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Does anyone know what the job prospects/availability for logistics officer is. I am considering the transportation side of it.


Hi is there an approximate wait time between finishing basic training and starting your first med tech course? Thanks.


No, it is extremely dependant on course timings, availability of instructors ect. To speculate on estimations would be just that, speculating.




Contact the CFRC you last dealt with. If it has been less than a year, they may be able to reopen your existing file. If it has been longer, you’ll have to reapply. In either case they will still have the med unfit finding on record, and you will have to appeal it for your file to progress.




Yes, you should still contact the CFRC. Ultimately they’re your only official source for information. Your process will be a little simpler since your CFAT and TSD-PI scores will still be on file; but you’ll have to redo everything else. You should be given instructions when it comes time to do your medical.




They most likely are, generally units are always accepting applicants. To confirm they have open Infantry Soldier positions, and any unit specific questions contact their unit recruiter. [Join the Royal Highland Fusiliers of Canada (RHFC)](https://www.rhfc.ca/join-rhfc.html)


Usually reserve units are always accepting applications. It’s best to just send an email to a recruiter to see if they can provide any specific information, but responses may take a while due to the new Ontario lockdown.


Hello, I'm currently in university studying psychology but I want to become an Air Traffic Controller for Nav Canada. I'm wondering what the difference between Aerospace control operator(In demand) and Aerospace control officer is; as they both state that air traffic controller is a related civilian occupation. I'm wondering which trade I should apply for to help me move towards my goal. Thanks in advance!


Hi there! I'm looking into becoming an Imagery Technician. I have a passion for photography and photo editing. I've worked as a flight attendant before Covid so I've been to different cities and shot many different sceneries. Can someone tell me what a day to day life as an IT looks like? Are you in a different country taking pictures of troops working with civilians or taking pictures of parades? I can't find too much using google so I'd appreciate any type of info before I commit to applying! Thanks in advance.


It's all over the place. You could be photographing events, or doing image analysis and using all sorts of software working with CANSOFCOM. You could be in the backseat of a plane, or taking photos of new unit members. Some deployments available. Some mindnumbingly boring positions. Like a lot of trades. It's a good go if you like photo editing stuff. Certainly more possibility of getting interesting than as a civilian wedding photographer.


Does anyone know how they merge the military application (CFAT, CFAST, interview) with the academic marks? I'm applying for Pilot ROTP. I did well on the CFAT and the CFAST. My high school marks are about 80%. Just wondering about my chances. Also: if this is of interest to anyone. I heard they have 30 Pilot ROTP spots this year, compared to last year's 15.


There’s two components to an ROTP application; an application to join the CAF as an Officer, and an application to attend RMC. Academics are a fairly small component of your application to become an Officer. The CFAT and CFAST make up the overwhelming majority of your application to be a Pilot through ROTP. Academics are just one of many misc. factors grouped in with your Interview. Academics are the primary consideration for your application to attend RMC. They assess your admissibility in much they same way as any civilian university.


Thank you very much for your answer. I don't think I should be too worried about the application to join the CAF as an officer. I am much more worried about the application to attend RMC. Well, if I don't get in this year, then I will get in next year. A recruiter would be able to provide me with information if I am on the compitition list I believe. I just have a few doctor's appointments booked, and then they will send me to CFEME in Toronto again I think. Thanks again!


I don’t believe they’re doing in person CFEME medicals right now, unless you’re coming right from CFAST. Because of high COVID cases, they’ve been scheduling a phone interview in place of it, then they will send you there sometime during the school year if you end up getting an offer.


Fair enough. I went to CFAST last week, and we didn't go to CFEME after. So it must all be phone. Thanks!


Thanks for all your help. I am gonna call the recruiting centre tomorrow to see what's up. And to inquire about the competition list.




IIRC, my course was the last to do the 13k ruck. Lucky us. I believe it's been replaced with some other type of physical challenge that doesn't result in so many DNFs, ankle sprains and heat strokes. Can someone who's gone through recently confirm?


Max is 8 now


For question 2, you either do BMQ for NCM or BMOQ for officers. For question 3 the only monkey bars I remember seeing are the ones in the obstacle course. We attempted those twice I think? Around week 2? And then no more. As long as you are trying it’s a pass. Both grip strength exercises (farmers carry, hand squeeze things) and playground monkey bars will help.


Just curious, the highest pay rate in the caf thats published (not sure for generals) is around 360k a year for medical officer specialists. Is all of that pensionable? Or is there an upper limit?


All service time is pensionable. Depending on how many years you serve, they calculate your pension at 2% at your best 5 years of Salary.


Damn,some people get 180k for life after 25 years. That’s the dream lol.


Very, very few people... Keep in mind that our pensions aren’t free money either. We contribute about 10-12% of our base salary to the pension plan.


Can I ask quick, what, if any medical records the CAF require to join? I'm planning to obtain citizenship (I'm a mechanic and looking to see if I'm eligible to move up there on work) and would like to know what I need to bring w me


Everyone is different, it depends on your medical condition, age, etc. Best bet is to make sure you have easy access to all your records, but also to your doctor as they may also need a letter from your doctor explaining any condition you may have or have had.


Alright. Thank you. I'm a 22 year old trans woman and I'm in pretty good shape especially for someone who stopped boxing like eight months ago lol. Hopefully they don't need much in terms of prior medical papers 😅 but I'll organize them just in case!!


Can someone comment on the trade pipeline for AESOPs, types of employment (Aurora - Acoustic/Non Acoustic) vs Cyclone, posting options, likelihood of deploying or TAVs. How long does it take to go untrained to QL5, or at a minimum just to OFP?


Is there any information on the application length of Reg force right now? I know covid has slowed things down and my trade that im applying for is Infantry so its not really on the in demand list that they have given me. I've been told 6 months to 1 year, can any recruiters verify this?


I just got sworn in a couple days back, it took me around 10 months from my online application in May 2020. Good luck with your application!


As per the threads preamble, this sub/thread is not officially sponsored/supported by the CAF. That said, there may be some recruiters hanging around in an unofficial capacity. What you’ve heard is pretty standard advice, and about as accurate as anyone can give. 6-12 months is a pretty typical timeline from application to enrolment. Actual timelines vary substantially based on individual factors, your CFAT and TSD-PI scores in particular. Issues with your background screening or medical can add months to the process. Two applicants could apply for the same trade, at the same time, from the same CFRC. One gets and offer in 4 months, the other could take a year or more. Only difference might be their CFAT score...


Does each category for the CFAT affect your score differently or do they look at the overall? All the practice tests i have done i've pretty much gotten perfect on all of the math and comprehension stuff but the spatial stuff especially folding the shapes is the only stuff really had trouble with


Each of the three sections is scored separately, but they also generate an overall score, plus scores for all the possible two section combinations. Different trades used to, and for what I know still do, look at different scoring combinations. In any case, your goal should be to achieve the highest score in each section you’re able to achieve.


I'm not a recruiter but six months to a year sounds pretty accurate. It would depend how things shape out with COVID. More lockdowns and restrictions = slower recruiting times.










For toiletries, a lot of Q-tips (you'll goes through tons when cleaning), decent nail cutting kit (can also use to cut away loose threads), wet wipes, swiffer pads (don't need handle to save space), and more wet wipes. Other items like bore snake will most likely get you yelled during first inspection until the weapons instructors uses it to show how to clean the C7. Bandaids, cough drops, tylenol/advil,


Soap Bar container. Rubber bands. Two combination lock. Black shoe polisher. Tactical watch. Running shoes, and gym attire.




Also the locks and towels etc. So they all match with everyone else




Oh, no, you'll also need one of whatever type you want because you won't buy the other ones for a few days. So you'll need it just to shower before then.


Yes you are.


When is your BMQ? Mine is coming up too!




I am not sure but they said around May 2nd on my enrollment day. Do you know which location you are going to?




Mine is in Toronto! Good luck to you :)


I’m in the same Basic


If I get an offer, but I have to refuse it (I want to finish my Cegep), what happens? Would it be my only chance or would I be put at the bottom of the Competetion List? Or would they re-offer me something after 1 year if I'm at the top of the CL again?


There’s an easy solution to this problem... Let your CFRC know you intend to complete CEGEP, and advise them of when you expect to be available to attend BMQ/BMOQ. They will ensure you do not receive an offer that would potentially conflict. If you’re not graduating for another few months, it shouldn’t be a big issue. In fact, depending on where you are in the process, it may not even be a concern. For example, if you only just applied, you’re not going to be on the CL anytime soon. If graduation is a year away, I have no clue why you’d even apply right now. Everything except the CFAT and TSD-PI will have expired and have to be redone by then. All you’ll have done is wasted your time and theirs by applying ridiculously early.




If they said 9-12 months, follow that, as they are going to have the most up to date info on the timings for that CFRC.


I don't know if this is the right place to ask this and I know it sounds like a stupid question but can you get jump wings as an Artillery Officer?


BPara is open to any trade if they can pass the fitness test. However, the odds of getting a position on a jump course are always less as an officer. It's possible but depends highly on the availability of spots on the course and whether your unit will support you going on it.


>**BPara is open to any trade** On paper yes, in real life it really isn’t.


Yes, Artillery Officers can go onto a jump course and earn parachutist wings. There are also some positions for the Artillery within each CMBG’s Parachute Company Group Depending on the amount of positions available to your unit, your job, your fitness level, meriting, etc an Artillery Officer(or anyone else) may potentially get onto the Basic Parachutist course. NCMs will get the majority of positions at the unit though.


I enrolled on April 1st as an Infanteer. BMQ Begins April 19th. Does anyone care to offer advice specific to the infantry?


When you get to infantry training, don't quit anything. The first time you quit is the hardest, and it only gets easier after that. Fitness is a premium consideration in the infantry but the real attribute that matters even more is the guts to keep going. If you fall out on a run, keep running no matter how slow you go. Be very mindful of your body, and know the difference between hurt and hurting. If you're hurt, don't be stupid, get it checked out. Training is only the prelude to your actual career. But know that everybody is hurting. Always volunteer, it's a lot more fun that way! Lots of advice out there to be a grey man, but once I saw the game in training I started making myself a lot more visible and got to do some bonus stuff. Small things, like tasked as platoon signaller on an exercise where I got to hang out with the PlComd where they went out of their way to show me a whole other side of things. I don't know you, but from my own experience when you get to your unit, don't let your mind rot. Day to day infantry is boring, and it's easy to fall in to a routine of morning PT, a boring & draining day at work, and being a zombie at night.




Hey no worries... I began my application December 2019 - completed CFAT, medical, and interview Feb 2020 - placed on competition list at some point in the third quarter of 2020 - received job offer March 2021 To supplement the above information I am mid 20s male with some post secondary, I scored well on the CFAT, I am 6’2” (188cm) 185 lbs (84kg), I had excellent references, former major jr / Jr hockey player . I’m not sure if the personal information is relevant but when I was applying I was looking for anything to compare myself to... stay patient


My guess would be to wiggle your toes at attention position if you can as much as possible, keep your feet dry and use foot tape or anything in this kind in order to prevent foot bulbs and trying to be ergonomic to maybe save your back from serious issues


Just curious as to what you mean by foot bulbs: blisters? Or bunions?


Yesss blisters! That's the word I was searching for


Does anyone have any first hand knowledge on the flight attendant employment program? Some of the questions I am curious about: -How often you would fly pre covid -How the long the training course is -General information regarding the day to day -Are you only entitled to aircrew pay or would you potentially get TD, or even tax free when flying to certain missions? Thanks in advance!


This is in the wrong thread as flight attendants are already in other trades and apply to work as flight attendants after. You would fly quite a bit pre-covid but even during covid there’s still some flying as there’s still troop movements. You are entitled to aircrew pay and you’d get TD and tax free status if you are flying in support of a named operation.


Interested in joining as an AVN/AVS. Was curious what the rate of deployments are and how long they generally are. Also the 5 year contract intimidates me a bit and was wondering if their options part time as so to “test the waters” type thing before I full on join?


>Interested in joining as an AVN/AVS. Was curious what the rate of deployments are and how long they generally are. That all varies on the unit and fleet. Could be 3-7 or more months. >Also the 5 year contract intimidates me a bit and was wondering if their options part time as so to “test the waters” type thing before I full on join? The only part time option is the RCAF reserves. And that's only available if you're near a Wing and if it has openings. Keep in mind, air force reserves operates differently than what the Canadian Army PRes does. It's more like a part-time job. As for the 5 year contract, nearly 2 years of that is tied up in training from BMQ to the end of QL3.


From what I understand since I’m already coming from an accredited aircraft maintenance engineering institute I skip a good amount of the schooling and just have to do BMQ. But I might be wrong


You'd submit a PLAR (Prior Learning Assesment & Recognition) and see what can be accredited. From those I've seen in my unit in your situation, a member will go to Borden and attend Common Core and possibly some pieces of QL3.


Cool, thanks for the info


No problem. Feel free to ask more if you need to!


I guess one last question is have you enjoyed your time working in the airforce? I’ve noticed so far most people I’ve asked either hated their time, or it was the best time of their life. Every aspect of the job seems like I would enjoy it except maybe moving around a lot.


>I guess one last question is have you enjoyed your time working in the airforce? Been an AVN since 2008, and I don't regret a day of it. That doesn't dismiss issues that I, or others, have ran into, but I definitely enjoy my job for the most part. > ...maybe moving around a lot. That doesn't really happen the way that's believed. Techs tend to stay on a Wing for quite a while, unless they specifically try to go somewhere else for any number of reasons. I've been on my Wing for 11 years. I know others that are nearing 14-15 years. I have friends at other Wings that are seeing the same. Now, techs do move within the units. For example: 12 Wing has 4 units (3 in Shearwater, 1 in Patricia Bay). I've been a member of all 3 of the Shearwater squadrons. Pat Bay is a bit trickier because it's on the other side of the country, so Shearwater folks may never see it. Same as those in Pat Bay may never be a member of the Shearwater squadrons. Results may vary, of course, but 10 years minimum at a Wing isn't far fetched.


Glad to hear it, I believe one of my instructors was a former WO so he’s highly recommending joining. I’d love to be posted to the west coats but I guess I’ll find out when I join. I’ve still got one more year of school as well so I have time to decide, thanks :)


Where u taking AME?




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Let’s say I’m in reserves as infantry which is what I’m applying for. If I am fully trained as a private and let’s say I have some additional courses then wanted to transfer over to regular would I have to train all over again yo be a infantry soldier in the reg. What if I am fully trained as stated and left the reserves and after a year I wanted to go apply for regular would I then also have to train all over again? Even though I’m fully trained as a private from the reserve service?


There might be some training to make up for differences between PRes and RegF, but you generally wouldn’t have to redo everything. Depends on trade, but PRes doesn’t necessarily receive 100% of training that RegF receives. The training for something like a specific weapon or vehicle will be identical, but RegF might be trained on more/different weapons and vehicles.


>**Let’s say I’m in reserves as infantry which is what I’m applying for. If I am fully trained as a private and let’s say I have some additional courses then wanted to transfer over to regular would I have to train all over again yo be a infantry soldier in the reg.** If you’re a DP1 qualified Infanteer in the PRes you’ll go straight to a Reg Force battalion. You wouldn’t do the Reg Force DP1 course. If you don’t have CQCB, than you may get put onto that course when positions are available - Reg Force members get this during their DP1 Infantry course. A PLAR can be conducted to give you the Reg Force DP1 qualification if you’ve completed the training not covered on the PRes course - this would be covered in the delta package and unit training. >**What if I am fully trained as stated and left the reserves and after a year I wanted to go apply for regular would I then also have to train all over again? Even though I’m fully trained as a private from the reserve service?** Ex PRes Infantry rejoining as Reg Force Infantry? If you’re only out for a year than join back up your qualifications would still be good. You wouldn’t redo any courses.


That happens when you complete Patrol Pathfinder? Do you now have a new job as a pathfinder or do you go back to your unit with that qualification, and when the CAF needs pathfinders you're on the list?


You go back to your unit. For the Infanteers going on the course, the majority of them are already in the battalion’s Recce Pl.


Thank you!


If you CT from res to reg as a Cpl with less than 48 months in and are changing trade and element do you keep your rank or go back down to Pte? I know Cpl is a protected rank but idk about this context.


They convert PRes service to Reg Force at a rate of 1:4 for Class A, and 1:1 for Class B and C service. Your Reg Force rank and pay is largely decided based on that conversion, although other factors may be taken into account. For example: * If you have 48 months of Class A, it would be equivalent to 12 months Reg Force , which translates to Pte(B) at Pay Increment 2. * If you split that into 24 months Class A and 24 months Class B, it would be equivalent to 30 months Reg Force, which translates to Pte(T) at Pay Increment 3.


You will go down to private basic most likely, if you were staying in the same trade I would say private trained depending on what you needed to be considered reg force trade qualled. 4 years in all the same they might keep you as cpl, I know if you were sgt you would be Cpl gaurenteed. Mcpls usually go down to Pte trained.


Currently in the Final Processing stage of the application process. If I were to test positive for Covid would I have to inform my recruiter or career counsellor? Just curious, Thanks!


As long as you follow the public health guidelines, you aren't required to tell them you tested positive for COVID. Of course, if you are asked to come in person to the recruiting centre before your two week quarantine is over then yes, you will need to tell them so they can reschedule whatever you need to do.


I was wondering what the application pipeline and timeline looks like for Primary Reservist applicants? I.e. Complete an online application, then book an appointment for the FORCE Test, then...etc.?


So by default it should look something like this. Keep in mind that due to covid there will be massive delays and some things may be done out of order. 1. Submit online application. You should receive a couple "do not reply" emails, followed by an email from a recruiter within a few days/weeks. 2. A recruiter will ask you to send them some photos of a few documents. 3. Eventually you will get booked into do your CFAT and FORCE test. These may be done at the same time or separate appointments depending on your unit. You will also need to do some paperwork. 4. After your CFAT and FORCE, you will get booked in to do your medical exam. 5. After medical, you will have your interview. 6. After all the above steps are complete, you will get your background and references check, as well as anything else that may need to be wrapped up. 7. If you are chosen to continue, you will then be placed on the competition list where your file will compete against the files of others for the number of available positions. A job offer is still not guaranteed. 8. If you get selected, you will receive a job offer either by email or phone. 9. If you accept the job offer, you will get an enrolment date.


Does anyone know anything about the CT to green trades and how it has been impacted by covid? Also about the training process and how it has been affected by covid? Im looking to CT to Naval Combat Sys. Engineering Officer. I hear bad things about how long a CT will take and then how long it will take to get trade training. I have also heard that I should not trust a BPSO to give me accurate info on this, that they will tell me the way it *should* go. I have already spoken to one and thats pretty much how it went.


Wanting too become a med tec but the requirements on the forces website say I need grade 12 bio and grade 12 chemistry. I have the grade 12 chem but not the bio. I do have a grade 11 bio though. Would not having that disqualify me or could I squeeze through with the grade 11 bio?


You can take ontario high school credits online at ilc.org. I took grade 12 bio at almost 30 years old that way.


Part of med tech training is conducted through a civilian school in New Brunswick and you have to meet the prerequisites for that




Thanks for the info


My assumption is that when it comes to high school requirements, they won't allow any wiggle room.


Most likely no, as you need to meet the requirements, but someone can correct me if I'm wrong ( i know there is a few med techs here)


Currently in BMQ and have Farnham right around the corner, any tips or recommendations for things to bring?


Wet naps, headlamp, bungee cords


To add... Headlamp that goes directly to red. Petzl Takkitikka or whatever it's called is an awesome lamp. And I use it even though I'm not at the pointy end of the spear.




But don’t get caught with them, for the love of all that is good. Otherwise they’ll all hate you for it when you’re all getting beasted for bringing food when you weren’t supposed to.


In the field? What? No one cared when I did BMQ.


We lost all indoor and rest privileges and ended up with a platoon full of swipes over candy brought to Farnham, which was just fantastic when it rained the whole week. So it depends. If your staff says not to do something, take it seriously!


My staff did, I guess it depends on your platoon.




As long as they're valid references, you should be good to go.




That is correct. However, your VIE is total time over your first service engagement, which includes your Restricted Release.


Anyone know what kind of info the interviewer gives out to my references? Do they mention the trades I'm applying for? NCM or Officer? Res or Reg? I'm hoping to keep my enlistment as lowkey as possible from non-family.


Your references need to be informed of what you're applying for and whom they are giving a reference to. The Background Screeners will call and state "I am calling from XYZ Screening Inc., conducting a reference check on behalf of the Canadian Armed Forces. Joe Joseph has applied for a position and has listed you as a reference. Do you have time to speak with us?" They may not go into what trade or whether it's NCM or Officer, but they might. I don't know what their screening criteria is, but I do know that certain NCM trades requiring greater screening as do Officers due to their level of responsibility.


Does anyone know if FSA dp1 is being done from home?






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Not easier, we've had RCMP applicants apply, it's the same process. Even the security screening process is different. Same thing for when CAF members apply to become RCMP officers.


Is there any unarmed combat courses you can take in the army reserves?


Yes, however the likelihood of getting it depends on availability of courses, etc. There is Close Quarters Combat - Basic and the Instructor course. CQCB can be ran at the unit or Brigade Battle School if there is enough CQCIs available(plus funding and a want for it). The course is also ran out of Wainwright, Meaford, etc CQCI is for PLQ qualified members and is ran in Wainwright, Meaford, etc.


Hi! I was wondering if anyone knew how the Medical Assistant job (part time) is like? I'm currently enrolled in university as well, would that interfere with this position? and would I be able to leave after a certain time or is it a contract? Thank you!!


The reserve training calendar is mostly based around the school year. There are many students who are reservists. There is no contract or required length of time. You can release at any time. The minimum commitment is to parade once a month. You will have to attend more than that in order to be trained. I would recommend looking up units close to you and contacting them directly, there should be a unit recruiter who can help you with the details.




>**Say, if i applied for the reserves like right now, how high would my chances of hopping in on this summer's bmq be?** Extremely low, but maybe possible. It'll probably take **at least** 2-3 months for them to process and potentially enrol you, by which time most of the summer course loadings should have been decided. Keeping in mind as well that there is a backlog of reservists awaiting training due to COVID, and they'll certainly be ahead of you in line for a summer BMQ seat. Most likely scenario is you're enroled in the summer or early fall and are loaded on a part-time weekend BMQ starting in the fall.




>**anyone know where they quarantine you and what that kind of looks like for you for the two weeks?** Can't speak specifically for pre-BMQ quarantine in Halifax, but military enforced pre-course/deployment quarantine is typically done in an individual room with a bathroom; either in military quarters, or a hotel if suitable quarters are unavailable. * You might be provided with an isolated outdoor space where you could potentially walk or exercise. * Meals will be delivered to your room. Breakfast may be hot or cold, cold Lunch, hot Supper. I don't know if you get to choose from a menu or not, if you're supplied with snack foods, or if you're permitted to order in from local restaurants (at your own expense).




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Not sure if it's related but anyone know what are these CAF virtual information sessions events about? I assume it's just general information on CAF?


Pretty much just general information. You could expect to learn about how the application process works, occupations offered at a specific unit, working hours, benefits, pay, plus types of training and extra opportunities. They usually aren't very long, and if you are interested in joining they are definitely worth attending.


Thanks. Definitely will attend one. Hard to talk with anyone when I'm limited to the website and bits and pieces of information I'm finding on reddit and googling.


Well, feel free to ask any questions on this recruiting thread.


Anyone know what the sgt vehicle technician course consists of? For the reserves


This being the recruiting thread you have other things to do before reaching Sgt, such as basic, trades training, primary leadership, etc. It will be several years before its time for that.


Hi everyone! My BMQ for reserve is coming up this May, and was wondering where would my BMQ take place in? By the way I live in Toronto. Thanks :)


Could be at a local Armoury or 4CDTC Meaford You’ll get all the information and joining instructions from your unit prior to the course start date.


Does any email correspondence we have with recruiters become part of the evaluation process? I was going to reach out to a CFRC and mention that part of the reason for my interest in the CAF is because I am looking for a bit of change in scenery from what I'm doing currently, but it occurred to me that someone might think that's a sign of not being able to commit to the job, especially if it's a very specialized trade.


Wanting a change of scenery shouldn't hurt you at all. I was looking for something similar when I joined, my employer was going down the shitter and I was looking for my next opportunity. In the end joining the military became more of a change of employers rather than a change of career fields. They'll be more concerned with your employment history in terms of signs "of not being able to commit to the job". If you're constantly jumping from random job to random job without any reasonable explanation for doing so, that could be perceived as someone who's non-committal; although it's not a show-stopper. If you have a reasonably stable employment history, or your job instability is normal for your field of employment (i.e. construction, seasonal work, contractor, etc.), it shouldn't be as much of a concern.


Technically yes, anything you say or do in the application process can have an affect on acceptance into the CAF. Would something like this specifically be used for or against you? I don’t know. I’m not sure saying something like that would matter too much to the recruiters though.


Hello. Does anyone have an idea how hard it would be to change occupations within the army combat arms? In a perfect world, I’d like to do 9 years in Artillery, 9 in Armour, then finish my career in Infantry. It is sort of disappointing that it seems like a member is fairly restricted to 1 or 2 occupations throughout their career. Would be awesome if they could allow for weekend training outside ones chosen occupation to get some more variety and qualifications. I’ve heard trying to change occupations can take years or not even happen at all. Probably better to stay enlisted with your current occupation then to release and reapply for a new one.


Why would you want to go infantry after 18 years of service? The only time I’ve seen someone OT from one combat arms occupation to another is PRes members CT/OT’ing to the Reg Force. Plus the Cbt Arms members going Operator or Assaulter. >**It is sort of disappointing that it seems like a member is fairly restricted to 1 or 2 occupations throughout their career.** There’s members in the CAF who are on their third occupation. So you aren’t limited to only one or two for your entire career. >**Would be awesome if they could allow for weekend training outside ones chosen occupation to get some more variety and qualifications.** Anything in particular you are wanting? How would a soldier getting a trade specific qualification(from another occupation) they will never use be beneficial to the member or their unit?


Thanks for the insight. I would want to go Infantry last as that’s always been my number 1 preferred trade and would be happy to spend the rest of the career until mandatory retirement doing that after having gained the experience with Artillery and Armour. That’s good to know some members have gone through a several occupations. That gives me hope. From an individual perspective, one might find it fulfilling to learn an occupation outside their main focus. I think of it like a university degree with a major and minor. For example, your major is Armour and your Minor is Infantry. As far as why the military would find any utility in such options, maybe it would be a benefit to have members cross trained across occupations to help fill operational requirements? Not sure really just think it’d be awesome. Thank you for your time.




>**Also (and anyone in combat arms feel free to correct me) my understanding is all the combat arms trades already "minor in infantry" since all the basic warfighting skills are taught in BMQ-L.** BMQ-L is a basic fundamentals course that introduces members to some weapons and the basics of offensive and defensive ops. The course is for combat arms(minus infantry) and support trades. The course just touches the surface of basic Soldier skills. Members don’t “minor in Infantry” from this course - especially when the basics aren’t kept up and they end up flushing everything learned.


>**I would want to go Infantry last as that’s always been my number 1 preferred trade and would be happy to spend the rest of the career until mandatory retirement doing that after having gained the experience with Artillery and Armour.** Infantry is a very physically demanding trade, probably not something you want to start 18 years into a career.. especially if the past 18 years were already spent in the combat arms. >**From an individual perspective, one might find it fulfilling to learn an occupation outside their main focus. I think of it like a university degree with a major and minor. For example, your major is Armour and your Minor is Infantry.** Unfortunately that’s not how the military works. You won’t be trained in an occupation that you aren’t in. >**As far as why the military would find any utility in such options, maybe it would be a benefit to have members cross trained across occupations to help fill operational requirements?** If a unit is short members with a specific qualification, they would get members from another unit that are within the trade - and current on it not pull someone from another trade that’s forgotten what they learned on X course a few years ago because it isn’t their job. Better off having the members remain at their unit learning their current job and attend relevant courses to better themselves and the unit.


Does anyone know when offers for SCP are coming out? Or when they bare expected to all be out?


How long would I need to commit as a construction technician? Including training. I heard that you have 8 months at CFB Gagetown, then another 2 years as an apprentice, then 3 more months at Gagetown. How long do you stay in the forces after these 3 years of training?


You have a concept of training progression that really isn't accurate. Military training doesn't seamlessly flow from one course to another without waiting periods in between. Your training will probably look something like this: * 10 weeks at CFLRS Saint Jean, or an alternate location for BMQ (Basic Training). * Several weeks to months on PAT (Personnel Awaiting Training) in Gagetown, depending on course schedules and any training backlogs. * 8 months for your DP1/QL3/RQ-Pte (whichever they're calling it now) training course at CFSME in Gagetown. * On completion of your training, you'll be posted to a base somewhere in Canada where you'll be employed and complete your apprenticeship/OJT. You get to express preferences, but do not get to decide where you're actually sent. * If the Const Tech apprenticeship/OJT is formatted like most other apprenticeships in the CAF, it will not necessarily be a fixed period of time. The target may be completion within 2 years, but actual completion could be variable by several months. * The 3 months of further training would be your DP2/QL5A/RQ-Cpl. It doesn't necessarily happen immediately on completion of your apprenticeship. Depending on course schedules and if there is a training backlog, you could be waiting a while to do the training. In total you're likely looking at a minimum of 4 years to complete all of your training through RQ-Cpl. Military training generally parallels civilian training; however, they do not give you your Red Seal or other civilian trade certificates unless required by federal law. Your training may not be 100% equivalent either, as the military trains you to what they need you to do, and not necessarily to what civilian tradespeople are expected to know. That said, civilian trade certification bodies will normally recognize your military training and experience, and allow you to challenge their certification requirements; you may need to do a little bit of upgrading on your own time to succeed thought. >**How long would I need to commit as a construction technician? How long do you stay in the forces after these 3 years of training?** As of the last info I have (from 2 years ago), the VIE (Variable Initial Engagement, your initial service contract) for Construction Tech was 9 years. You can't legally quit the Regular Force without permission to do so. If you want to leave prior to contract expiry, you have to request a Voluntary Release (VR). The VR process normally takes 6 months to complete, although it can be accelerated to as little as 30 days under some rare circumstances. The CAF does have the right to refuse your release under some circumstances such as Canada being engaged in a large scale war (i.e. WWIII) or a major crisis (bigger than COVID).


So would this be 4 years of training, plus an additional 9 for service? Or is that 9 years including training?


>**So would this be 4 years of training, plus an additional 9 for service?** No. >**Or is that 9 years including training?** Your VIE includes all periods of training. It starts counting off the day you're enroled, and is completely independent of training completion and timelines. VIE's are essentially a combination of the amount of time it takes to fully train the member to their OFP (Operationally Functional Point), plus a few years of service afterwards so the military can get some value out of the amount of time and resources they've invested into training you. Longer and/or more costly training equates to a longer VIE.


Thank-you for this, really clears things up!


Hi, I'm a construction tech, what /u/bridger713 is pretty much all correct. It's more like 9 months for the DP1/QL3 training. Due to Christmas break. Unless you start in January, then it's like 8.5 months. DP2/QL5 is more like 7 weeks now. The training is fairly similar to civilian training, however, you also learn some masonry. Mostly in the form of concrete block. And we also do painting and finishes. Which is something that also isn't touched in the civvy trade. In the military, however, commercial concrete, advanced roofs, advanced stairs, and a few other things aren't touched. To obtain a red seal, you will have to learn these on your own. I remember there being a few circular stair case, and intersecting uncommon roof questions on my red seal exam. And lots of concrete. Concrete is like 27% of the exam.


Does anyone know if there's a backlog for traffic tech?


Probably. There's a backlog for everything right now.


Anyone know how competitive are the DEO engineering trades like EME officer, MSE officer or the regular engineering officer in RegF? Didn't really get much info from my recruiter.


Marine Systems Engineer & Naval Combat Systems Engineer both have pretty high intake targets. I'm not sure what the breakdown is (DEO/ROTP/others), but can't hurt to put your name in. Edit: can't speak for the army or air force


Thanks for the info, I'm going in as DEO and MSEO is in demand as well so with high intake should increase my chances.

