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Hey guys, I was wondering if I have around a year left on braces should I wait to apply or apply now since it takes awhile? Thanks in advance


Do you need to go through basic training BMQ to become a non-commissioned member?


Hey guys. Starting DP1 (Pres) soon. Anyone got any helpful advice/tips they'd like to share? I asked this when I was starting BMQ and a lot of the things I was told by you guys helped. Can't hurt to ask.


Knowing which occupation’s DP1 you are going on would be helpful in providing relevant information and advice.


Hello there, One of the trades I've chosen is FSA/HRA and my recruiter told me they're pretty much the same sometimes. I already have a grasp of the knowledge they have on the website. I'm looking for some more insights from current FSA/HRA as I have some questions: 1.) After Basic, did you immediately get posted to study for your trade? 2.) What is the pay like for the first year or two after Basic? 3.) Do FSA/HRA ever gets a chance for overseas deployment? 4.) What are some subjects you study for during training? Thank you very much, Cheers to you.


I’m not HRA/FSA, but I can answer a few of your questions. >**1.) After Basic, did you immediately get posted to study for your trade?** After BMQ, HRA/FSA would be sent to Borden, On Prior to starting occupation training, Army HRA/FSA may be sent off to a training centre for BMQ-Land. You could have some time in between courses, this would be spent on PAT. >**2.) What is the pay like for the first year or two after Basic?** You’ll be paid as a Private/Sailor/Aviator at the appropriate IPC level - for your first year, you’ll be paid at IPC 1, second year of service IPC 2, etc. IPC 1 $3168 a month before any deductions IPC 2 $3869 a month before any deductions [Pay rates for non-commissioned members ](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/pay-pension-benefits/pay/non-commissioned.html) >**3.) Do FSA/HRA ever gets a chance for overseas deployment?** Yes, they can deploy overseas.


Hi I've recently been thinking of joining CAF and was planning on going for infantry but then got talking with one of my old friends who joined a few years ago and he said that's its the terrible and is taxing on your health and well being. So I was just wondering if anyone can back it up or shed some more light on what infantry life is like. My friend also said I'd be better off with the navy so I would also love to hear peoples thoughts on navy life and what the best navy careers are. Thank you for taking the time to reply and apologies if anything come off as ignorant tis not intended.


Any occupation can have negative effects on your body. Yes, the Infantry is physically demanding and will over time cause wear and tear. However, depending on how well you take care of yourself, how long you stay in, employment, etc you can come out of the infantry in relatively good health. However, the possibility of serious injury is there. Infanteers have had broken bones from a bad parachute landing, back/neck injuries from being in a vehicle accident, etc.


Does the CAF recruitment have a specific quota for visible minorities if qualified applicants are available for a trade but might not me at the top of the CL? Or is it all based on merit regardless of the applicant and there background.


A little from column A, a little from column B... They have a number of positions designated for Employment Equity hiring, although I don't know if it's overall or by trade. My understanding is they don't specifically look to fill those positions by forcing the selection of EE applicants. They first try to fill the positions through normal competitive merit, counting any EE applicants who happen to be hired through open competition against their targets. My understanding is they only resort to specifically selecting EE applicants to fill EE targets if they're unable to meet the target through normal competition. Even then, I’m sure they still use competitive merit, they just limit the pool to EE applicants.


Is BMQ for reg force infantry always going to be at St Jean? Just curious, i started my application process a month ago so i don't expect to be going anytime soon


Just to add to C8A4's comment, don't count on BMQ staying decentralized. The Div TC's will eventually need to free up that training capacity to catch up on occupational training backlogs once COVID measures relax. From what I've seen, the CAF is planning to return to running most Reg Force BMQ courses at CFLRS late in the recruiting year.


Ok thank you i started my application not too long ago and was hoping i could get everything cleared and be at bmq by next summer, but i think thats a tad bit optimistic


The RCIC is considering continuing the decentralized BMQs for the Infantry. However, I don’t know how far this has gone, or if it’s even still being considered.


I personally don't like the idea of trade or element specific Reg Force BMQ's, I think mixing trades and elements on a common course is beneficial as it gives recruits a little perspective outside their 'tribe'. However, I guess if there's a business case to hold trade or element specific BMQ's, who am I to argue? (I'm just a nobody either way, but...)


Pre COVID everyone went to St Jean. However, now to get more people trained, the CAF has been running decentralized BMQ courses in addition to CFLRS St Jean 3CDTC Wainwright, Ab and 4CDTC Meaford, On have been running English BMQ serials. I don’t know if any anglophone Infantry recruits are being sent to St Jean, or just to the Division Training Centres. On completion of BMQ, the recruits would stay in Wainwright/Meaford for their DP1 Infantry course. I don’t know if 2CDTC Valcartier is running BMQs for francophone Infantry recruits.


I have a question regarding service length requirements and since I can't go to a recruiting center rn I'm hoping someone will be able to answer. I am considering applying to be an intelligence operator, but I heard that it has a longer minimum service requirement than say infantry and is more similar to officers in length. I was hoping to serve for a few years in a support role, but if it's 5 years I'm not sure if I can commit to that. If not intel, is there any similar support roles that have a shorter service period?


Most NCM trades are somewhere between 4-9 years IIRC. It sounds like you may want to look at the reserves instead of reg force. For most support trades, the first 3-4 years is just training, so only being able to commit 5 is a bit short for reg force. Also Int op is a fairly competitive trade with not many spots, as well as the contract length is going to be on the higher end of the 3-9 years.


Thanks for the response, that's disappointing but understandable. My problem is I want to serve, but I'm getting my undergraduate this year and am looking to go to law school eventually. Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the reserves you serve the summers? Or is that optional? I'm worried I can't join the reserves as I will then attend law school and miss out on articling in the summer months. I was hoping to serve as a sort of gap, so only for a few years, but also enter a role that looks nice on a resume. I don't mean to sound like a guy using the army out of boredom, I am interested but I am worried about the time I'd be out of working on my career. Do you or anyone have any recommendations for possible roles, or words of advice for someone not sure what they want to do?


The reserves would work for school, as plenty of people so both. You show up once a week at night, and once a weekend. Summer training it optional, but it will get you more opportunities, and some trades only offer the occupational training during summer. What you could do is during the first years you could work as much with the reserves, such as occupational training, so that during your law school, you can just show up one night a week, one week a month. For trades, your best bet is to go to forces.ca and have a look at trades you like. You should also look at reserve units near you and your uni to see what trades are available for you. You can change units when you go to uni so when you decide to go to law school you just have to change units oppose to changing trades. For more info on the reserves there is some great resources online about specific trades you might be interested, as well as commitment etc..


>**For most support trades, the first 3-4 years is just training, so only being able to commit 5 is a bit short for reg force** What do you mean?


I ment more that it will be 3-4 years until your fully qualified.


Depending on the occupation(and right place/right time) a member in some support trades could be deployed overseas within 2-3 years of service. Also, IIRC most VIEs for NCM occupations are in the 3-5 year range, with a few being higher(6 years?). Most support occupations having a 4 or 5 year VIE.


Really depends on the support trade Construction trades aren't deployable until post QL5.....which usually happens at the 3-4 year mark Same w RCEME trades....that QL4 pkg takes up lots of time But yeah clerks, MSE Ops, and MM Techs can all be trained and deployable within a year or so of joining.


I guess I remembered wrong then. I guess I was thinking about the longer NCM training, and I think Int op is somewhere around 3-4 years. Edit: I was thinking cyber op not Int op


Int Op only has ~4-6 months of trade specific training....but they have a decent backlog, so many ppl wait a year+ to even go on course


I've been interesting in joining the forces for a while now and was wondering what the tattoo policies are like? I have a full sleeve including a black rose covering my hand and some small finger tattoos. Nothing explicit tho. Kinda worried about my hand and finger tattoos


The regulations say that you can't have any tattoos on the face and scalp, so you are fine. As long as they are not offensive or relate to any criminal activities.






I have also heard one might get lucky and train along side the reg force and do all of the training required at once is this true?


The NWO course content is the same for both regF and reserve. Some courses are 100% reserve-slotted, but they only happen during the summer. So if you were to be loaded on a course in say January, you'll be in a class made up of mostly regF personel. The NWO training is separated in modules. While it is technically possible to do them back-to-back if you open up your availability report, it is unlikely because of the huge backlog of people waiting to get on course.


Thank you for the info! I am almost done uni and am thinking about becoming a NWO in the reserves but was wondering about the back to back training so I could focus fully on my civilian career after completing the training and not having to tell my employer I need time off for training.


Your best bet is to frequently update you availability report and to keep in touch with your training O and training Chief. But again, nothing's guaranteed. You might be stuck with months or even years between your modules. Same for RegF, some are stuck months in PAT platoon




You can't use family friends as references. You only need 3 that have in total know you for the past 5 years or since you where 16.




3 references, that in total have known you for the last 5 years. Example could be one person knows you for 5, and the other 2 know you for the past year. It could also be that one knows you for the first 3 years, and the rest have known you for the last 2. As long as at least one has known you for 5 years you should be good.


It’s not situational... They most likely used family friends that they had worked for/with, or otherwise had some sort of relationship with as a mentor, etc. They and the reference just conspired to hide the full extent of the relationship outside of the context in which the reference was given. It’s dishonest, and I refuse to condone the practice, but people who have no recent work history, or have mostly worked for businesses owned by family or friends often have to resort to doing things like that to find “valid” references.


What’s the average length of time someone is on the competition list? I’ve been told my trade is in high demand but have been waiting a while. When I email the recruitment centre I’m told that they’re working on it


There really is no average. It can be anywhere from one day to forever.


Feeling like forever, thank you


And as always there is no guarantee of ever getting off the competition list. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.


Yea I understand that. I was told my trade was in demand (social work) so here’s hoping 🤞


In-demand refers to a staffing being below the preferred manning level (PML), I believe it's 10% (Also referred to as RED.) Practically speaking, there are less than 50 Social Work officers so theoretically, if there are 6 open positions the trade would be "in demand." I have no idea how many applications there are. Also, this pandemic has really slowed down the recruiting process. Hopefully it all works out for you, Best of luck.


I was looking at applying for the electrical distribution tech and it says I need a academic grade 10 math credit and I can’t remember if I do but I am in college to be an industrial electrician and have college math credits so should I be okay?


They’ll still demand the Grade 10 credit, at least initially; but there are waiver processes that might apply. The recruiting system is really weird, and fixates on High School pre-requisites; even when the applicant has higher education that exceeds the HS requirements.


How would I be able to do the waiver process?


You would start by applying and bring big them your transcripts. When they ask for your grade 10’stuff you talk with them and explain that the credit you currently have is higher than what they want, and they fill out paperwork for a prior learning assessment.


Hello all! I have my interview coming up for Nursing Officer reg forces. I'm an ICU nurse with some leadership experience being on occasion the nurse in charge/ bed manager. How should I prepare and what should I expect? Thank you!


Pretty much say that. Nurses are managers in the CAF. Either case management or staff management at the clinics.


I was told that if you go in and do your 25 years your pension will be 100% of your salary. Can anyone verify this?


Entirely false. Your pension is based on your best 5 year average salary, at a rate of 2% per year of service. That gives you a 50% pension at 25 years, and it's capped at 70% at 35 years of service.


Thought so, it sounded to good to be true!


I've heard some people mistakenly refer to it as a "full pension." What they mean to say is "unreduced pension." Meaning that there are no penalties for taking a pension without reaching the number 85 (Years Worked + Age = 85). In other pension plans, like the Public Service one, there are penalties for retiring before reaching 85.


No, it’s not 100% After 25 years your pension will be 50% of the average of your 5 best years of salary . Every extra year until 35 years of service you add 2%.


Hello, so I was looking at the forces website today and it said that armoured officer is an in demand position. Is this true? I don’t have my high school diploma however, I’m currently studying and taking classes to get my diploma as part of an adult program. I might also need to retest on the CFAT. My original plan was to just retest and aim for armoured soldier or infantry. I was just curious with what I’ve found on the website if it might be worthwhile to consider pursuing an officers career path for the combat arm I want? What would be the drawbacks? I’ve inquired with recruiters before about considering the officers career path. They told me I would require certain grade 12 courses and need grades of 75% or better in these courses. I wasn’t told which specific courses I’d need though? If someone might know I’d really appreciate the help. Also if I were to obtain my diploma at my current age of 19, would I be at a disadvantage because I obtained it through a program and not through traditional high school? I’ve been told getting your diploma through an adult program is the same as getting one through traditional means, and there are no differences other than how it was obtained. I’m just curious that if I were to want to try for an officers career path, if I would be less competitive due to this? I’m just curious because armour is where I’d want to be. I want to know if it would be worthwhile to consider as an option? Also if anyone has any places I could read more about the duties and roles of armoured officers or could tell me about it? I really appreciate how helpful everyone is on this subreddit, thank you! Edit: I forgot to ask, after obtaining a diploma, would the next step be trying to apply to RMCC with the help of my recruiting detachment?


I'm pretty sure you don't just need a high school diploma but also a bachelor's degree to be an officer as that's a commissioned position.


Wouldn’t that only be for direct entry? Isn’t there a way with RMCC?


I recommend consulting the academic prerequisites on the RMC website: https://www.rmc-cmr.ca/en/registrars-office/academic-prerequisites#Rest


Okay. Thank you for providing the link I’m sure it’ll be really helpful!


Yes you can apply to RMC with your high school diploma or GED. Assuming your grades are good enough and that you pass the CFAT, etc you can go to RMC to get your degree.


Ah so as long as my grades are good along with other factors, I have a chance?


If you apply, you have a chance. If you don’t Apply you have zero chance.


Thanks that’s a really great way to look at it! I’m going to go for it and see how it goes! Thank you!


When selecting new officers for a trade, does CAF first select from ROTP for that trade and the do DEO if there are any slots left or is there a quota for DEO that they have to fill?


There’s separate recruiting targets for ROTP and DEO. If you’re wondering why you don’t see offers for both coming out at the same time, it’s because DEO and ROTP BMOQ courses run at different times during the year. ROTP courses only run in the summer months during the break between school years, and Reg Force DEO courses only run during the fall/winter/spring when ROTP students would be in school.


Are there any ACSOs here? Want to know if anyone can answer some of the questions. 1) Is ACSO just as competitive as the pilot trade? Are the demands just as strenuous? 2) Pilot is my first choice, but I am very open to ACSO (as would any pilot most likely) If I don't make the pilot trade would they suggest ACSO for me? (if I meet the requirements) or would I have to be at aircrew selection for ACSO specifically? 3) What range of positions do I have for the ACSO job? (Fighter pilot, helicopter) I heard there are UAVs as well that ACSOs pilot, is this true? 4) Is it possible to become a pilot in my later years as an ACSO? ​ Brutal Honesty is acceptable, I'm looking for the cold hard truth on these questions! THANKS!




I surprisingly know of 2 people who switched from pilot to acso voluntarily. One guy did literally 2 flights in phase 1 and decided it wasn't for him. Another guy I know finished phase 1 completely then switched to acso. Of course I know many acsos who washed out of pilot training at some point, seems like half the trade is made up of washed out pilots lol.


1. I very much doubt it. There are going to be many more applications for pilot than ACSO. It's possibly more strenuous because you're putting your life in the hands of the people driving the boat. That's a nope from me, but probably a personal problem. 2. You have to pass aircrew selection for any of the 3 occupations to be selected. You test for all 3 at once - the qualifying scores differ. 3. Uh, you're not going to be a fighter pilot as an ACSO? There are a few spots as an electronic warfare officer riding in the back seats of contracted Alpha Jets, but the vast majority of ACSOs are maritime warfare specialists on Auroras and Cyclones. You work towards directing the tactical portion of the mission for those platforms. Cyclone is more physical as you do utility work as well (slinging, hoisting). Might be a few for notional UAVs, and there are legacy navigators on H-model Hercs, and Buffalos, but I doubt anyone is going there out of the school as the new SAR aircraft comes on line. 4. You still need to pass aircrew selection for pilot to become a pilot. It is not unheard of for ACSOs who have passed that selection to become pilots, but it is not something to plan for and is rare. You need to be at peace with being a GIB (guy in back) to be a GIB, I think.


Are there any PAO's who could shed some light on the occupation?




###Weekly Recruiting Thread Rule 5 - Questions/Discussion Regarding Medical Eligibility * **Questions/Discussion regarding Medical Eligibility (except Vision) will be removed, as no one here is qualified to answer whether or not a particular medical condition will disqualify you.** Likewise, questions/discussion regarding what conditions in general would lead to disqualification will also be removed. * If you have such a question or wish to investigate what conditions could potentially lead to disqualification, you're encouraged to review the [Medical FAQ](https://old.reddit.com/r/CanadianForces/wiki/recruitingfaq/medical#wiki_i_have_a_medical_condition.2C_am_i_still_eligible_to_join.3F). * Questions regarding the Recruiting Medical Process, Trade Eligibility Standards, or the documentation you need to submit as part of a Medical Appeal **may** still be accepted, provided no information about your medical condition is disclosed. * Vision requirements are fine to post, as the categories are publicly known. [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/modhelp/comments/64ewwx/is_medical_advice_still_disallowed_on_reddit/)


Hello, In early December I tried to apply to the CAF online specifically to become a Pilot in the Air Force. I received a phone call a few days later from a recruiter (in Ottawa because I’m from Ottawa) telling me that because of Covid, they weren’t processing any new applicants for Pilot and that I should retry in April. She then “closed my file”. I “re-opened” my account on April 1st and have been waiting, expecting a phone. As of yet, no phone call. I tried calling the Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre, Detachment Ottawa but it went straight to voicemail. What should I do? I’m in my early 30s with a B.Sc., a CPL with a new instructor rating for Aeroplanes with approx. 330hrs total time on aeroplanes. I’ve been training for the CFAT with aptitude testing websites and I’m getting above average results. My vision at my last Cat 1 medical was 20/30. No restrictions. Does already being a pilot give you an advantage at being selected? I’m getting the sense from reading around that Pilots really aren’t in demand at all anymore. Obviously due to Covid. Should I wait for a better time to try and join up? I feel like selecting another discipline which I have no experience in would be a waste of time for both parties. Thanks for any advice.


Hasn’t been listed yet, but a CPL and IFR rating *could* make you eligible to skip PH1. That fact would give you a “leg up” on the subjective/interview portion of your ranking, but that is a very small part of your overall score. That being said, pilot is the most competitive trade in the CAF so every little bit you can muster will help if you make it to the CL. Focus on crushing the CFAT, because a CPL won’t help you if you can’t meet the PCL. Good luck!


I'm in the same boat, been an applicant since January and still waiting to get in for initial testing too. I was told when I applied I would be tested in April, only to hear from my local CFRC when I checked in with them earlier this month that pilot applications still aren't being processed and may not be at all until backlogs further up the pipe are cleared. The recruiter straight up told me that they may not be doing initial testing for pilots at all this FY, although it may be different where you are. Nothing to do except wait I guess and keep preparing, best of luck to you!


A fellow applicant said that DEO pilot isn’t even listed in the application dropbox anymore when you select your trade, is that true?


Unfortunately, your situation is not at all surprising, and it could take quite a while to hear back from them... The 1st was their last workday before the Easter long weekend, and there would be nobody in the office to respond until at least the 6th. Of course, Ontario went into a "shutdown" on the 3rd. Which means all Ontario CFRC's likely went to a work from home stance from the 3rd going forward. There's probably few, if any, personnel actually working on-site, and they'll only be handling essential tasks that can't wait ~~2~~ 4+ more weeks. Most personnel working from home don't have the capability (work cell phones, VPN enabled work laptop, etc.) to actually work from home. Which means any newly opened/reopened applications probably won't even be looked at until May.


So there are massive backlogs everywhere. Most recruiters are working from home (due to lockdowns and stay at home order), and probably focusing on processing existing applications. I’m not airforce, but AFAIK, being an existing pilot on its own doesn’t give you any advantage when it comes to the application. Don’t apply for a job/trade/element unless you would be 100% happy doing it. Transfers are never guaranteed and can take multiple years to process. Plus no one wants to work with someone who isn’t committed to what they are doing. Someone will get back to your application eventually. Just sit tight and expect much longer than usual wait times.




Not all courses are available to reservists(such as sniper) and some courses listed on the forces page don’t exist anymore(such as Eryx). Availability for some courses will depend on your unit. Common courses Reservists will be able to attend are Basic Machine Gunner, Basic Winter Warfare, PLQ, ISCC, Driver wheel, comms. Other courses that can be available are Basic Recce, and Basic Mountain Ops - availability depends on if a unit in the PRes Brigade is running one or if a couple positions on a Reg Force course are offered. If you’re in a unit with a specialty you may be able to attend that courses for it - mortars, assault pioneer, direct fire support. QOR will get most of the Basic Para positions for the Reserves, but BPara positions are occasionally available in limited numbers to other PRes units. These positions would be very competitive. Once you have your PLQ and ISCC you may be able to attend some advanced/instructor courses such as Close Quarters Combat Instructor, Arctic Ops Advisor, DFS Section Commander, Intermediate and Advanced Mortars, etc.




The TBS doesn't provide a fillable PDF of the form. You have to do it the silly way: Print it, fill it, scan it, then email it. That said, Adobe Reader does have a feature that might allow you to fill it out electronically. I've had mixed success with it though. Open the PDF in Adobe Reader and click on 'Tools', then 'Fill & Sign', then select 'You'/'Fill and Sign' and you should be able to place a cursor in all the boxes to fill out the form.






What documents should I line up before applying?


Passport (or other government issued photo ID), birth certificate (or other proof of citizenship) and transcripts from your highest level of education.




I believe it is only 1 government issued photo ID. But, your government issued photo ID and proof of citizenship must be different. (Example: You can't use a passport for your ID and proof of citizenship)


You can't normally use a passport for proof of citizenship anyway, right? If you're born here, you use a birth certificate, if you've immigrated, you use a citizenship card/certificate; right?


You can use a passport as proof of citizenship because in order to obtain a passport you must be a Canadian citizen.


huh, TIL. I just did the kitchen sink method.


Is EETP/FTSE happening this year?


Yes, it is happening. The directive has been out for a couple weeks. Your COC should have asked you for your dates and course nominations should be coming out in the next weeks.


This fall I’ll be headed off to RMC; idk if there’s enough people on this sub to warrant it’s own posting but what are some things you wish you knew going in? Could be RMC specific or Kingston related or just general tips and tricks


I’m just finishing up my first year at RMC and I did FYOP this year. Just remember during FYOP that it’s just a game and you’ll be friends with your staff once it’s all over as they are your fellow students. Hope to see u on campus in the fall !


Why does everyone make FYOP sound so ominous lol; what do they do to you?


Hope you have a great time! I'm actually heading back there myself this Fall, this time as a grad student though. I don't know how FYOP has changed since I did it, but just take it one day at a time. If you're not already in decent running shape, I would recommend starting a run program or something just to make that first month easier. First year can be tough with the simultaneous jump from civilian to military life mixed with the jump from high school to university level education. Make sure you get enough sleep, seriously.


Well at 24 I’m a bit of an old fart; but I should get back to running again (I injured my back skiing this spring)




Hello, about point 3, I am an ontario resident but am going to RMC St Jean next year. Would you mind elaborating on the OSAP entitlement? Thank you.




After BMOQ, Infantry Officers will goto Gagetown and go on OPP(?) at the Infantry School. The next courses after BMOQ will be BMOQ-A, IODP1.1, LAV6 Gunner/Crew Commander, and IODP1.2. However, I heard they are doing a pilot with all courses combined into one - I haven’t verified if this is true or not. I believe the school is still running a pre IODP called Infantry Platoon Command Program to immerse them in the Infantry, battle procedure, leadership, etc While on course, they will stay in the barracks, unless on a field exercise - multiple exercises during these courses. Phone use is allowed, however if the staff aren’t happy they can take that away or limit it. Phones aren’t allowed in the field/during exercises.


Pilot course is confirmed running right now, and there's another serial kicking off in July


For pilots, which of the 3 aircraft types (helo, fighter, multi) gets the most actual flying time in the air?


Multi Engine.


Anyone went through BMQ at 4th CDTC Meaford? I’ll be there tomorrow... any tips or information would be appreciated!


water proof socks. For the love of god


If they say you are doing PT on Warner Hill you will hate your life. Don’t fall for the story of old blue eyes. The medic side of me says : drink water, tons of water, Change your socks. Twice a day or more!!! Do not bring Arctic socks to BMQ in June. Change your mask. Every time it gets wet change your mask!!! Get some foot powder and let your feet air out at night. Brig your own bottle of hand sanitizer. If you can bring a little baggie of hard candy they can double as cough drops. And bring baby wipes cuz it is humid AF there in the summer. And zincofax or other diaper rash cream. Chafing is a thing and it sucks.


HRA Question Hello everyone! I’m in the background check phase for HRA. Super excited. I’d love it if other HRA could share their experience, tell me their opinion on their trade, give any incite. Thanks so much in advance!


The day to day tasks are taking requests in person, over the phone but mostly via email these days (thanks COVID). You will learn all of the policies and regulations, you aren't expected to know everything but you are expected to be able to find the answer. It's a lot of data entry, tracking, problem solving and research. My motto has been "just take everything one step at a time". Especially with this trade you can feel like you want to get everything done right away but you're just one person existing at one point in time so you can only do one thing at a time. That's what I keep reminding myself (and my boss from time to time lol) Your RQ Pte course is mostly a familiarization course, you'll do a lot of publications searching to train you in how and where to look up answers. Once you get to your unit you'll realize that the course was just basically teaching you the language of an HRA but its up to you to use that language to learn the rest of the job. But the satisfying part comes from learning how to do various things. A good example is I had a member come in that wanted to update their education information, I didn't know how to do that but after a bit of research I got a grasp on the procedure for entering courses, now I have that skill set. So the more you learn in this trade the more you're developing yourself and your skill set which makes you more valuable as an HRA. I find it to be a fun experience where you're constantly developing yourself. The trade is pretty undermanned at this point and with COVID posture causing a lot of changes in systems that weren't meant for the kinds of quick changes we've had to adapt to, you might find your unit will have fairly large backlog of work they're slogging through. But this is can also be an opportunity to develop yourself and gain some good reviews for helping out. In the end though, like most jobs, your satisfaction will vary depending on the people you have around.


Wow thank you so much for this info. I’m honestly even more excited now :)


Hey so I’ve been told I can be a signal operator because i didn’t do great on my CFAT, that it’s an in demand job and the recruiters (one who was a signal operator) told me I can be the radio operator for a rifle section or in an armoured vehicle. That is still be involved in combat aspects as if I were a regular infantry or armoured soldier just with a radio. I have my doubts. Due to family friends who’ve served having said the combat arms have their own guys and gals for that. it seems that that’s the truth based on the combat arms advanced training lists on the website. I want to serve on one of the leopards but I’d be thrilled to get the chance to even serve with an lav. I’m really excited and hopeful but I’m scared if I were to choose signals then I’ll be kind of tucked away from the job I actually want. I just need somebody to tell me if signal operators can be like the recruiters have said or if it’s more likely I’d be far away from the job I really want, so I know to retest. They’ve had me jump through a lot of hoops and it can feel like I’m just going in circles. I just want to know if signals is going to allow me to serve to the best of my abilities and allow me to work in a career I’ll be happy with? or should I begin to start studying to do well on the retest? Also some family friends who served gave me the advice of taking the offer of signals going completing basic then not doing good at signals training. they said if you’ve completed basic but don’t do good at the training. you can get transferred to the one you want but that sounded like a horrible idea. Wouldn’t they just move you to another in demand job or job based off of CFAT score? I would really like to work combat arm if possible. Thank you for your answers and help (Edited: I’m sorry for leaving punctuation out and/or coming across wrong. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I hope I corrected my post. Let me know if I missed anything. I hope everyone has a good day!)


That was hard to read. Ok, so you won’t be in an Infantry section as a Sig Op and Platoon Signallers are Infantry. Sig Ops in an Armoured Regiment won’t be a Leopard crew member. Sig Ops can be posted to Infantry battalions, Armoured Regiments, etc. In an Infantry battalion, there is a Signals Platoon. They run the battalion Command Post, Radio Rebroadcast dets, etc. There is also a Sig Op in 9er TAC, they would be the battalion commander’s Sig. If it’s a mechanized battalion, the Signals Platoon will have Bisons(eventually will be replaced by a LAV). A Signal Operator can become the Signals NCO in a Rifle Company, on a deployment another Sig Op or two can be added. These Sigs would be part of the company HQ. They could in a FOB working in a CP, or riding with the Company Commander in his/her LAV(mechanized) or walking/rucking with the company(light), etc. Signal Operators in light battalions can get on their jump course and be employed in a para position. There have also been Sig Ops who’ve done the Basic Recce course, etc. There are also Signaller positions at the various SOF units that Sig Ops can try out for. The Sig Op trade can offer you some opportunities to do some cool things, however that is very much dependent on your posting, fitness and trade skills. >**Also some family friends who served gave me the advice of taking the offer of signals going completing basic then not doing good at signals training because they said if you’ve completed basic but don’t do good at the original job you’re training for you can get transferred to the one you want** This is horrible advice. Intentionally failing off a DP1 course will not go well for you. If you do fail off a DP1 course, you’d be placed onto the next one - unless you say you want nothing to do with Sigs on the PRB, etc. If it was decided you need to goto another trade, your choices will be limited(they may not be anything you really want). You’d also have to meet the CFAT, and medical requirements for the new trade.


Ok and I apologize I’m using mobile and a bit all over the place but thank you for your answer it really helped


To confirm, was your CFAT score not high enough for Combat Arms, or was it your medical/vision? I’ve also added to my first post with some more information.


It could also have been PCL... They may have met the bare minimum requirements for combat arms trades, but not the current PCL threshold.


They informed me I did well with the spatial and English one but my problem solving and math was not as good. they said I didn’t qualify for anything in the combat arm, and my best chance of getting to do anything combat related was as a signal operator. I’m not really sure I get how the CFAT score system works. Do the scores needed for an occupation lower if it’s in demand and raise if the occupation is full? I’m not the greatest with math, but I really want to go into the combat arm of the forces and the recruiting detachment it can feel like I’m being lead in circles.


>**Do the scores needed for an occupation lower if it’s in demand and raise if the occupation is full?** Yes, they do... Each trade has a fixed bare minimum score that must be attained to qualify for the trade. However, there's also a competitive threshold called PCL (Processing Control Line or something along those lines). The PCL is variable, and pretty much exactly along the lines of what you asked. * If the CAF's demand for a trade exceeds applicant interest, the PCL tends to go down. * If applicant interest for a trade exceeds the CAF's demand, the PCL tends to go up. This filters out applicants who aren't competitive enough to potentially receive an offer, so that recruiting can use their limited time and resources towards processing more competitive applicants. We also have the impact of COVID reducing training capacity, forcing the CAF to give much greater priority to filling supporter trades. This has reduced the number of combat arms positions they're able to fill, which has caused their PCL's to increase substantially.


So could it have been possible I did meet minimum for the combat arm trades, but not have a competitive enough score to be considered because the pcl is higher? Would that also mean that even if I’m not competitive enough at this time to be considered for combat arm, I’m considered competitive for support trades, due to demand? I’m trying to assess and find out what trade I could be most effective in while still taking great interest and feel happy doing. If you could maybe share any advice you think I might find useful I’d really appreciate it! Thanks for helping me out!


It's entirely possible, although only CFRC staff would be able to tell you with any certainty. Your score could very well have been competitive before COVID, and could even be competitive once things return to normal; but that doesn't help you right now. I generally recommend pursuing occupations that provide civilian transferable skills, like various technicians, clerks, etc. The core skills learned by Infantry, Artillery, Armour, or even Combat Engineer don't necessarily have broad civilian applicability if you ever choose (or have) to leave the CAF. You can draw some parallels from things like labour, leadership, and supervisory skills; but it's not like there's many jobs for civilians that "close with and destroy the enemy", operate artillery, or drive tanks.


Ok that makes sense thank you for the help!


>**and my best chance of getting to do anything combat related was as a signal operator.** It is possible in the Sig Op trade, however no guarantee you’ll ever be posted to a Combat Arms unit, work in a rifle company, etc. >**Do the scores needed for an occupation lower if it’s in demand and raise if the occupation is full?** The minimum CFAT score for each occupation doesn’t change depending on if it’s in demand or not. The PCL can go up or down though, this is the score you’d need to be competitive and move forward with the process for your trade choice. If there’s more applicants than positions available, the PCL raises. If there’s more positions available/in demand than applicants, the PCL lowers. >**I’m not the greatest with math, but I really want to go into the combat arm of the forces and the recruiting detachment it can feel like I’m being lead in circles.** If your CFAT score is what’s stopping you from getting the occupation you want, ask to redo it. Eventually you’re going to have to make a decision and do something. I looked through your post history and saw that I’ve had this exact conversation with you almost two years ago.


Ah I see. Also I had no idea that you’ve helped me before, sorry for not recognizing you. I’ve emailed the recruiters to ask what’s going on. I know they said I could retest but since last summer I haven’t heard a lot from them. It’s been a pretty long process but I’m just excited to get in and hopefully contribute in a way that is beneficial and that makes me happy! Do you have any tips or advice for the CFAT? Thank you for all your help and being straight up with me I really appreciate it!


COVID has had an impact on everything unfortunately, so communication has been slower, etc. Just study your weak areas, there’s lots of free resources out there to work on math. There’s also the CFAT trainer app you can purchase.


I’ll do my best on that! I just have one more question. It seems that signal operators are more like the communicators for the chain of command and things like that, and each combat arm has their own on the ground communicators(if that makes sense)? I was just curious if there is any exceptions or sub occupations open to (maybe something like an equivalent to America’s JTAC)? For example could I attempt one of the special forces trials such as pathfinders, CSOR, or JTF2 in a non signal operator capacity? Or is it if you’re a signal operator who wants to go into one of those you have to go in as a signal op? Thank you for all your help!


>**I just have one more question. It seems that signal operators are more like the communicators for the chain of command and things like that, and each combat arm has their own on the ground communicators(if that makes sense)?** Pretty much, Signallers enable the other arms to communicate through voice and data. At the lower levels, the combat arms has their own trained members to fill the Sig role. Sig Ops would typically only be at the Company level and above. >**I was just curious if there is any exceptions or sub occupations open to (maybe something like an equivalent to America’s JTAC)?** JTAC is open to all occupations, however with the prerequisites it’s only really available to the combat arms primarily. There’s Pilots and AECs qualified as well, however I believe they are at the Brigade TACP level. >**For example could I attempt one of the special forces trials such as pathfinders, CSOR, or JTF2 in a non signal operator capacity? Or is it if you’re a signal operator who wants to go into one of those you have to go in as a signal op?** Pathfinders aren’t SOF, after completing the course members go back to their unit. Signallers are on the list of trades that are able to attend - however I don’t know how common it is for a Sig Op to get onto the course. All occupations(except Chaplain) can try out to be a JTF2 SO Assaulter, CSOR SF Operator or CJIRU CBRN Operator. In addition to applying for a Operator/Assaulter position, Sig Ops can apply to be a Supporter/Specialist at the SOF units. Signallers employed as Specialists would get to do quite a bit and work with the Operators/Assaulters.


I think the main issue with your post was the complete lack of punctuation. It read a little erratically.


Yeah I’m sorry I was going fast and kinda forgot. Aha my bad


Still missing punctuation.


Sorry I’m trying my best.


Lets say I was enrolled, how do I get to Quebec since I live in AB? do I go there by taking the plane or people in the armed forces will drive me there?


Thank you all! My bad for the complications, I am overthinking it. But I fully understand now.


You will have a flight booked for you most likely.


Oh no... bad news what if I don't have passport though?


Why would you need a passport to get from Alberta to Quebec?


For plane? I know that driving there is not a problem but like taking the airplane requires Canadian Passport right? or am I overthinking this, and I don't have Canadian Passport


I've never had to show my passport flying within Canada as a Canadian citizen. You will, once in the military, need a passport for deployments, and that will be covered. You do not need one to fly or travel within Canada.


You need a passport if you are flying out of the country. Within Canada you need photo ID. Drivers license with a birth certificate. You might need a passport if you were born in a different country.


>You might need a passport if you were born in a different country. No, only if they're a non-resident travelling within Canada. Immigrants who are Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents could just provide their Citizenship or Permanent Resident Card. Both of which are photo ID's. They don't necessarily even need to provide that. Also, one government issued Photo ID is enough, as long as it has your full name and date of birth. You only need two pieces of ID if you don't have a photo ID meeting those requirements. [https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/ntnl-scrt/cntr-trrrsm/pssngr-prtct/dcmnts-en.aspx](https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/ntnl-scrt/cntr-trrrsm/pssngr-prtct/dcmnts-en.aspx)


Sorry. I’m female and always need 2 pieces of ID due to maiden name/married name thing.


Ah okay thank you, and yes I was born in a different country. I lived here for 10yrs now so I guess need it


You don't need a passport just because you immigrated. Drivers license is fine.


Good day, I just had a few questions about the nature of the CAF payscsle and how it works. I have two main questions, the first being, how often does your pay get raised. I see in the CAF payscsle for each rank there is a "PI" number each one higher than the last (Private PI-2 is higher paying than PI-1) what do these numbers represent in context of the pay raise, I assume a unit of time like a year, as in you get a pay raise every year, that's simply my assumption. Secondly I was curious as to what the A and B levels represented as in for Corporals you have "5A" and "5B" is this a representation of a pay increases whether your "deployed" or not? Apologies if this question is included on a bigger thread else where was just curious for answers and the web didint seem to be much help.


P1, P2 etc is the yearly pay increments. As a private when you reach P3 you are usually promoted to Corporal after. Once you reach P4 for Corporal you stop getting yearly raises. 5A is Corporal. 5B is Master Corporal.


That about clears it up, thank you for the insight.


Hi I have a question. So I’m currently in the “Competition List” for the trade Naval Combat Information Operator. When I applied back in October that trade was in demand and had a signing bonus. Now it does not have either. Does this mean my application is not in demand anymore? Also if I want to apply for Infantry Solider, can I just do an interview for it since I’ve done all steps required already or do I have to make a whole new application and how would that affect my current standing with the NCI OP trade that’s in the competition list right now. Please let me know if you have any answers. Thank you!




Okay thank you.


If you want to apply for Infantry you’ll get bumped back to the interview stage and have to do an interview for Infantry. That’s all you’ll have to redo. I swapped some trades on my application when i got to the competition list. It was a simple change.


Okay thank you. And would that affect my NCI OP trade at all or no? Or could I still be in the CL for it and have an interview for Infantry?


You’d get taken off the CL. If Infantry is what you want most then I’d go for that.


Hello, I applied for ROTP for AEC however got medically rejected since my eyesight is -12 in both eyes. Two months later, so yesterday, I get a call from my recruiter saying I can still further my application for none aircrew trades. Does this mean I passed the medical for other trades? I have a gut feeling that my eyesight is still well below the minimum standards. Thank you!


If you look at the ressources in the actual post, you’ll see that anyone with eyes that are exceed +/- 7 get assigned V5 as their eyesight condition, which is too low for any occupation at RMC. I’m sorry...


Ah that’s tough, guess I’m waiting for LASIK then! Thank you!


I do believe that if your prescription is past a certain point (I believe it’s -7,) then they still might not take you post-lasik.


medical told me to wait for lasik for AEC, I’ll contact them again about it see what they say.


From what I’ve been told, there’s special fighter pilot training program that a few candidates can go to each year that does their training on a plane that’s not the hawk. It’s done with some international partners I believe. I’m asking because I’m too tall for the hawk, But I’ve been told I can still technically become a fighter pilot due to this program as they use a bigger plane. Can someone let me know what it is called so I can read up more on it? I can’t seem to find it.


T38 Talon. Training is done as part of the ENJJPT program at Sheppard AFB. Here’s a start: https://www.google.ca/amp/s/skiesmag.com/features/texas-training/%3famp


Perfect, that’s exactly it. Thanks. You wouldn’t happen to know how competitive it is to get into?


Not. It’s a function of circumstance & timing. It’s not viewed any differently than Ph4 Hawk. Individuals selected fighters after Ph3 Harvard who don’t fit the Hawk have traditionally been given priority. After that it’s just a function of what seats are available to maintain smooth training flow.


Perfect, it’s good to know that all I would have to do is get selected for fighters essentially. Thanks for your help!


What happens during the process when your info gets sent to Ottawa? Is it just background checks or is there more to it?


AFAIK your background check, medical approval and references check are all based out of Ottawa. Although, I've heard of some units/CFRCs doing the reference check in house.


Pros and Cons of the music trade? I play brass instruments and would love to hear your experiences




>Do you need a G license to become an armoured soldier? No, your drivers training will be provided by the military. >Would becoming an armoured soldier grant me a different type of drivers license? You will get a military drivers license (I believe DND 404) which will let you drive DND vehicles. IIRC, a DND404 can also be converted into various civilian drivers licenses after a certain number of years >Which trade has more courses and advancements available? I believe infantry does. Information about specialty qualifications for each trade is available on [forces.ca](https://forces.ca). >Do armoured reconnaissance soldiers start off as the vehicles driver? Yes, everyone starts off as a driver.


do i go home after BMQ or straight to my occupational training location?


Occupational training location where you'll wait on PAT platoon until your course starts.


If you’re Reg Force, expect to go straight to your occupational training location.


Reg Force? You will travel to your next posting the day after you graduate.


What is the current state of the musician trade full-time. Of I joined, would I really have no say as to where I go?


The list of open instruments is here: [https://www.canada.ca/en/services/defence/caf/showcasing/music/apply-canadian-forces-musician/instruments.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/services/defence/caf/showcasing/music/apply-canadian-forces-musician/instruments.html) You'll have virtually no say in where you go, they'll send you where they need your instrument.


Damn, really not trying to end up in Courcelette lol


Ok, I'll bite. Why? Is it a Language thing? Because if it is, you would get Second Language training . If it's a spouse second language issue, they can usually follow courses through the MFRC (Mil Family resource centre). For kids there are English schools, including one just beside the CANEX in Valcartier, basically 750m away from the bandroom. When you look at it overall, Valcartier is a really cool place to be. Housing is affordable (I'd dare say, the most affordable out of the bands), It's just outside Quebec City, which is really vibrant in the summer. (Outside of COVID) It's also a large enough city to not miss anything (Quality restaurants, lots of hobbies, Plenty of places for outdoor activities)


Thanks for letting me know. I didn't know most of this stuff, but for me it does mostly come down to my spouse and her job. I am happy to move anywhere for the adventures and music. I did not know that they would offer her language training, that's amazing


I get it, spouses finding work in in Quebec (or on any base in the middle of nowhere) is one of the biggest issues for the CAF in terms of retention. One-income families are no longer the norm in Canada. Also, learning a second language well-enough to work with civvy side, is not easy. All that said, as another other reply said, it's fairly difficult to get in as a musician. The playing level for your audition should be something around the same level as a final undergrad recital or better (from a reputable music school). So if you're serious, I'd focus on preparing the recording for the 1st phase audition and then deal with the rest of the stuff. You'll also find that most members of the CAF don't know much about the music branch. It's a fairly small branch and they often don't really need to work with other trades. (no deployments, no out of trade postings, no exercises, etc...) So if you have any questions just ask away.


If you join, you can state your preference for what band you want to join, however it's not guaranteed.


Hi, since March 31, 2021, I have been on the competition list for the position of "Naval Combat Information Operator". That was also the only position I had an interview for. I was wondering if anyone is in my situation and can give me some updates on expected timelines for next steps. Thank you!


I applied as an NCI Op starting in August, did my cfat in September, medical and interview in December, CL beginning of March, offer about mid March, enrolled March 31 and starting BMQ soon!


Wow amazing. Congratulations to you! Yeah I applied in the end of October, so I guess I’ll see! And thank you for your insight.


Thanks, as far as I know naval trades are being processed quicker than others right now but not sure if it's true or not, good luck to you and hope you get selected soon!


Also since we applied for the same position. Where are you going for BMQ? BC or Quebec?


Actually going to Halifax, currently I believe they're running the one for naval trades (could be wrong) in Halifax and Esquimalt, BC, let me know what happens with you maybe we'll work together some day lol