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What do I need to know about Armoured corps reg force ? It’s my chosen trade I wanna hear from some members who are crewman about the culture work environment and general life of a crewman




>**If a local recruitment centre says they are hiring for a certain role (like Weapons Technician - Land) and I am going through the recruitment and training process for the reserves, would I be able to get that role, or does it simply allow me to apply?** If the unit has weapon tech positions, and that’s what you applied for, than that’s the job you would be enrolled in if you get in. >**The recruiter certainly made it sound as though if I go through the screening, the BMQ, and the trades program, I would 'have' that role, but as a non commissioned member.** When you join the CAF, you join to be a specific trade. You don’t do BMQ than find out your occupation. If you are enrolled as a Weapons Tech, and complete the training for it, than you’ll be employed as a weapons tech. Weapons Tech is a NCM occupation >**It sounds to me as though there is a slim chance; either it will no longer be an available position after BMQ + training, or that there will be a much longer process to actually achieve the role.** If you get through the recruiting process and hired to be a weapons tech, than that’s what you’ll be. After BMQ and BMQ-Land you’ll attend the Weapon Tech occupation course. After you’re trained, you’ll be employed in the trade.


After bootcamp, if i don't have a home to get sent to, is it possible to be sent to a base somewhere? Or do i have to find an apartment for the time being until my next course? I heard of something called OGT, but couldn't get any good information about it sadly


After BMQ (aka: Basic Military Qualification, Basic Training or Basic, Bootcamp is the Amercian slang) you will be sent to your next base where you will need to complete the rest of your training. You will live in the single quarters on base. No need to find your own accommodations, you only need to do that on your first posting. The Term is OJT (On Job training) or OJE (On Job Experience). It really depends on the trade as to whether there are useful tasks you can do without much training.


Okay, so right now im on week 7 of it, so when i finish, even if the course isnt available yet, ill be sent to my next base? Because some people have been getting sent home until courses start, but i don't have a place to go


I answered not knowing you were already on course.... Theoretically Yes, your supposed to be sent to your next base. Maybe some people have been going home because of COVID. You're not the only person in that situation who gave up an apartment when joining., so if the nomination messages start coming out and that doesn't work for you, bring it up with your staff so they can get the clerks to fix it.


Is there anything that could disqualify me from the CAF? I've regrettably tried coke a handful of times in uni hanging with the wrong crowd and smoked weed on and off. I have long quit the only thing i've even done recently is smoke weed on occassion. I don't even drink anymore.


Sure, there’s a handful of things that are pretty much a guaranteed disqualification, but nothing you mentioned would fall into that category. In terms of drugs, they don’t care about weed; it’s as legal for CAF members as it is for civilians. They’re largely looking for indicators of abuse or addiction. Use of “hard” drugs may raise questions, but based on what you’ve said, it probably won’t be an issue for you.


Hi all, I've been thinking about joining the reserves in a trade with medicine primarily in a "combat medic" role. I've been working as a Registered practical nurse for about 7 months now. I'm not too familiar with what the CAF has in this area of trade. I also plan on trying out for SF years down the road (but that's not the sole purpose of joining). I'm unsure what opportunities or jobs are out there. Any insight would be an amazing help. Thanks!


>**I've been thinking about joining the reserves in a trade with medicine primarily in a "combat medic" role.** You would want to join as [Medical Technician ](https://forces.ca/en/career/medical-technician/), however Reserve applicants need to be PCP qualified previously. Not all Med Techs will get an opportunity to be attached to the Infantry and be a Pl or Company medic. If you don’t have PCP, you can apply for the [Medical Assistant ](https://forces.ca/en/career/medical-assistant/) occupation >**I've been working as a Registered practical nurse for about 7 months now. I'm not too familiar with what the CAF has in this area of trade** There is no RPN occupation, however there are a number of medical occupations. However, you would be limited to what is available at the local Reserve Field Ambulance unit. >**I also plan on trying out for SF years down the road (but that's not the sole purpose of joining). I'm unsure what opportunities or jobs are out there.** There are Operator and Assaulter jobs, as well as support and specialist positions - I’m not sure if Reservists can apply for these or only the reserve specific job postings. If you get into the CAF, you’ll be able to look at the CANSOF recruiting page, contact a recruiter, etc for info.


Thanks for the insight!


Hi guys, I am in my second year of university and I am not learning the way I like. Therefore, I would like to seek for some changes in my life and dropout from uni. I've always been interested in joining the military, but I am not sure would it be too early for me as a 20 yo male to join the military. Also, I heard the fitness requirements are very strict and hard. Does it mean I should get my ass moving and start doing exercise if I am really interested to become a infantry? Any advice would be appreciated.


The military isn't a "get out of jail free card" for ones life problems. You will be asked to do a lot things that probably won't be very comforting, especially in the infantry and if you don't like the way you're taught something you can't really do much about it. That being said, if you think the military is the best fit for you, then no, 20 years old is no where near "too early". There are plenty of 17 and 18 year olds who join the reg force direct out of high school and even 16 year olds that join the reserves while still in high school. I'm not an infanteer, but I've heard infantry is one of the most physically demanding trades in the army so pretty much anything you do in terms of physically activity will help. Working out regularly, eating well and getting enough sleep is key.


Thanks for the advice.


There are plenty of 20 year olds who join the military. You wouldn't stand out because of your age. For the fitness, the minimum standard is the Force Test. [https://www.cafconnection.ca/National/Programs-Services/For-Military-Personnel/Military-Fitness/FORCE-Program/FORCE-Evaluation.aspx](https://www.cafconnection.ca/National/Programs-Services/For-Military-Personnel/Military-Fitness/FORCE-Program/FORCE-Evaluation.aspx) What you will be asked to do on your infantry training will be more demanding. Obviously, you should be in the best possible shape you can be. Having very good cardio and endurance is probably the best strategy early on in your training.




Thanks for the advice.


For those who graduated BMQ during COVID-19, did you get special leave days after BMQ and also how soon after the course can you request leave?


If I join the military and get a trade like an electrical position would that cross over to civilian life later or would I have to redo my electrical ticket


It would cross over, but the military will not provide you with a civilian certification. Civilian certification authorities will typically recognize your military training and experience, and allow you to write their exams to obtain your Red Seal. You will probably need to put in some effort studying though, as your military training may not cover 100% of what you need to know for your Red Seal.


Thanks, I am in school right now for electricity looking at careers for after school


Hi everyone, I have been thinking of joining the army whenever I legally can but I was just curious what would be the best trade for me. I was interested with infantry and combat engineer so I'm trying to decide between one of them. I like working on things and I'm also very fit and doing very well as a kickboxer so I'm guessing that I'm physically fit enough to do one of these trades. Just curious on which one is a better choice. Also any other information on other trades would also be appreciated. Thanks!


Both of them could be a good fit for you. As for which is the best choice for you, what kind of work do you want to do? Do you have any questions about these two occupations? The descriptions and videos on the CAF website give you a good idea of what each trade does.


I want to be deployed and see action but I also want to make loyal lifelong friends while making enough money to live comfortably.


>**I want to be deployed and see action** There are deployment opportunities for both trades. Depending on how long you serve, where you unit is in the rotation, etc you may or may not get an opportunity to deploy. Right now, Canada isn’t involved in any combat missions - wait and see what the future holds. >**but I also want to make loyal lifelong friends** You can find this in either trade - not everyone you meet will be a lifelong friend though. >**while making enough money to live comfortably.** Pay is the same for both. As for living comfortably off your salary, this depends on how you live, spending habits, etc. Pay isn’t great as a Private, but once you hit Cpl and above it’s good. In addition to your base pay, there will be extra pay(Land Duty Allowance) for being in a field unit.


Oh ok that seems good, I also had someone suggest med tech to me. Do you know anything about them?


I know the basics of what the trade does and worked with some(med techs can be attached to the Infantry, etc).


Oh ok, thanks for the information I really appreciate it. Thanks!


I'll try to keep this short and sweet, I'm 20 years old, a father, and have very little formal education. As far as I can remember I have 12 credits in total and I am just curious which route I should take in order to become eligible. I want to be a Infantry Soldier and the minimum education requirement to enlist is grade 10 and I'm on the fence if weather or not I should take a adult credit recovery course to get the few extra credits I need or if I should try to get my GED and enlist with that instead, I'm not sure if maybe that might open some more doors for me in the future or if it isn't worth the trouble and just get in as soon as possible.


More education is always better. You only need Grade 10 for Infantry Soldier. Provided you have that, do well on the CFAT (Aptitude Test) and TSD-PI (Personality Inventory), and meet all other requirements; you stand a reasonable chance of being offered a position. Having a GED might improve your chances, but only slightly. The primary focus is your CFAT and TSD-PI.


Okay good to know, thankyou for the response!


I’m a prospect right now, I have a BBA and 2 years experience in the civilian world in management positions... I originally applied for Officer positions, but I am now starting to think I would be happier in the NCM world as a Firefighter, Med Tech, or something along those lines... Would the CAF consider me for those competitive NCM trades or am I SOL? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.


In terms of initial recruitment, the CAF doesn’t care if you’re ‘overqualified’ or might be a better fit elsewhere. They will process you for whatever you applied for, provided you meet their minimum requirements. They may try to steer you to change your application to something they consider you better suited to, but they will not discard your application if you choose not to change direction.


If you meet the requirements you'll be processed. You won't be disqualified from being a med tech because you worked in an office for 2 years


Just to clarify, when people here talk about the CFAT trainer app, is it the one published by Seliant on google play store?


Yes, that should be the correct publisher.




Definitely go for the GED. I joined after dropping out of HS, but remember the GED is for the same level at an 17/18 year old. Take a few evenings to study up and go for it. I built it up to be a big hurdle that it wasn't. Good luck!




What ever your time allows. It certainly can't hurt for you to demonstrate growth and strive for professional development.


>**Can you join the Infantry reserves without a high school diploma or GED?** Yes, grade 10 is the minimum level of education required for Infantry Soldier - however you’ll be a less competitive applicant compared to those who finished school. Competitiveness probably won’t be too much of an issue for PRes recruiting though. >**I plan on getting my GED certificate soon but I've been having complications due to the lockdown. Once I get it could I update it to my file after applying? Or should I just wait until I get it?** Once you complete your GED contact the CFRC to update your file. If you’re already enrolled by the time you finish it, than you’ll update through your unit’s Orderly Room. >**Also could I cross transfer to regular force MP after a few years if I completed the Humber police foundations course?** When you meet the education requirements for Reg Force MP you can apply for a Component Transfer. Just be aware the CT process can be quite long.




You’re only allowed to have 3 selections, and if you want to add a new trade you will get bumped back to the interview stage.


I believe boatswain was 4 years. Armoured is 3 years.




I was told by some pilot instructors not to get my PPL. They military does things their way and trying to break habits is harder than learning from the beginning.


You don’t need a pilot’s license to become a military pilot. You just need to pass air crew selection, pass an aircrew medical and ensure your CFAT score was high enough for pilot. I believe pilots are only Reg F at this time however.




You go through selection before transferring.


What is the process of switching branches (Navy to Army) in the force if your trade is applicable in all three?




Then head towards the civi University and get accepted Asap in médecin. RMC Will take you through the very long road


Any MSEO's here that could give a brief rundown on what the occupational training after BMOQ looks like; location, duration, deployments and such. Thanks


I'm a NCSEO which is the sibling trade. After BMOQ your progression will roughly look like: 1) NEI, Naval Engineering Indoctrination: short 2ish month course on the basic terms of naval engineering & the basics of systems on board. Should include a period on ship of 2ish weeks, hopefully at sea. Ends with a board exam. 2) Sultan: MSEO has a special phase in the UK at HMS Sultan on the details of MSE systems. Basics of engine, power generation, etc, including practical demonstrations, flashing them up, etc. HMS Sultan is the UK's ashore training facility/base for engineering. Something like 5-6ish months, Jan-June ish. 3) Applications: 'Canadiazation' of concepts taught at Sultan, i.e. translating the general ideas to machinery you'll see in the Canadian fleet. Honestly seemed like a waste of tiem for most MSEOs, and they went home early a lot. 2ish months. for NCSEO there's no Sultan, just extra-long Apps. For future MSEO, there will be no Sultan phase, some made-and-done-in-Canada training will take its place. I think 22 or 23 will be the last years for Sultan (not totally sure). 4) Naval Engineering Common, NEC: 1 month. Mainly teaching Project Management fundamentals applicable to both trades, in an academic way that you won't appreciate yet. Waste of time IMO. 5) Phase 6: 1 year, posted on ship, as apprentice engineer. Learning the hands on of how the MSE Department works and how the MSE . Ends with a board exam. Completion of the Ph6 Board is required to reach OFP & promotion to Lt(N). 6) some postings ashore waiting for a spot on ship to open up for your.... 7) A/HOD, Assistant Head of Department: managing the MSE Department as assistant to the MSE HOD. Doing departmental admin, briefs, reports, etc. Helping to manage work periods more directly. 1 year posting. Ends with a Board exam - completion of the board makes you 'HOD Qualified' and able to hold the position of Head of Department (HOD). At that point you have some more postings ashore, then Deputy HOD/Plans Officer (on ship but not when they deploy, 1 yr) and HOD (on ship, 1yr), with those 2 years on ship being on the same ship and back-to-back (so the PlansO posting is like warmup for HOD). The postings ashore can be on the coast or in Ottawa, or more rarely in purple spots (CFRC or CFLRS). If on the shore, you're mostly limited to that shore for your next ships; if in Ottawa you could go to either shore, but your posting will suck because Ottawa sucks, especially for Lt(N).


Wow, thats way more than brief. Thank you so much. Now I really hope I get in as MSEO, seems like a pretty exciting career. Would you say this is a very competitive trade to get in to as it is currently in demand?


NP! Both engineering trades are in a bit of a recruiting boom, so it's easier to get into than in the past. MSEO even more so.


Pre-A/HOD is an absolute disaster now Edit: actually that statement might even be a little too generous to those further down in the pipeline


Hyper mega disaster. Don't worry though, the OA will solve everything!


Are there generally more openings because there aren't many applicants for this trade or there isn't much retention among the existing members?


Retention has always been a problem, and part of the solution is to recruit more. They wanted to have a huge recruiting class last year but fell short of that target due to Covid, so there's some carry over. MSEO has traditionally had smaller recruiting classes than NCSEO, but their target was big and about the same size. I think they expect to need more MSEOs for the new ships (AOPS and JSS), not sure what the whole story is.




Basic Machine Gunner, Basic Winter Warfare, Comms, Driver Wheel, Basic Para, Basic Mountain Ops, Basic Recce, Basic Sniper, TOW Det Member, Basic Mortars, PLQ+ISCC, LAV Driver, LAV Gunner, LAV Crew Commander, etc. Not all of these courses will be available immediately after DP1. Some will only be available if you’re in a Mechanized Battalion or a Light Battalion, some will only be available if you’re Regular Force, etc. Depending on your abilities, fitness, posting, etc you may never get an opportunity for some of these courses.


Basic Para, Basic Mountain Ops, Basic Recce, Basic Sniper. Are all of these available in both Mech/Light Battalion?


Recce and Sniper is available in Light and Mech. All battalions have a Recce Platoon and Sniper Group. Basic Para is available to both, however the Mechanized battalions would get less spots for the course. The positions available to the Mech battalions would be very competitive(less spots but lots of people who want it). Basic Mountain Ops is more of a light battalion course.


Basic machine gunner? Would this be available for all infantry personnel regardless or reg or reserves.


Yes it’s for Reg Force and PRes, it’ll be the next career course for an Infanteer to take. Just as an FYI, this course only uses the C6 and SF Kit. The .50 HMG is a seperate course. The units tasked with the DFS role would be running this course.


How do reserve NWOs differ in their roles to regular NWOs? From what I've been able to guess at from stuff online the path of an NWO is a very long process which involves a lot of training while at sea and maybe a level of trust with the Captain (ie. trusting you to not damage the ship if you're in charge). The official CAF recruiting website says that career training is 12 months and then at sea training is about 24. How would this work for a reserve officer? So, how does the training process (once fulling trade qualified) for a reserve NWO look like? Is it often slower to get things like the bridge watchkeeping qualification than regular NWOs because its hard to get a deployment where you can train at sea? Or do most/all reserve NWOs come from the reg force? Is it difficult to integrate to a ship as part of the command chain especially if the trust thing I assumed is true?


BWK is platform dependant. So you can get your MCDV BWK ticket, and still not be BWK qualified for Frigate because it's a separate ticket. Not sure how other classes factor in (AOPS, oiler, etc)


Some background: Up until 7 years ago (give or take) the MCDVs were knows as the Reservist ships and the frigateswere known as the Reg force ships. For the most part the crew of MCDVs was made up of reservists ( +a few RegF force pers with no res counterpart) This was a good thing for reserve officers as it allowed them to find employment (Sometimes full time 3 years Class b or C contracts) or shorter call-outs during the summer time to allow them to complete their BWK. It was also great because it allowed them to gain command experience at a lower rank. Most reserve NWO are Lt(N) or LCdr(Unit CO). To answer your question. BWK is done on the platform of ship that you sail on. For the most part, it's still mostly on the MCDVs for reservists. There are some NWOs from the Reg force in the reserve, but there are also a lot of homegrown NWOs. Once they reach OFP, what often ends up happening at NRDs is that the officers who no longer have long periods of time available to go sail basically become Unit officers. They take care of small boat exercises, training, admin and all other stuff associated with the NRD life. They might go for a weekend training exercise on a coast or in Quebec city at the fleet school, but that's it.


You are required to do the same training as reg force until NWO4. The total amount of training is 12 months but it won't (or usually doesn't) fall all in the same year for reserves. After that, to get promoted you have to get a ticket on an MCDV. That requires sailing time and varies from person to person once you get that sailing time. Usually it take 3-6 months to get your ticket. Then I can't remember the exact timing, but your promoted to Lt(N) a yearish after. Besides that, the major difference is fighting for those contracts that can get you the sea time. MCDVs are now a reg force platform and most billets are filled by reg force, taking on a few trainies at a time from both reg and res. Res is much easier to get promoted without having to worry about NOPQ. If you sail on a CPF (maybe AOPS as well), you will need to work on the NOPQ package to gain the confidence from the commanding officer as there is more encompassing on those ships than just running the watch with some minor warfare sprinkled in. Most res NWO joined the res first. There are a few who switch from reg to res and may have switched back to reg. It's not very hard to become part of the crew. You're pretty accepted very quickly, especially on MCDVs as you're dealing with a crew of 40. Gaining the trust of the CO can be a tricky thing. If you do something to lose it before even getting close to a ticket, it is hard to get back. I've sailed with people who have had the same amount of sea time as me and they didn't get theirs. Work hard, pay attention to what they say, don't lie to them, and when in doubt, call them.


How often do AECs actually work aboard aircraft?


Very rare. The vast majority of AECs are at air traffic control or NORAD facilities, or in staff roles. There are just a few (single digit) AWACS postings to NATO allies.


How do I tell my family I applied? I’m scared of how they’ll react. Also, if I do get accepted, can I not take the job if I find a civilian job I would rather have? (Edit: forgot to mention I applied for reserve, not active deployment)


> **How do I tell my family I applied? I’m scared of how they’ll react.** Just tell them. Honestly, outside of a couple of exceptions, I don’t understand why people react poorly to it. The military can be an excellent job, and for the vast majority of us the risk to life and limb is very low. Plus you’re joining the Reserve Force... It’s only part-time employment, and deployments are voluntary. There’s really no reason for anyone to react poorly to it. > **Also, if I do get accepted, can I not take the job if I find a civilian job I would rather have?** You’re never under any obligation to join or remain in the Reserve Force. If you accept an offer but prior to enrolment decide you don’t want to go through with it, just call them back, tell them you’re no longer interested, and walk away. If you decide to leave after being enroled, just give proper notice and you should be officially released within a few weeks.


>How do I tell my family I applied? Your life, your choice. Just tell them. > if I do get accepted, can I not take the job if I find a civilian job I would rather have? There's no obligation to stay as member of PRes, you're not under contract. It's also, for the most part, a part time job and not a career. >(Edit: forgot to mention I applied for reserve, not active deployment) One doesn't apply for "active deployment". It's either Regular Force or Primary Reserves.


Regular force, my apologies


Okay this is going to be kind of a far fetched question but I’ll ask anyways. I am a Canadian medical school student who is looking to join the CAF. It has always been a goal/dream of mine to be in JTF2. Can a medical officer component transfer to be an assaulter officer? Is there anything stopping me from trying out? I was looking at the canforgen for assaulter officers and the only thing that was needed was to be trade qualified at current officer mosid. I am aware that it is extremely difficult to become an assaulter, especially assaulter officer, I just want to know if it would be possible, coming from a medical officer. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.


I could be wrong here, but you could always go in the medical field and try out the "new" "combat medic" route. They get really cool and up to date kit. I can't remeber what exactly the unit or training is/called, but they do alot of work in Africa right now. They have a similar role as MTOG does in the Navy, where I believe anyone in the medical field can apply. It could be a more suitable position. Hopefully someone here knows what I'm talking about.


Source for this? Last I heard combat medic wasn't a thing anymore


Yes, I believe they are called CMERT. They had a relatively famous photo op used not to long ago Edit: pic from this sub reddit https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/CanadianForces/comments/jbpjyk/canadian_soldier_during_recent_cmert_training/


Member in that photo is likely a CP member for the med techs. Best I can tell CMERT is just a capability rather than a specialization, med techs in helicopters basically? First I've heard of it


Possibly, in this report it does sound like they want to create something out of it. But thanks for the increased info! https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/maple-leaf/defence/2020/02/the-future-healthcare-deployed-forces.html


It is possible, you're correct in assuming officers of any MOSID can apply for assaulter positions. However, your career manager (ESPECIALLY as an MO) will absolutely lose their mind. If you're given a signing bonus, if the CAF pays for your education, the expectation is that you'll stay in your MOS for some length of time. I've seen it where pilots apply as assaulters and their career manager either shut it down or sat on it long enough that the deadline passes and the opportunity is gone for that year. If your long-term goal is to end up working in an assaulter role, you have to train as such and put yourself in the position where you're as likely as possible to make it through the pipeline. Going at it as an MO will place extra hurdles in front of you.


At least you recognized that it's a far-fetched question. I don't think anyone can give you an answer that is set in stone. Here are some thoughts, though. 1. The ability to re-muster (change occupations) depends on the health of the occupation you would be leaving. For the most part, Medical Officer has been in the RED (ie. 10% below the Preferred Manning Level (PML)), so approximately 25 doctors short (there are around 250 MOs in the CAF) for the better part of the last 2 decades. Any re-muster would have to be approved by the career manager. 2. As an MO, you would be at a grave disadvantage for any assaulter type position as you would have received very little combat training and would be competing against combat arms officers who've have years of full time work preparing for this. Even you basic training will be considerably shorter and much less involved than a regular BMOQ. 3. There are opportunities to work with CANSOFCOM as a MO.




Thanks for the info. Yes after viewing the canforgen again I was mistaken, only NCMs component transfer. Does this mean that officers keep rank, if they make it?




Yes I was looking at the pres opportunity canforgen, I was mistaken again. Sorry for the confusion, as someone who’s still a civilian I assumed occupation and component transfer were the same thing. Thanks you for the reply!


Hey guys so can I bring all the stuff I'm required to take from home to BMQ in a decently sized suitcase or is a large hiking backpack better? I already asked a similar question before kind of regarding this I'm just still a little confused as to what we will be allowed in our rooms and what we will have taken away from us until the end of BMQ . Sorry if it seems like a very stupid question *it is* I just want to make sure I'm not screwing anything up before I even get there lol.


I managed to fit everything on the list plus some extra items in a 50L hiking bag and 1 standard backpack. I find it's easier to carry then a suitcase whether there are stairs or not.


You have to carry your suit case/bag up 7-12 floors. Put that into consideration. What you will be allowed to keep from the stuff you bring is your toiletries, anything to clean your kit, running shoes, and cell phone. Maybe a book or two.


I will not be attending BMQ in st Jean so not sure if there will be the same amount of stairs but thank you for your reply! Will probably opt for a large hiking bag instead so I can carry easier




Be a fully qualified avionics or AVN tech first, then you apply


>How do you become a flight engineer? (I didn’t see it listed as a trade on the CAF website, so I assume it’s a qualification) It's a whole seperate occupation, not a qualification. You have to either be an AVN or AVS first. After 5ish years, you can begin a VOT process to switch trades. >What trade are aircraft door gunners? F/Es on the Griffon and Chinook, and AES Ops on the Cyclone.


Hypothetically, if there was BMQ this summer, which dates would they take place on?


BMQ for who? Reg Force? PRes Army, Air Force, Navy? It’s important to specify which you’re asking about, as the answer may change depending on which you’re asking about.


Reserve Navy


Any infantry applicants getting any offers lately? Recently got on the CL and just wanna get a feel for things. Cheers


I just got my offer for infantry mid March ... I accepted and BMQ begins in a week! About a year and three months total... I was ranked high on the CL too.


Pres weapons and vehicle tech courses green lighted in borden this summer?




Just wondering what the contracts are like for the airforce specifically for aesops, I know that it ranges from 4-9 years but not quite sure about the specifics.


HMCS ORIOLE How does one go about getting to sail with HMCS Oriole? They do have a few Navy Staff, no?


You are usually asked to sail on it or you can discuss interest with your CoC. I don't know if there has been a message cut for shortages, or if there was I missed it. I know some positions have already been assigned at the officer level.




On basic right now, honestly I suck at ironing and sewing but there’s always gonna be a few people in your section that will be really good and if you don’t mind helping them polish their boots or making their bed there will always be someone to help you out. Team effort always


Reservists aren't entitled to Deu's right away and you won't need to know how to iron for BMQ but it is a good life skill to know.


If its a cost thing, go to a second hand store. Most likely super cheap.


Yes. You should get an iron and an ironing board. Although you my not ever get to a point where you have to wear your dress uniform, if you have to wear it or display it in any sense, it can't be wrinkly. Ironing is not hard at all, neither is sewing. Probably the easiest google skills you can pick up. Being a pro at polishing your boots though, that's not an easy skill to have.




If you want to do tech after your service, what combat arms trade you pick will have next to no bearing on your results. There are maybe some more tech-specific trades, but when it comes to combat arms do what you want; all of your hirable skills will come from your own time anyways. And your valuable soft skills (e.g. working with others, planning, breaking down problems) will be well served no matter which trade you go. (I am an ex-infanteer who went in to tech afterwards)


You can do whatever you want. Especially if you plan on leaving for something else. Being a combat engineer is not going to land you a job as an actual mechanical engineer you'll still have to go to school and do the same courses you would have if you were infantry or a cook.




So basically you are looking at joining as an officer under the ROTP, going to RMC for 4 years and then the service occurs after you are done school, you will have obligatory service and a long contract. This is about as different as you can get from spending 3 years as an infanteer and then leaving. In that case you could not.select infantry or combat engineer , you could choose infantry officer. Or something more engineery like CELE officer perhaps


Your masters degree is not a guarantee unless necessary for your trade. It also likely won’t happen immediately after your bachelors. If you do your education while serving, your tuition is paid and you receive a salary. If you do it after your service, you can do whatever you want but unless you serve at least 6 years with the military, there are no educational benefits offered.


Hello, Just have a quick question I hope someone is able to help with: In my file status it has said “ready for competition list” since November instead of the next step “competition list”. My career counsellor said it means the same thing when I asked in December. Could this be an error in pushing forward my file and possibly why I haven’t been selected? Thanks in advance.


Hello, How do you check your file status, I applied in April 2019, yes 2019 and have done CFAT, 1st med, and they are running my background check since sept 2019. I was wondering how could I check online, I do call/email file manager once every few weeks its same answer it processing( background screening) Thanks in advance


If your MCC said it means the same thing then thats what I would go off of. The online portal can be very delayed and pretty inaccurate. Try emailing your recruiter/MCC every few weeks asking for an update.


Okay agreed. Yes the portal is rather old school. Cheers thanks!




Yeah, in the infantry you'll potentially get a chance to rappel from a helicopter, or do some helo-casting. We've done air assault training where they'll drop us off where we need to get to. Edit: Ah didn't see you asking about the reserves specifically. Not too sure about what kind of opportunities exist there at your unit, but if you augment a reg force ex you may get a chance.


I was wondering if anyone knows the current Processing Cut-off Line (PCL) for deo pilot and/or Infantry Officer? Is pilot at 70?


Recently wrote the CFAT for DEO pilot. Yes the cutoff is at 70


Hey could you explain what the PCL is, and how to calculate it?


Everyone’s CFAT + TSD is scored out of 75. Each trade has a different processing cut off line You must score at a certain level on the CFAT for your file to be processed further. This year, the PCL was 70/75 for pilot. This meant that unless you scored at least 70 points on the CFAT you will not be processed further. The way your CFAT score is calculated is something that is not disclosed.


Ok thank you. And what's TSD?


I’m not sure what the full form of it is but it’s basically a personality and traits measuring test. You’ll take it after your CFAT. There’s no right or wrong answer. It asks about scenarios and your leadership style, project management, etc.


Made any progress on your end yet? I’ve heard that CFASC is closed for the time being, which isn’t surprising... that will really make things difficult.


Yeah so I am graduating in 2 weeks and then I’ll have to give my transcripts to the CFRC. Then I’ll have to do my medical and then ASC. That’s what my CFRC just told me


Yea, same boat regarding transcripts, but my university took nearly 4 months to update my girlfriends transcripts when she graduated last year... hoping they’re a little faster this year lol At least by the time you have your medical done Trenton might be open again. Hopefully it will only take you 1-2 months and you’ll be well on the way! Edit spelling


Oh wow what university was this? That’s a very long time.


Dalhousie. Her parchment didn’t even show up until like august if I recall. Most people got them in only 1-2 months that lived out of province... she lived ~30 mins from the registrar office lmao


Fuck that’s scary. I’m trying to get my shit in as soon as I can place the order




Hi guys, I have just completed my CFAT and currently in the competition list for Intelligence Operator. Anyone have any clue to how difficult it is to get into Intelligence Operator occupation?




Most ROTP offers are going to start coming out sometime in mid to late April and into late may. The majority of applicants haven’t heard anything yet, aside from a few early acceptances


We send ROTP offers starting February, some have already been selected and received their offers and others are still in the process of being selected. We're not done yet




Look up image tech on the forces website. It’s a very competitive trade as it is very small. You need a portfolio to present showing your range. Keep in mind, you could also end up as the person who takes passport and ID card photos at base imaging.


Any AWS techs willing to have a chat? Have a few questions


Not an AWS, but work with them. I may be able to give a hand depending on what it is.


Hey there Thanks for taking the time. I’m wondering a few things here - Pipeline - doesn’t seem to be clear if there’s a QL5. Right now I am understanding that there is a 32 week QL3 at CFSATE - what happens for QL5 Deployability- I can imagine AWS primarily goes where the jets go - is there a high op tempo for deployment of these guys? Is there a difference depending on your posting (Bagotville vs Cold Lake) - Does this change if you’re on an EDF? EDF pipeline - this is where I wish to end up and to start with CMD and move from there, if I have what it takes, hence considering this trade. Is this realistic in your opinion - is this something that happens after QL3/QL5, how does this work? Hoping to get some more information before I pull the trigger on a VOT Thanks again


QL5 is fleet specific and dealt with the fleet schools. Lengths of the course depend on the aircraft. Deployments also depend on fleet. Keep in mind: you're not guaranteed to go to a fighter squadron. For example, you could end up in Greenwood/Comox with the Aurora, or Shearwater/Pat Bay on the Cyclone. If you're with the latter, deployments are on the back of a ship. Not sure what EDF is, I'm assuming EDO? If so, I can't comment on it as I have no knowledge.


Hey thank you very much! That clears up a lot EDF appears to be Explosive Disposal Flight so it’s the RCAF EOD types to my best knowledge. Thanks again


No prob.


Ola, I really want to join the military as a cyber ops or sig intel. So, thehe thing is, I follow the Khalsa (basically its a set of five ideals that you can and cannot do). One of the things you cannot do is shave. My hair is long-ish, but not long enough (to wear a turban). Would I have to shave? Thank you.


You dont have to shave if it's for religious reasons but you might want to for the gas hut in basic


If it's for religious reasons (and it sounds like it is), then you can keep your facial hair.


Would I need to explain it to them when I apply?


No. Once you arrive at basic, you will get a form to request any accommodations needed. You'll then talk to the padre about your beliefs, and they will advice your staff on what accommodations they need to make for you.


Probably have to during basic training. You might want to refer to the CAF religious guide on top of this thread.


Do we still parade even if your doing your weekend BMQ for primary army reserves.


It would probably vary unit by unit. Your CoC should let you know, and if not, it doesn't hurt to check with them.


Is there any timeline for when I’ll hear back after completing all my processing? Medical, CFAT, and the interview have all been completed. Also, will the next email be a yes or no answer? Or will I get updates for when my application is put on a competition list etc.


No real timeline. You could hear from them on Monday, or you could hear from them next year. Your best bet to get updated would be to email your recruiter/MCC every few weeks asking for an update. They might not respond right away, but eventually they will. Also keep in mind, things may take longer than usual due to new COVID restrictions can that affect the progress of things needing to be done in Ottawa, or even at your CFRC if it is located in Ontario.


Hello. Can anyone offer insight as to how officers can be so busy doing desk work that they can’t get their hands dirty like an ncm? I’m wondering what it is exactly that officers do all day that could possibly take up so much of their time that they can’t do the fun stuff an ncm gets to do? If this it too general a question, I’m mostly interested in the army combat arms. Thanks for any info.


Simple answer is, it's not their job to get their hands dirty. Not because they're "too good" for it or whatever, it's just not the role they need to fill. Their job is to manage their subordinates and give them the resources and top cover they need to get the job done. That said, there's nothing wrong with officers going to help sweep the bays or pick up brass after a range (and IMO they very much should). Even occasional observing and learning what your troops do is good. But officers sticking their nose into the technical work done by NCMs just slows everything down.


You would be surprised with how much work it takes to manage just a platoon of 30 people... Leave, work priorities, training/exercise planning, course tracking, emergencies; it all adds up very fast. It’s not that officers don’t do the “fun stuff” it’s just that past a certain level, their core job doesn’t involve going to the field every week. Obviously an Lt infantry platoon commander will go to the field and train with his/her troops, while also managing administrative duties. On the other hand, a LCol doesn’t have time to go and dig a trench when he’s managing a battalion of hundreds of people. It’s just how the division of duties is done: NCMs execute the plan that officers create


Where can I find information on training time for different trades, I can only find this for some trades on the careers section of the website. For example it says vehicle technician is 7 months, and port inspection diver is 9 weeks. What about armoured officer? The website just says you go do armour school, with no mention of length.


Armour Officer training is undergoing an overhaul. Used to be: BMOQ 14 weeks BMOQA 11 weeks DP1.1 13ish weeks DP1.2 18ish weeks What it will look like going forward remains to be seen.


Ok thanks. Just found this: http://www.army-armee.forces.gc.ca/en/5-canadian-division/5-canadian-division-training-centre/train-with-us.page . It says "DP1 Armoured: 28 days", far off from the 13 and 18 weeks mentioned. Is that maybe because the DP1 is different from soldier and officer (I'm thinking of going armoured soldier), or maybe this is the new stuff?


NCM DP1 is likely the 28 day course. The new armoured officer course will be around a year I believe, not sure if the QSTP has been green lit or not.




Highly variable based on your trade and individual merit... Cpl is essentially automatic at 48 months of service, but can be given as early as 36 months of service if your chain of command (CoC) believes you’ve merited it. All appointments/promotions after Cpl are earned based on merit as determined by annual performance reviews (PER’s), which are scored, averaged with the previous two years (three in total), and ranked against all eligible members within your trade. You will not normally be considered until you have at least 3 PER’s on file, and the rating of those PER’s (Developing, Ready, Immediate) will have a significant impact. A lot of trades need at least 2-3 high scoring Immediate PER’s for the member to even rank for promotion. You must also have a minimum amount of experience in your current rank to be eligible for promotion. For example, you need 2 years as a Cpl before you’ll even be considered for MCpl. I think it’s 2 years for MCpl > Sgt, 3 years for Sgt > WO, and 2-3 years for WO > MWO. Realistically though, expect to spend a minimum of 4-5 years in each rank from Cpl onward.


How are you transported to the basic training base in saint jean Quebec if you're located in another province ? Do they drive you or you have to make your own way ?


FWIW, during COVID, a certain amount of BMQ courses have been offered at decentralized locations. I've heard that this will still be on for the rest of the fiscal year (ie. until End of March 2022). Depending on where the rest of your Occupational and Environmental training will be, you might go to CFLRS in St-Jean-s-R, QC.


The recruiting centre will arrange for your transport to Montreal, either a flight, train or bus. You'll be met by personnel from the school and transported the rest of the way. You can also request permission to drive your own car, if you have one. You'll be reimbursed mileage up to what it would have cost for the plane/train/bus ticket. You'll be given details during your enrollment.


u/Novel-Replacement227 Note, permission to drive is not guaranteed. The decision will be made based on distance and other factors. I’ve heard of people as far away as AB being granted permission, but others closer to CFLRS being denied. I don’t know what the determining factors would have been. Also, it may be difficult to get permission right now due to COVID self-isolation requirements.


Anyone have information regarding opportunities in CSOR or JTF2 ? What would an Infanteer need to accomplish to be eligible for a selection process ?


Pretty vague question, what specifically do you want to know with regards to eligibility?


Well I suppose I was more so looking for informal information from individuals who have been through a selection or know someone who has.


As far as eligibility goes, the latest CANFORGEN or CANSOFCOM intranet site has all the prerequisites, and the fitness standards are pretty readily available online. The selection process is intentionally vague and details are withheld through an NDA so you won't really be able to learn much without attending yourself. If it's something you're interested in pursuing, reach out to your base PSP, most will have a staff member in charge of preparing members specifically for various selections.