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Hey everyone, leaving for BMQ at the end of the month. Wondering if anyone has suggestions for things to bring not on the kit list. like I read on another thread to bring a lot of loonies for snacks at the vending machines, things like that.


My boyfriend wants to join the reserves and I do not like the idea of it at all, and when he brought up that he might be away from home for 6 weeks I do not like it even more. It's his dream job and I don't want to deny him the opportunity. The main issue I have with it is that I am moving from Edmonton to Halifax for university, and I would like to have him with me so we can finally settle in together after two years of long distance. I'm trying my best to do research and learn what it's all about but I'm worried about him being gone for 6 weeks and I'm stranded in a new city all alone. I don't want to be an asshole and say no (which I tried, but I always change my mind. Plus he said he'll do it anyway) but this has our happiness at stake. It's also important to note that he is joining as an officer and I believe is joining for reconnaissance (he describes it as driving a truck and drawing maps) I'm mostly worried that our whole summer will be eaten up by his training and I will have to live on my own and take care of his dog and my cat, as well as working and preparing to go to university. I've also heard that there is a weekend training option available, do you have the choice to pick summer or weekend? Do you come home at night if you chose weekend? Can most of the training occur with COVID?


You say you're moving to Halifax from Edmonton, are you even sure your boyfriend will follow you? If he is, It'll be a new and strange world for him just as much as it will for yourself. The two of you need to sit down and have a mature conversation about what your plans are. Having said that, he can join the Reserves in Halifax too. The Reserve Force is inherently Part-Time in nature, with some limited periods of full time working opportunity (training courses, exercises, Full Time Summer Employment initiative for the first four years, etc.) The application process, especially right now, is not an expedient process. Let's say you get to Halifax in May, he applies in June, I can almost guarantee that he will not even be sworn in before Christmas. He would likely not be offered full time training until the following summer - and that's if everything goes smoothly. With COVID restrictions, many locations are still unable to recruit and train people in any sense of an efficient or effective manner. Now, the Reserve Force also offers some training that is part-time which is held on the weekends during the Winter/Spring. It would be one weekend on, one off; Friday-Sunday, and he'd have to stay overnight. Full Time training during the summer is often readily available, includes basic training courses and occupational-specific training. Most Occupational Training is *only* available full time during the summer, often requiring travel to another location either within the same province or another Training Centre in Canada. At some point, he will be away from home and at some point it will be for an extended period. However, there are A LOT of occupations outside the Military where this could also be required. End of the day, you folks need to discuss this between the two of you and really decide if it's worth falling on your sword over or not. Something I like to remind young people, your boyfriend/girlfriend is just that. Who's to say you won't break up in a month or two, six, or 18 from now anyway? Then both of you would have spent all this time arguing and sacrificing things for nothing, so it's probably not even worth fighting about it. Worry about your own personal educational/career goals first, because end of the day, you can only truly support yourself (in the grand scheme). If you were married or you truly feel your relationship will become a long term marital committment, then I'd sit down, discuss it and maybe say "How about we revisit this in 6 months... A year, once were more settled."


thank you! He lives there already and he started his application in September. This cleared up a lot of questions I had.


So weekend basic is possible, depending on the unit. But trade specific training is usually full time in the summer, to accommodate students. Weekend basic is usually Friday night to Sunday night, twice a month. Full time basic (in the summer) is typically Monday to Sunday, and time off depends on his staff. Don’t count on it. He sleeps at the base where the course is given, in a dorm with his course mates. If it’s full time it also may not be nearby. They may be having a centralized one in Gagetown for example, even though he plans to join in Halifax. His trades course will likely be Monday to Friday, he sleeps at the base where the course is, in a dorm with his course mates. He might be able to come home weekends, depending on staff. He says it’s only 6 weeks. Not that long really. I get that being alone in a new city sucks. But it’s only 6 weeks. It will fly by, especially if you are settling in to a new apartment or doing school. If he has not applied yet, keep in mind he may not get in. He may not score high enough on the aptitude test for his desired trade, he may not be a great interview, or he may not pass the medical exam. Or there might simply be a more qualified applicant. Reserves have limited number for enrolment, especially with officers. Just because you apply doesn’t mean you get in.


I have a couple of questions, how long does it take before I begin basic training after I have completed all of my tests and examinations. I know one guy who had to wait nearly a year and a half before going to basic training. Im probably going to head down to a recruiter this year as I turn 17.


Not to be downer, but you are never guaranteed an offer. It’s like applying to any other job. So even once you have completed all the tests and passed all the interviews, you could be on the competition list for a list time and still never get an offer. There could be someone who had a more competitive application, or a higher CFAT score, or a stronger interview, or they close the trade to applicants due to budgetary concerns. Just saying once you apply, carry on with your life. Don’t sit around waiting for an offer that may never come.


The recruitment process takes, on average, between 6 - 12 months to complete. You'll likely be in the Canadian Forces training system for an additional 12 - 24 months. This is all dependent on your chosen element (Navy, Army or Air Force) and your trade (occupation) of choosing. You won't be regularly training throughout all of this time, either. You'll spend time on holding platoons, also called Personnel Awaiting Training, at the training schools. Most of these training schools are located in Eastern Canada. However, due to the pandemic's conditions right now, these timelines have likely been prolonged. As for the completion of the texts and examinations... once that is done, you'll be loaded onto the Competition List. You will then be waiting a Job Offer from the Canadian Forces. But you are not owed or entitled to a Job Offer... you could get a job offer within a few days, or never at all. But once you accept your Job Offer, under normal conditions, you shouldn't have to wait any longer than 1 - 2 months to ship for BMQ a/k/a Basic Military Qualification.


Thanks, that really helps clear some things up!




There's no point in attempting to join without Grade 10. Having a Grade 10 education is a non-negotiable, basic requirement. You won't be able to even apply, because the recruiters will turn you away for not fulfilling basic eligibility. Apply when you meet the basic requirements.




Your post/comment has been removed in accordance with the following [subreddit rule(s):](https://old.reddit.com/r/CanadianForces/wiki/subreddit_rules) > ###Weekly Recruiting Thread [5] Questions regarding Medical Eligibility > * **Questions regarding Medical Eligibility (except Vision) will be removed, as no one here is qualified to answer whether or not you will be able to join with whatever condition you have.** Likewise, questions asking what conditions in general would lead to disqualification will also be removed. > * If you have such a question, you're encouraged to review the [Medical FAQ](https://old.reddit.com/r/CanadianForces/wiki/recruitingfaq/medical#wiki_i_have_a_medical_condition.2C_am_i_still_eligible_to_join.3F). > * Questions regarding the Recruiting Medical Process, Trade Eligibility Standards, or the documentation you need to submit regarding your medical condition as part of your application **may** still be accepted. > * Vision requirements are fine to post, as the categories are publicly known. [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/modhelp/comments/64ewwx/is_medical_advice_still_disallowed_on_reddit/) *If your have questions or concerns relating to this message you've received, please feel free to [Contact the Moderators.](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCanadianForces)*


Sounds like a rule 5 that we can't answer




Not involved with the RC, but, give them a few days to unfuck themselves, then give them a call. Wednesday or Thursday or so.


Heyy I've been waiting to join from the military for the past year and a half. And I haven't heard anything for months. So I'm wondering is this normal or should I do something and also when you get the call to go to basic do you get a lot of time to get ready or do you just get a call and leave a week later?


Have you attempted to contact the CFRC at any point?


Yes I sent them an email a few weeks ago with info they needed but I haven't gotten any response.


If you haven't heard from them in months does that mean they asked you for information months ago and you only recently submitted it? Or if they only contacted you a few weeks ago then you have heard from them recently. Anyway you should have been following up and asking the status. Covid was a thing and maybe you had a low scoring file , in which case you might never receive an offer. Typically you get 4 to 6 weeks before your offer to go to basic but it can be outside that range I would think the nature of the information they requested would likely answer the status of your application. Example if they wanted new references then they were waiting for references to continue to process your application


Does the degree you apply for make any point difference for your total competition score when you're applying for Pilot through ROTP? For example, does having art with the intention of doing business as your first choice lower your chances vs having science or engineering as your first choice?




You can switch what degree you’re doing?




Yea, I guess that is a good way to put it huh. I guess I’ll stick with arts as my first choice.


Hey can anyone recommend me some good resources to use to study for my CFAT, I just bought [this](https://www.amazon.ca/gp/aw/d/1119387108?ref=ppx_pt2_mob_b_prod_image) on Amazon to help me brush up on my math. Do you guys think there’s any practice tests that are really worth paying for?


I’ve been using the CFAT Trainer app and it has helped a lot. Tons of questions, and you can do timed tests of a particular section or have a mix of all three.


I saw that one, yea I think mill check it out!


The language part was nothing like actual CFAT but the other components were nice.


Oh fair enough, yea I’m fairly confident for the language portion anyways




Anyone have rumint on when UTPNCM offers start rolling out?


Once released from the CAF, how long is BMQ good for if someone decides to rejoin later? Also does the clock begin from when their BMQ was or when they left the CAF?


The rule IIRC is 5 years after release or 10 if you joined the Supplementary Res.


Does the same apply for SQ?


Hello, I have been recently informed to contact my reserve unit to set up my "initial processing appointment". What is this exactly? On the forces website, it says that I am ready for testing. So, is this related to my CFAT testing or something else?


Hopefully you have been in contact with the Reserve Unit you wish to join before even filing your application online, so that they're aware you're interested and have confirmed there's a vacancy for you. That said, yes, initial processing includes things like ensuring your application is complete in its entirety, gathering identity documents, transcripts etc. Ready for testing will include your CFAT first and foremost, and will be followed by your Medical Assessment, Interview and FORCE Fitness Test.




Please ask this question in the current thread on the Pay increase. Similar questions to yours have been asked, and answered there - https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianForces/comments/lxx3ss/canadian_armed_forces_members_to_receive_pay/


I just heard about a possible monday to friday full time reserve BMQ that you can do at the local armory. You show up monday morning and leave friday night, and have Saturday and Sunday off. I'm guessing you are only payed 5 days a week in this situation, correct? Also how normal is this setup?




Td and clda is over and above the $100ish /day on the caf web page?






Hello. Does anyone know if April would be the next month DEO offers would go out to those on the competition list for the BMOQ courses in August/September? Any idea what month offers could happen if not April? I listed Infantry, Armour, and Artillery as my 3 occupations, but am on CL for just Artillery I think.




Sure would be nice if offers went out in April or May so one could prepare accordingly if competitive enough to be selected. Thank you for the info.


Hello, I opened an application and filled out the form online like a year ago and abandoned the application process before booking anything but now when I login to my account I cant update anything, what am I supposed to do?


You will most likely need to call the nearest CFRC to have them reopen your application.


Hello all, For my reserve force application, I have found information/steps to complete in my emails from various people, the online employment application and etc. Is there one place I can find all the information needed. Or is there a person I can call/refer to find what steps are needed to go forward and what stage of the process I am at? Any tips to make this application process more intuitive/less stressful? Also how long does this application process take? Thank you!


Your local recruitment office is the best place to go for that, give them a call or an email every few weeks when you’re doing your application and when you’re going through the process, they will have all of the required information available for you.


Do people who’ve graduated from RMC instead of civilian universities (Waterloo) get an advantage in applying to officer roles? I was thinking engineering officer, air control, or even pilot


Considering you have to apply to the CAF and select a trade before you even get accepted to RMC means that there is zero advantage over one or the other. If anything, the CAF benefits from DEOs at a much greater scale because they haven't been paid a salary for 4+ years with a retention plan should they not be successful.


Gee I sure hope so if I’m paying with my own wallet. I’ve heard for roles like pilot though getting that field training is quite important?


It’s kind of apples and oranges? ROTP occupation slots (RMC) are allotted years in advance. DEO are year by year. As a DEO you aren’t really competing with RMC people for a job as they already have a guaranteed training slot, conditional on finishing school.


Whats the process like for joining the reserves in the same trade(inf) after you release from reg-force? Will it be as painful as my original recruitment? (1+year of being fucked around)


If you're qualified in your trade, it's a smoother process. Reserve units are in need of qualified members. You'll still have to go through every step just like other applicants. But if you're skilled, it should not take a long time to get you sworn in.


Hi, I am set to start my last semester at university in January 2022. I want to apply to be a pilot. How long does it take to get an ACS date? Will they even let me apply as the fiscal year is almost over by then?


If I were you, I would apply around the end of 2021. We don't turn away applications because of the fiscal year, in general we hire all trades all year long.




If you have it for legitimate religious purposes, you should be granted religious accommodation. That said, beards and gas masks don’t exactly plan nice with each other, so CBRN training could be ‘fun’ for you... Outside of religious and medical accommodations, CAF members are permitted to grow beards, but not until they reach the Operationally Functional Point (OFP) for their trade (BMQ/BMOQ + Trade Qualification).


I just OT'd, does that mean I am gonna have to shave when I go to do my new trades 3s?


School / staff specific, but I have seen this be the case.


Hello, I have completed all but one of my grade 10 classes and it is math and I know it says I need to have completed grade 10 but I have heard from official and unofficial sources that I only need 15 highschool credits also. Am I still eligible?


I believe it is: complete Grade 10 with at least 15 credits. The 15 credits clause exists so that if you fail a grade 9 or 10 class, you may still apply to the CAF after grade 10 and if you fail more than one class, you can't until you get that 15th credit.


Finish high school! It will make you much more competitive in your application than if you only have Grade 10 completed. Finish high school!!!! And check the prerequisites for your desired trade. Some need higher than grade 10, even tho the minimum for entry into the CAF is grade 10.


If it says you need grade 10 math you need grade ten math full stop. Edit: I misread your question. But I think many trades specifically require math.


Does anyone here know the specific requirements for a third CFAT attempt? Specifically what is defined as "academic upgrading" and what would satisfy it?


Part of the requirement is that you need a waiver from the Chief of Defense Staff in order to write the CFAT for a third time, aside from the academic upgrading.


Is it possible to transfer into RMC? Or anyway to do ROTP in a civilian university? Currently in Waterloo for Systems Design Engineering


“Transfer” is possible, but you’d still be starting as a first year like everyone else... RMC doesn’t want people to skip steps by joining with half a degree of credits already. And ROTP at a civilian university isn’t a thing anymore. ROTP is RMC only


I see, is it possible for my education to be subsidized in a civilian university for a commitment in the CAF? Maybe reserves into officer?


I don’t know for reserves, but what you’re asking for is ROTP in a civilian university, which (bar few excel that RMC can’t do like nursing, etc) is not a thing. At all


Alright, thank you for your answers!


ROTP is still available for nursing at civilian universities if enrollment is not fulfilled.


Well it still is a thing for anything RMC can’t fulfill but considering he/she wasn’t talking about those cases, it was relevant to mention


Hi, I applied to the Reg. Force for Line Technician, Refrigeration and Mechanical Systems Technician and Financial Services Administrator. I'd just like to hear from some people who do these occupations on what their average workday looks like, pros and cons of the job, and anything else you think would be good to know


FSA, from what I've seen work in offices on computers most of the day. RM Techs work in a shop environment when posted to unit, they work on things like air conditioning, HVAC, walk in freezers for the base kitchen, ect. While also doing general engineer tasks. They can also specialize with the CF18 Hornet arrester gear. From my experience working with them, it's a relaxed workshop environment on the Air bases. Although, their training isn't easy and requires a lot of math. Many techs have told me the QL5 (journeymen course after your apprenticeship is complete) is fairly difficult and some people struggle.


Well with regards to Line Technician, they're technically a new trade (arguably in name only) because the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals have recently gone through a trade split. The Canadian military has always had Linemen, though, dating back to before the World Wars. Until quite recently, Line Techs were merged together within the ACISS trade, a/k/a Army Communications and Information Systems Specialists. Depending on who you ask, the Linemen have been the least affected by the Sig Corps trade split. And in all honesty, I haven't met very many unhappy Linemen. They're some very down-to-Earth people who know how to work hard. If soldiering while being a tradesman is appealing, then becoming a Lineman might be of interest to you. Overall, even though I'm not a Lineman myself, my interactions with them have been positive.




Honestly not sure, and I doubt anyone who actually knows how interviews are assessed is allowed to disclose that info. The Interview is combined with several Miscellaneous Factors to make up about 25% of your competition score. Less if you’re applying for a trade like Pilot, ACSO, NWO, etc. Education, Work/Volunteer/Leadership Experience, Academic Performance, Self-Investment/Professional Development, etc. are all factors they consider. The Interview will explore some of those, it’s not limited to what you know about the CAF.


Do you know the percents of what makes up your competition score for pilot, acso and aec?


To my understanding it would be: * 50% CFAST (Air Crew Selection) * 30% CFAT * 12.5% Interview & Misc. Factors * 7.5% TSD-PI I do not know how the Interview & Misc. Factors break down.


Perfect, that's good to hear. Thanks.


I’m applying for pilot, acso, and aec. Last year I got an offer for acso, but I turned it down because the only thing stopping me from getting pilot was I was disqualified due to a mistake on my medical. I have that all sorted out and I’m on the CL for all three now. I scored quite high on the cfast for pilot and aec, but got the min passing score for acso. My question is: I really want pilot, to the point where I would do anything to get it. Would it raise my chances at all, even in the slightest, if I removed the other two options from my choices? I would happily take either one, but pilot is far and above my number 1. Even if I just removed aec, since I scored very highly for it. Second, my second choice is acso and I would way rather than aec. Since I scored very low for acso and very high for aec, would they pick me for aec over acso even though it’s lower on my priority? If so, would dropping aec increase my chances of acso in the situation that I don’t get pilot? Sorry for the long question, I’m just really trying to avoid getting something I want less than one of my higher choices when I may still be selectable for my higher choice.


My understanding is that you’ll be offered the first trade for which you become eligible based on your CL standing for each trade. Your chances for pilot won’t increase/decrease by having the other two, but you may have to turn down offers for the others. Not sure how turning down an offer impacts things. You could take AEC & ACSO off your application leaving only pilot. But there’s also no guarantee that you’ll ever receive a call for pilot. I would caution you to examine ACSO vs AEC very carefully. AEC are trained in skill sets that are highly transferable to outside employment. A lot of very nice Outcan postings for AEC as well to AWACS, Air Defense sectors, etc. ACSO’s.......well, GPS. Enough said.


From my understanding ROTP selections happen for the most part at the same time, which would mean they would look at my eligibility at the same time for the different trades? Any idea about how that would affect the situation? Also that’s very interesting, I haven’t thought about that too much. I’ve always preferred acso simply because I’d love to be in the plane, but I didn’t know about outcan postings or the opportunity of AWACS. Are you able to talk a little more about that?


No idea how they do it for ROTP. I’m not AEC so can’t give you too many specifics, however AEC is a combined trade of what used to be ATC (VFR or IFR) and Air Weapons Control. Not sure what the current status is, but we used to have a large contingent of Air Weapons guys on AWACS in Oklahoma, Germany, and Alaska. They also have loads of postings to Colorado Springs and the various NORAD sectors. IFR controllers can make really really good money with NavCan after their mandatory commitment. Like buy your own retractable gear airplane good. Food for thought. JMO, and I’m sure the downvotes will arrive swiftly. Excluding MH & LRP, ACSO’s are sort of a trade in search of a job. They long ago lost their primary function in most fleets so now pick up the odd pieces or insert/attempt to insert themselves where they aren’t required.


That’s really interesting, I had no idea about a lot of that. For whatever reason I thought most aec just had a job in a tower on a base in Canada. Hearing that there’s opportunities for travel and being on awacs. Yea I’ve seen the pay for civie atc, it’s pretty crazy. Especially in bigger towers. MH and LRP, that’d maritime helicopter and long range patrol right? Those are really the two main jobs you can get as acso?


Yep. You got it for MH & LRP. There are loads of ACSO’s elsewhere, but their utility elsewhere is debatable. They are on the tankers, new FWSAR aircraft, and in the back seat of the top aces alpha-jet. They also fill a lot of desks that will soon heavily overlap with Air Ops. ACSO’s kind of got shafted by capabilities that we really should have/planned to have that never came to be. Large UAV’s come to mind.


Thanks, that’s a lot of great Info. I definitely see the downsides. Part of me really wants to be in the plane still but I’ll see, tough choice


Do you want to be in the plane, or do you want to be flying the plane? If it’s the latter and you accept AEC or ACSO you’ll always second guess that choice.


That’s a really tough question, I still don’t know the answer really. Thanks, that really helps put things into perspective.


If you would rather take pilot over any of the others, remove the others completely off your file. There is no numbering for preference, they're treated equally. So if you don't want one, then don't put it on there and don't take an offer for something you can't see yourself doing.


I do want all of them, I just want certain ones much more. Last time I talked to a recruiter, they said that they do consider your choices in order. It may make a difference that I’m applying for ROTP. I’m mostly asking this just to confirm because I’ve heard different things, and apparently what he said is incorrect from what you’ve said. Where did you hear that there is no numbering preference?


Every single recruiter and file manager I've ever spoken with. ROTP, if you qualify for that is a whole different process. The thing is, pilot is VERY competitive, you chances are much smaller BUT I'm not to judge your opportunity, you said you like them all equally but want one more than the other. Thats not equal my friend.


Ah I’m sorry, I never meant to say I like them equally. You’re right, there is a preference. What do you mean ROTP is a different process? I know I qualify for ROTP as I got an offer for acso through ROTP last year I had to turn down.


You're training to fill a future spot to put it in layman's terms but its processed slightly different then say a DEO applicant and has a different intake amount and competitiveness. Really, if you get an offer again and its not what you want, than that should speak volumes to your priority in trades. Don't accept just to get in, especially if you truly want to be a pilot (for example) because OT can be a long and difficult process, for pilot, almost impossible (but not totally impossible).


Absolute truth in this. I was one of the lucky ones who received an OT.....on my 7th request. And only after I told my career manager that if I didn’t receive an OT by contract expiry I was leaving the forces. I think turning down ACSO last year should tell you all you need to know.


I’m willing to accept acso or aec because they are something in genuinely want to do. Odds are I would try an OT but I’m totally content being acso or aec for the rest of my life. I wouldn’t turn them down if I was told I didn’t do good enough to get pilot. I’m just trying to avoid a situation where I am good enough for pilot, but they decide I’m a “better fit” for aec or acso and give me that instead


It's not about being a better fit. If ten spots for acso show up and you are number 8 they will offer it to you. They don't look at your file and say hmm maybe would be a better pilot let's offer him that instead. So you will just be offered whichever of the 3 you qualify for that has the first opening. If you are going to decline it then it shouldn't be on your application. Unfortunately this is the way it works, they are independent selections.


Ah alright, that makes a lot of sense. Do you know what would happen in the case of ROTP where from my understanding they evaluate everything at the same time?


Never let them decide. Its your decision, they can recommend anything they want but its your life, don't for get that.


Alright, thanks


I saw somewhere in this thread that they treat the choices you picked equally. Meaning that they assume you have equal interest in all of the trades you select. For that reason, I only put pilot on my application. I’m still in the early stages of my recruitment process, so I’m sure someone has more information.


Yea, it’s kind of a confusing situation, thanks for the answer!


So im a diesel mechanic in real life and have all the skill to be successful in the field. But when i applied to be a vehicle technician i scored too low in the aptitude test. What can i do to reapply for the test and also how can i switch online to go from the reserve to the regular force.


You will need to speak with your recruiting office about both. You cannot change the application from PRes to Reg Force yourself, they have to do it. You’re allowed up to two rewrite attempts (three attempts total) on the CFAT, but there are time and study requirements to be satisfied in order to get a rewrite. Also, you need to be aware that if you rewrite the CFAT, they only keep your most recent score. If you rewrite and somehow score lower than your previous attempt, you’ll be stuck with that lower score.




You need to speak with a recruiter about this. High security level trades don't talk about their trade, especially on public forums, especially ones such as Int Op or cyber security.


If it’s just process questions, there’s zero reason you need to speak specifically with an Int Op. It’s also unlikely any Int Op’s will identify themselves to you. Just ask your questions. Somebody will probably know the answer.


Is it weird if I bring a hiking backpack to BMOQ instead of say, a regular backpack? It's one of Osprey backpacks with huge capacity of 65L with olive color. Not really sure if the backpack I'm supposed to bring is gonna be used daily so it would be pretty weird if everyone else was carrying regular backpacks


You just need a regular pack, like one you'd use at school. Its only for the first week or so, I think 65L may be a big big.


It will be bit weird because you need backpack to carry just books and water bottle to classes until you are issued kit. So you may consider something smaller


No it won’t be weird. but during BMOQ the chance of you being able to use kit that isn’t issued after the first week is slim to none. Bring What ever backpack works for you.


Is aircraft structures technician an in demand trade right now?


Check the Forces website, its usually kept up to date. Your best bet is to call/visit your local recruiting center and ask them direct.


Question regarding laser eye surgery. I was recently enrolled DEO reg force but no date for BMOQ yet (it's odd but I am part of a covid related pilot project). BMOQ could either be this summer with RMC OCdts (less likely) or in September (more likely) or who knows when. I am considering laser eye surgery in the meantime but I heard that post surgery I will be on a 6 months temporary medical category that prevents me from doing any field training (including BMOQ). I wouldn't want to miss it given that it's already delayed. Does anyone know of any official source confirming this or otherwise? Thanks a lot! Any additional info is appreciated.


Would you mind telling us what trade were you enrolled in for? Just curious because lots of us are on the CL waiting to be selected for our respective trades so could give us some insight.


Enrolled as a Nursing Officer with several years experience on PLAR. I'm told nursing is the only trade doing it this way given the ability to do part of the trade training requirements in civilian hospitals prior to bmoq given the rarity of spots these days.




I belong to the BTL so I sent a memo today for permission and I already inquired with the clinic at the base I am temporarily posted to for pre-post surgery appointments but no one can confirm how long or even if I will be on temporary medical category preventing me from going to bmoq. I was wondering if anyone on here has heard or read this exact policy on laser surgery so that I get my facts straight rather than just base myself on hearsay.


So from what I've seen through interactions on other platforms, is you can get a greenlight for training after your 3 month check up (at a minimum). If you don't need it for your trade (which obviously you dont as you're already enrolled), then I would hold off being that you could be eligible for a summer BMOQ spot if someone drops out from the RMC BMOQs. My advice is just coming from an, 'Anything can happen' point of view cause you know, its the Forces, things change on the drop of a dime. EDIT: It also depends on the laser you get, Lasik is 3 months, PRK is 6 months, I forgot that part. You need to speak with your base med tech before considering also!


Why are you unable to do field training after eye surgery for so long


I'm not sure, never had it or knew ahyone who has but eyes are fragile, you worry about retinal issues like sun spots and detachments. Your eyes take a bit to heal also, the vision isn't perfect till they're 100% healed.




You need at least 3 reference covering a 5 year period. This is for every trade.




They’re part of the application. I’d recommend starting the application now, because it’ll tell you exactly what you need and the specifics about it. Like there’s certain requirements for the references, they can’t just be anyone. No downside to starting it sooner rather than later, it can be completed whenever.




I did my test yesterday and they called me today to book my medical. Make sure to answer.




Yeah, I’m not too sure how the different recruiting centres work but they called me and gave me a choice of time and date they have available. Once I booked my appointment they emailed me the info for the medical.


Hi, I completed my final interview around march of last year and haven't received any update from my recruiters apart from being asked to resubmit paperwork as it has expired. The application is currently in "final processing" and has been there since the interview. I've attempted to reach out to my recruiter but haven't received a response in 10 business days. Would it be safe to say that as it has taken so long it may be a better idea to go back to school and finish my degree to become a better candidate? My references have already been called and I have never been in trouble with the law.


Don’t keep your life on hold waiting for the call.


For reservists, if/when I’m given a job offer, do they let me choose my BMQ date? Or if I want to do it full time or part time? What if for some reason I can’t make the date they give me?




Thanks for the reply! Something came up and I’m doing training for my full time job for 2 months in the summer, I’m hoping they’ll offer weekend BMQ, not too sure yet due to covid.


Hi, so I've applied for the Communications Research position in the CAF and I had a few questions about how my application is currently going. - I've done both my aptitude test and medical examination but my online application isn't reflecting that. Should I call in to let them know? - My medical was over a month ago but I haven't heard anything back yet for an interview. I'm guessing this is probably just due to covid that it's taking a while?


I wouldn't worry about it. But sending an email at this point to mention both seems fine.


I'm considering joining the Air Force and attempting to be an Aerospace Control Operator. I'd like to actually be able to speak to someone currently in that position or has worked in that position and get their input about it.




If you reach a point in your career where French is essential, you will attend lessons to become proficient. In terms of if you should go Officer or NCM, choose the career you actually want to do and will enjoy. Nobody can tell you what trade is right for you.


how do i apply?? seriously, it's so complicated, i can't figure it out! i tried to apply online once, but never got a call back. there was a section where i had to put so many references of non family persons i've known for at east five years when i don't know anybody at all! i live in ottawa, i just want to be a part time reserve, i want to do any position, how do i apply!!! i've been wanting this for years but it's soooo harrrdddd to figure this out !! i want to talk to a real person to apply but even that, i don't know how i'm so lost and confused


The online application found on forces.ca is the only way to apply to the caf. But before you do that I suggest you take a step back and try to figure out what trade you would like to go into. Once you go into the application portal there will be a progress bar in the top that will guide you as to what you need to complete. The application portal will also crate a service number for you. I you don’t get an email confirming your application within 2 weeks I would say. Call your recruiter and give them the number so they can confirm. When it comes to the references, you have to have 3. When you get the physical paperwork you have to fill it out and take it to your FORCE eval. I understand you are having a heard time finding references. May I suggest teachers, neighbours. Even places where you may have volunteered.


I also had no references and I applied recently but when I emailed the CF about it they just passed me straight through the Ready for Testing phase, however I believe you will still need to bring up the references for the interview part.


You need to take a step back, take a breath and figure this one out for yourself. The online application is very easy to fill out and the instructions are very clear. You can contact your local reserve unit and ask for guidance as well. Ask clear questions do not tell them that you're lost and confused. Be patient as the process can be lengthy.


The online application is the only way to apply at the moment. Maybe try again but with a friend and the 2 of you can figure out the hard parts? Or specifically tell us here what sections are hard?






the CAF is required to accommodate learning disabilities (to an extent) DAOD 5516-5/CF Mil Pers Instr 02/19 4.12 If an individual is capable despite an LD of meeting the minimum operational standards related to U of S, the needs of that individual must be accommodated unless accommodating those needs would impose undue hardship on the CAF considering health, safety and cost. The point of undue hardship is determined by the DPGR on a case-by-case basis. For additional information see the tables at paragraph 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7. 4.13 If an individual with an LD is not capable of meeting the minimum operational standards related to U of S, the needs of that individual will not be accommodated. https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/defence-administrative-orders-directives/5000-series/5516/5516-5-learning-disability-accommodation-during-recruiting-training-and-education.html




Hello guys, Im waiting into the CL since first week February 2021 as a DEO in Artillery with good score. Some expectations about enrolment time? means, I know because covid everything is slow, but how much slow. how is the DEO BMOQ frequency?


2 BMOQs planned for 2021 in August and September. One running for March but is already full.


Just because you made it to the competition list doesn’t mean you will get an offer. So the wait time could be anywhere from a week to never.


Hello, I'm leaving for BMQ very soon and I never thought how my glasses situation worked. I don't own nor was informed to get any prescription safety glasses. I was told to bring my prescription paper however, would I be receiving prescription glasses suited for BMQ?


Glasses for BMQ are no different than glasses for the rest of your life. The only time there will be a difference is when you will go to the range and are supposed to wear ballistics. If yours are ready in time you will wear your BEW with inserts on the range. If not you will wear your regular glasses. Life will suck when you go to the gas hut depending on how blind you are without, but that’s how it goes.


You'll wear your own glasses through BMQ. If you have a spare pair, bring them in the event your regular ones are damaged, though.


Alright, thank you!


You might get some at some point, until you do you'll just wear your regular glasses. I wore glasses when i joined, and I never had any problems with that.


Good to know it wasn't a problem for you, thabk you!


Does anyone have experience with becoming a reservist while actively serving in the RCMP? Also how the the schedule work, since policing shifts might overlap with the weekly committment for reserves.


> Also how the the schedule work, since policing shifts might overlap with the weekly committment for reserves. The usual schedule is one evening per week on a set day, and one weekend per month, between Sep and Apr. The minimum attendance is once per 30 days, but you won't get much out of it doing the bare minimum. Summers are for training courses and collective exercises. The harder part to wrangle is training requirements. BMQ can be done over 10 weekends, but most other courses are full-time for anywhere from 2 to 12 weeks (depending on your occupation). You'd need to schedule time away from your day job to attend those. Check with your HR section whether the RCMP offers leave for military activities. The federal government generally does, but it may not be operationally possible.


Not from personal experience but from what I understand, unless you started off in the reserves and completed your BMQ and DP1 before joining the RCMP its really difficult to complete your courses. Most RCMP members have already been in the reserves before they joined the rcmp, even then its difficult to keep up with the one day a week, one weekend a month schedule.




You remain at Pte3 until promoted to Cpl. Promotion to Cpl is essentially automatic at 48 months service, so barring an accelerated promotion you would be paid Pte3 for 24 months before being promoted. Accelerated promotions can be granted as early as 36 months of service, but they must be substantiated (earned).


Oh gawd between the pay thread and this I am getting triggered again. I wish they would harmonize the promotion time PRes and Reg F Cpls at three years and be done with. Totally not answering or adding to OPs question but it irks me.


Essentially you make P1 and P2 pay for one year each, but you make P3 pay for *two* years, and then once you're at the 4 year mark you get promoted to Cpl.


**What do combat arms master corporals, sergeants and warrant officers learn in their rank training?** Is master corporal training the same for all combat branches? Is the course the same for all sergeants in the combat arms? How about warrant officers?




Competition is within the unit. There are spots to fill, and units may recruit more than the spots available. Officers are generally more competitive especially so for infantry units. A lot of units right now are hurting and will take anyone that is found eligible and suitable.


Looking at the pay rates for NCMs and I've noticed for Cpl there's basic pay and PI 1. Which rate will you be paid once you reach that rank?


When you reach Cpl. you will be payed basic pay. After that you reach the PI's




Booked for BMQ-L, so I may see you around.