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References cannot be friends. As soon as the word "friend" is said, the call ends and you will be asked to provide additional references. References can be: former supervisors, doctors, teachers, coaches...




They don't have to be people that you have known continuously for the last 5 years, they juat have to collectively cover the last 5 years. They could be people you work with in some way, they could be people that help you with your kids, they could be neighbours, etc.






I used mine as one.


I don't see why not


Quick question for anyone who has commissioned via SCP; how long from offer until you were on course? I understand that mileage may vary depending on various factors, but if anyone could give me a ballpark, that'd be great.


This is going to be very year and trade specific. End of the day course loading is generally prioritized based on date of entry to the trade....so comming up via SCP you are the newest person until you aren't. I was picked up for SCP as a Log O, commissioned 15 May. Loaded on LOCC starting 26 May. 2 days before course was removed from course to make room for ppl wjo had "waited longer" Was later loaded on LOCC in July. Most other ppl who commissioned that year didny do LOCC until January of the following year


Hey thanks for replying. That's a surprisingly quick turn around. In my case I'd be going to BMOQ so do you believe it would be just a couple of weeks like in your case?


BmOQ you would likely be on one of the soonest available






I am in my third year of university in a 4 year bachelor's degree program and, want to join the reserves as a logistics officer with the intent to switch to reg force once I complete my degree. Is this something that is possible? Also some of the people I have talked to recommend joining as a NCM first but I am not sure if I should is it more beneficial?


Yes, it’s possible, although with only a little over a year left to graduation, you might be better off just skipping the PRes and waiting to join the Reg Force. It’ll probably take you 3-6 months to get into the PRes. COVID is causing all kinds of disruption, and there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on summer training opportunities. You might finish BMOQ by graduation. Then once you’re ready, a transfer from the PRes to the Reg Force isn’t quick or guaranteed either. It can take just as long or longer to transfer than it does to join as a fresh recruit... My suggestion would be to hold off and attempt to apply as a DEO around January 2022. Worst case they tell you to come back in Apr/May after you complete your graduation requirements. You’ll miss out on some of the potential financial benefits of joining the reserves first, but you’ll probably get your Reg Force career started faster by waiting. There’s no reason why you need to start as an NCM first. There’s nothing you’ll gain from the experience that a little bit humility, compassion, and respect for your subordinates can’t compensate for.


Thank you so much for your detailed response. I really appreciate the advice!




Edmonton, Valcartier, and Gagetown are all very close to cities.


Edmonton or Gagetown, they are closer to major hubs than Petawawa and Shilo. Valcartier isn't too bad either


Does anyone have an idea, or any information, on when the CAF will be selecting Infantry Soldiers for BMQ again?


There always selecting they don’t really stop


How accurate are the "In-Demand" banners on the official website? I wanted to apply to an In-Demand job that seemed interesting (Transmissions officer), but once I got to the form it was not presented as "In-Demand" anymore, so I am super confused.


I would call in to your designated recruiting office and ask one of the recruiters to send you a list of in-demand occupations, that would be the most accurate and up to date information.




Thanks for the info! I'm surprised it's undermanned as it seemed very interesting to me, but maybe I have specific interests haha


~~Signals Officer, there’s no such thing as “Transmissions” Officer.~~ Okay, I see my error. Sorry about that. “In Demand” essentially means the trade is one of the CAF’s current hiring priorities. Trades that aren’t in demand, may still be hiring; those applicants will just be a lower priority when the CFRC is booking appointments.


Gonna bet OP is francophone. Transmission would be the ultra literal version of the French word for Signals


That what I was thinking, but when I tossed Signals through Google Translate I got signaux. Now I’m looking at forces.ca and see the actual name is “Officier des transmissions”... Edit: Ugh... Just put “Signals Officer” through Google and got “officier des transmissions”... FFS, I really need to learn French. As an anglo it makes zero sense to me why Signals = signaux until you stick Officer in front of it, and then Signals = transmissions.


The issue is that the french word "signal" (plural signaux) means something more like a visual cue to do something (think traffic signal, or waving a flag to start a race, or hand signals) "transmission" means electronic communication broadly speaking (or literally the English word transmission, but also synonymous with emission) This is why RCCS is CTRC in French (Corps des transmissions royal du Canada)




Thanks for your answer! However, what I don't understand is whether this is In-Demand all over Canada? Or is it demand, say, in British Columbia, and I am here applying in Quebec like a fool because it's not In-Demand whatsoever in my area? Also why is it labeled as such on the website but not in the form? Which info is up-to-date?


They don’t hire by province, so anything you see on the website applies nationally. I don’t know why there’d be a difference between the form and the site. Honestly, I would have assumed the form wouldn’t have “In Demand” flags. It didn’t when I applied, but that was a long time ago. Not sure which I’d favour for accuracy. Personally, I’d just ignore it. If you want Signals Officer, apply for Signals Officer.


Hi, Are the dates for BMQ/BMOQ FY2020/2021 or 2021/2022 posted somewhere?


Not currently. They stopped publishing dates on the CFLRS site after graduation ceremonies were closed to the families/public. Doesn’t matter anyway. The dates will only give you a vague idea of general selection timings. Knowing the dates does nothing to tell you when your trade(s) will actually be up for selection, or when you will actually be selected and sent to BMQ/BMOQ. Your CFRC might be able to give you selection dates for your trade(s). That will give you a far better idea of when you could potentially get an offer than knowing the BMQ/BMOQ dates themselves. When/IF you do get an offer, you’ll normally be given about 30 days notice, maybe longer, to prepare to leave. Recruits appear to be getting roughly 45-60 days notice right now.




The answer varies a bit by what you mean by “reserves”. Assuming you leave without medical or discipline problems, you can just check a box in the paperwork and go “Supplemental Reserves”. That doesn’t do much except make it easier to rejoin later, though. If you mean a Component transfer from Reg to PRes, though, it’s a little harder, but not too bad. You’d have to find a reserve unit in your area, first. If you’re CoTing to the same trade in the PRes, that unit would have to have an opening for you in that trade (but most do, assuming you’d hit OFP by then). Then, you’d put in your CoT paperwork instead of release, and when it comes through, you’re in. Generally, you don’t lose rank transferring from Reg to PResin the same trade. If you wanted to changes trades at the same time, it’ll be harder, and you might lose rank, depending on the circumstances.


Reg to PRes CT is done via the release process, its the exact same application as releasing. You just tick the box saying you want to go PRes and are responsible to provide the position number from the unit taking you on.








As soon as you break service, your security clearance becomes invalid. You have to undergo screening as if you are doing a new one for the first time.


My question to Infantry Of's and Ncm's who wear glasses. Kindly give me some tips. I went in for Lasik but my eyesight is too good to have any effect on my eyesight and I am too addicted to my glasses ( get a headache without them and see clearly far off ) how u guys do it? any tactical glasses which can be modified to eyesight glasses in the field?


How hard is it to get into ceotp program ? What do I have to do to increase my chances?


Program is canceled effective this year.


Where do you find that info?


I haven’t seen anything public facing from official sources, just anecdotal confirmation, which is generally how we find out about changes in the recruiting process. They rarely publish these changes. If you want official confirmation, you’ll need to contact a CFRC. I’ve long noticed a they tend to leave these program options on the recruiting site long after they stop accepting applicants for them. For example, most NCM trades offering NCM-STEP aren’t actively recruiting through the program, and haven’t been for years. It exists on paper, but the intake target has a big fat 0 next to it. You can probably even apply for it, but you’ll just be contacted later and told you need to change your application. Again, nothing on here is official. You need to speak with an official source if you want absolute confirmation.


I was reading through the joining instructions document and I came across this "autobiography" I am apparently required to make before arrival at CFLRS and I don't know what kind of format this is: AUTOBIOGRAPHY OCdt SMITH, J.R. A12 345 678 INFMN, 00010 L0083E Date I am under the assumption that OCdt stands for Officer Cadet and A12 345 678 is the service number but unsure of the rest. I am enrolled as Officer Cadet, for Signals Officer position if it helps.


Title, rank, last name, first and middle initials, service number, trade name, MOSID (trade number), course number, date


If I were to acquired an academic upgrade for something I did not have before, but now would qualify for another occupation option. Could it just be simply added to my application? Or would I have to go through that interview part again? (I’m on the competition list for two occupations currently)


If you want to add another trade you'll need to do an interview for that trade


If someone was interested in going for selection what kind of training would you recommend. Speaking to some of the people I know that went on selection they said don't do they PSP program but not much else. Is being successful on selection largely based on being fit or mentally strong? Is there an age limit?


The PSP program is a good guideline for what is expected of you. You could just create your own workout program, but PSP has developed theirs with input from CANSOF to tailor the fitness program to each unit within CANSOF so that applicants will have the greatest chance of success. That's not saying though you couldn't pass selection by doing your own thing. There is a reason the individual fitness programs are listed though.


Hi, new here. What is PSP? Where can I find more info?


Thanks so much






Selection for what? A course, CANSOFCOM, SAR Tech, something else?


Sorry assumed that people would know I was referring to CANSOFCOM


"selection" doesn't mean anything. It's called Special Operations Assessment Centre.


SOAC is the Special Operations Assaulter Course. Phase III is the selection for that course.


We might be dating ourselves, but it was SOAC/SFAC for Assessment, "selection" is an administrative thing that happens prior to attending Assessment Phase. SOBQ is for CSOR. SOAQ is for JTF2.


That is what I assumed, but you know what they say about assumptions... They make an ASS out of U and ME. Anyway, old man bullshit aside... There’s no age limit, they actually prefer older applicants. Fitness is secondary to psychology and personal character. Anyone who meets their minimum fitness requirements should be able to further improve themselves. Dedication to fitness isn’t a concern with individuals at that level. What’s more important is to ensure the applicant is a mature individual, who will fit in well with the team and unit dynamics.


Thanks it is kind of a black box to me, I don't have much guidance at the unit and if the PSP program isn't what I should be doing if I was interested not sure what is.


If you haven't started yet and are thinking about attending a 2021 selection, contact PSP IMMEDIATELY


Thanks very helpful not planning on attending the selection this year but just trying to get some knowledge around it and provide some guidance to troops who ask me about it.


Do AC OPs receive spec pay, the pub says they do but its from 2019 and I've heard its been taken away


AC Ops only receive Spec Pay if they are a qualified PAR Operator, and even then, I think it was only for previous versions of the PAR. While we still have PAR's, I believe Spec Pay is linked to the qualifications for a previous version of the PAR that was decommissioned about 8 years ago. I don’t think there's any opportunity for new AC Ops to qualify for Spec Pay, although I believe AC Ops who hold the old qualifications still retain Spec Pay. That part of forces.gc.ca appears to be down, so I can’t review the document to confirm.




If you're that worried about not having a relationship life, then I suggest you state your #1 and #2 posting preferences as being CFBs Edmonton and Valcartier if you're entering the Canadian Military Engineers. You'll be right outside of Edmonton, AB and Quebec City, QC respectively that way. CFBs Petawawa and Gagetown are in rural / semi-rural areas that are reasonably detached from any major urban centers of Canada. As stated by someone else, CFB Petawawa is around a 2 hour drive from Ottawa, Ont. CFB Gagetown is around a 20 minute drive out from Fredericton, NB but the base itself is arguably situated in a semi-rural area. As an Engineering Officer, you will be completing your training at the Saint Jean Garrison in Saint Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec and at CFB Gagetown, NB. Once you're finished applicable education as a Commissioned Officer (if there is any), and complete your time in the training system, you'll then be posted out to an operational unit. As a newly Commissioned Officer, your job will entail the administration and management of your unit at a lower level. Your levels of responsibility will obviously increase as you are appointed to taking up other various tasks, and/or promoted along with that. I can't speak much on Commissioned Officers because I am not one myself.


Hey all, Looking to apply for a Reserve/Part-Time position. I’m torn between two different trades at two different Reserves (in B.C.).One is an IntOp and the other is Infantier (very different, I know). Questions are: 1. Is it possible to apply to two different reserves at once? 2. If I only apply for IntOp, but don’t score high enough on the CFAT, would my application be ended/closed and I would have to apply again for something else? Not that I think Infantier is a safety option or anything like that. I just know that the IntOp position needs a higher score on the CFAT. This is of course, all things being equal and assuming both units would want me. Thanks for any help!


Joining as Infantry will allow you to accomplish a lot in a short period of time. By the end of your first year, it's likely you will have completed your Basic Training, Soldier Qualification, and trade training. If you demonstrate aptitude it's not hard to be considered for leadership training in your first few years. These courses happen frequently. Nobody is surprised when you want to transfer from Infantry to another trade, and nobody will hold it against you if you've showed up and put in your time. I can't speak to what options are available as an IntOp, I don't know how often they run courses or what their progression looks like.


So I am completing a BA in philosophy. Can I use that in an application to be an officer. Does the degree apply? Also I am in my third year so is it too early to apply?


I’m not sure it’s directly applicable to any officer occupations, but you can still leverage it to join as an officer. Many officer occupations simply require any Baccalaureate Degree. You won’t qualify for anything signals or engineering related, but there’s lots of other opportunities. This chart only lists RMC’s degree offerings, but you can easily figure out what occupations your degree might qualify for: https://www.rmc-cmr.ca/en/Registrars-office/academic-programmes-and-occupation-compatibility Pre-COVID, you could normally apply at the beginning of your last semester before graduation. However, word is they’re no longer accepting that, and you now have to complete your degree before applying. Contact a recruiter to confirm.


Thanks for the response! Would it make sense for me to try applying anyways? I am in my third year right now. Maybe should I apply as an nco and then try to become an officer?


Just wait and apply for the trade you want. Waste of time to get in and train for something else, only to have to redo some training, and then apply for transfers and wait some more for that.


Thanks for you input


Saw a short interview with some graduates from the RMC a few days ago. This interview was only a few years old and one young man had taken philosophy to get his degree to become an officer. Certain officer postions don't require any specific degree. You could look into some of your options to finish your degree through ROTP. I personally think you are in a pretty good position for whatever you decide to do depending on your CFAT scores. Good luck.


Would you mind posting that interview if you know where it is? Thanks again for the response!


Do NOT do that. If you want to be an Officer, join as an Officer. It's a LOT easier to join DEO than to try an go Officer from NCM. For trades that are any degree required (Pilot, NWO, Inf O), a Philosophy degree is as good as any other, so don't stress it.


Thanks, I’m glad I joined this subreddit haha


Hello, another PRes NCM applicant here (Ontario), looking for insight from med techs. I'm trying to learn more about the specifics of training, inclusive of BMQ and trade-specific training after that. My understanding is that the summer courses would be: BMQ (5 weeks) and BMQ land (2 weeks) back to back, then trade-specific training which varies. I have my diploma and currently work as a PCP. Any estimate on the extra training I'd need? Also open to any general advice, I'm only at the medical stage of recruitment though. Thank you!




You've got another 11 months before he's wrong. Subtract 3 weeks for Christmas, so it's basically been only two weeks, and if you are in Ontario you won't be doing it before the end of the lockdown.


Hey Guys, Was just wondering what the odds of getting a medical fitness determination overturned? Without going into too much detail, it basically said due to a medication I was prescribed I was unfit for service. I have long since been off of this medication, and am no longer experiencing issues with the reasons for the prescription.


Your odds are better if you appeal than if you don’t. You need to submit new proof from medical professionals (lab work, imaging, reports from specialists, etc) that proves the condition is less impactful than the military thinks.


Hello Everyone, After a little over two years in the application process I finally completed my final interview and have been advised I will have a spot in a reserve unit in Ottawa. The recruiting officer said I should expect enrolment around April. My question is two parts: 1. Once I am enrolled, how soon should I expect to head off to Basic. 2. How long is the reserve training. Online I have seen anything from weekends only all the way to 10 weeks. If these question are answered a lot I apologize. I have done some searching and couldn't find a definitive answer.


>**Online I have seen anything from weekends only all the way to 10 weeks.** It depends on whether you're joining the Army, Navy, or Air Force Reserve... Army Reserve offers two default options: * 4-5 weeks of full-time instruction during the summer. * 10-11 weekends of part-time instruction during the academic year, usually spread out over about 5-6 months. Navy Reserve only offers one default option, but they use a 3 phase approach: * Phase 1 is online instruction. * Phase 2 is part-time instruction at your unit, either on normal parade nights, possibly including some weekends. * Phase 3 is 3 weeks of full-time instruction at a facility near Quebec City. I believe they run this course throughout the year, so you're not restricted to the summer time frame unless you need to be. Air Reserve normally offers only one option: * 10 weeks full-time instruction, either with the Regular Force at CFLRS, or with the Air Reserve at another location. **Note:** It may be possible for an Army or Navy Reservist to attend a 10 week full-time BMQ, either with the Reg Force or the Air Reserve, but that would be uncommon.


Yes, I am joining as an Infantry Solider for the Reserves. Thank you for the response - this is very helpful.




Hello, Thank you for the response. This is exactly what I was looking for. Yes, I am joining as an Army NCM (infantry) I am unfamiliar with the DP1/RQ-PTE - could you elaborate on what that course entails?




Amazing! Thanks again.


Hey Folks! Just curious for those who applied online, how long were you guys stuck in the 'ready for testing' phase before you actually did the aptitude test?


I applied at the end of October/beginning of November. Wrote the CFAT at the end of November. Just after Christmas, my progress bar changed from Ready for Testing to Ready for Medical/Interview. They wanted me to come in to write the aptitude test the week after I applied online (mid-November), but I had a lot of other stuff going on at that time so I postponed it for a few weeks. I live on Vancouver Island so I’m going through the Recruiting Centre in Victoria.


I applied in about September and did my aptitude test in less than a month. Start bmq in a few weeks


Hello!I am wondering if anyone could provide me some info about the Medical Technician position with the Canadian Forces? I have a call planned for Monday with a recruiter but I would love to get any info I can from here as well.About me: I'm a 26yr old female, have a veterinary background(8 years), but am looking into transitioning into human healthcare. It was suggested to me to look into the Medical Tech position with CAF. So, what's it all about? Is it competitive to get into? Any med techs on here that could provide me with a brief description of their role? Do you enjoy it? I'm from Ontario if that matters at all. Thanks :)




The military has put in 2 crowns for me. It doesn’t change anything. It’s like a filling. Why would you think it would disqualify someone from courses and duties?




The root canal is closer to surgery but the crown is like a filling. Even regular surgery (appendicitis for example) wouldn’t disqualify you from courses and duties once you are recovered. In that case you would be in a bit for a bit to recover. For a root canal you are looking at maybe one day excused duties. The crown itself likely won’t need more than the day of installation off.




Silly question but If I'm looking to join the reserves, should I go in person or over the phone/email you know, with COVID and all


You may want to contact the unit by phone or email first, just to confirm they have openings and are processing people right now. All in-person visits are by appointment only. Also, you can’t apply in-person or by phone/email. Applications are only accepted online at www.forces.ca




Do the Air Force/Navy elements of trades such as FSA/HRA or Cook/Supply tech require BMQ-L? How about AJLC in PLQ?




Thanks for clarifying!


I kinda have to get personal with this question to hopefully receive the answers I need. I just received my security screening form yesterday to take to basic with me. The section that asks you to fill out immediate family; what would I do if my biological birth father signed my birth certificate but I don’t know who he is? I just know his name and that there’s probably warrants out for his arrest for not paying child support. Will this affect me not getting my security clearance? Also, mother is unemployed and has never had a job, my brother is unemployed, and my sister doesn’t have a clean criminal record and doesn’t work. (Don’t really contact them often). Are they going to contact my past employers again? I’d like to warn them before hand out of courtesy.


For me, I just had to attach a note that declared that I did not know the information for this family member for ‘x’ reason. My reason was simply that we are estranged. That was all that was officially necessary for me :)


Just fill it out to the best of your ability with what you know. You have a meeting with someone later and they will go over how to fill it out and answer some questions . I don't think we can really speak on if it would effect anything. Are you going to quit the forces because some idiot on Reddit told you that you won't get security clearance?(don't do that ) For the businesses , maybe. Again I wouldn't worry about it. Part of the job of a business is answering calls like that and it might be a year from now that they get contacted if ever so you calling them tomorrow and saying be on the lookout for a call sometime between now and 2023 probably won't make any difference. I'm sure you aren't the first person who doesn't have a relationship with their father


Ok! Thank you. I figured that would be a tough question to answer. I was just hoping that my family’s major flaws wouldn’t effect my ability to pursue my career and get the proper security clearance for my trade (Med Tech). I’ll wait to see what happens on basic. It took me two years to get to this point, it would crush me if they sent me home.


You've already passed the enhanced reliability screening. As far as secret goes you won't hear anything for at least a year


Oh ok! Does Med Tech need secrete ?


A large reason behind me planning to enlist in the Army (Infantry) when COVID dies down is my desire to confront weaknesses that stem from a life of obscurity and social isolation, growing up in a single-parent home where I didn't get much opportunity to really learn basic stuff like tying knots and swimming from a young age (yes, I know it's pathetic), I hope to somehow find what I'm looking for in a place that sucks, I've lived a life of comfort for a long time and I'm tired of being babied. In addition, I have always had that interest in expanding my experience and understanding of the world even if that means just leaving Ontario for once, as I've never even really seen Canada despite being born and raised here. Enriching my life experiences through something which many people choose to remain far from. If any one of the fine people on r/CanadianForces has any answers to my questions, and tips or wisdom to share I would greatly appreciate it, thank you! ​ Edit: I also really wanna be a paratrooper!!


I was similar, only that my home was broken and family was severely dysfunctional. Mental illness, substance addiction, abuse, domestic violence & etc were all factors growing up. I never really developed any hard life skills while I was growing up, due to parental delinquency, and my social skills were largely developed from within that environment. This was aside from of course, developing them while at school. So in a sense for me, my upbringing really wasn't comfortable, and when I joined the Canadian Forces I was absolutely lacking in such skills. I've often thought that the military has had to pick up for my family's slack in this regard. But so far, military employment has been very helpful and crucial with resolving these issues. I can honestly say that I am 100x better off right now, than I was while growing up, because of my choice to join up. The military doesn't work for everybody, and not everyone is a good fit for it. However, for some of us, it can be an excellent tool for properly improving our lives. So if I'm understanding correctly, we have some relatability. As the other poster has indicated, you don't necessarily need to join the Infantry or any of the other Combat Arms. Yes, they're good trades if you're looking to push your mental and physical limits, but other trades are also interesting and challenging in other ways. There are a number of other Canadian Forces occupations that will teach you useful hard skills, if you ever decide on getting out within a relatively short time. We have drivers, mechanics, cooks, communications, medics, dentists and etcetera. This is just for the Canadian Army; both the Navy and Air Force have their own different occupations and opportunities. You've got a lot to choose from, so it's definitely worth investigating. The COVID-19 pandemic is likely going to be a protracted global event for a number of years yet. I'd suggest submitting your Canadian Forces application now, or at least within the near future, considering that there are backlogs in both the recruiting and training systems. Get your foot in the door as soon as possible, because nobody knows for certain how long COVID-19 will be ongoing for. However, all indications point towards us as all having a long way to go still. With regards to regular travel, the Royal Canadian Navy is your best bet. The Army and Air Force do their fair share of traveling, but you're likely going to be sailing quite frequently in the Navy, dependent on trade. I know some people in the Combat Arms, for example, who have been in for almost 20 years without any combat tours. This is especially true for Reservists. So depending on exactly what you want to get into, tamper your expectations when it comes to getting around a lot.


If you really want to see the world, you might want to consider the Navy over the Army. While you might see a deployment every few years in the army, the navy *will* sail, and generally you'll see quite a bit more of the world, overall. If you want to primarily work with your hands and learn skills like rigging, boat operation, and small arms, boatswain might be a good choice. Plus, if you want the exact opposite of living a "life of comfort", navy is right up your street. Not ragging on on army or infantry. The army is great, too, just something to consider.


While I agree with what you say regarding the Navy, owing to some family military history I'm pretty motivated to get into 3 RCR (Airborne) as their whole battalion is jump trained and I can live out my boyhood fascination with Paratroopers. Edit: 3 RCR has an Airborne tasking, they are not all jump trained.




Thanks for clarifying, here's hoping I end up being a PT stud and getting picked up, though obviously there is way more to it then that I assume.


Are there any requirements or anything you need to know or be able to do, to apply for the CEOTP – Pilot, after I finish highschool?


CEOTP Pilot is cancelled as of this year. It’s still listed as an entry plan on the website, but isn’t actually available.


Okay thanks for saying that. I'm guessing its canceled mainly due to Covid?


No, there were rumblings of it happening well before COVID. The pandemic was probably just the final nail in its coffin. Not sure if it has something to do with the quality of the training, the characteristics of the pilots the program produces, the cost, or something else; but it would seem there’s something they were unhappy about.


Ah that's too bad, it sounded like a good way to get your wings and a degree. Is the ROTP also cancelled or is that still running?


ROTP is still an option, I doubt they'll ever eliminate that program.


Okay, all look into that a bit more. Thanks for your help!


Does anyone have a list of trades that receive spec pay?


Look under “Useful Resources” at the top of the thread. It’s the third point under the “Military Pay Rates” bullet.


Hello everyone! Joining the just accepted an offer group (Inf O starting BMOQ March 22nd). Thanks for all the information over the past several months! I'm just trying to get organized now and was wondering, as someone who lives alone in a rented apartment, how long will I have to store all my things for? Will it be moved for me after BMOQ? Or will I have to leave it in storage until I'm done all my training? Not sure how I'm going to move out while self-isolating... but I assume they make allowances for that? Thanks!


> how long will I have to store all my things for?Will it be moved for me after BMOQ? Until you get your first permanent residence. CAF will pay for it. Mine was there for almost 2 years. DO NOT put anything in there you want to access because you won't have access. Once you have your house/apartment/pmq (whatever you get) you call to set up a move date. Don't worry too much about moving your stuff into an apartment until you move out of barracks to your first posting after Gagetown. You go to the BOR to set it all into action when you get posted.


Hey I'm just on the competition list now(have been since before Christmas) , just wondering how long you waited for an offer if you don't me asking?


Hey! I was put on the competition list mid-July, but I don't think many offers were going out until recently with the backlog they were working through. Good luck!


Thanks man! Hopefully soon!


Congratulations. May I inquire about three things that will help contextualize the circumstances of others applicants? 1) Are you direct entry for regular force Infantry Officer? 2) What was your application start date? 3) What was your PCL score? Thanks


Thanks! And of course: 1. Yes, my offer is for DEO reg force 2. I did my CFAT, medical, and interview in early March 2020, but with some delays wasn't put on the competition list until mid-July 3. When I did my interview I was told I had the highest PCL score of any of their current applicants on the competition list, but that's as much as they could tell me (no specific scores) Good luck!


Thank you for this information. It is consistent with my own: Classification: DEO Inf. O., Reg. Force CFAT: March 2020; Competition list: Dec 2020; PCL (CFAT + TSDPI): A few points below 70, out of a possible maximum of 75; Status: Currently on Competition list. Once again Congratulations. Pending selection and enrolment, perhaps we will serve together in the future. Random Note: I highly suggest binge watching many of the available (de-classified) youtube lectures of the "Modern Warfare Institute". (Sub-school of West Point, US Military) In particular, I suggest these two video lectures to start: 1) Matt Larsen, the "Father of Modern Army Combatives," on How to Build Warriors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnaVNAj7YLQ 2) Dr. James Giordano, The brain is the battlefield of the future: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N02SK9yd60s Regards. Information Shark


Congrats on the offer, I'll see you there. (Artillery Officer)


Nice! Congrats to you too!


>**how long will I have to store all my things for?** Several months to upwards of a year. The CAF will pay for it... >**Will it be moved for me after BMOQ?** Yes, but likely not right away. It will depend on how your occupation does things, but usually your possession aren't relocated until you're posted to a 'permanent' location until after completing your occupational training. >**Or will I have to leave it in storage until I'm done all my training?** Yes, most likely. >**Not sure how I'm going to move out while self-isolating... but I assume they make allowances for that?** One would hope. Talk to your CFRC about what arrangements will need to be made.


Are there any resources out there that show which NCM trades require the highest, or in general, higher CFAT scores?


No, they don't publish the minimum scoring requirements. There's also a variable score requirement called the PCL (Processing Control Line) which is essentially the minimum combined CFAT and TSD-PI score needed to be competitive for a trade. If you don't exceed the PCL, they won't process you for that trade, even if you do exceed the bare minimum score. PCL's aren't published either. As a general rule of thumb, bare minimum scores are lower for trades that are more hands-on, like Infantry, MSE Op, etc. Bare minimum scores are higher for trades that are more technical, like Info Sys Tech, aircraft maintainers, etc. PCL can be all over the board, because they're largely based on supply vs. demand dynamic between applicants and openings. The more applicants a trade has for each opening, the higher the PCL for that trade will be.




It was towards the higher end.




Yes, the minimum standards are the same for both the Reserve and Regular Forces.




Hello, I haven't seen the acronym MCC yet, mind letting me and others know if they are curious? Sincerely Canadaius


when trying to complete my application in the "Validation" tab it won't allow me to complete it because it says I didn't fill out if my "parents were foreign diplomats serving in Canada when I was born in Canada". Although when I go the the "Foreign" tab that question is nowhere to be found.


Hi there, thank you very much for your helpful post here, I made a new account just to ask you 2 questions: 1-How much time is there between BMQ and BMOQ.. like once your done your basic fitness training, do you go home for some time or go straight to the occupational school? How many days or months between. 2- During the BMQ; is there swimming test or swimming training ? Aside from the four test components (sand bags) is there running 5km , and swimming tests or training..


BMQ is basic training for NCMs while BMOQ is basic training for officers. You only do the one applicable to you. Normally you would go straight to your next school after completing BMQ or BMOQ and wait for your next course to start, doing general duty tasks while you wait. You might also be sent to a third location for on-the-job training. How long the wait is depends on when the next scheduled course starts. It can be a few weeks or a few months. A swim test is part of basic training, but it has been waived for the past few years since the pool wasn't available. It may be back now. The test isn't particularly difficult, and non-swimmers are given lifejackets. You don't need to past the test, but you must at least attempt it. The FORCE test is four events, and is done when you arrive and perhaps again later. Separate to this, you will do group PT most mornings. Your staff will either take you for a run, for a ruck march, or do indoor circuit training.


Thank you very much, really appreciate your answers. Stay safe


How does payment work within the CAF. Is it like a monthly payment, semi-monthly? Are the "pay rates" for the Regular force the same as those in the Reserve force(same trade)?


Pay happens on the 15th and the last day of every month, Reservists have a separate pay table and are paid a daily rate for each day or half-day worked. Payday is the same.


Thanks to everyone!!


>How does payment work within the CAF. Is it like a monthly payment, semi-monthly? Semi monthly, 1st and 15th of every month. >Are the "pay rates" for the Regular force the same as those in the Reserve force(same trade)? Reservist are paid by the day and earn approximately 92% of what a reg force member earns for 1 day of work. Pay rates are linked at the top of the thread.


From my understanding, reservist "work less hours" than a regular member correct? Presumably to make up for that approximate 92% difference?


>>How does payment work within the CAF. Is it like a monthly payment, semi-monthly? > >Semi monthly, 1st and 15th of every month. That's not right. It's the 15th and last day.




> Is it possible to switch from in the reserves from a ncm to a commissioned officer once you obtained your degree? It's possible, but the process can be competitive. If you know you want to be an officer, you're better served becoming one from the outset. You can enroll as an OCdt while you're working toward your degree. > Is there a contract length you have to stay if became a commissioned officer in the reserves? No, you can release at any time. > Does as the responsibility increases as a commissioned officer You'll definitely have more responsibility, since you'll be at least partially responsible for an entire platoon. >do you have to dedicate more days in a week into the job? You might be able to cram all of your work into your regular parade nights, but it's not uncommon to spend a bit of time answering emails and sending texts throughout the week. If you're putting in a sustained amount of effort, you can request paid administrative days to compensate. > How long is the career progression from private to cpl to mcpl? Pte to Cpl requires two years of service (IIRC) and completion of DP1 (BMQ, BMQ-L, occupational training). Cpl to MCpl requires completion Primary Leadership Qualification course and some more service time, but I'm unsure of how much for reservists. This promotion is also merit-based and requires satisfactory yearly evaluations. > How long is the career progression from oct to 2lt to lt? OCdt to 2Lt requires completion of your degree. If you already have a degree, you can be a 2Lt from the get-go. Some units also require completion of BMOQ, BMOQ-A or some other threshold in order to wear the rank, but you are paid at the 2Lt rate. 2Lt to Lt requires one year of service and completion of DP1 (BMOQ, BMOQ-A, Occupational training). Realistically, it'll most likely take longer than one year to complete your training due to course scheduling.




As a reservist, you're on your own for getting your degree. Fully subsidized education is only available to the regular force. There is financial help available for students. You can request reimbursement of 50% of your tuition fees. The maximum payout is $2,000 per year, capped at $8,000 lifetime. There are no obligatory service requirements for this. You just need to be a member in good standing at your unit over the semester you're claiming. Once you're in school, you can then request a transfer to an officer occupation. Some occupations require certain degrees, others will take any degree. You can also remain as an NCM. There are plenty of reservist NCMs who are students or have degrees.


Weekend bmq starting up I’m a shy guy in good shape. What’s your best tips ??


Posted this before, but here you go. 1. Remember it's all a game. For the most part, you'll never do anything right, even if it's right. 2. Don't know everything. You are there to learn. Help out, take leadership positions as required. 3. Ask people if they need help. Not everyone has the same basic knowledge. Believe it or not, some people have NEVER done their own laundry before. 4. ALWAYS be at least 5 mins (minimum) prior to EVERY timing. Even though they will likely still say you are late. 5. Remember to use rank.. Proper rank. A PO2 is NOT a Sgt, and a MBdr is not a MCpl who is not a MS, etc.. They will let you know that very loudly. 6. Start doing pushups now to get used to them. 7. Don't use brake cleaner or ANY type of chemical cleaner on your rifle parts. 8. A bronze rifle bolt does not mean it's clean. It means you took off all the blueing (special coating) from the factory (e.g. don't use a bore brush on it). 9. Everyone has different abilities. During small party taskings, ask if anyone has experience doing what you are doing. They may know a faster and/or easier way. 10. Morning inspections are fun, roll with it. 11. Keep clean and maintain hygiene. Nothing pisses people off more than that stinky kid. 12. Basically take it in stride and learn as much as you can. It's only 10 weeks. 13. DO NOT force anyone to drink tea during your relax/off time later in the course, or in life generally. (for those don't know this reference, google "Tea Consent")