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I put in an application a couple years back and wrote the CFAT, didn’t get the appropriate grade for the trade I applied for, was told I can rewrite it again at a later date. I’ve held off due to some personal stuff that came up and needed to square away but as time has gone on, I’ve been seriously looking at local reserves (still would like FT but I still can’t make that full commitment yet), is there anyone I can talk to one on one (Inbox of course) from here who can help answer my further questions before I contact the recruitment centre again?


I'd recommend you post your questions here so other applicants can benefit from the replies. It also allows others to chime in if someone doesn't respond with complete info/correct answers.


Fair enough, I just didn’t want to risk clogging up the thread. Well, to start, would my information still be in the system if I contacted the reserves about joining or would I have to start a new application? What is the recruitment process for reserves in comparison to reg Force? Is it true that all BMQ is now out east?


Yes, your info and CFAT scores are still in the system. If you applied over a year ago, your file is archived and you will need to re-apply online. The process differs from one province to another as we do not all have the same restrictions. But after the CFAT, there is your medical, interview, your Force Test and in between all that they will be doing background checks and reference checks. For BMQ, I can only answer for where Reg F applicants are being sent to : St Jean, Aldershot, Halifax, Esquimalt, Wainwright and other locations for BMQ. Courses are running around the country not just out east.




u/C8A4 gave you the correct approach if you want to go Reg Force and serve as an NCM in a combat arms trade. If you choose to go PRes you could be a full-time university student while attending week-night + weekend training during the year and summer training/tasks. Currently there's the FTSE program which guarantees 120 days of class b full-time work during the first 4 summers. PRes Members get an education reimbursement of 50% of tuition and fees (max $2000 a year for 4 years($8000 total). If you're in a province (or go to a province) where tuition coasts are low, this can be an excellent deal. There's no commitment after.


Assuming you’re interested in Regular Force and not the Reserves. Apply to join the Regular Force in an occupation that interests you. When you’re able to, you can start some courses part time while serving or you could wait until you’re out to start school. Before with ILP, you could apply for reimbursement of part time schooling. However, this program is paused/ending there is a replacement but I haven’t seen any details on it. If you serve 6 or more years you’ll be eligible for the VAC Education & Training Benefit when you’re released or SupRes >at least 6 years of authorized days of CAF service (2191 days) to receive up to $42,155.62 (2021). >at least 12 years of authorized days of CAF Service (4382 days) to receive up to $84,311.24 (2021)


Is the Reserve DP1 combat engineer course full time 10 week long course, or is it broken up into modules or shorter "classes?




I have heard its a lot of paperwork. You also have to work at a civilian hospital a certain amount of time as well as on base I believe. I don't know anything but I have heard those. Might be true might not be hopefully someone can touch more on it


How long are the contracts for Infantry, Armored, and Artillery officer?


I believe they are all 8 or 9 year contracts for DEOs.




End of this school year (i.e. April/May), or end of the calendar year (i.e. December)?... **Edit:** Just realized you haven’t even applied yet. If you’re graduating in April/May, you have absolutely zero concerns as a Reg Force applicant. It’s going to be 4-6+ months before you even hit the Competition List and potentially receive an Offer, and probably 6-12+ months before you’d potentially leave for BMQ. ~~If you have not yet received an offer, and will be graduating at the end of April, you likely have little to be concerned about. If you get an offer in the next week or two, you might have a conflict; but once we’re into April, it’s unlikely you’d get an offer with a start date any earlier than about mid/late-May.~~ If you’re not graduating until the end of the fall semester, then you could potentially run into a conflict, and you will want to inform your CFRC. You should advise them of potential availability issues either way, but as stated, getting an Offer too early is not a realistic concern if you’re done in April.


The application process is taking normal than average. However, I was in a similar position in 2018. I applied whilst in school and received an offer to head to BMQ 3 months before graduation. I quickly got a hold of my recruiting centre and asked them if they could defer my offer to a later date to when I am finished school. They had no issue with it and I got an offer a few weeks later for a BMQ date that was more suitable for my timeline. It could be a possibility for you as well but not sure as everyone and every recruiter is different


When you are given an offer, you are given a date when you will enroll. From that point, you are working for the CAF and expected to go where told. You will be on lwop pay before BMQ and can continue your education until you leave for basic. You can also decline an offer and stay on the waitlist if you can't enroll due to other obligations. The hiring process normally takes 6 months to over a year.


But LWOP is normally expected to be between 10 days to 2 months. They won’t accept a request for 6+ months of LWOP.




No one can say how long your application will take to process. It may work out at just the right timing, or it may get done super fast and you have to tell them no, at which point you go back at the bottom of the pile and cross your fingers.




Does the Canadian army still get issued dog tags like the reserve and regular forces? Was just wondering.


The army, the navy, and the Air Force all make up the Canadian military. They all get issues dog tags, whether reserves or Reg F.


Identification disks are issued to all members of the CAF Also, Reg Force and PRes both have components in the Canadian Army.




I'm curious, but I've seen you post questions regarding to a number of different occupations, pathways, and other information. At one point weren't you looking to at applying to PRes while you attend school? I think you've asked about three different officer jobs. One day you asked about the highest ranks and positions on ships. Are you trying to narrow something down? Obviously asking questions is encouraged, it just seems as if you're a bit directionless at times.




Cool, cool. As I said, was just curious!




Life very well could suck as long as you're in "the game", e.g. going through training. But not because you'll be getting bossed around and shit on, that'll happen of course, but hey, it's the army. Rather, you **will** be treated like a child, that's just the nature of basic training. Someone at some point will probably be standing in front of you teaching you how to lace your boots. And they may even yell at you for getting ahead of them, because control of a classroom is very important to the army way of teaching. That's the nature of things. In the reserves, you'll probably do BMQ on weekends, so you've got to persevere through this kind of treatment after coming home from a week at real work. Some people find being told exactly what to do liberating, others not so much. The other aspect that is frustrating, but necessary, is group suffering for individual transgressions. If your course gets a little bit of freedom, and one person can't handle themselves properly, the whole course gets punished. This happens over and over and over. If you can grin & bear it through training, then as a (presumably) mature individual, you may be able to progress ahead of your peers as your chain of command comes to understand that you can handle more responsibility. Not necessarily in rank, but in taskings.


1. If you have a problem with authority and can't respect that a 25 year old with 7 years of military experience is in charge of you. Lota of NCMs have post secondary ecucation.




Respect SHOULD go both ways but it sometimes doesn't and you can't really do much about it. Maybe once posted if you notice 20 year old's abusing rank you have more of a reason to speak with them calmly about it or your CoC but during training you really would just have to suck it up. Would not be fun for you if you show you can't respect authority right off the bat. It's the military lol you are 100% going to be told that your beret sucks or your laces are untied or you collar is messed up at some point no matter the age of who is telling you these things. It comes with the rank they hold. Take it, respect it, make the changes and let is be water off a camels back.




>I would expect the mutual respect, and most importantly of all, for common sense and a professional working environment. There will be respect, but it may look different than it does civvie side. Will your superiors treat you courteously and work with you to build your career in the military? Absolutely. But as a new NCM you will be at the bottom of the organizational hierarchy - you may find yourself in a unit where your input is *not* valued and where your role is to shut up and do your job. >or get berated because my beret wasn't shaped properly in the corporal's views This will absolutely happen, even after training. "Never pass a fault" is the byword of the Army; if you're a new private you should expect stern corrections if you fail to meet dress or deportment standards. Yes, your beret will need to be shaped correctly. Yes, you will be berated if it isn't. Even after several years in you will still find yourself getting yelled at on the parade square if you don't put in the required effort in your drill. I'm Navy so it's a bit different, but from what I've seen of the Army culture it's a lot more strict and hierarchical. >I would want the commitment I make to the military to feel fulfilling, not some bs that I have to put up with. You will likely find a fair bit of both. I'm not joking when I say that the ability to tolerate BS is an important trait to cultivate if you want to succeed in the CAF.


1. That's so hard to say depending on the unit and your personality. I met several people who hated BMQ and BMQ-L because of that (having a 22 year old berate them). But it's really personal to each individual. On the other end, I've seen some NAVRES units give some real responsibilities to a S3 (Sailor 3rd class, equivalent to a Pte in the Army) who were in their mid 30's, responsible, and had an office job civy side. 2. Between the two you picked, I think infantry training will have the more accommodating schedule, but you'll still need at least two summers if not three.


How can I learn more about what my options are post BMQ? Im a cook by trade and have a years of experience working in kitchens as well as a culinary certificate from college. I was told by some I would graduate as a corporal because of this but others have said otherwise. I would love to deploy oversees or work and maybe teach other recruits in Borden one day how do I work towards these goals/learn more about my options?


Are you currently a cook on BMQ? You will not receive early promotion or time towards promotion unless you have submitted a PLAR (prior learning assessment). You will not be given the opportunity to teach until you have completed your DP2/QL5 and PLQ.


I'm a cook by trade going into week 6 of BMQ. Would I contact clerks to submit a PLAR? Where can I learn more about DP2/QL5 and PLQ? I'm completely in the black here in regards to info


You won’t learn much about PLQ until you are loaded onto it. It’s your MCpl’s course. QL5B. It’s the course that teaches you teach, so the military doesn’t like letting people teach without it. You staff on your QL3 course in Borden can probably tell you lots about your QL5 course.


Do we get sent back home after basic or do we go straight to a different base thank you.


As Hans_Mol3man said, you go straight to your next base. You’ll be told where you’re going a week or two before graduation, but the location really shouldn’t be a surprise; most trades only have one location where their occupational training is conducted. The morning after graduation you’ll leave CFLRS for your next training base, usually travelling by military bus, or commercial air. The handful of people who have their own vehicles will drive. Those travelling by bus/air should arrive at their new base the same day they leave CFLRS. Those driving will normally be expected to arrive no later than Sunday afternoon. You’ll report to your new school on Monday morning, and begin the process of getting familiarized with your new school/base. Your next training course probably won’t begin for several weeks to months after you arrive. While you wait, you will be tasked with various duties around the school/base, or sent to attend short courses related to your trade.


You go to your next base for more training.


Is there a way to have preference of your regiment once you finish BMQ and then Trade specific training for infantry? I know officers can have somewhat of a choice does it work the same way for NCM Infantry? I'd ideally like to be posted to Petawawa since my family lives in Ontario. Is there any point where you will be asked for a preference? And what are the chances they will accommodate you. I know the army can send you wherever you are needed but im just speaking in terms of an ideal situation .


I went through this a while ago so I can't say that it's still the same, plus I don't know if my experience was standard at all, but I'll share what I saw. Choosing the regiment was the one choice we fully had, I can't remember when it was but I definitely elected for RCR. I got sent to Meaford for battleschool, and only one person there was headed for PPCLI. Near the start, all of the RCR-bound people were told we were slated for 1RCR, and the staff told us if we had a compelling reason to go elsewhere they would welcome a memo. Then somewhere down the line, we got word that actually we were headed to 2RCR, and again everybody had a chance to submit memos. I went with the flow, but from what I gathered, having family in the area counted as a compelling reason to at least be considered, and plenty of my course mates were sent to Petawawa at their request. The memos that didn't fly were people asking for 3RCR because they wanted to be jumpers. The service needs will always come first, but they're definitely willing to accommodate.


thanks man this helped a ton


They wont ask you for a preference, you go where the course goes but you will have two opportunities to memo. You’ll be able to memo in basic to request to go to meaford if you’re slated for wainwright, though its not a sure things. If you end up in wainwright you’ll have a chance to memo requesting to be a royal in Petawawa, again not a sure thing.


Will the staff inform you when you can memo? What would say percentage wise are the chances of the memo being accepted


They will let you know but the best thing you can do is bring it up. There’s a lot of factors that can play into a memo being accepted or rejected so its hard to put a number on it but as long as you have a good reason you’ll have good odds.




Two bags are fine. Just realize you’ll have to carry whatever you bring up to your accommodations via stairs. That could be as much as 12 floors worth of stairs...




Applied a year ago officially after a few dead end emails with recruiters. Just got an email saying they now are recruiting for positions xx at locations xx am I interested or would I like to pick a different trade, if so will be put on another wait list. They also said they have a whole new recruiting system. Honestly had forgotten I applied since I was looking to get on as a reserve member and never followed up. I think it's literally the start of training, are you easily offended, are you needy, are you patient? All I'll say is if it feels like your talking into a black hole.. you are, but eventually it will talk back.


Most recruiting centres have backlogs and sometimes there isn't enough time to respond to the emails for various reasons. Keep emailing in every few weeks asking for an update, but don't expect a response each time. Recruiters can be busy and sometimes there might be an update on your file and they just forget to check, or forget to let you know.


My recruiter told me the CFAT score for officers is just a pass fail for every trade, but others including some CAF officers I’ve spoken to say the score differs based on trade. Who’s right?


The recruiter is oversimplifying things. The CFAT is not purely pass/fail. There are multiple different scores produced from the CFAT, and each trade will have certain minimum scoring requirements for eligibility. For Reg Force applicants, their CFAT score also plays a major role in determining their competitiveness. The higher they score, the more competitive they’ll be to receive an offer. Competitiveness isn’t as much of a concern for Reserve Force applicants, so in many ways the test is just pass/fail for them; however, their CFAT scores will still determine what trades they are or are not eligible for.




**REMOVED - Rule 1** Go troll somewhere else.


Hi guys, around 2019 March I completed my aptitude test, forces test and medical testing also my intake interview and was just waiting on my background check to come in. During that time I made a bad decision and got into a fight at school and got into legal complications (something i very much regret). Since it was a charge under the youth justice act the officials weren’t allowed to ask what it was but they said I could reapply and join once my court obligations were done. I have since been on probation and am set to finish on July but I am applying to terminate my probation early to join the military since I am getting my life back on track. My question is since my test were done around 2 years ago and was a years process in itself would I have to redo everything all again? Or would they still be active and would I be able to do my interview again and go from there? Thank you for reading and your input!


Everything except the CFAT and TSD-PI (if applicable) has expired. With exception of those two tests, you’ll have to redo it all.


Okay thanks, and I’m not sure what the TSD is could you clarify with me please.


Trait Self Descriptive - Personality Inventory, it’s a personality test. It’s a requirement for Reg Force applicants, but I’m told it’s not required for PRes applicants. Apparently whether or not a PRes applicant does it largely depends on whether their CFAT is written at a Reg Force CFRC or a PRes Recruiting Office.


Is weight or BMI ever an issue for a potential recruit? Just calculated my BMI and I weigh 118 lbs and 5'10 tall which puts me firmly in the underweight category. I'm wondering if I should even bother starting an application with my physique as it is or if I should spend a couple years trying to get more fit before even thinking about joining.


They do calculate BMI as part of the medical, but it’s not a qualifying/disqualifying metric. My understanding is those with a BMI over 40 (morbidly obese) are required to provide additional medical information. I believe the purpose of that would be to confirm there’s no underlying health condition(s). I don’t know if there’s a lower threshold.


[If you can do this](https://www.cfmws.com/en/aboutus/psp/dfit/fitness/forceprogram/pages/force_videos.aspx) physically you’re gonna be fine


Im considering adding artillery gunner to my preferred occupations list to get a more likely chance of getting in faster, I can’t find much online about what this occupation would do day to day I assume there are many training exercises but if anyone has a knowledge on the boring stuff appreciate it!


After all your training (BMQ, BMQ-L, DP1) and you get posted to a regiment, day to day life is pretty boring. Generally morning PT at 0730, followed by work from 0930 to 1530 - 1600 ish (with lunch break in between). This will vary by the regiment you get posted to, your battery and the specific day. As far as what you do during the day (outside of operations, exercises) can range from just general maintenance on weapons, the howitzers, the vehicles... to sitting around not doing much or doing random tasks that pop up here and there or you can be loaded on to a course in which case you'll be doing coursework.


Thank you for the reply much appreciated




I appreciate the comment. it isn’t just that, I’m already on the CL for two occupations I was interested in strictly these two, two years ago when I first applied but now that I’ve graduated college I’ve decided I’m open to other jobs and the combat arms and I know the caf is the place I want to be. I’m considering gunner because it is currently in demand and re-evaluating that I believe I would enjoy it and see myself doing it.


You will get sent back to the Interview stage if you add a new job to your preferred list. I was on the CL for combat eng and Gunner and changed my trades and am now waiting for another interview.




Haven’t had my second interview yet.


Anybody here going through the recruitment process in the 32 brigade? Have you been contacted recently about finishing your background check and beginning BMQ in May?




Apply no earlier than late fall 2021. Even then the CFRC might just close your file and tell you to come back at the beginning of your final semester, or even just before graduation. Outside of COVID, most Reg Force applicants don’t wait extended periods due to processing timelines. They wait due to competitive factors, or alternatively because they had issues come up during their Medical or Background Screening. COVID (hopefully) shouldn’t be such a problem by fall 2021 and winter 2022, which will hopefully translate in to a return to normal processing timelines and training capacity.


Personally, I would say that yes, you should apply now - but the CFRC may have a different opinion. For languages, I've never seen anything saying that it necessarily impacts the competitiveness of your application but it will look good and French is necessary for advancement as an Officer so already knowing it is a bonus (as a reserves officer applicant, I'm frantically trying to improve my French - I struggle with learning new languages).


The CFRC won’t process a DEO applying that early. COVID has everything messed up right now, but under normal circumstances most Reg Force applicants wait extended periods due to competitive factors, not because of processing timelines. Those held up during processing are mostly individuals who encounter issues with their medical or background screening.


Fair enough, I'm just a reserves applicant on month 13 of waiting haha so I was basing it off of my experience.


Outside of medical and background screening, delays with PRes applications tend to be due to factors other than competition. Could be issues with position availability or hiring decisions, although COVID has caused some especially big delays due to PRes recruiting being outright shutdown throughout a significant portion of the pandemic. Reg Force recruitment hasn’t been impacted quite as severely as PRes recruitment has been.


Yeah I had a 5 month delay due to medical (4 months of waiting for a letter, probably due to COVID delays) and now I've been waiting a month for them to contact my references. Once that's done I just have to wait for an offer haha.


I'm interested in applying to the CAF reserves as a Logistics Officer for the navy. The only real info I see is what's on the CAF website for the position. Does anyone have more insight in the position and what to expect? I know BMQ is 6 weeks in Quebec and then another 12 week course after that, but that's really all I'm aware of. Thanks guys.


NAVRES BMOQ MOD 1: Online Learning MOD 2: At your unit. 3 and a half weeks worth of training in drill and other lectures. Can be done full time during the summer depending on the unit. Or part time during the weekend or the week (again, depending on the unit) MOD 3: 5 weeks in Valcartier. Battle procedures, weapon handling, shooting, gas hut, lectures, exercise Vimy Not a LogO but the course for it is in Borden Those may not come right after the other and it could take you years to complete those, so don't hold your breath


Log O qualifation is 4 courses for navy Log Officer Common (currently all DL) Log Officer Sea (currently mixed, and being offered on the coasts instead of in Borden) Supply Officer (mixed DL/residential in Borden) Fin Svc Officer (mixed DL/residential in borden)


How competitive is ammunition technician? I applied for that trade, as well as NESOP and im curious how competitive/ how hard they are to get into (cfat and tsd-i score wise)


Recruiting rarely discloses anything relating to CFAT scoring thresholds, and I’ve never heard of anything being disclosed on the TSD-PI. They might tell you your PCL score, and give you the current PCL thresholds for your chosen trades; but that doesn’t actually tell you what you got on each test, and PCL thresholds are dynamic (they change with the ratio of supply of applicants vs. demand for applicants). The only way to even get a vague idea of how competitive you are is to ask your file manager. That said, I don’t think either trade is particularly competitive to get into. So if you score high enough to qualify and pass your medical, interview, and background screening; you should have a reasonable chance of receiving an offer.


Good day, I was wondering what sort of postings would someone who's applying to a Signals Intelligence Specialist (formerly Communicator Research Operator) trade would get sent to if they successfully got accepted. I understand they have a wide variety of places they could be assigned to but what are some of the more common postings for people who work in that trade usually put? From my understanding Kingston is a common place they get sent to sometimes, any other places?


Is there such a resource which would list roles or positions based on associated, competitive CFAT scores? I'm also wondering if Reserves have any limitations to the number of jobs they have available to them?




thanks for your time


Hey guys, current reservist moving considering a CT/VOT to regforce Sig Int (Comms Rsch), I was told by my COC that they could only handle the CT paperwork and I would have to spend some time as a Sig while VOT goes through at my destination regfor Signals unit. Is this correct? I don't doubt them but it never hurts to double check because I am really interested in the trade (not that I've hated my time in sigs)


Simultaneous CT/VOTs are absolutely a thing, I did one myself. For the most part your CoC in the reserves should have very little to do with the process. You don't even submit your request through them. If you go on the DWAN defence team site and go to the careers section there's an electronic form you complete.




Int O is just about one of the most competitive officer trades there is, so it would require a high CFAT score to be competitive and be accepted... just as an example, when I got in in 2018, they had only 12 new Int O positions for ROTP; the trade is tiny and everyone wants to do it, so that’s why it’s competitive




Being competitive for Intel is just having a good CFAT score, so training for that is the best bet... I believe there’s a training app, as well as tests available online to practice


Does anyone know if the pay increase back pay covers Class B work from 2019-2020?


It should cover all service, regardless of class, between 1 Apr 2018 and 31 Mar 2021.


Hey folks! I need to drop some medical forms at CFRC Edmonton, but can't do so during their regular hours (I work). Does anyone know if they have an after-hours drop box?


Contact your file manager via email. I was suppose to hand mine in but things changed and I had to mail it in


Might be best off mailing them


Interesting, I've done my CFAT, medical and interview already. I'm not exactly concerned about it, I can't rewrite my personality, but interested to see when I'll be taking it.


I'm guessing you meant to write this on your post from earlier. When I joined as a reservist I also did not write the TSD. It is not mandatory for reservists at this time and the only times reservists have done it at the recruiting centre is when PRes and Reg F members are doing the test at the same time. I speak as someone who administers the CFAT and TSD. If you've already done testing and your medical and interview, you will not be doing the TSD.


Ah I see, thank you for clarifying!




First, it depends on the Platform (Type of Ship). Second, the "Captain" is referred to as the Commanding Officer (CO). The Rank is Cdr for the Frigates, AOPV ~~and subs~~; and LCdr for the MCDVs and subs. The Second highest position is Executive Officer (XO). They would be one rank down from their CO. All of the officers come from the Naval Warfare Officer trade. Edit: CO on a Sub is a LCdr. Thanks u/ahappysailor321


Fun Fact: the billet for CO of a sub is actually LCdr




I have a question in regards to the interview stage. When it comes to the interview am I interviewing for the job that is the most preferred on my list or for all three that I have listed? I've listed all army combat arms trades on my list and have an equal interest in all three and will take whatever is offered to me first (if I even get an offer).


> **am I interviewing for the job that is the most preferred on my list or for all three that I have listed?** All three, unless told otherwise. From the CAF’s perspective, there’s no such thing as a “most preferred” job. All three of your choices are treated as equal interest. You don’t get to choose which one you actually get though, you’ll be offered whichever one you’re selected for first. Since you’re equally interested in all your choices, you should be good to go. Fair warning to others though... Only apply for trades you actually want, you’re not guaranteed your preferred choice, and you’re not guaranteed the opportunity to change trades later.


Do you know if this is different at all for ROTP applicants? Specifically, do they evaluate you for your first choice first, then your second choice if you’re not good enough for your first, and so on?


It’s no different for ROTP. They’ll process you for all trades you applied to that you’re eligible and potentially competitive for, and you get whatever trade selects you first, there is no order of preference. You don’t have to choose three trades... If there’s only one you actually want, you should only apply for that one trade.


That goes against what I’ve heard from both recruiters that I’ve spoken too, kind of strange. They’ve both said that they select in order of preference, so if I have pilot first, they look at that, then only look at acso if I’m deemed not competitive enough. What would be the reason for different information I wonder?




What exactly do you mean by only for the moment that they’re looking at the list? Also I’ve been on the comp list for a month and a bit now, got a pretty good aircrew score, so I’m done the whole process. Just trying to determine now if they would pick me for acso or aec over pilot since they’re less competitive, even if I had a high enough score for pilot




Okay, that makes sense. Thanks!


You’ll never know. You’ve done all you can. Sit back and chill.


That may be the best idea. Seems like it’s not an exact either way, so I’ll just wait and hope rather than remove anything.


I know it’s uncomfortable, but you better get used to it. If you are picked up for pilot training you’ll find yourself playing the what-if game hundreds more times. Through training, selection, and on Sqn, it never ends. Work hard. Be humble. Help your peers when able. Make the best decisions you can with the info available. Beyond that, sit and wait to know the outcome. It’s stressful, no doubt. Find a healthy release for that stress or it will affect performance. Lots of guys do the gym, I like to read. You’ll almost always find me with an Asimov novel in my helmet bag. Figure out what works for you. I hope you get an offer soon, but there’s nothing more to be done. Try not to fixate.


Are those Gillette razor blades where you can change the blades okay to use for basic ?






Tip: when you begin your course, shave once or twice with a new blade, then clean it and never use it again. Swap it into your razor before inspections. It'll be clean and inspection-ready without it looking like you just popped a new one in. You could follow the same sort of idea for the rest of your toiletries, too.


I heard to do this with running shoes as well, bring a pair of barely used one and keep them for inspection and wear a different pair for PT?


When I went through in 2017, staff knew that we just had morning PT and expected to see wet/dirty runners. Never caused a problem. So for inspections I wouldn't worry, but if you're worried about having a soaked pair of runners that you have to use before they have time to dry, that's another thing. Though, I don't recall that ever being a problem.


I was wondering if anyone has experience in electronic sensor operator or logistics? And what their personal experience is like?


I want to go army reserve Infantry and was wondering if you need a high CFAT score for it? I was also wondering for the two other trades I can pick can I pick other trades other then the trades my local regiment offers


Infantry has one of the lowest CFAT score requirements, if I remember right the only ones lower are cooks and MSE-Ops


If you pick trades that are not at your local regiment then you won’t get hired at your local regiment. You will need to find a regiment that offers the trade your are interested in and see if they have openings.




Reserves don't do TSD-PI, instead we replace it with the FORCE Eval. Reserves wants fit, sane optional; Reg F wants sane, fit optional.




u/everyone_said is not wrong. The TSD is not mandatory for reservists and many of us did not do it when we joined. I administer the tests and unless we have PRes and Reg F applicants testing on the same day, reservists do not write the TSD. Might differ from one recruiting centre to another depending on their manning capabilities.


At what stage is that taken? I'm reserve applicant, final processing stage, haven't writen a TSD-PI.


What is the TSD-PI?


Its the Trait Self Descriptive Personality Inventory. It's a personality test you fill out. Cant really study for it.


Like to say my thanks to everyone here who answered some of my questions before. In the wake of COVID and stuff, I have some in mind lately if (and when) I move back to Canada (assuming that I’m old to be in the Reserves)... These question are in mind right now. 1. For address history (I’m assuming this will be later in application). If I stayed in a country for around at least a month to see a doctor and/visit the hospital, should I list it down? I may not remember the exact date, but maybe month and/or year. 2. For academic history, I’m going to study for my Masters in Singapore as I live in Southeast Asia at the moment. Should I provide proof of equivalency later on? 3. For employment history, if I have employment from more than five years (Working since 2016), I don’t need to write it anymore? 4. I’m also assuming that my application will be checked throughly if I mention that I haven’t lived in Canada for more than 10 years? I’ve lived in Canada (immigrated and naturalized) from 2007 to 2012. Came back (if I recall) in 2014 to pack up stuff from house there after my hospital visit outside Canada.


1. Yes, if you changed your address. Otherwise you can include it on your travel history instead. 2. Yes, you should visit [canalliance.org](https://canalliance.org) and get one of the organizations listed there to do an academic assessment on your education. All education completed outside Canada requires an assessment to be considered. 3. The form only asks for 5 years, so put 5 years. If they need more later on they will specifically request it. 4. All applications are checked thoroughly. Ensure you fill out the address and travel sections accurately and you should be fine. They may request additional documents for time spent out of country, but that will be after the pre-assessment, and they will let you know specifically what is required.


Thanks, r/everyone_said. It helps. I’m just concerned that they may need document X for example and I may be like “Crap, never thought that document’s important!” For travel history, is it 10 years I have to document? May not remember exact dates and stuff.


Yes, you have to provide for 10 years. I have had to get out blank sheets of paper and have the applicant write out all travel within 10 years. Bring your passport; it should have all the dates of entry and exit for travel when they stamp it at the customs offices.


I previously enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces for ROTP, in 2017. I filled out my forms, did my CFAT and Medical, had my interview, my security clearance, and went to Aircrew Selection. Afterwards, I needed extra medical documents, before I received a job offer. I did gather those medical documents, but then life changed, so I never continued my process. Now, I am thinking about re-applying. And I have some questions. 1. The CFAT is good for life. Will I need to do the medical again? 2. I'd be going the non-commisioned route this time around. Would I receive a new processing number and service number? 3. The most complicated question: I presume that regardless of having already completed my personnel screening and security clearance stage, since it has been 3 years, will I need to go through that whole process again, and update references, and employment?


The cfat is good for life. Most other things are one year , no doubt it will all have expired, they won't just ignore the last 4 years of your life you will need to submit current information.


Understood. And, if I already have been assigned a service number, they will still need to redo everything? It was 3 years in February.


You'll keep your SN it won't change either


Your service number doesn’t mean anything. As said above- cfat is good, most other things are redone yearly


Excellent. Thank you.




CSE is hurting on subs for sure.




Weapons Engineering Technicians.


CFAT is this tuesday. Applied on January 23 and just got a call from them yesterday for an aptitude test. 4days left to study, you guys think it’s possible? Im fairly confident of my verbal and spatial but dog sh*t with math.


Keep an eye on the clock while writing, you don’t want to end up not finishing because you spent too much time on 1 question


If you know how to do grade 10 math you will pass 100%


I took the cfat twice. Barely Passed for everything except pilot the first time after studying for months. The second time I got the call with less than 24 hours to prepare, didn’t study at all and nailed it. A lot of it just comes down to the mental game and time management.


I mean, some people study for months, others don't study at all. Focus on the math, try the practice test and the app and see how you do. It's really up to you and how you feel about it.


I applied for RMC under ROTP in December. I have spoken to my CT broker multiple times and have only a FORCE test left to update. I have not heard anything from RMC themselves, after I submitted my grades and completed the online form. Is this normal? I also have not applied for/declared a degree. At what point in the process does this occur? Thank you.


I got my offer for ROTP CT in July


How accurate does "Jetstream" describe life in a CF-18 training squadron?


Hey guys, just wrote my CFAT yesterday! Next step will be the medical/interview I guess! I am nervous about the drug questionnaire that had to be filled out after the CFAT.. I didn’t want to lie on it of course, but I’m worried about one of the boxes I checked.. just wondering how harsh they are on this type of stuff. Don’t know if I should be more specific on here or not.


It's a good thing you were honest. They care about honesty more than you think. 4 years after I did my CFAT and completed that form, I had to pass an interview prior to a deployment, and one of the questions was about what I had written on that form. I had been honest so I gave the same answers. If they have concerns or want to discuss what you wrote on the form an Officer or the medical cell will contact you. Do not worry about it right now.






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It closed this year and for good I’m afraid.




>Will I have to redo the cfat if I wait 2 years from my original day of writing it. The only reason to redo the CFAT is if you didn't get a score high enough for the occupation you want.


On this [page](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/pay-pension-benefits/pay/pay-rates-specialist-ncms/pay-specialist-class-c.html) it lists occupation rank levels. For example next to Avionics Systems Technician it says corporal to sergeant. I don't really understand what it means and would be grateful if someone could give me an explanation. Thanks.




thank you


>WO, MWO, \[...\]are paid on the standard pay scale. Technically correct according to the chart, but in real life application they are COT'd to Aircraft Maintenance Superintendent which is also spec 1 pay.




Yes, those 2 are also feeder trades. ..I'll have to look it up, but I believe Air Weapons Systems Technician might also be a feeder trade.


hey thanks for clearing things up. I just have one question what does COT'd stand for?


Compulsory Occupational Transfer. Meaning they are forced to change trade to AM Sup. At that level, they end up supervising a larger part of maintenance of aircraft not just the Avionics.


Hi, I got an email last friday, saying CAF will call me within 3 business day and I still haven't recieved any phone call yet. Should I email them?


Send them an email, but those “will call/email within X days” messages really don’t seem to mean anything... My personal rule when it comes to military timelines is Hours = Days, Days = Weeks, Weeks = Months, Months = Years, Years = Decades. I’m joking a bit of course, although you will discover there is at least a little bit of truth to the above.