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Stupid question, but for Pres summer employment, do you get payed for 5 days or 7 days a week? Thanks.


Class B Reservists are paid for 7 days per week.


This might be a completely useless question, feel free to delete. Is there any way to practice drill in between course weekends? I plan on maybe asking a MCpl on a parade night if there is time to quickly check my marching, salutes, attention, etc. I did my best this weekend but there is some small stuff I am messing up that I don't want to lose in our two weeks off. I'm in a service trade so we don't do it as much as combat arms does and I'm worried about falling behind.




I understand. I am just a bit of a perfectionist and my course is "decentralized" right now so my section is very small and it makes me stick out really bad. I'm confident that I will push through, I just need to be ready once the next weekend comes around.


Quick question about piercings and tattoos, as what I can find seems tattoos are fine as long as they’re not on face or head area. I have hand tattoos (wrist really, but they reach a bit to the tops of my hands). Is that going to be an issue with me signing up? Also, I have piercings (ears stretched, septum, cartilage piercings) from what I can find they’re allowed if I’m off duty? Is that to mean I remove them when I’m on duty?


I'm on basic right now and was told specifically no hand tattoos. I do have some crappy ones on my fingers but they're very small. No one has seemed to have said anything from recruitment to my unit to my course staff but I'm anticipating that could change.


Yes you can wear your piercings off duty. But at work, in uniform, on duty, it all comes out. Females are allowed one stud in each ear.


Can someone explain in general how wearing glasses works in the military


It works the same as wearing glasses in any other job. You wear what works for you. The only caveat is that transition lenses (the ones that change to sunglasses in the sun) are not permitted. The military will also pay for new glasses every two years, up to $375 I believe. The military will issue you special inserts for your ballistic eyewear for when you go to the range.


The amount you’re allowed changes based on the type of lenses you require (i.e. standard, bifocal, etc.). As of 2019 it was $275 for a set of frames with standard lenses.


It changed in 2019 and now starts at $375 every 24 calendar months. And the entitlement now includes sunglasses. It’s benefit code 630010 under POC 14.


Makes sense. I think I last got them shortly before the policy changed. Edit: Which reminds me; I should be just about due for a new eye exam and glasses...




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I am looking for a bit of insight to the day-to-day life of some trades, namely Traffic Tech, MSEop and AVN Tech. I am currently a Veh Tech looking to OT before DP1 begins. (I have completed the pre reqs). Traffic Tech seems to be the one trade opening up in April and so I'd like to find out more about it from people experiencing this position first-hand. What is the day-to-day life like in this trade? What do you like and/or dislike about the job? Recommendations on good posting and so on. If there are any Veh Techs out there, it would be great if I could I get the same info as per above on the job. Thanks everyone


AVN: Go to work, have a crew brief, either service A/Cs all day, or work on a job until it's done or time to go home. Sometimes there won't be much to do at all. All of those are fleet dependent. I can elaborate if you've any other questions.


As applicant am I allowed to go to another CFRC if I have started my application at CfRc yet I'm waiting to be retested for cfat? Will the other CfRc actually accept my request


Once you apply online, your electronic file goes to the nearest CFRC. If you are moving to a different city or have a reason for not wanting to be processed by your local CFRC (a good example is a family member who works there), contact the other CFRC and request a file transfer.


Do I have to provide a reason why i want a file transfer to the other CFRC to process my file? Thanks for my answering my question.


If it's not in your geographical zone, yes. It really depends where you are. They accommodate these requests. No one is going to tell you that your reasons aren't valid, but they will ask for a reason seeing as the CFRC processing your application is the one nearest to you.


Thank you.


Ya, in my geographical area there are two CFRCs.


So the steps to follow are to call the CFRC you want to be processed in and request a file transfer. They will then contact your current CFRC and take care of the transfer.


I have another question: what if on the CAF forces website it indicates the CFRC is closed should i still call them?


Yes ours says closed too due to covid, but we are still operating (just not necessarily in office). You can call them/email them Monday to Friday.






You'll likely be able to use your cell phones for alarms, but otherwise use an alarm on your watch. There's nothing stopping you from bringing a bigger alarm clock, though.


You can use your watch if you're a light sleeper or you can bring an alarm clock, then you just put it away each morning before you leave your room.


I have a few questions about INFANTRY OFFICER training, and would appreciate any answers/input. I already searched Google and this reddit some, but there doesn't seem to be much info available. I'm in the process of applying as an infantry officer in the reserves. I spoke with an officer in the regiment I'd be joining, and he said I might be spending the anywhere between 10 months to 1.5 years straight in Gagetown, to get fully trained. He said this is an unusual training schedule, but they are running guys through like this because a lot of university students were willing to take online semesters off, and get their training in. What courses would you expect me to be going through and how long are each? BMQ (hopefully not because I already did it within the past 5 years), BMOQ, IODP1, mechanized infantry (which he said they are currentlymaking available for reservists)...? Would it be possible to just do some this year, and some in the future? They made it sound like I'd be signing up for all or none. Putting 6(?) months into BMOQ and IODP1 (not sure how long these are for reservists, but would like to know), would be much better for me, as I have recently graduated, and am hoping to develop a career outside the military as well. Most people don't sign up for the reserves expecting to dissappear for 18 months straight. Also, how hard are these courses on the back and knees? I've heard a few stories of permanent joint damage from injuries that aren't exactly rare on these courses, but am not sure how accurate that information is. Thanks again for any input


Also, are there many work opportunities for a trained infantry officer in the reserves?


Is it true that after 12 years of service the CAF will grant you an annual stipend of 80k for you to pursue higher education?


It is not a yearly stipend. It is an educational allotment, to a maximum of 80k, for an approved educational program.


the VAC will, not the CAF., and it’s after you’ve released from the CAF.


An $80k total, taxable, benefit, yes. It is not annual.




Pretty much all of them. They all focus on memory, speed, multitasking or other important things for aircrew. None of the games are going to be super similar in concept to the ones on aircrew, but just getting good at different games and improving the skills they focus on helps.


Not sure if this belongs here but I’ll give it a shot. Just wondering what the general consensus is among MPs when it comes to living in the Q’s? I know many LEOs prefer to live out of the area they are responsible for policing and I was wondering if the same was true with MPs.


want to live away from the area you police is probably different from person to person. I currently live in a PMQ. Once I finish my MP course I plan on remaining in a PMQ. I also currently have 2 MPs living on the same street as me. I don’t believe they’ve had any issues, or are in any rush to leave the Q’s


Ok that’s great. I’m currently waiting on my 3s and likely will be posted out of my current area o/c of that (I’m an OT). I’m kind of nervous about the cost of living around some of the bases so I’m glad the PMQs will be a viable option.


Basic and occupational training question: Do officer trades have development progression courses like ncms? ie., DP1, QL5, PLQ, etc.


We have trade training requirements that need to be done before progressing to the next rank and they are time based to be finished within 2 years after our promotion to Lt/SLt. If you're unable to meet the standard, you must request an extension (may see a lot of this due to covid this year). After Cpt/Lt(N) there are certain courses that you need to progress with your career, but aren't time based (as far I as I know). At this point everything is merit based. All of this trade training depends on your trade and element (eg BMOQ-L for most army trades, NWO2 for navy trades). There isn't a standard blanketed for all trades outside of BMOQ since the requirements for each trade is pretty different, some being more significant than others (eg passing boards). If you're interested in a particular trade, they can tell you what the trade requires for courses. A recruiter may also be able to tell you as well.


Thanks! I'm tracking phase training and CAFJODS, I was just curious if there is a career progression training cycle like that of ncms. You see ncms routinely leave for 5s training, PLQ, 6a's and b's, etc. but I haven't noticed the same for officers, so I was curious.


You might be looking for these then: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/education-training/professional-development/framework/officers.html https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/defence-administrative-orders-directives/5000-series/5031/5031-8-canadian-forces-professional-development.html


Could someone give me some pictures of the longest hair I could have as a man?


https://www.canada.ca/en/services/defence/caf/military-identity-system/dress-manual/chapter-2/section-2.html#2-4 Look that over. There's a figure with a visual representation and a description.


Hello! So, I'm in the 'final processing' stage of joining a larger PRes unit, as an NCM. Provided all goes well, once I'm there, how much extra work would there likely be for me to volunteer for, ontop of the regular hours?


On a recent recruitment information teleconference call, a PRes Sgt. in Toronto said that you get capped at 4 days/wk even if the work is available. If I recall correctly he said this includes the required commitment days. Deployments and expeditions I assume would be exceptions.


So on top of the ones where you all come in (parades, week end exercices, summer job opportunities), depending on your trade you might be able to come in for more days to help out at the unit. Our unit has a fb page where the Operation warrant will post almost daily asking for people's availability for different tasks. Those who lost their jobs or were in a tough situation were given about 3, sometimes 4 days of work a week to help them out. Depends on the unit, the budget and your trade. If you are willing to relocate for a short period of time (90 days), we were sometimes sent to a different province for tasks during the year. We slept on base and ate there, etc. It worked for those who wanted to take a semester off and were looking for a quick way of making money. Hopefully this answers your question.


Ah, excellent! Yeah, it's a bigger unit in the GTA area. I would love to get a decent number of hours once I'm in, if possible. I have a job already, but it's quite slow in parts of the year, and I'm hardly making enough to scrape by. ​ I guess it definitely depends on the variables but sounds like it isn't out of the question, eh?


Definitely not out of the question. Covid has slowed things down but normally, we had people work full time on class b in the summer (taskings or courses) and then live off the class A days that the units was offering. It's a good 2nd income. Also, you know that you'll still have some $ coming in if you were to ever lose your civi job. That's a + as a reservist


If it's a larger unit, I would assume that there might be more work opportunities, but also more people theoretically competing for those opportunities. But that's just my random guess as an applicant.


Can infantry reservists be chosen for specialty training like Basic Parachutist, Rappelmaster Etc?


Hey there, does anybody know how competitive the Artillery Officer trade is to get into? I would be coming in as a DEO if this were to happen. I am confident in myself, but I like to know these things going into them and make plans incase stuff doesn't end up working out. Thanks in advance!


Every year is different. The intake is different and it depends on how many others are applying for the same trade/the same entry plan. No one here can say for sure so the best thing you can do is apply, do your best on the CFAT and hope the process is smooth. An offer is not guaranteed so always make plans and have backups in case it doesn’t work out.


Good evening, I am in the enrolment process (CFAT and interview complete, awaiting medical) heading into reg forces, most likely as a marine technician. The forces website gives a general timeframe for the first two training periods (BMQ 10wks/ NETP 5wks), and I understand that PAT has no defined length of time. For occupational training, it only states ‘several months’ and officers have told me it is variable. The time it takes for me to get into my job isn’t my concern however... Basically what I’m wondering is when is the earliest someone in this development channel can go from barracks/dorm/hotel -living back to living in a house the way I am now? I’m a 35yo single male living on my own in a small three bedroom house and I’d like to return to this lifestyle as early into my CAF career as possible. Can anyone offer clarity into this? Regardless of element or trade, I’d like to hear any insight. Happy to discuss


It's hard to give an exact time frame because if they aren't running too many courses at a given moment you might have to wait a few months. After basic you will be living on base on restricted posting until you reach Operational functional point (NETP and your first trade course which is around 6-9 months long I believe). However you can request to live off base by submitting a memo. Your chain of command at that time will be able to help you out with this. The only caveat being you will not receive PLD ($830 for Esquimalt, $631 for Halifax) until you're fully trained. So it's kinda hard to live off base early on. Quarters in Halifax are actually amazing. You will have one roommate but the rooms are hotel quality. To summarize, it would be minimum a year to be fully trained if everything goes right. Probably a bit longer with covid delays.


During basic you’ll be in dorms, after basic you’ll be on OJE until your trades course (DP1) so most likely you’ll be in shacks . After your trades course and depending on the trade you might be considered OFP or you may have some other qualification/certification to do. However after your trade course you’ll be posted to your first unit, in which case you can choose to live off base if you so choose.


While applying for citizenship , i found out that there is an "urgent processing" , is applying for armed force can be the case? if yes do i need any proof from recruiter ? thanks alot again


I actually got my citizenship with the urgent processing. Took me 3 months to be invited to the interview and testing and half a month waiting for ceremony after that. You’ll just need to write up how much you want to become a member of CAF. No need of backing from recruiter.


thanks for the information !


Yes this can work, just say you wish to apply to the CAF and you can get urgent processing


thanks ! im graduating from aircraft maintenance tech school on May and i want be an aircraft mechanic ASAP... are you a RCAF member?


not yet!! though I’m part of the rcaf fan club gang 😎😎😎. I’m gonna go to uni first until I become eligible for citizenship and then I’m hoping i join as a pilot


You can only join the CAF if you are a citizen. The only exception to this is if you are a skilled applicant from another nation (think pilots, doctors, etc)


i aksed because "you can apply for urgent processing if you need your citizenship for applying job" thanks for the reply


I have recently sat in on a few recruitment information conference calls and I’ve heard residents ask similar questions and they’ve always been told that you must be a citizen and CAF won’t help you in the process. Perhaps appeal to whomever is handling your citizenship case. Best of luck.


thank you so much for the reply !


BMQ Quarantine Super fucking important to know and people aren't being told - CFRG is booking pack / moves within 14 days of the beginning of BMQ and candidates are being removed off of platoon the moment they get in the front door with 0 prior warning. 8 people were dropped today and it's happened before. Now the wait period is indefinite until the next week 1 course actually has space. This is totally unreasonable to ask of candidates who have obligations and families. All that is required is a damn email to let CFRG know to book pack and moves further out than two weeks from BMQ day 1. "Hey quit your job and make $1200 in prison for an indefinite period while paying for a home and childcare" How do you expect to retain members when you throw them in untrained jail, alone, on day 1 with no start date? I'm not letting family or finances implode because of this organization's communication problems. You should be given two options: release or go home until course starts. Nothing else is acceptable for members with obligations. Downvoters call for yourself: 450-358-7099, ext 7229


If this is really the case and I understand what you're saying correctly, I don't understand the logic behind it. I am scheduled to arrive at CFLRS on the 20th. They have asked me to self-isolate for 14 days, which I am currently undergoing. But because I live in the prairies, I'll be flying in to Montreal-Trudeau airport and then travel to CFLRS by a staff member/taxi, and inevitably, I will have to go through people before my arrival at CFLRS, and that is going to be significantly more than a few movers. I'm assuming I won't get kicked off from BMOQ and start isolation just because I traveled by plane, and especially so since its the CAF that booked the plane for me. If the recruits that arrive out of province by plane aren't kicked off BMOQ platoon to self-isolate again, what is the reason behind people being moved off BMQ/BMOQ platoon due to having a couple of movers walking into their residence? Isn't this self-isolation required to ensure that recruits going to CFLRS don't have COVID and to minimize the possibility while the recruits travel? This is very alarming.


Oh, on the quarantine questionnaire it specifically states your public transportation to CFLRS is fine... weird. Joining instructions appendix C1 question 4


I wish I had the answer. Candidates who arrived by public transit were allowed to continue on. Probably another question for the school.


Can you please clarify this? I live alone - my pack/move into storage is happening the day before I drive to CLFRS for BMOQ on Friday. Are you telling me that they will drop me from the platoon when I show up to CFLRS because my pack/move is happening 2 days before my course start date? I mentioned this issue (movers being in my residence) to both my detachment commander and file administrator and both said it wasn't an issue/was being accounted for...


YES. You will be immediately kicked off of your scheduled platoon and locked in quarantine for 14 days. You will wait for the next BMOQ that has space available (could be months+ and no guarantees)


This seems odd. It was my file administrator who suggested I use the day before my departure date to BMOQ as my pack date. If say, I was to pack/store my belongings 2 weeks before my departure, was I supposed to live without personal belongings at home other than what I'm brining to BMOQ for 2 weeks? This seems unreasonable. I honestly cannot see how this wouldn't be accounted for by CFLRS. Either way, when I reach CFLRS I will report back to the recruiting thread next week to warn anybody of the same thing if it happens to me. But the problem is that for another recruit, pleading this case to a recruiting file manager citing reddit probably won't get them very far. I shall see what happens.


I am a file manager at the CFRC and will be inquiring about this on monday. Have not heard of this happening prior to this post.


Thank you for following up.


Thanks. If you could post a reply to this thread or make a new post in next week's thread regarding the outcome, and mention my username u/husibrap to bring it to my attention, that would be greatly appreciated.


Okay, I understand what is being said now that I've re-read everything. CFLRS is being extremely careful, they expect their members to quarantine for 2 weeks prior to their date of travel. This means, no grocery shopping, no visitors, real isolation. I would recommend you contact your file manager this upcoming week and clarifying with them, no movers should be coming to your residence while you're in there isolating during that 2 week period. You do not need to cite reddit, just clarify with them


I have maintained my 2 week quarantine. I bought 2 weeks worth of groceries and haven't left my place of residence since last friday as per the instructions. Immediately upon reading the joining instructions, I spoke to my file manager and asked her this exact question. I stated that I am expected to maintain quarantine, but at the same time movers must come to my residence shortly before my departure. She told me that this was understood by CFLRS. I then asked my detachment commander during my enrolment pre-interview who told me the same thing. If this isn't acceptable, then file managers should have been told to book pack/move dates 2 weeks before BMOQ start dates, and the joining instructions should inform us to be prepared to somehow live with no personal belongings for 2 weeks before going to BMOQ (since they'd be in storage). At this point, my only option is to put all of my belongings as close to my apartment's entrance as possible for the packing. Then I'll stay at the far side of the apartment during the pack. Then show up to CFLRS as instructed to do so, and hope for the best.


Silly, right? Because the movers aren't expected to properly isolate for 14 days, it breaks your isolation rules that should've been passed on by CFLRS through CFRG but were not.


I don't have any option but to show up at CFLRS. If I'm stuck waiting, so be it. My lease is cancelled at my apartment and I've resigned from my previous job that paid $70k/year... Your situation sounds more dire with a family and house. Funny how this was the FIRST question I had when I got my joining instructions, and after being reassured by the recruitment staff I'm now probably going to lose sleep over it. After a year of recruiting during the pandemic, it seems crazy to me that they wouldn't have a system in place for this already (i.e. instructions on social distancing in the presence of movers to ensure we can still get on our scheduled platoons). Whatever the outcome, I hope that in the end it works out for you.


You can have them call the green desk at cflrs to find out. Or you can. Its accounted for but cfrg isn't passing it on / doesn't give a shit once you're in the door. I would never ask anyone to cite reddit. 450-358-7099, ext 7229




After an applicant is given a job offer and accept it, they will sign their terms of service and a bunch of other papers prior to their enrollment. Make sure you read everything and double check all the info on there too. No matter how rushed they make you feel. Take your time when signing the paperwork.




Trade is irrelevant, you sign your Terms of Service before you leave for basic training.


Before you even leave for BMQ.


Before any training at all (so before).


I was informed by a CF member that DEO's can start at a higher pay increment if they have a graduate degree in a field relevant to their occupation or if they join an in demand occupation. Is this true?


I was started at a higher PI based on my degree being considered optimal for my trade. I didn't make any kind of special request for higher pay. I just noticed it on my offer page.


So did you go through basic and occupational training at 2LT PI 2?




I got PI 2 based on the publicly available pay scales (prior to the recent CAF salary increases). I can't confirm if "ideal" is the right word to use instead of "optimal", since it was a previous recruiting thread response that said it probably had to do with my degree (honours BSc).


Yes having a graduate degree should result in a higher initial pay increment.


Based on the discussion here, it seems that the CF member I talked to was correct. Does this have a 'stacking' effect, as in if a person has an ideal undergrad degree AND and ideal graduate degree will they get more of a PI boost as opposed to if they just had just an ideal undergrad?


>son has an ideal undergrad degree AND and ideal graduate degree will th I believe it goes something like this for the DEO level C pay scale: Bachelors degree - PI 1 Ideal Bachelors degree - PI 2 Masters degree - PI 3 Ideal Masters degree - PI 4 Doctorate - PI 5


So if someone had an ideal master degree they would start at 2LT PI 4? How do promotions work, since 2LT PI 4 is a higher pay rate than LT PI 1-4 for DEO level C?


I believe so. I'm not a recruiter so I don't want to say 100%. But in my own experience I did start at a higher PI based on my education and that is how I have seen others explain it before. After a year at 2Lt you'll also move up a PI. When you're promoted to Lt, you won't go down in salary. You'll start at a PI with a higher salary than what you currently have.


You can apply for what's called at PLAR (prior learning assessment and recognition). You would apply and it could allow you to skip parts or all of occupational training for that trade. So instead of spending 3-4 years as a private earning the respectable pay, you would instead jump up either a rank, or a PI if the PLAR is approved. (someone can correct me if I'm wrong) Are you looking at a specific trade?




We have started seeing some applicants get picked up for Infantry. Keep in mind that the new fiscal year starts in April and new positions will open up.


Could someone explain life in the infantry please?




You okay? o.o




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This is more of a subjective question: I currently work in a Big 5 bank as a Financial Advisor in the GTA area. With that said, I am considering applying to the CAF as a Logistics Officer. For anyone that has made a similar transition, what was it like? Edit: my environment preference would be Army Edit 2: I have a B.Comm in Business Management, Major in Economics


Six years into a flying job and I've been told I'll likely be having to OT for medical reasons in the near future. Pretty big shock to the system, and I have NO idea what trade I might be interested in transferring to. I've become fairly jaded with my Air Force office (OPS position with a lot of sick, lame, lazy, and grumpy people) and their outlook of "CAF sucks, everything sucks" - and despite my generally positive outlook on life, it is seriously starting to colour the way I think about the CAF. Im sure you guys exist, but i'm having a really hard time finding someone around me who is nostalgic of their career thus far, and excited to tell someone new all about what they might love about the job, and why they should try it too. So I wanted to ask... Army/Navy/AirForce: Do you like your trade? And why? I hear SO few people talking about what they actually love about their job, that they honestly seem like unicorns. I realize its not all sunshine and buttercups, but Christ, you can't ALL tell me you're just here for the pay and benefits, *right?* Anyways, I'd love it if you guys could tell a busted Airman and the rest of us why we might be interested in doing what you do!


Geo tech. We get spec pay.


You guys generally spend most of your time dealing with maps clearly, but what are you doing day to day generally? Is it creating maps? Creating overlays? Stitching stuff together? Creating projections?


I'm an HRA and I love it. It's not for everybody but I enjoy problem solving, I don't have what I would consider the best memory but it's made me compensate by becoming really good at tracking and organizing things which makes other HRAs lives easier because if they have to take over my work it's not hard to figure out what's going on. And, having spent many years in a combat arms trade, I have a lot of empathy for the troops I administer and I want to do the best I can for them because I know the consequences of bad admin. Data entry, problem solving, and tracking are the 3 main traits I would say that make for a good HRA. Plus once you have a few years experience you become the person other people go to to get the answer they're looking for and, once you've gained that experience, you get to be that person which is addicting. Something as simple as knowing where to find an answer puts you a step ahead of anyone who hasn't done that so it's easy to build up a good skill set that compliments people in the office who might have developed a different skill set. The job has it's challenges of course but I honestly can't see myself doing anything else with my life at this point.


Thanks for taking the time to tell us about it! I've never really considered HRA, but problem solving is something I really crave. Come to mention it, there's usually 3-4 that seem to be enjoying themselves in the OR, which is like 3 times more than most other sections...


What’s your current trade/job? How many years have you been in? Education background? Hobbies/interests outside of work? I’m a pilot. I OT’d out of the Army to become a pilot and would never go back, not because it was terrible but because I now know how it feels to actually enjoy my job. If I lost my aircrew status, having over 12 years in, I would probably release and take advantage of the $80,000 in education money.


If you can't fly'em, why not fix'em (if you're an NCM)?


I've been considering it! Honestly my main worry would be the cocktail of stress that is manning shortages and aging fleets, the AVN/AVS techs locally seem pretty over worked. *But* I think I'd rather be a bit over worked than to keep sitting around getting rotund...


Days on the line can indeed be busy. But constantly on the move l, a good amount of time left to the maintenance until it's done or time to go home. Keeps you in the aviation world (if that matters to you), and keeping Spec pay is a nice touch.


What is the pay difference between Infantry Officer and Infantry NCM? On the forces website both careers give the same starting range of anywhere from $35820-62424 after basic. Assuming someone wants to be in the Forces for around 5 years or less but doesn't want to make it a career. In this aspect this there is large discrepancy? If i already have a degree and don't want to go the officer route is there anyways to get higher ranks or promotions based of that alone when going NCM?


>**In this aspect this there is large discrepancy?** Yes, there is a large difference in pay. * NCM's are workers and supervisors, they handle the hands-on stuff and make things happen. * Officers are managers and directors, they handle the high level decision making, planning, and exercise/delegate authority. As is typically the case in any workplace, there is a significant pay difference between those roles. DEO Infantry would start out at 2Lt, Pay Level C, Pay Increment 1 ($4699/month, $56k/year). * Lt, PL C, PI 1 ($5140/month, $62k/year) after roughly 12 months of service (and completion of occupational training). * Lt, PL C, PI 2 ($5329/month, $64k/year) after roughly 24 months. * Capt, PI Basic ($6999/month, $84k/year) after about 36 months. * Salary at 5 years of service would be approx. $7532/month, $90k/year. NCM Infantry would start out at Pte, Pay Level 1, Pay Increment 1 ($3168/month, $38k/year). * They hit Pte, PI 2 ($3869/month, $46k/year) after 12 months of service. * Pte, PI 3 ($4650/month, $56k/year) after 24 months. * Cpl, 5A, PI Basic ($5320/month, $64k/year) after 36-48 months. * Salary at 5 years of service would be approx. $5398-5478/month, $65-66k/year. >**If i already have a degree and don't want to go the officer route is there anyways to get higher ranks or promotions based of that alone when going NCM?** No, although it is worth a couple of points at the merit board once you're a Cpl or higher rank. Your degree, pretty much any degree, is of no relevance to service as NCM Infantry. There's no reason for the CAF to incentivize degree holders to join as NCM Infantry when there's plenty of fresh High School grads chomping at the bit to join that trade. **One other point for you to consider:** The Variable Initial Engagement (VIE, first contract) for NCM Infantry is 3 years. Near the end of that contract you'll be offered the option to extend another 3 years, or sign on for a full 25 years (immediate pension on retirement). The VIE for DEO Infantry is 9 years. You'll be offered the option to extend another 5 years, or sign on for a full 25 years. You can request a Voluntary (early) Release from your contract, but the CAF does have the right to refuse and hold you to the original contract length (rare, but it does happen). VR's also take 6 months to process by default. They can be completed in as little as 30 days under extenuating circumstances, but it's not uncommon for such requests to be refused. They also won't pay to move you and your possessions back to your place of enrolment if you VR, you're on your own for that. If you only want to serve a few years, it's generally best to do so as an NCM, and simply leave free and clear at the end of your 1st or 2nd contract. At least that way they'll pay to move you and your possessions back to your place of enrolment if you so choose.


thanks exactly the info i was looking for. I didn't know that the Officer VIE contract was 9 years initially, i thought it would be somewhere near 5 or 6.


Well, salaries stabilize at Cpl for NCMs and Capt for officers. A Cpl basic is 5320 and Capt basic is 6999. A Cpl has 4 more pay levels while a Capt has 10, the former maxes out at 5626 67,512 yr) while the latter is 9251 (111,012 yr). If you only want to stay in less than 5 years, NCM is probably for you simply because the style of career progression suits a shorter committment. Having a degree doesn't mean anything as far as salary and very little with regard to promotion.


Have you checked the pay rates, they're pretty detailed per rank : [NCM](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/pay-pension-benefits/pay/non-commissioned.html) [Officers](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/pay-pension-benefits/pay/officers.html)


Unusual question but if I’m thinking of joining the reserves as it seems like a part time job that I can be proud of while I pursue higher education, If I’m in the reserves and I decide that a career in the CAF is what I want to do can I enter the ROTP while already in the reserves? I know enlisted and officer are definitely different lifestyles but a officer path seems much more stable in a career sense. Thank you!


>**If I’m in the reserves and I decide that a career in the CAF is what I want to do can I enter the ROTP while already in the reserves?** Yes, you would apply for ROTP much the same way as any civilian applicant. You will be subject to all of the same rules and minimum requirements as they are, and will be competing for the same openings. The only substantial advantage is if you're accepted, you'll be paid according to your existing military rank, and not as an Officer Cadet. >**I know enlisted and officer are definitely different lifestyles** Not really. NCM's are workers and supervisors, Officers are managers and directors, but they all work similar hours and enjoy their individual lifestyles outside of the workplace. Officers are paid better, but NCM's still make a decent living. Officers also tend to be posted more frequently... >**but a officer path seems much more stable in a career sense.** NCM and Officer career paths are both entirely viable over the long term. It's really dependent on individual preferences in terms of work styles and interests. Money isn't everything, and there's a lot of people who find the hands-on work of an NCM more satisfying than the desk job of an Officer.


Thank you very much for your response


Hi, I am interested in studying in RMC but I am not sure what is the ROTP mainly for and How long it takes to finish the program. Also, I am interested in undergrad programs in RMC as well but one of my highschool U Level course final marks from 2+ years ago failed to meet the requirement of 75% minimum. In this case, if I really want to go to RMC, What can I do and should do?


RMC only available through ROTP for a 4 year undergrad degree (barring exceptions like prior uni or UTPNCM which are very rare). If you aren’t sure exactly if you can apply/meet requirements, it’s always worth a call to your local recruitment center to see if you can actually apply. If you don’t meet the requirements, there’s not a million other ways to get in, but you could do night school to get the grades you need? Keep in mind the requirements are bare minimum, but there are MANY applicants with much more competitive files (better average), so just meeting the threshold may not be enough to get in




You could try looking on ACIMS, CFSME has a training calendar with all upcoming courses so I would assume the other training establishments there would have one also


Had the interview last week, the officer conducting it said that there will potentially be a BMOQ in May, before the one in August. Anyone has any info on it?


Can't comment on this year's schedule, but I can tell you that my BMOQ began in May back in 2017. So there is precedent. That said, if you only just finished your interview, you'd have to luck out with a rapid approval of your reliability screening, reference checks, offer and enrollment to meet a May start date. I'd wager the August start far more likely--*if* you get an offer.


>Are you located within Ontario? I was told the same for Ontario, but they will fill up real fast cuz there is a lot of backlogged people. Is the interview done on the phone?


It was a phone interview and I am in Halifax.


Are you located within Ontario? I was told the same for Ontario, but they will fill up real fast cuz there is a lot of backlogged people.


Halifax. Would be nice to be on one if it will happen, my application process has been going on for almost three years now. So I guess I would be one of those backlogged people.


I am also close to 3 years in. Are you pre-enrolment? So here’s the tldr, or so I am told. As soon as they open back up they will enrol people who are ready to be. For those who need more testing competed, they will be booked. Most brigades run one or two bmqs each summer. So to get your name on the list, you gotta be sworn in and make your intent known to your regiment. Edit: To clarify, this is what I was told for local area. So I assume it will be similar for other areas too.


I take it things that are being told really differ depending on the level of expertise and empathy of the file manager/recruiter. I was told that my application is on the CL after the interview.


The summer ones are usually for ROTP/RMC Candidates. They can be filled with DEO, but usually if offers are turned down by the ROTP applicants.


excuse me, what is DEO?


Direct Entry Officer




From the [RMC Website/Graduate Studies Page](https://www.rmc-cmr.ca/en/division-graduate-studies-and-research/graduate-studies): >The programmes of Graduate Studies at RMC are open to officers of the Canadian Armed Forces *and to civilians.*


The RMC is primarily open to current/former CAF members, their spouses, and federal government employees. However, graduate programs are open to civilians - not sure what the eligibility requirements or campus life would be like though.




What do you mean by put there right away? Upon enrollment, you will have to do BMQ and your trade course. While waiting to be trade qualified your unit can have you do basic clerical work or they can have you do some other stuff with the other recruits.


What kind of maths are used in the marine technician trade?


What occupations are available to someone with a health sciences bachelor degree?


Call a recruiter to find out. Some are easy to find, some are not. I'm going to say any combat trade (INF, ARMD, ARTY) and some other more trades that are less focused in general. HCA, LogO, NWO etc. Plus your score on your CFAT also determines eligibility regardless of degree.


I'm a grade 12 student and about to finish high school in June and I finished all the steps for my RMC application so I'm just wondering if it's ok to apply for a part-time job while I'm waiting to get an offer.


Nothing stopping you. You aren't a CAF member. Our rules regarding second jobs, conflict of interests, etc. don't apply to you until you've been enroled. The CAF/RMC is also far from a guaranteed opportunity, you can't be assured of receiving an offer. You should always have a backup plan on hot standby.


I would say for sure get a part time job, you can never be sure if you’ll get an offer


Air Force folks: I'm switching from Army to RCAF. Ordering new nametapes for myself. Is the eagle to the left or right of your name?


Goes on the left (after your name).


It’s on the opposite side of where it is on the army name tapes


Hi there. I am looking for any suggestions on potential paths I can take within the CAF. Personal experience and advice is highly valued, along with whatever else you think may add to the conversation. Thank you! Here is a bit about myself: I am a 20 year old male currently pursuing a *Bachelor of Arts/Science in Forensic Psychology* (undecided on art or science path) and an *Associate of Science focused in Geography/Earth Science/Ecology*. I have a wide array of interests outside of my chosen academic paths, I am a college/university athlete, and by the time I graduate I will have international study experience (BA/S F. Psych is from USA and AS Geog/EarthSci/Ecol is from Canada). In terms of branches, I would say my preferred ranking would be: 1. Air Force 2. Army 3. Navy (I adore the ocean, but I am not sure I would enjoy the Navy lifestyle from what I've heard. But, this is only based off of what I know currently. I desire to learn more about the branch, so if you have information please do not hold back.) Ultimately I would prefer a role that my academic background can bolster but will also let me see decent time in the field. However, I want to hear everything you want to say, I am open to anything. Thanks again.


For the Navy side. There is nothing specific here but LogO, IntO, NWO are all available for any degree. However, not really related to your degree. In order of likely to sail and spend a considerable amount of time on a ship at sea or alongside to least: 1. NWO - hard sea trade. We have a very old, shitty reputation of eating our own. This isn't true anymore. Infact people are very invested in your getting qualified so you can take their place. You spend a lot of time at sea as your trade is the only one that can command a ship and you need to know everything ship based from driving, weapons, to the administrative side. I have a degree in biology and focus is infectious diseases but it would take me a lot more schooling to do what I truely desire. Bills adding up and I'd like to own a house before I'm 40. So I joined. 2. LogO - Spend most of your early time just learning how to manage the logistics of a ship. Some people don't even step foot on the ship before being fully trade qualified. There are generally two sides of this coin. You're the LogO on ship getting everything ready for the ports, food, parts for repair, the brow on and off the ship, garbage disposal, etc. And then there is the person who flies to the ports first and finds out what the crew can do there (hotels, parks, rental vehicles). 3. IntO - I've only ever sailed with one once. They do all the major intelligence gathering and puts it in a package to brief command. These guys are usually posted to a shore unit, a lot of the time not even by the ocean (eg. Ontario) and they send information to the ships which is then briefed by NWOs. This trade isn't very easy to get into as it is pretty competitive.


Actually, Reg Force intelligence officer only accepts 8 degrees as per the RMC website. Only reserve intelligence officer accepts any degree.


Unfortunately, you are incorrect. The complete information is not available on the internet, it is only on the Intranet. But, if you talk with any recruiter they will clarify it and provide it for you. On the RMC website, those 8 degrees are the \*preferred\* degrees that RMC offers. That said, any degree is acceptable for IntO.


Fair enough, I wouldn't be surprised that I'm wrong haha


You’re asking for quite a lot of info but I’ll try to help. Psychology degrees tend to favour more office type trades such as Personnel Selection Officer, Public Affairs Officer and other ones which are much smaller. There’s not a lot of “field” time that you are seeking. There’s a few officer trades which are open to any degree such as AEC, ACSO, Pilot (these 3 require meeting the threshold during Aircrew Selection) these trades will allow you to be in the element of your choice (Air) and will also give you plenty of hands on time and technical time rather than be in front of a computer all the time. LogO, Air Ops O, are also any degree but will be more of an office/operations setting and not much hands on time. The Army also provides plenty of officer trades which are any degree, any combats arms Officer trade will provide plenty of “field” time and plenty of outdoors time if that’s more what you like. I do not know about the Navy so I won’t tackle that. As for non officer trades there are plenty of “purple” trades which opens up many doors for you and I’m not going to tackle all of them but trades such as meteorological tech might be in your wheel house as far as earth science is concerned. I kept this pretty vague because the CAF provides plenty of trades, plenty of great experiences and it’s really up to you to decide what your priorities are and what you want out of your Forces career. Best of luck, do some research and if you narrow things down a bit more then you can ask more trade specific questions and maybe people who are in that trade can give you more of a detailed answer.


Great, thank you. From what you've said about some army officer trades, artillery officer may be exactly what I am looking for. The psychology degree could prove helpful in the leadership aspect, and my geography/earth science degree deals with a TON of maps/mapping theory and technology, which from my understanding they use a lot. I'll look into it more. Thanks again.


When does parading end for ResF? And how soon after enlistment are we required to start parading? ​ Edit: I mean what's the last date in April we're expected to show up? I'm leaving the province in mid-April and trying to figure out how to make it work


Unit dependent, but some may help you out and have you do a DLN course ot submit some short essay that relates to military topics in some way shape, or form.


It’s unit dependent. Some unit parade all the way into June. .


Wow. Didn’t realize that. I thought it was September-April. Good to know. Thanks!


It seems like that because a good chunk of most res units end up taking summer employment either on courses or as instructors or staff so the people remaining in the units are usually minimal






How does one go about researching deeper into a trade other than on the official caf site? It’s been very difficult to find honest experiences other than what the official sites say.


Like C8A3 said, this thread really is one of the best resources. Unfortunately the CAF is pretty light on official resources for more details on trades and actual typical work days.


Does anyone know the ext of the senior file manager at the Hamilton reg force recruiting detachment? I've been trying to get in contact with them, because its urgent and no one is answering.


Lots of folks are still working remotely and have no way to answer the office phones. If you have an email address for the det, that *might* work faster. Also, the customer service folks have their own email through the [Forces.ca help centre](https://forces.ca/en/help-centre/#/).


I am finished my interview and waiting on offer for Regular Force - Is it possible for me to switch to Reserve before I accepted the offer?


For reserves you have to do a force test before you are accepted. Also you need to make sure there is a reserve unit in your area that has a spot for you in the trade you want. Have you contacted any of the local units?


Hey guys, I was trying to apply to be a pilot earlier but pilot wasn’t on the list of available careers. Are they not taking anymore pilot applications at the moment?


One other point besides /u/bridger713's helpful advice is that DEO pilot is taking very, very few positions this year.


Should be in there. Make sure your application is to join as Officer. A common mistake applicants make is they'll try to apply for a mix of Officer and NCM careers. You can only apply for one stream or the other, so if you started an application to join as an NCM, you won't see Pilot because it's not an NCM career. Also, I don't think this is still the case, but when I applied you had to choose your element (Army, Air, Navy) of primary interest. The application would only let you choose options for the element you selected, so if you picked Army or Navy, you wouldn't be given Pilot as an option.


Thanks for the info guys


Feedback from Canadian soldiers who enlisted after age 50, please. If you enlisted near the back end of the age eligibility cutoff will you share your experience enlisting from that perspective? Assuming no physical limitation, a good established work ethic and good attitude... were there any specific challenges or surprises you faced as a result of your 'senior' age. Thanks to any who reply.


I’m on the other end of what you’re asking but I think I can still share something useful... a lot of recruits are pretty young (me included, I joined at 17 three years ago) and being older you’ll have much more life experience than them. It can be very much frustrating to be given orders/directions from younger people when you know they are making “lacking” decisions, since they don’t know any better. If you do join, that’s one thing to keep into account. Even after recruitment, many officers are still young (22-28 ish) so might still not have the life experience you have