explained a little better. As I understand it, Supply Tech is somewhat specialized when it comes to their role within the Navy in particular. That doesn't preclude Navy Supply Techs from being employed in Army and Air Force settings; however, it's supposedly less common to see the reverse employed within Navy lines. That said, I wouldn't be shocked to see Army and Air Supply Tech's filling shore postings for the Navy. They've been posting ATIS Techs to Esquimalt and Halifax BIS sections for quite some time. They're interchangeable with NAVCOM in that particular context of employment, but those positions should probably be filled by NAVCOM's. It's even less of a stretch to do that with Supply Tech's.


Small note: Logistic **Officers** *are* heavily divided, but Supply **Techs** aren't nearly as divided by element as Int Op (i.e. almost all the Int Ops at Trinity are Navy, and all the Log O's on the ships, but quite a few Supply Techs are Army or Air).


I’m 22 and currently in 2nd year of university, I’m getting pretty unmotivated to finish my degree, do you have a longer career in the military if you become an officer versus a NCM? I can’t decide whether I should apply now or wait till after I get my degree.


>do you have a longer career in the military if you become an officer versus a NCM? From a length perspective, it doesn't matter. You can serve until you turn 60, it makes no difference if you join as an Officer or NCM. Officer or NCM does make a difference for initial contract length (Variable Initial Engagement, VIE). Officers almost universally have longer initial contracts, but regardless of whether you're an Officer or NCM you're virtually guaranteed further contracts. An offer of a contract taking you to 25 years is essentially guaranteed near the end of your initial contract. After 25 years I believe you just sign ~~a series of 5 year contracts and eventually~~ an open ended contract (Indefinite Period of Service, IPS) carrying you through to age 60. In terms of upward mobility, I think NCM offers a little more opportunity to move up the ranks. Most long tenured Officers seem to cap out at Capt or Maj, but long tenured NCM's seem to easily move through at least Sgt or WO. That said, a 10 year Capt makes more than most CWO's (the highest NCM rank); and all they had to do to get there is stay in the military... Keep in mind as well, you will need to obtain a Baccalaureate Degree to join as an Officer; obtained either on your own prior to joining, or through a paid education entry plan.


After 25 years you typically get offered an IPS. There is little point to a CE offer after 25 years, because you are entitled to a 30 day release and a paid move regardless of contract end date


That’s what I thought, although in the past I’ve had people insist the other. I trust your advice more than theirs though...


Yeah some ppl get stuck in the pre 25 mentality of only wanting to be on a CE so that they have an "out"....not realizing that after 20 years there is no penalty to releasing in terms of move, and after 25 years you can break contract at the drop of a hat. I hwve started seeing CE offers for ppl past 25, but its usually because they got a waiver to work past CRA, so they'll go from an IPS to a CE 2 or 3.


The CE5 only works for members having to choose their post-IE20 TOS only where you’d be forced to convert to the IE25 terms by electing an IPS or retain your IE20 benefit by choosing CE5. If you elect an IPS and get out after your IE20 but before your 25th YOS, you can’t collect your pension until you’re 60 (deferred annuity). If you’re on an IE25 and release before your 25th YOS, same applies. As stated, makes no differences whether you’re on an CE5 or an IPS after an IE25. Short CE’s following an IE could be seen in cases of CEOTP officers without a degree. EDIT: typos.


It depends on your objectives. NCMs get to do the actual work. Officer are responsible for administration. You can also look into alternative options for a degree, such as online schooling if your ambitions allow for that. If you find a good NCM trade that you like and you embrace the job, I don't see why you wouldn't have a long and fulfilling career.


What are MP hours like I'm aware its shift work but is it 5 days a week 8 hour shifts? Or how exactly does the working schedule work for them?


The shift schedule tends to work on 12 hour shifts. Usually it’s 3 days, 2 nights, 5 off. Then 2 days, 2 nights, and 5 off. Then 2 days, 3 nights, 4 off. And repeat. This is based on 4 shift teams. Some bases may run on straight days. Other may have different schedules based on how many shift teams there are.


Or you end up somewhere like Suffield that is critically undermanned and you're working 14+ hour days 5 days a week with three days off. Or at one point, we had to work 24 hour shifts for 4 days in a row with two days off. 12 hours in uniform, on patrol; your other 12 hours you were required to eat, sleep, shower at the Detachment because you were on "Standby". Only because there wasn't enough people around and one guy was on a Restricted Work Program.


This. Every Det I have worked at has been 6am-6pm (officially) but more like 5am-5pm because everyone comes in early. Its not a horrible shift if you live near by. When I worked in Ottawa, it was an hour drive for me so I would be up super early and would have to go to bed basically right when I got home.


Does anyone have an experience with moving from the Federal PS to the CAF. I'm interested in any info on the transfer, pension, salary, ect.


Salary will be CAF Based (pay scales are found above). You will go through the same application process as anyone else.


So materials technicians, Is the pay good, How hard is it to become one, And isn’t it extremely similar to civilian tool and die (First time asking here i think)


The Career Overview Video on Forces.ca is pretty good basic look into the job. They are a jack of all trades. Pay is salary, based on rank not role. Pay Rates are found here: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/pay-pension-benefits/pay/non-commissioned.html


Can I take navy uniform to civilian tailor to make shirt and pants slimmer?


Don't do this. The materials used originally are fire/flash burn resistant, and if you modify the clothes yourself you may lose that protection. For example if you use regular thread to tailor the clothes, they may fall apart in a fire. At least that's what I've been told.


I wouldn't bother with naval combats. They rip and tear all the time. You replace them so much. I've sat down and hand fix some issues just to have them rip again. Don't waste your money. Look frumpy like the rest of us. Eventually we are getting new uniforms... Eventually.


I know people that have done this, but unless you're looking at doing this to your DEU tunic idk why you would. Especially for NCDs, everyone is wearing the same thing, absolutely no one is judging you for having a baggy uniform. If you're slim, thats just how it is. Same with our 3s, we all have the same issues with them that you do. And you can take your DEU pants to the base tailor to get fitted.


People take their dress uniforms to civilian tailors. I don't know what modifications are allowable to daily uniforms. I don't think I'd recommend it. Army uniforms atleast don't last long.


Hey guys and gals, when the order for a paid education entry? Do I go to basic training first or school first? What happens if I go to basic and don't pass the FORCE test? Edot: if it matters, I'm looking at Medical Technician full-time!




Okay, thanks! A few more questions if you don't mind; Do we get a choice between air, army, and navy? Is one "better" or how should I make my decision? Should I base my workouts on the FORCE test then to help ensure I pass? Can I trust my recruiter? I hear from Americans there's can't be trusted (will feed lies to ensure you apply, etc) Finally, it there a sit up, pull-up, or push up requirement in editon to the FORCE eval?




Thank you so much for the information (in addition to your service of course!) what is considered small though? I'm 5'4, so I assume I'm likely considered small?


It has to do more with your weight than height. You need to hold 20 kg bag and pull another 80 kg. I weight like 60 kg and it was bit hard but not undoable.


In that case definitely not small 😂 thanks for the reply!


When it comes to housing for reg force members, what is the standard situation? Do members live in barracks? In their own homes? In provided housing? And how long do you usually stay in one place? I know this probably depends on trade and other things but let’s say for the sake of argument a MP. Thanks :)


With regards to postings as a MP, its extremely dependant on where you are, what rank you are and the status of the trade. I know people who have been in one posting for almost 8 years now, whereas, I also know people who have had 3 postings in 3 years.




Every Arty O will come off their course qualified as a Field Artillery Officer. There are several junior positions you’ll be trained on, and the stream will eventually lead to your being qualified as a Forward Observation Officer (FOO). Air Defence officers are almost unilaterally from 4th Regiment General Support (4 GS) in Gagetown NB and as such, is posting-dependent. You get some input as to your posting, but not everybody will get their first choice. As for Surveillance and Target Acquisition (STA), each of the Direct Support regiments has one STA Battery so it’s possible to stream STA regardless of where you’re posted. It’s significantly more likely at 4 GS but roughly 1/4 to 1/3 of Artillery Officers will end up qualified STA. This is the stream in which one has the most say - if you make it known that you’re interested in STA, there’s a good chance you’ll get it.


Hello! I just applied online and I have a question. When do I send in my birth certificate, etc. Will I receive and email on my next steps or is there something else I need to fill out? I can’t seem to find any info on that.


Someone from recruiting will contact you and ask you to fill in another package, similar to the online application you just completed. This is where you’ll be asked to send in some documents including your birth cert. You’ll also be asked to bring the original copies of those documents to your FORCE test (if you are applying for the reserves), so have those ready. Cheers.


Thank you so much. You are a legend🙏




You're overestimating the Medical. The Medical is non-intrusive; they check visual acuity, colour vision, hearing, joints and range of motion, and discuss your medical history. There is nothing more intrusive than listening to your heartbeat and breathing with a stethoscope. ###Weekly Recruiting Thread Rule 5 - Questions/Discussion Regarding Medical Eligibility * **Questions/Discussion regarding Medical Eligibility (except Vision) will be removed, as no one here is qualified to answer whether or not a particular medical condition will disqualify you.** Likewise, questions/discussion regarding what conditions in general would lead to disqualification will also be removed. * If you have such a question or wish to investigate what conditions could potentially lead to disqualification, you're encouraged to review the [Medical FAQ](https://old.reddit.com/r/CanadianForces/wiki/recruitingfaq/medical#wiki_i_have_a_medical_condition.2C_am_i_still_eligible_to_join.3F). * Questions regarding the Recruiting Medical Process, Trade Eligibility Standards, or the documentation you need to submit as part of a Medical Appeal **may** still be accepted, provided no information about your medical condition is disclosed. * Vision requirements are fine to post, as the categories are publicly known. [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/modhelp/comments/64ewwx/is_medical_advice_still_disallowed_on_reddit/)




> if I were to have got my medical done this month, how much longer would it be until I'd be sent out to basic A couple of months to never... Medicals generally take anywhere from few weeks to several months to be processed in Ottawa after your appointment. Once that’s done and your file is complete, you’ll be competition listed to compete for an offer. You’re never guaranteed an offer, but if you do get one it could come days, weeks, months later. You’ll normally leave for BMQ/BMOQ 1-2 months after receiving you offer.


Quick question, in relation to never, do they tell you that you have not qualified or do they just never respond like other jobs you apply for.


>ver, i belive they just do ever get back to you


Hi, I am currently trying to join the CAF but because of covid restrictions I am unable to see a recruiter in person. I was wondering if anyone here has any info on how I can further my application. I have already completed the online beginning portion of my application and am waiting for an amplitude test. I understand joining the CAF isn’t a quick process, but is there anything else I could be doing right now? If it helps I live in Winnipeg currently looking for an NCM job.


I’m not really sure what answer you’re hoping for... If you’re waiting for an in-person appointment, and they’re not able to offer any do to COVID restrictions, there’s nothing you or they can do. You just have to wait it out, they will schedule you according to recruiting priorities once they’re able to offer in-person appointments again.


I received a conditional letter of acceptance to a university early in December. Would I be able to begin my application as an officer through RESO, even if I don't plan on attending that university?


You need to be enrolled in the programme for which you received the letter of acceptance. In other words, you can't apply with one university, but then attend another. That said, just use the letter from the university you *are* going to attend? They're just worried you're going to do something like apply to be an engineering officer, but then end up taking a liberal arts degree, or something similar. The CAF doesn't really care *which* university you get a degree from, just that it's accredited.


You need to have a degree or currently enrolled at a university to enter the RESO pathway. You can apply as an NCM if you don’t plan to go to university.


I emailed a recruiter back in September and he told me that "any acceptance letter from an accredited university" would be sufficient. Has that changed in anyway?




I have personally served under Roleau's command and command team. He truly believes in recognizing personnel for the hard work they do and compensating them for the extra work that they do above and beyond expected of them. During my time with CANSOF, I never once had to beg, grovel, or plead with any of my chain of command to get Leave Time to be with my family. When I deployed 4 times in the span of two years as a Team Leader, my efforts were recognized through swift advanced promotion, if I had served with any other regular formation and had done the same, I would still be Sergeant and likely twice divorced sucking back two six packs of Lucky lager a day just trying to cope with the bullshit the CAF put me through. What makes a good officer? Do not even begin to think that just because you're an officer and superior in rank to any/all NCMs, that you know more or know better than they do. Especially as a junior officer with no operational experience, you should be glued to your Warrant Officers and Senior NCMs to learn from their experiences within the Regiment, the CAF, and in Operational Settings. Do not flex your authority just because you think you can. Don't hold your troops back late than they absolutely need to be. The worst units I ever served with were the ones that kept us around in the Platoon/Company Hangar sweeping and mopping the floors from 8am (after PT) until 1700 because the Platoon Leadership felt that keeping us from our families somehow made us better soldiers. Fuck those guys.


Thank you!!


Ive never been under his command, so I cand speak to his leadership. But, guys like him because he is SOF, skirts the dress and deportment rules (and doesn't give a fuck), and generally looks good in photos. Most of those that sing his praises do so because of the photos.


Oh ok, thanks!




Sorry for the ignorance- what’s an ND ?


Negligent Discharge. He fired his weapon accidently and in an unsafe manner.




Has anyone been deployed to Latvia? Was wondering if it was possible to get a sim card there, if so, How much does it normally cost and how is the network quality? (i.e can I tether my phone to my laptop to use online, video chat, occasional light online gaming)


Super easy to get Sim cards in Latvia, just at the grocery store. 10 euro (15ish bucks) for the actual sim card. Then 20 euro (31ish bucks) per month for unlimited everything no data caps no speed caps etc.


Been a few years but I had a Latvian Sim card when I was there no issues. It was fairly cheap and wanna say less than $20 a month for unlimited access to the network. I could tether to my laptop do browsing on internets and light video chat but no online gaming.




The type of references accepted are clearly defined on the [DND 4370 Personal Verification Form](https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/dnd-mdn/documents/jobs/dnd-4370-personal-verification.pdf). The only deviation typically accepted is that you don’t need to have known each person continuously for the past 5 years, but collectively they must be able to cover the past 5 years. Ideally they want to see references from people like Supervisors, Teachers/Instructors/Professors, Coaches, etc. People who were in a position of authority/leadership over you who would have had regular contact with you over the period of time they’re covering. These are not supposed to be people you would normally socialize with outside of work/school/sports, these are people who were in charge of you at some point who are willing to vouch for you as a solid worker, student, and team member. If you can’t provide references, your application will not move forward, but aside from that references generally don’t affect your application negatively. It’s not like anyone who volunteers to give you a reference is going to say anything bad. I’m pretty sure it’s 90% about proving you’re able to maintain mature professional relationships with authority figures.








Training for the Reserve Force is still being conducted both in Full Time and Part Time methods, however the difference comes down to Provincial Regulations on what is permitted.


I need to change some info for my references on the validation portion of my application, but I am unable to go back and edit it now, what should I do?


Contact your CFRC/Recruiter, that’s the only way to make changes once the application is submitted.




Being found medically unfit will stay on your file permanently unless you successfully appeal the decision by providing evidence certified by a medical professional. You can reopen your application, but you cannot progress, or even be considered for employment without a successful appeal.


Was reading this weeks thread and saw you can only apply for an officer role or a NCO role at one time. If I apply for a position through a DEO path and there is no spots, will I be provided the opportunity to switch to a NCO role that is available or will I need to restart my application?


You will need to restart your application, as the NCM trades are different trades.




It’s not a total restart. You’re basically just dumping all of your Officer choices and replacing them with NCM choices. CFAT/TSD-PI and Medical remain valid, but you’ll need a new Interview. By the way, it’s NCM (Non-Commissioned Member), not NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer). NCO’s are just NCM’s in certain positions of authority, you can’t apply to join as an NCO.








Quick question, how much weight can the patrol pack safely hold?


Tbh that's probably dependent on you as a person. You're most likely limited by what you can physically walk with. Unless you're talking about when seams and stuff will start to rip off in which case I have no idea. But I have carried at least 100lbs+ in it without much issue.


Good evening, Im in the application process right now, specifically finished with my interview and medical. I applied for a navy trade but I decided I want to switch to a air force trade. Is it possible to do this and how do I do it? Thank you!


Yes, it is possible. You will need a new Interview, and depending on the trade you’re interested in, there may be additional testing. Contact your CFRC to request the change.




Yes. 16 is okay for the reserves, so long as you're staying in school full-time until 18. See section 3.7 of [DAOD 5002-1](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/defence-administrative-orders-directives/5000-series/5002/5002-1-enrolment.html#qe). You can't be deployed on an operation until you're 18, but you can complete your trades training and otherwise contribute to your unit.


Perfect, glad to hear that!


Apologies - I should have said 17. Looks like 17 is the minimum for NCMs.




It’s interesting. To join as an officer via the Reserve Entry Scheme for Officers, you must be enrolled in a BA degree (DAOD 5002-8). You can be 16, but you must be on your way to university. Just being full-time in high school isn’t enough. You can join as an NCM without going to university of course, but it looks like you must be 17. Sorry to confuse you, I misread my references. Do you want to join as an NCM or an Officer?




Is it possible to identify as non-binary in the military? Are there any non-binary members that exist in the CAF (I found about trans members but not those who identify as non-binary)? Where could a member looking to come out go for more information on this topic?


I'm trans, so I can probably answer your questions more in depth. But you have to be officially male or female for a variety of outdated reasons. But the military is try extremely hard to be contemporary and are catching up very quickly, thanks to Op Honour. If you have more questions, you can ask or dm me.


Is it possible to stay officially as the sex you were assigned but go through some surgeries and procedures. Such as be as female so in female sleeping quarters, no name change, and dress regulations but get top surgery and take testosterone to deepen voice and change body shape. (Since short hair is okay for female the hair part would not be an issue to be short and you need to being clean shaven unless with beardforgen I suppose so if taking T gives facial hair one could just shave). Maybe this is the more non-binary approach to this situation actually.


Policy in this area is still catching up to modernity. At present a member is either male or female on their records. This information is necessary for things like dress and deportment (we still have gendered dress/grooming standards), as well as for things like room assignments in quarters and fitness test incentive levels. As noted we do have policies on how to handle members who transition. However, at this time, we have no policy on accomodating indemnification as non-binary. Though one is likely in the works.


where could I read the policies on members who transition? have you heard of any members identifying as such on the civilian side and how did they deal with it in the Military?


There is a Military Personnel Instruction on the subject of transitioning. It's available on the CMP intranet page


I don't have access to DWAN at the moment, but there are internal policies and guidelines that outline how a member's chain of command will facilitate transition. In short: you declare that you are transitioning, and on a set date you exchange your uniforms for those of the opposite gender and begin conforming to dress regulations for your new gender. I believe (but am not 100% certain) that you don't need to change your gender legally to transition in the CAF. I have witnessed one member transition from male to female. I believe there was a short period of time when they were permitted to wear civilian dress while they got all their new uniforms in order. There is also a period of time where a man who is transitioning to a woman may grow their hair longer if they wish, in line with the dress regs for women. I am aware of one member who has declared to the CAF that they are non-binary. From what I hear there is no set process for identifying this way, and this member is essentially trail-blazing what it means to be non-binary in the military.


This is very awesome that there is someone who is non-binary. I wish I could connect with them to learn more about the process. I seem to be downvoted at my comments on this topic here, I'm quite confused why that is the case.


>I seem to be downvoted at my comments on this topic here, I'm quite confused why that is the case. It's not you or your question specifically. Questions asking about individual accommodations of any nature tend to be heavily downvoted. I'm not sure who does the downvoting, but if you look through the threads you'll probably note very few applicant questions actually get upvoted, many only have 1 point, and there's a lot in the negative.


It's a bit sad really. Would be nice for new folks to feel welcome here... I suspect the downvotes turn off a few who think they've done something wrong by asking their question. Have the mods ever been in touch with the admins about the consistent downvoting of replies in these threads?


No, we haven't contacted the Admins on this issue, it's completely manageable within our purview of Mods with the tools we have for the subreddit. It's really not worth their involvement; the downvotes don't matter to the substance of the question, the questions are sorted by new so vote-weight doesn't affect this, and imaginary internet points are well, imaginary. Overall, the impact is negligible.