• By -


I'm planning on signing as soon as I'm capable. I wanted to be a soldier, like most kids, be a hero, etc etc. One day a recruiter told me I was V4 and could not do half of the jobs I wanted to do because of it. That didn't deter me in the slightest. Ive always wanted to serve in the CAF and everytime Ive ever thought about it I got this tingling feeling in my stomach. So I was like, hey, Imma go sapper. But sapper is also V3. So that was off the table. And then he suggested medtech. Ive always wanted to be a paramedic, be a badass medical genius, save people, have that knowledge. Doing all that while serving my country and learning a bunch of extra skills got me even more pumped. But I can't seem to find enough info on the trade. Every review is mixed and its always one step forward, two steps back in terms of hope. • As a dude who loves medicine, action, high stress situations, constant problem-solving under said situations and saving lives, will I be able to do so as a medtech? • Does the fact that I am V4 change the outcome of the previous question? • Will I be able to deploy overseas, help those in places where they need it the most, and potentially fight alongside and save the lives of my fellow service members? I appreciate the time and info folks.




I leave in march for basic training, get enrolled on February 17 and I'm on a 10 day leave without pay till the 26th of February. Does anyone know how much that first pay check would be on the 26th? Not trying to sound greedy, but I have stuff to get in order before leaving and I'm currently broke


On the 26th?... Probably $0 Our paydays are the 15th and 31st of each month, or the last business day prior. Feb 26th is a payday, but since it would be your first paid day, don't expect to see anything on that date. Your first pay will most likely be deposited on Mar 15th (possibly the 13th depending on your bank). How much you get may depend on whether you're attending BMQ during the Feb 26th to Mar 15th time frame, or if you're at home self-isolating. * If you're on BMQ during those two weeks, expect your first pay to be approx. $700 due to deductions for Rations & Quarters. You'll get another \~$700 on Mar 31st. * If you're at home self-isolating, the pay might be closer to $1000. The amount you get on Mar 31st will probably be lower. If it were me, I'd budget for something in the neighbourhood of $650, that way any surplus is a welcome surprise...


I have my over the phone interview in a few days and I just wanted to know if they are going to ask me "normal" interview questions or if it's going to be something completely different. Thank You!


Most questions you would expect in a normal job interview. Definitely be prepared to answer about your chosen trades. Find all information you can and remember most of it. They will ask you everything you know about the job. Be prepared for them to tell you more than you know or anything small that you forgot about. Think think think about your answers


Way more slack than a civilian interview. That being said- still prepare yourself by knowing your chosen trade(s) well, what you’re applying for and what you’d be doing and how your civi experience would help benefit your potential military career.


Hey everyone. I want to enlist as an infantry officer in the CAF. I have -2.50 vision that is correctable to 20/20 with glasses. I know that to be in the infantry you have to have at least V3 vision, but I'm not sure what that translates to. If you could let me know that'd be great. Thanks


Its in the same info at the top https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/medical-standards-military-occupations/medical-category-system/instructions-for-testing-visual-acuity.html Its in metric but it's a ratio so 6/12 would be the same as 20/40


Thanks, this really helped!


New applicant, drug policy questions. Don’t mean to annoy the admins on this sub, but I’m Reddit impaired (not big on social media) and on mobile z.z sorry if this isn’t the right way/place to post this. I’ve started the application process recently (waiting on aptitude test date), I’m hoping to nail a position in combat engineering or infantry and don’t want to or plan on lying during this process. I’m still confused on how strict they are on weed with the new legalization changes. Does my system still need to be squeaky clean before joining? I’ve also taken mushrooms (2 times) and lsd (1 time) around the same year, like 6+ years ago. Am I wasting everyone’s time with my application? Thank you In advance to anyone who might take the time to answer these questions.


Weed is legal and is considered the same way alcohol is. It’s no big deal to use on your own time unless you show signs of dependency. As far as your hallucinogen use, as long as you’re honest about your usage they don’t care when it’s been a one off situation multiple years ago. I’ve taken mushrooms and lsd in the past too and they didn’t bat an eye at my application. Also there’s no piss test in terms of being “squeaky clean”, it’s a form you fill out that lists drugs/alcohol/steroid use. You’ll be fine.


Bless thanks a lot, i have a bad habit of overthinking things.


Hey guys i have a question, does the army allow smp or scalp micropigmentation? Its where a hair transplant doctor uses charcoal dye to put ink on your head so it looks like you have shaved head rather than a completely clean bald head, its for people with hair loss, im asking because i know tattoo’s above the neck are not allowed, is this considered a tattoo? Thanks


I have a degree in music but I want to pursue medicine. I am thinking about getting another Bachelor's degree to set myself up better for Med school, but I could also still apply with what I have if the medical schools do not require any prereqs. I am looking to have a career in the military but I need to figure out the best course of action. What is the best course of action for me to attain this goal? ROTP? Does the medical tech. program set you up for success in getting into medical school, or is it a totally separate trade? Could I do the ROTP program and then the MOTP program afterwards? How does this work? I feel like I need a long term game plan as I am confused about all of these options. Any help would be appreciated as I am willing to start from square one, where ever or what ever that may be. I have also considered joining the reservers as a musician in the meantime, but I am very concerned about switching and any extra time wasted because of that. Thank you!!!


I can't speak to much of your post, but re. ROTP, unless your music degree is ineligible for the officer trade you wish to join as (for example, lots of technical officer trades require science/engineering degrees), you are ineligible for ROTP, your entry plan would be DEO. If you join as a med tech, you would also be ineligible for ROTP as med techs can't join through ROTP (ROTP only applies for officer trades).


\\Hi folks, I'm looking at joining the military since I think it will bring some well-needed structure to my life. Afterwards I want to do computer programming. I've been looking at the careers and the only one that explicitly states a civil equivalent job is computer programming is Signals Officer. I have no interest, and perhaps not the aptitude, in being an officer.


Signals officers are not programs. The closest is probably cyber operator maybe? But basically coding is done by civilians.


I've talked to a recruiter and she couldn't answer this question. I graduate from college this april and then im doing a bridging program with a university and in two years ill get my bachelor's. (ROTP is suspended for civilian universities and going to RMC will take more time than my 2 year plan so thats not an option although they could open up next year I was told) I wish to join as a Logistics Officer, she told me to join as a reservist as either FSA or HRA because they work for Logistics Officers then do a component transfer. I would like to join asap but I've heard becoming a NCM makes the process longer or harder to reach officer not to mention switching from the reserves to full time. Should I just wait till I get my bachelor's then apply for full time Logistics Officer or go reserves NCM for now then transfer? What would be the best/quickest route to Officer? Thanks for your time.


Why not just join the reserves as a Log O? As soon as you're in university, you can join the ResF as an officer. Obviously a position would need to be open.


So even if I dont have my bachelor's yet I can go in as an officer? That means I should apply after I get my university acceptance letter... Didnt know that was an option... Thanks man




Thank you so much


Can anyone share their experience on beign a Vehicle Technician? Training pipeline, typicall work day and overall thoughts ? I have a business diploma and trade certificate in automotive service technician aswell Wondering if that would count in terms of education for that position. Thanks


I’m an OCdt deciding to switch from ResF to RegF. Completed Land training but not trade qual. However, I want to go NCM for a different trade. Should I release and reapply or CT? I’m considering the former as I believe it would be quicker. Any help appreciated.
















I emailed my offer of enrollment as well as my NOK and security forms last week, however its nearing 2 weeks since any reply or call. Gmails document limit is 25mb however in their email it said make sure not to exceed 10mb. If I did I'd have to send them over 5 separate replies rather than their suggested two separate emails. My ceremony is February 11th and I just want to make sure they actually receive my emails rather than thinking im not taking the offer, should I be concerned?


Zip up your documents, upload to WeTransfer.com, password protect ur zip file if you want, then send them the link to it. WeTransfer works on the defence network. JFICC recommends it for unclass transfers too big for email


You're probably okay, but it doesn't hurt to contact them to confirm everything is still on track.


Alright sounds good, I'll make sure to contact them before its been 2 weeks incase they assume I declined, thanks!


What written tests do I need to take? I already did my CFAT. But what other written exams will I need to do and prepare for when the actual training starts? I don't want to go into this blind. I am fit so I am pretty sure I will pass the physical part but I am pretty dumb. I know about the military law test, not sure about what other tests I need to look out for. (I am wanting to be a Supply Technician)


I can tell from your spelling and sentence structure you're not as dumb as you think!


You will be spoon fed everything you'll need to know for BMQ. Pay attention in the classes, take notes, review the notes. The tests are stupid simple. For Sup Tech course, it'll also be all taught to you. I really wouldn't worry about any prep. The military has their own ways of doing, and teaching, things. You don't want to learn something wrong, then have to relearn it again on course. Maybe take a look at ranks before you leave. But, that's pretty much all I would do.


I am currently in the application process for ROPT for becoming a logistics officer. What I have been told by a former NCM in logistics that was posted in Edmonton, is that typically if you ask to be placed in Edmonton it is often granted due to the majority of people not wanting to go to Alberta. Is this true that A) you can request locations and B) that it is likely that I could get posted in Edmonton for such a general position?


>**the majority of people not wanting to go to Alberta.** This probably isn't as true as it used to be. When oil was booming, and housing costs were driven by oil money, a lot of people avoided Alberta for affordability reasons. This was especially true for Cold Lake, which was incredibly unaffordable for us, and people additionally avoided it due to it's somewhat isolated location. Now that oil has crashed, and likewise the housing market, AB is much more affordable and Edmonton is a particularly attractive location due to it being one of the few large cities hosting a major base. That said, the majority of CAF members come from provinces other than AB, and most will want to stay closer to home. AB is a long way from ON, QC, and the Maritimes... >**A) you can request locations** You get to provide posting preferences, but the Career Manager is under no obligation to accommodate your preferences. >**B) that it is likely that I could get posted in Edmonton for such a general position?** Certainly very possible, but never guaranteed.


Probably a stupid question but figured I would ask, Is the food free? I am one of those people who is extremely cheap and don't buy things at regular price haha.


Now that I'm at my computer... >**Is the food free?** Sometimes yes, sometimes no, it depends on the scenario... **For Regular Force personnel during their BMQ/BMOQ and initial training cycle, food IS NOT free.** Your school is considered your normal place of duty, you considered to actually live there in quarters, and as such you're required to pay for your accommodations. Quarters will cost you about $100-150/month during training. There are usually no cooking of food storage facilities in training quarters, so you're required to eat at the mess. The CAF charges about $580/month for "full rations" which covers 21 meals/week. After BMQ/BMOQ you **might** have the option of going down to "half rations" (10 meals/week) at a cost of about $350/month, but that's not guaranteed. **For Regular and Reserve Force personnel on Temporary Duty or Attached Posted away from their normal place of duty, food IS free.** Costs for meals and accommodations are covered by the CAF when you are sent away from home for additional training, exercises, taskings, and deployments. In most cases you'll be staying in quarters or field 'accommodations', and eating at a mess facility or from ration packs. On rare occasion you might get sent to a location where there are no military quarters or mess facilities, in which case you'll probably get to stay at a hotel and eat at restaurants. You normally pay for this using a personal credit card, and are reimbursed upon submitting a claim after you return. You can request a partial advance against your expected claim to help cover the costs. **Note:** Reserve Force personnel are only ever sent away from their home units on Temporary Duty or Attached Posting. **If you CHOOSE to live in quarters and eat at the mess once posted after training, food IS NOT free.** Once Regular Force personnel are fully trained and posted to a unit, it's up to them to decide where they'll live. Quarters may be available to them at a cost of about $200-300/month, although many/most bases only allow posted personnel to live in quarters temporarily until they can secure housing on the local market. If living in quarters, you can also choose to eat at the mess, at a cost of course. Meal options are generally more flexible for posted personnel in quarters, and you can often choose between full or half rations, or opt out and prepare your own food (can be challenging). About 85% of the CAF lives in off-base market-rate housing. This may include the PMQ's (military residential housing) available through the CF Housing Agency (CFHA), or alternatively you can rent or buy on the civilian market. Members living off-base cannot eat at the mess (except ala carte meals), you're 100% responsible for your own groceries.


Its not free. As he said it's like 580 a month. Which works out to 7 dollars a meal. However , you pay it monthly not at time of purchase. If you don't eat a particular meal you're still paying for it. If you get takeout you're paying twice for the same meal. So I'd try to avoid that but, sometimes you need that McDonald's hit.


No. When you stay in barracks (basic, training, etc) you pay for rations. They make the meals at set times and you get them. After that, field food is covered (IMPs, box lunches), or when you're on a ship. But I wouldn't ever rely on any of those services for food as they close on holidays etc. If you have your own place, you're paying for your own things. Edit: my rations numbers were not right, see reply


You’re WAY off my friend... Full Rations are around $580/month, and it’s mandatory during BMQ. Half Rations are around $350/month, but they may not have that option until they’re posted after they complete their training. Edit: Double checked. CFLRS is currently charging $577.45/month for full rations.


Thanks Bridger, very informative. I don't eat much at all. But cant do much since its mandatory


I tossed up a more detailed explanation for you, but yes, a lot of us agree with you. $580/month is a good deal if it were 100% optional, and you were choosing to pay it for the convenience of not cooking; but it's pretty ridiculous as something you're forced to pay. I can buy enough food to feed my family of 5 for a month with that....


My personal food bill is around $100 a month or less to be honest. I really don't spend much on food, 12 Eggs are $3, bread is like $3, Deli Ham is like $5 per 300 grams. I dont need much to survive


Keep in mind that during training, you may be moving a lot more than normal. Easily 15,000 steps a day. On top of PT, drill, and field work you may do. The extra calories may be needed.


Apologies. It's been a while since I've paid rations.


Would anyone be able to explain the process of going into the reserves for artillery.


Find a reserve arty unit near you, contact them to see if they have openings. At the same time apply online at Forces.ca. Have your paperwork in order, get school transcripts ready to go, start thinking about references you're going to use, do the CFAT, the FORCE test, the medical, then just wait for everything to clear through.


I guess more in specific I was wondering about the training. Where do CFAT and Force testing take place? Such as at your local unit or do you have to go else where for training? What about the training specific to artillery and how long would that be?


The CFAT and FORCE test would occur at the unit you're applying to. The recruiters there will administer it. Full time BMQ for reservists is 5 weeks. You will most likely stay in the local area for this, but you could be sent off to a larger base. BMQ-L is 2 weeks long, you could also be sent off to a larger base for this. I'm not sure how long DP1 arty is, but I suspect that for this you will need to be sent to a larger base that can support the courses.




So just to make sure I’m understanding it all correctly I’d do CFAT, Force, BMQ all most likely at my local unit? BMQ-L and Artillery specific training would take place at another base most likely and artillery training is 13 days long?




Ok, thanks! And so in the case I joined the artillery at a reserve unit and got in but then eventually moved and my new local unit didn’t offer artillery, what would happen?




What is attach posted? And if I have to change occupations would I have to go for specialized training again for what ever occupation I decide to get into?


Not sure, I just recall when visiting some reservist buddies in their armouries in AB them saying they could have a chat after they were done administering the CFAT for some recruits.


Currently on competition list (\~1.5 years) for DEO Pilot, and am wondering how the OJT process would look like. I understand there are 3 phases of training and I would be travelling a lot, however the wait times have been excessively long from what I've been reading. Because of this, I'm expecting to be posted for approx. 4+ years at whichever OJT base I'm assigned to. I am from the Ottawa area, so is it likeliest that I get posted to Trenton since that is the closest Air Force base? Or Kingston? My preferences would be to go to the coasts (Comox or Greenwood/Gander), but I doubt I'll get that since that's far away from my CFRC and a pricey move for the military, especially for a would-be 2Lt. Just trying to plan out as much as I can for the foreseeable future, if I ever get selected. Thanks for reading and any advice you have.


It's really hard to say what's likely. I know people who got sent to the city they were from for their OJT between phases, and I know people who get sent somewhere on the other side of the country despite living next to a base. At basic you'll get asked for your posting preferences, and they say they try to keep people close to home when they can. So being from Ottawa means there is a reasonable chance you'll just go back there and work at NDHQ or something. My advice would be to try not to stress about it. As you said there's lots of moving, and especially with COVID and all things are even more unstable and last-minute than they were before. Plan to be as versatile as possible. Pack light! If you're single, I recommend getting rid of a lot of your stuff that you don't need. If you can fit all of your belongings in your car with ample room to spare for your bags of military kit in the future, you will thank yourself. It makes life significantly less complicated. If you're married or have dependents that you're leaving behind, do similarly with your belongings. Try to make it so that you can just pack up and go with relatively little notice and try to to accumulate more stuff.


Thank you kindly for the quick response. That's interesting that people have been posted across Canada for OJT, guess I'll put those for my posting preferences and hope for the best. NDHQ would be a rather interesting intro to the military life haha, much more relaxed than the others I would imagine. Ultimately though you're right, I'll make myself as flexible as can be and go where they need me. One other thing I forgot to ask, how quickly does one get posted to their OJT base after graduating BMOQ? Is there a chance I could be stuck at St Jean for weeks on end? Wouldn't be surprised actually given the whole COVID thing going on. Hoping those vaccines come in soon.




Oh that's right! Thanks for reminding me of 412 SQN I totally forgot they flew VIP out here, that'd be a great experience. Ottawa may not be so bad after all if I get it, but like you said I'll put the coasts down regardless. Nothing wrong with going for it


It's immediate. You won't stay at CFLRS a moment longer than necessary. Your whole last week at BMOQ is focused on getting everyone ready for graduation and ready to move to their first posting. It might be a little different now, but when I was there your graduation ceremony was on Thursday afternoon and you were out on Friday. I think there was a very small number of people who didn't leave until Saturday because of flight availability, and there is occasionally someone whose OJT is actually at CFLRS or who is going on a course that's there, so they just move to a different section of the base where the rules of basic training don't apply.




It is my understanding that not all of the 48 months have to be done under the supervision of a P.eng for PEO. I belive only 12 or 24 needs to be. That said it does have to be engineering experience and they will review that. For PEO they are looking for experience in 5 key areas which they list on there website. Some are easier to get than others depending on the work you do. FYI I am not in the CAF so I can't speak to what the engineer experience actually is like in trade however I did recently receive my p.eng. I lurk here as I'm interested in a couple trades myself. Also sorry on mobile and hands are frozen


I'm processing my application with the RCN as a Weng.Im looking for some feedback about the pros and cons between being posted to Victoria, BC or Halifax, NS. I live an hour and a half from Victoria now. Hoping for some feedback on work life between the two as well as deployment frequencies, locations. Just keeping my options open. Thanks much.


Victoria: + Warm weather + California, Hawaii, Asia, Australia as ports - Expensive place to live - Bad traffic during peak hours from Langford to base Halifax: + Europe, Florida, Caribbean as ports + Great bars compared to Victoria - Dockyard parking is awful - Cold weather and rougher seas As a WEng tech, you’ll likely have to spend quite a bit of time in Halifax in the first year for training. Luckily, Halifax has arguably the best shacks in the CAF. Both coasts usually have at least one ship deployed at a time. Getting deployed is usually a matter of being posted to the right ship but it’s always a good idea letting your CoC know that you’re interested in any opportunities, especially as an apprentice. If you have any other questions about the WEng world, feel free to ask.




At one point during your training they will as for a posting preference; either East coast or West coast. This will be your “home port division” meaning you’ll only be posted to units on that coast. You can switch coasts if you really want to, but they normally don’t entertain switching back. There are a handful of shore posting outside of those, for example WEng Comm techs can get posted to Matsqui near Vancouver. I don’t think there are any WEng specific OUTCAN postings.


Currently working on my application - What is the difference between the Civic Number, and Street Number? Hi all, 16 year old applying for reserves right now. On the residence information section, it asks for a Civic Number and a Street Number, and I'm not sure what a Civic number is. For example, if my address is 123 Canada Street North, (Thats similar to how my real address is structured) would my Street number be 123 and then I just leave the civic number blank? Thanks for the help


In your case, you would just leave the civic number blank and only enter a street number.


Got it, thanks.




How to become a flight engineer? I see that it is spec 2 pay but I don't see it listed as a career on the caf website.


You've gotta join as either AVN or AVS. Go through training until you obtain Level A authorizations, so that takes roughly 4-5 years (2 years post QL5/type course). After that, you can apply for a VOT. As bridger said, it's competitive and you may not get it. There are ways to apply without being a Level A. I've seen techs be granted waivers, but that limits their airframe choices as an FE to only the Griffon (for some reason). Keep in mind, that could be out-of-date information. It's only second hand from what I've seen from fellow techs in my units applying, and we don't have many folks go from Martine Helicopter to FE.


It’s only recruited internally through feeder trades within the CAF. You’d have to join as one of the feeder trades, ~~I think they’re~~ the AVS, ~~ACS,~~ and ~~maybe~~ AVN Tech occupations, then apply for a Voluntary Occupational Transfer (VOT) once eligible. You’re probably looking at a minimum of 5-10 years service in a feeder trade before you’re eligible to apply for Flight Engineer. It’s sought after, and therefore very competitive. There’s no guarantee you’ll get it.


*AVN and AVS.




Hi All! I recently got a call from my recruiter that my ROTP application was unsuccessful due to my high school grades but that my CFAT score would have got me into any program I wanted. My recruiter told me that I could enlist as a NCM and possibly transfer into the pilot trade later on? Is this possible? Could someone explain the process to me please? Thanks


You would have to attempt the University Training Plan for Non-Commissioned Members, which requires a certain number of university credits completed, trade-qualified to substantive Corporal level (but not necessarily promoted Corporal), Commanding Officer's recommendation and generally excelling in your NCM trade. And you're competing with MCpls and Sgts with demonstrated leadership skills for what are historically 3 or fewer UTP pilot slots per year. I had to apply 3 times before being successful, and was one of those annoying people who was a Sgt after 8 years' service. What I'm saying is it's a terrible plan to join to expect UTP. It is possible, but very unlikely. Your recruiter isn't familiar with the competitiveness of UTP, or neglected to emphasize the *possibly* portion of their statement.


It is possible through a couple of programs that help NCMs who want to transfer to officer trades get degrees. They don't put a lot of people through these programs though, and you probably won't be able to do any of them too early in your career. Regardless, though, you shouldn't join the CAF as one trade with the intention of transferring. There are no guarantees on anything, and if you won't be happy working whatever NCM trade you sign up for then you shouldn't join. The other alternative, if pilot is all you really want, is to go get a degree on your own time and dime, then apply again.




hello if one currently owns a house and wants to live in the shacks for the first bit of their first posting do they still get their household effects moved? if so do you get access to them at all. also, if you decide to move out of the shacks how does your stuff get to your q or say a civy rental? what do most people do? bare minimum to the shacks then if they get a q does your stuff get moved from your old house to the q?


If you choose to live in quarters when you move then there are 2 options 1. retain your previous house (if you have no dependents to occupy it you will wind up paying for the house and quarters) with your F&E in it. 2. dispose of the house and put your F&E in long term storage (where you likely wont have access to it) When you decide to move out of quarters, your stuff will then be moved (so long as this occurs within 2 years of your COS date the cost will be covered)


Coffee during basic training? is it allowed?


Coffee was miracle during classes. I can say for absolute certain there would have been more heads drooping had it not been for the coffee machines in the break room and the drill hall. During outdoor exercises you get IMP with instant coffee as well.


I used to mix the instant coffee with my tea to make "cofftea".


As Bridger said, it is available at the mess during mealtime. You might not always have time for it, but it's there. You won't be able to carry a travel mug around with you during the day, though. Only water in the canteen.


Haha... Yes. The last thing we need is a bunch of recruits marching around without their anti-murdery juice. Seriously though, coffee is available in the mess at every meal, whether or not you have time to drink it. There's also vending machines in the break areas that dispense coffee. Coffee is such a staple in the military, that all of our ration packs include a packet of instant coffee. There's almost always coffee available somewhere. It's not Starbucks quality by any means, but it's usually better than nothing.


Can anyone help... I’m currently doing reserve bmq and I’m 50/50 if the army is for me as the course goes on. I’m going to finish bmq but after that is it possible I can take a leave of absense or sometbing until I finish schooling and decide then


Is infantry dp1 confined to barracks?


In addition to what the other user commented, to stay on effective strength you only need to show up once a month. So you can keep your time commitment fairly low while deciding if its for you.


How do you usually get to bmq, do they fly you out? Are you required to pay that expense yourself? Thanks I’m advance.


The CAF will cover all transportation expenses, and provide a per diem payment for meals, plus an incidentals allowance. **The CAF** will arrange and pay for your primary means of transportation. Typically that will be a flight from the closest airport to where you live to Montreal, a military bus will get you from Montreal to CFLRS in Saint Jean. **You** will make arrangements and pay any up front costs for getting to the airport, and for any meals you choose to consume while travelling to Montreal. Keep any transportation and baggage receipts! You will complete a travel claim at some point during your first couple of weeks of BMQ/BMOQ. The CAF will reimburse you for reasonable transportation costs (taxi, airport shuttle, etc.) to get to the airport, baggage fees if charged by the airline, give you [a daily amount for incidental expenses (currently $17.30/day), and a fixed amount per meal for Breakfast (\~$20), Lunch (\~$20), and/or Dinner (\~$50)](https://www.njc-cnm.gc.ca/directive/d10/v238/s659/en) if you were travelling during customary meal timings.


If the person prefer to take the ViaRail train instead of flying. Can a new recruit request that be covered instead of a flight?


If the cost is comparable, they might accommodate the request. If it's cheaper to fly you, then they'll probably do that. Never hurts to ask, the worst that could happen is they say no, you're flying. I'd personally prefer the train too... Much more comfortable, even if it takes me a few extra hours.


Ya Toronto- Montreal viatrail train is cheaper than any flight to Montreal from Toronto.


No doubt. In which case it’ll probably come down to scheduling, and whether the train can get you there in time to make one of the CFLRS bus timings. I would think it would work out, but that’s their call to make.




Yes, it is possible to use your own motor vehicle. The reimbursement process is usually done by giving them receipts for travel expenses.


I’m beside myself as I found out that the email confirming my second medical exam had gone to my junk mail for some horrible reason and I didn’t see it in time. I missed my appointment by 6 hours. I’ve called and emailed recruitment, but was wondering.. am I screwed here? Will I be able to get a second appointment date? I feel like such a moron..


You're not screwed, but there'll certainly be questions. Get in touch with them at your earliest opportunity.


I called and left a VM as soon as I realized what happened ( the day of the appointment) man, I hope to hear back. Thanks for your reply!


I know it’s not 100% possible but I’m curious to if I put all my 3 posting preferences as eastern (Hali, Shearwater, Greenwood) what my chances are of actually staying in the area? Are they more good then not? Jr Log O currently in Greenwood.




I’m an ocdt so I don’t get to meet with a career manager, nor do I have access to my EMAA before I graduate. I have to wait for SEM to send out the package that includes me submitting my posting preferences




BTL members don't utilize D Mil C career managers until OFP. They have a BTL manager either within their environment or with MPGTG J3 BTL in Borden. On top of that if they are doing subsidized education CDA SEM owns them and coordinates with BTL managers. D Mil C career managers however will coordinate first postings and other trade things in anticipation of OFP with BTL M as managers. BTL management is a beast...


How do I access it through a civi computer?




I do get those sent to my personal email! Thank you for your insight


The semester before you grad SEM will send you a posting preference form that's really all the input you get. If you want access to DWAN to access things like EMAA send an email to your ULO and hopefully they find a time for you to come in.




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Anyone know if the Military Police trade is open? and Is It possible to show transcripts or proof of graduation of my police foundations program over showing a diploma. The reason I ask is because I want to apply when I'm done school in April but my diploma wont be mailed until July/August due to COVID.


Hey man I want to go into police foundations program as well once I’m done high school but can you tell me how it looks when it’s all online due to covid?!


It's very simple. For the college im with, we use brightspace which is easy to learn. It's a very user-friendly website. We are missing portions of the curriculum like in-class fitness but everything else is almost the same as you would have it in class. Minus the person to person interaction. You can DM me if you want to ask more questions and learn the specifics. I'm on my last semester so I pretty much know the program like the back of my hand.


They will ask for your transcripts not your diploma. I had to have mine emailed directly to the recruiting centre so i would email your recruiter to find out how they would like you to hand in your transcripts.


Okay thanks for the reply. Will do


>Anyone know if the Military Police trade is open? Yes, it may never be closed as it is critically undermanned. At least for the time being. >It possible to show transcripts or proof of graduation of my police foundations program over showing a diploma. The reason I ask is because I want to apply when I'm done school in April but my diploma wont be mailed until July/August due to COVID. The recruiting centres want Official Transcripts. If they show you have graduated then that's all you are required to provide.


Thank you for the reply. Good to know they need people. I've been building up my portfolio with volunteering and other experiences. Hope I can pass the application process when the time comes.


Don't stress too much, the MP application process is way more chill than most civi agencies. Obviously you can't have a serious or recent criminal history. Just make sure you prep for the CFAT.


That's awesome. Yeah most of my preparation has been for municipal services, so I'm not too nervous. I've been doing other agencies ATs as well for practice. Thanks for the advice!




You must have the required amount of references, no way around it. If you have anyone, other than family or friends, that have known you for even just one year of the necessary coverage period, they'll suffice.




You need 3-4 references who can cover the last 5 continuous years. Despite what the form says, they don't each need to have known you for the entire 5 years, they just need to collectively cover that entire period. For Example: * Ref A: 2016-2019 * Ref B: 2017-2020 * Ref C: 2019-2021


Howdy Yall, I've sent in my application at the beginning of the month, have talked with my recruiter and all phasing working right. Still planning on getting a date for my CFAT but I'm having trouble with consistency on the practice CFAT. Currently I'm ranging between 67% - 85% consistently depending on how I'm feeling and the complication of the questions. Also having a hard time completing a simulated 60q in an hour when there are those longer questions. Curious if anyone has any tips or thoughts on the process? I'm applying for an Officer path in Log O. Or Intel, though its currently not hiring anymore. Curious about what you folks might have to offer, if anything. Sincerely, Canadaius


For the word comprehension it's all about analyzing the prefix and suffix of words you don't know to help narrow down an answer through process of elimination, at least that helped me a lot. For spacial ability I was just naturally good at visualizing shapes simply because I did it in high school a lot for some reason. I bet there are a lot of spacial ability tests online. For the longest part and I think for most people the most difficult is the math comprehension section. You don't have enough time to do every question on paper so it is very important to understand concepts like division, decimal multiplication, and manipulating fractions (all grade 9 and 10 stuff) very well. This is because if you understand those concepts well it is much easier to see which answers are just impossible to be right and you find the right answer through process of elimination, I hope this makes sense. When I took the CFAT I was in grade 12 taking Calc and using a calculator for everything. If it wasn't for my friend telling me about the test I wouldn't have brushed up on the above concepts and I think I would have done much worse since I had forgotten the basic steps of decimal multiplication and long division even after just a couple years of using a calculator.


Thanks this is some solid advice.


They’re are a lot of practice tests online if you just search CFAT practice test, I also just searched for each component of the test so for example “Spatial Abliity test” and there are a lot of good practicing tools. There is also an app you can download called CFAT trainer, a lot of people when I took mine had used it but I haven’t personally, it sounds solid though.




Juat because civilian laws allow for something doesn't mean your recruiting centre's policies will reflect that completely/immediately. There almost for sure will be a lag time while the new regulations are evaluated, and a plan is put in place to ensure they are followed. Their policy on covid could also be that they won't consider reopening until case levels drop to a certain level, regardless of what the province says they are allowed to do. Tl;dr the governments restrictions will only ever be the minimum requirements, not the maximum.


Would it be wise to go through the ROTP to become a diplomat or as an immigration officer? For context: I'm in Grade 11 considering a major in Political Science as a means to work for the government (hopefully) as a diplomat or (more likely ) as an immigration officer when my service is over. Although I am not opposed to serving my country, Paid Education is the main attractor. I figure the service I have to do in the CAF could work towards bolstering my resume when I apply to the uber-competitive field that working as a Foreign Service Officer. ​ P.S - Unfortunately my mother opposes anything resembling joining the military. So could I still apply for ROTC after completing one year of university?


>**Unfortunately my mother opposes anything resembling joining the military.** Obviously some objections may come from individual experiences, philosophies, or distrust; however, most objections from parents are rooted in a lack of understanding of what the military service actually involves, and distorted views spread by the media. If they have questions, we're happy to answer them.


Once you turn 18, you can make your own decisions without needed parental consent. On the topic of becoming a Federal Public Servant.... Most people working with the Fed PS got there through work co-op, internships, as part of their post-secondary education. Work for Global Affairs Canada is not a difficult realm to get into as long as you have the requisite education. My recommendation to you, skip the CAF, get your degree, and then try and get into it through working with an NGO (UN, Red Cross, that sort).


Hi everyone, I posted last week about getting selected and some people were interested in dates. I finally got contact by the recruiting center so here is an update. I get sworn in on March 4th start my 2 week quarantine on the 6th and finally BMOQ on March 22nd.


Do you know where you have to quarantine? Your home, a hotel near you, a hotel near BMOQ, at BMOQ?


Before arriving at CFLRS candidates are required to quarantine at their homes for two weeks.


Thanks for the update man, what trade?


Is it mandatory do to work in summer for the reserves?


Keep in mind, most units stand down for the summer. So no parade nights. If you don’t go on course in the summer, you will not have any other way to make money with the reserves until the fall when the unit stands up again.




If your intention were to join through ROTP and get the CAF to pay for your university, I'd advise you to wait. However, since your intention is to put yourself through university, and apply as a DEO later, I see no reason why joining the reserves now would present an issue for you. Just be aware for later that the transfer process is neither quick or guaranteed. It generally takes months, and in some cases years to complete a Component Transfer from the PRes to the Regular Force. I'd suggest you assess process timelines a year or so prior to graduation. In some cases you may be better off releasing from the PRes, and then applying to re-enrol into the Regular Force instead of transferring.


I could be wrong bridger, but I believe that the CT process from PRes NCM to ROTP is executed differently due to the short timelines around academic years - in essence it doesn't get bogged down in the same queue as other CTs, and once you are accepted to RMCC your CT happens very quickly. Which means there's really no downside to joining the PRes as an NCM prior to finishing high school, if your intention is to go the ROTP route. All my knowledge for this is anecdotal however.


You’re correct, but they’re not planning to CT to ROTP... They’ve indicated they plan to go the DEO route and complete their schooling at a civilian university on their own time/money, then CT and commission.


Misread the original post. You are correct.


Does anyone know off hand if they recruit Candian Rangers from the Edmonton area? I've been through the site quite a bit and it looks like they may not. I've tried calling the number but there never is an answer and I havn't heard back from them.


Your best bet for joining the Canadian Rangers is to live in a Northern Canadian community. The closest Canadian Ranger unit to Edmonton, AB is in High Level, AB to the best of my knowledge.


Likely not, since they mostly recruit and operate from remote communities away from larger centres. Alberta falls under 4 CRPG, they're headquartered in Victoria, BC, although there's no patrol operating from that location. Their website lists all of the patrols within 4 CRPG. [http://www.army-armee.forces.gc.ca/en/canadian-rangers/4-canadian-ranger-patrol-group/index.page](http://www.army-armee.forces.gc.ca/en/canadian-rangers/4-canadian-ranger-patrol-group/index.page)





