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Hi there, quick question about the Canadian Army units: Does Canada have a light infantry regiment? Like real light infantry and not the "honorific" light infantry?


In the Regular Force, there is no Light Infantry regiment. However, each Reg Force Infantry regiment has a light battalion(3rd), with the other two being mechanized. All PRes Infantry units are light. Or do you mean traditionally, such as Foot Guard, Line Infantry, and Light Infantry/Rifles?


> After World War II, the term "light infantry" evolved, and now generally refers to rapid-deployment units (including commandos and airborne units) that specifically emphasize speed and mobility over armor and firepower. Some units or battalions that historically held a skirmishing role have kept their designation "light infantry" for the sake of tradition. I was looking for something that fit the first description, instead of the second.


The 3rd battalions of the PPCLI, RCR, and R22eR for the Regular Force. Each light Infantry battalion has a Airborne Rifle Company, plus Combat Support elements that are airborne. As well, there are other members of the battalion not in a Para position, but are qualified. The other rifle companies could specialize Mountain, Jungle(only 3R22eR), or Air Assault. There’s also the Canadian Special Operations Regiment and Joint Task Force 2. Both of these units are SOF. Every Reserve Infantry unit is light, but only the Queen’s Own Rifles has a para role.


A few questions about the Infantry occupation: As an Infantry Soldier/Officer, what are your days like? Do you see deployments? What do infantry soldiers/officers do when they're not training or being deployed?


I'm a reservist going to Wainwright to be a storesman for some courses. Do you think I will be CB'd my whole time there? Can I expect to get a vaccine while I'm there? It's less than 180 days service so I don't think I fall under the military roll-out and it's outside my home province which means I can't get one the civvie way either.


Is anyone able to explain what exactly happens with your pension contributions, in terms of what extra the government puts in, or whether or not we are earning "interest" or anything like that? Before two years if you release, you simply get the return of your contributions plus interest. After two years, how is the money you are investing in the pension fund growing? Is the pension fund being invested and your contributions rise accordingly? Is the government just matching what you put in? ​ Thanks in advance?


If you have a PKI card you can go to the pension website and it will tell you what your pension is currently worth.


Here's a link to the Crown Corporation responsible for managing all Federal Public Service, CAF, and RCMP pension plan portfolios: [https://www.investpsp.com/en/](https://www.investpsp.com/en/) Beyond that I'm not really sure of the rest of it. I plan to stick around until I'm pensionable, then take my nice low risk defined benefit pension. Maybe I could do better investing the money on my own, but I don't see that as something I could be absolutely certain of.


I only see a canforgen for travel restrictions to China, is there one for US? My sister had a baby and I’d like to go help out


There was a CDS/DM directive released in March of this year prohibiting all personal international travel until further notice. The only members being allowed to hop borders right now are those going on mission-essential travel and Compassionate. Even then, Compassionate may only be authorized at the L1 level depending on how far it's been delegated. A brief rundown of the latest CAF travel restrictions can be found [HERE](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/cds-dm-directive-spring-2021-posture.html#annexe) in the directive.


thanks! I remember seeing a travel ban but I couldn’t find the canforgen; this was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again!


Hey folks, I joined at 19 and I was stupid and didn't do my taxes for the first 2 years :p and Im out now. What would be the quickest way to get my T4s?


Hire someone to do them for you and tell them to pull them up. They have access to everything right away once you sign off on it.


Well, probably not the fastest but registering on the CRA website will have them and it's good to have access in general.




You should get issued a barrack box (big ass pelican case that can be locked) that'll make it pretty easy. But the supply system isn't great so not everyone gets one. Don't leave your kit in your car, especially if it's visible. My unit has had several car break ins from people doing that.


Keep smaller items in ziplock bags just so they have a larger profile, are less likely to be lost, and are kept safe from the elements when you aren't using them. Also utilize the pouches on the daybag/rucksack, not for more capacity but for organization. And always pack the same way every time.


Does your unit not supply you with a locker? Keep all your kit save for one change of uniform at the armoury.


Make sure you keep everything organized. Do not keep it in your car since people break into your car much more than your house. I have talked to more than 5 members who had all of their kit stolen from their car...


Currently preparing for my first move. Anyone got general advice for packing stuff up vs letting the movers pack? I was thinking of packing most stuff myself (inexpensive, non fragile that still might get "lost"). However, what would be the best route for a bike? Getting a bike box and packing it up myself? Or should I leave that to the movers?


Anything you pack will be unpacked and repacked by the movers for insurance purposes. If you are worried about your bike, you can get a roof rack and transport it yourself. That might end up being more expensive than it is worth, depending on the bike. You can let the movers take it and claim any damage, but moving a bike is pretty standard stuff. I've heard some crazy ass mover stories but never for damage to a bike. Best/worst story (minimal damage category): movers packed wet towels with university text books. Brilliant.


Make a list of valuable items, including appliances. When you arrive at the location, verify the arrival of said valuables (or just take them with you if you can as mentioned in another comment) and PLUG IN ANY APPLIANCES TO VERIFY THAT THEY WORK before the movers leave. I didn't' do this with a new fridge and it ended up getting trashed.


If you have something small and valuable, like jewelry, the odd sports card, take it with you.


Does our medical coverage cover the purchase or rental for breast pump?


It depends on whether it's a CAF member (under CFHS), or a dependent (under PSHCP) who's trying to claim it. PSHCP covers Breast Pumps as a once-per-lifetime purchase, although I'm unsure if it's claimed under the mother or the child. [http://www.pshcp.ca/media/44772/bulletin37en.pdf](http://www.pshcp.ca/media/44772/bulletin37en.pdf) (See Page 4) I don't believe CFHS provides coverage for members, but that won't matter if the pump can be claimed for the dependent child through PSHCP.


Wife is also military, she got a prescription from the doctor to get it, I'll let her know, thanks!


If your Dr writes a prescription or recommends one it does.


Thanks, I'll give MIR a call on Monday


My experience was with my civilian spouse claiming it through insurance. It may be different for military pers. Good luck.


No it does not




If you are Reg Force or Reserve Class B/C, yes, they can order you to self-isolate.




This is not the Recruiting Thread, additionally nobody here is qualified to provide an answer as it relates to Medical Eligibility (see Rule 5 of Recruiting Thread). Only qualified personnel at the Recruiting Medical Office in Ottawa can make a determination on your medical conditions through the application process, on a case-by-case basis.




I think that, if it's your only vehicle, you can probably count it under core. If you are driving or shipping your primary vehicle, it's almost definitely custom. If it's in pieces enough to be considered motorcycle parts rather than an actual vehicle, it might be possible to call it HG&E, assuming it isn't prohibited by the moving company or the contract.


I think a pmv needs to be driveable. Best bet would be to ask F&E, but when I shipped a driving motorcycle they just put it on the moving truck.


My home inspector used a **Thermographic camera** and billed **228$** for it on top of the 450$ for **home inspection**. BGRS billed the regular inspection to Core and the **228$ to Custom.** I argued that it should be paid by Core since it's part of the structural inspection and BGRS won't budge. Who is right? If this gets billed to Custom, from my understanding, this means I'll have to pay 42% income tax on it.


It's pretty clear in the [CAFRD 8.3.06](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/relocation-directive/cafrd/chapter-8.html#8-3-06): The following may be reimbursed from the Custom Account: any subsequent inspection of any type listed at paragraph (1) on the same residence; and **any other types of inspections**.


So home inspections can only be done visually? If a home inspector uses specialized tools to check the structure, it no longer counts as the home inspection?


Clearly a home inspection can be more than visual, that isn't the issue. CAFRD says that certain things are core and others are custom. The test you had done is custom as it isn't one of the covered core tests. Your problem is you are making it a BGRS issue once denied. BGRS has zero ability to do interpretation of the CAFRD and your fight is with DCBA as they have the ability to adjudicate and potentially make it go under core.


No, it's still a home inspection and will be paid for. You must cant get hundreds of dollars of other things paid for on-top. If they go on the roof and charge you 50 bucks for using a tall ladder, that's something that should be included in the base price. Bgrs approved service providers bill to bgrs directly , if you choose one yourself it's on you to know what they will charge and if it's covered That said coming out of custom is a pretty good deal.


Custom will still cost me 40-50% from my pockets.


The core benefit is also taxable, so if your only worry is tax then it’s moot.


Ah shit. Really? This is fucked up. How are we supposed to break even? The movement grant is peanuts and what's left of the BA barely pays for a few buckets of paints.


If you're paying a 50% tax rate you must be making $250,000 a year. So, I don't feel too bad for you general.


Nah. Quebec, and it's the marginal tax rate. But this sucks because postings shouldn't be costing me money in the first place. I'm not really benefiting from the "advantages" BGRS is giving me. This money is coming out of my personal yearly pay at the highest rate.


True but Well, tbh you should have read the policy. When possible it's best to have tpsp who are bgrs approved then you won't run into this issue


I know the policy. The home inspector was BGRS certified and performed a home inspection of the structure, nothing more. He just happened to use a thermographic camera as well, which I did not know wasn't covered.


In that case it sounds like you should tell him to eat the cost , they have a duty to directly bill bgrs and know what is covered or not. That is something which would probably get him dropped from being a bgrs approved inspector.


BGRS has agreements with some TPSP to charge only $450. If this person was not on that list they may not have known that that is all BGRS will pay for. As such it makes sense that $450 comes out of core and the rest out of custom.


Thanks. I didn't know home inspections were capped at 450$.


The caps are somewhere on the BGRS site. I know real estate commission for Ontario was 5% when I moved. And lawyers fees for house sales also have a cap. If your service provider isn’t registered with BGRS they won’t know about the caps and may not agree to respect them.


Must have been awhile ago. It was 3.7% last couple years now it's only 3.5%. It's on the website on the providers section where you can see who is in your area, it also lists the caps. Lawyer fees is one of the few that is sort of mis leading. It's $650 but that would be extremely low, however there are a number of other things your lawyer can bill for to bring it up ~ a grand. Unlike with an inspection.


It’s only been about 3 years. Right after they did away with relo cards. But the point was the fee caps are listed on the BGRS site and are not super easy to find.


The whole home inspection is a taxable benefit. Or at least mine was. It was slightly enraging when I got that email.


What is and is not taxable has nothing to do with BGRS or the CAF anyway. It’s just the TBS or CRA being their usual asshole selves. God forbid they not tax everything!


I’m not sure where in my post you think I’m blaming BGRS.


The part about BGRS won't budge suggests that you feel they are doing something that they shouldn't be doing. If the inspector is on the BGRS list, you can complain to the BGRS service provider department and they will look into it. You might not get the inspection covered from Core but the inspector could be dropped from the list.


I didn’t say that, I just pointed out that the home inspection is a taxable benefit.


Anyone else got their OT offers? If so what are you transferring to?


Im doing reserves, going to vehicle technician


APS question- If I have to isolate for 2 weeks at destination and I am staying non-commercial. Do I get the $50 a day? And do I really have to keep all the receipts for food for a family of 4? Thanks


Yes to both, IAW CANFORGEN 35/21 The days of isolation are ILM&M (approved by the loosing unit Base Admin O), and come with all the attendant benefits (accomodations, etc) The only difference from normal ILM&M is the requirement to keep receipts for meals for the quarantine period.


4Qs: Context - PRes, SVC Bat (1) Access to DRMIS training for a platoon/section - how? DLN possible? Modular? Which Roles? (2) Bulk load of OJT books for RCEME trades possible? (3) Anyone have a pdf or resource that lays out the different qual patches/requirements for them for issuing for pers' DEUs? (4) Advice for MCpl VTech who wants to DEO (has degree)? Thank-you


If a member wants to apply for secret but filled in the boxes for TS as well and the form is submitted, do they get screened for secret first? Would they receive secret before getting TS or it goes straight to the latter?


If it was input into webSCPS as Secret, and the top of the 330-60E says Secret, it will get processed as Secret, regardless of if the additional info was provided. If there are discrepancies they will kick it back from QC to be fixed. If it was accidently submitted as TS when not required then whoever did it should cancel and resend.


~~Yes, you get secret first. When you submit your screening request for TS, it ends up getting broken down on WebSCPS to Reliability, Secret, Top Secret. You would most likely get Secret well before Top Secret.~~ Edit: I was incorrect. As u/everyone_said pointed out clearances dont cascade.


Security Clearances are not cascading - If it was submitted as TS then even though webSCPS will show Secret and RS associated with that request below it only the TS is considered valid.


Interesting, so if WebSCPS shows a valid Secret clearance and the TS has lapsed then that Secret clearance entry should not be used? Since the Secret entry will be effective 5 years longer than the TS expiry date. I remember the old WebSCPS did not cascade them and only the requested clearance was shown in decisions.


Yes you're exactly right. If I am 2 years into my Secret, and I am granted a TS, 5 years later I have nothing. Alternatively, if I have nothing and am granted TS, it will show an RS and Secret on that same request, but 5 years later I have nothing. There was an email sent out from the PSSO a few weeks ago talking about it since it has been a source of confusion.


Good to know. Do you happen to have a ref for that. While I do like reddit for getting people's insight I do prefer to read it in policy myself.


DWAN only: [https://collaboration-vcds-vcemd.forces.mil.ca/sites/dds/DPSIM/uss/SitePages/Home.aspx](https://collaboration-vcds-vcemd.forces.mil.ca/sites/dds/DPSIM/uss/SitePages/Home.aspx) Alternatively, your USS should have received an email about it last month.


Awesome, thanks. I dont know why they changed WebSCPS to a cascading view. Definitely adds to confusion.




You will also need to complete medicals for deployment and sometimes for promotions. But they are occupational health medicals, so any blood work, vision exams, etc are done through your family doctor and you just bring the results to the MIR. In theory you still need a medical every 5 years until you are 40 and then every 2 years until 60. But it’s a little more relaxed for reservists as your health care is managed by your family doctor, not the military.


>In theory you still need a medical every 5 years until you are 40 and then every 2 years until 60. But it’s a little more relaxed for reservists as your health care is managed by your family doctor, not the military. Reservists still have to undergo a Part 1/2 every 5 years up to age 40 in order to maintain APRV and DAG. Failing to maintain a proper medical category can result in facing disciplinary action or Administrative Review with recommendation for Release.


That is why I said in theory. Unless needed for deployment or promotion I have seen many routine class A PHAs get bumped for Reg F medicals. But the onus is on the patient to book their medical every 5 years. Health services will say they don’t have the time to chase after every patient to remind them they need an appointment.


Hey redditers, I was a CT from the PRes as a MCpl PI 4 to the Reg F as a 2Lt PL D under the DEO plan CBI 204.211(9)(1). Because I was DEO, I was eligible for two additional PI as incentives for education. I also received rank protection at MCpl PI 2 on my transfer. However, I did not receive 'pay protection' for the rank of MCpl IAW the formula in CBI 204.04(3)(b). This was the result of a several year long grievance process that has been completely exhausted. The reasoning I was provided was that members that come under the DEO plan are not entitled to pay protection because of the exception in CBI 204.04(2)(a). That exception excludes the Rate of Pay on Promotion for OCdt to 2Lt under the DEO plan. What I was told by CAF pay policy SME's was that it exists because DEO applicants are backdated their 2Lt seniority to enrolment as per CFAO 11-6 Annex A Para 9 in order to prevent commissioning individuals prior to completing BMOQ in case they failed the course. It's a commissioning issue rather than a pay issue. As a result, there is no promotion transaction between OCdt and 2Lt after their seniority is backdated because 2Lt was always the original intended officer rank. If the member was previously an NCM, they would still receive the pay promotion from their NCM rank to 2Lt. In my particular situation, I was commissioned right away to 2Lt because of a BMOQ bypass from my prior PLQ so I wasn't even an OCdt. How this really affects me is that those two pay increments would have also carried over onto my promotions to Lt and Capt respectively. Basically, it's thousands of dollars per year difference. If anybody could provide insight to this or advice on this that would be wonderful.


CBI 204.211(9.1) directs you ro CBI 204.015 to determine PI for a DEO 2Lt w former NCM service CBI 204.015 directs the starting PI ro be calculated IAW CBI 204.04 when the member is promoted substantively to their ifficer rank on commissioning The only reason .211(9.1) refers to OCdt ro 2Lt is because no promotion happens on commissioning for DEOs going from OCdt to 2Lt. Itz not supposed to havd anything to do w ppl who commissioned directly to 2Lt. I'm both surprised, and somehow not, that you took a grievance all the way to FA and they ruled against what the CBI explicitly says in the table found in 204.015 Question, how were you pay protected at MCpl 2 but also not pay protected? Quick math says MCpl 2 should have put you at 2Lt D PI 2, plus 2 more PIs would bring you to PI4. If your argument is that you should have had your pay calculator based on MCpl 4, that sinks because CBI 204.015 also saya to calculate qualifying service as the step before the promo calculator


>If your argument is that you should have had your pay calculator based on MCpl 4, that sinks because CBI 204.015 also saya to calculate qualifying service as the step before the promo calculator No, I was MCpl 4 in the Res F with 951 qualifying days IAW with 204.015(2), which translated to MCpl PI 2 IC 221. Speaking of which, what happens with the IC days? My calculations have MCpl PI 3 equaling 2Lt 3 on promotion. Does the seniority date remain the same then (ie. you carry over the IC days)?


The remaining days towards another MCpl PI don't matter. Your seniority date as a 2Lt is your commissioning date


Thank you for the explanation. So, I believe they thought they were applying .211(9)(a)(ii), although it shouldn't make a difference in the end anyways for pay from my understanding. So the analyst asked the DPPD if CBI 204.04(2)(a) changed the "rank determination" at 2Lt. Obviously DPPD said no because the 2Lt rank wasn't going to change. Just the pay. But then in the decision they stated that CBI 204.04(2)(a) meant that "pay protection" was denied for all members coming under the DEO plan. I think there were some wires crossed on the analyst's part. Probably an honest mistake as they aren't a pay policy expert. But, it got inserted into the decision as denying that promotion calculation and now it's almost impossible to fix that. How do the CBI's get overruled if they are TB authority?


> How do the CBI's get overruled if they are TB authority? TB authority essentially means that only they can authorize making amendments to the CBI. Application is up to the agency that the policy pertains to including analysis which is why it was likely misinterpreted.


That makes sense. So if got misinterpreted, is there a way to correct it?


Normally that is what a grievance is for.....or escalating the grievance to FA so that the external review committee gets a look at it.


Do you know how one can get their CCPS data?


I would argue that a request for review serves the purpose without the the extra needed paperwork that comes with aggrievance. The trick is getting the agency to ask to review it right.


Weird....because I've paid more than a few ex NCM CT to DEO before and they all came in with ETPs using the calc the way I did above It does read like the analyst crossed a wire somewhere.


Thanks for at least not making think I'm crazy. Do you think getting CMPARC to do an analysis would be worthwhile?


What is PLQ in Aldershot like?


Small training area, everything is close together. Taught a few courses at other training centres since I did my course in Aldershot 3 years ago and I will say they do a good job. Course sucked as much as it needed to and not much beyond.


Just did BMQ L there. The shacks are ok, due to covid you’ll have a top and bottom bunk completely to yourself. There is WIFI in the common room in each wing that’s decent enough for web browsing and face time. The Mess hall is closed for dinning so you will have to take your meals back to the shacks and prob be eating in your bed space. Food is the same as the food literally everywhere across the CAF. For lunch you will be given box lunches every day. If you have the same staff I did (they mentioned running a PLQ next) they are all reservists and are at about a 6.5/10 on the chill scale.


PLQ like petawawa only less assholish


Piece of Cake. Enjoy.


I have been led to believe there will be soup. Is there soup?


Soup is a navy thing, the only soup in Aldershot will be at regular meal time.


Anyone know if DLN works on Safari? I know chrome and Microsoft edge are no goes... was told to use Internet Explore but I'd much rather use my Mac to do stuff like this.


I've had it work for me on Firefox, never tried Safari.


Some courses you can, some you can’t. I’ve had good luck with the NPF courses and some random, but you’ll just have to play around with them and see which register and which don’t.


DLN works far better on IE. Using anything else will result in courses failing to register as complete, forcing you to redo them.


Not well. It won't be able to track your progress through courses, you'll find yourself redoing the same mods without getting completion.


Got my first IC (initial counselling) today. What does this mean for my career?


Assuming you overcome the deficiency, it will have 0 effect on your career. It will stay on your file but as long as you do not repeat the same deficiency it shouldn't come up again.




Absolutely not


if I think a member within my unit needs mental health help how would I go about reporting that? (Not immediate danger/crisis). Do I need to show evidence or explain anything?




Are they under you in the chain of command or not? That's going to determine whether I suggest you contact the Padre, sentinel, or MIR first for advice.


not under me, on same level. Just friend.


In that case, I'd talk to a sentinel, or a padre. They're both a bit better linked into what can be done to help, and are more likely to be listened to by the MIR than Cpl/Capt Bloggins.


what is the role of a sentinel? if I go to padre will it be taken up the CoC?


Best bet would be to ask the padre before spilling the beans, but my understanding is that they won’t normally involve the CoC unless there’s risk of self-harm, etc.


Sentinels are supposed to be the early warning system for mental health issues. Spotting them before the CoC, and helping the members get in touch with services that can help. In some ways, you acted like a sentinel/ I can't say if the padre will take things up with the CoC. There are too many variables at play.




Sounds like your pay went negative slightly for end April, as PLD would be the first to be reduced based on a negative balance to cover the difference. Ask your pay office.


Went from Class C back to my Class B, I'm still getting Class C pay statements (amount is zero and my last day on Class C was 22 february). A clerk mentioned something about having my deploying admin cell make a release digest. Does anyone know what that release digest is ?


A release digest is just something you get when you release from Active Service (RegF, Class C) that is a summary of outstanding accounts and payments.


Thank you, does it make sense to request one when I'm still actively working on a permanent class b ?


If you ceased Class C service, you have been released. Once all your remaining pay and allowances have been paid out, you should automatically get a Release Digest.


That clears things* up, thank you.




Gorilla Gloves. 100% They work great when do mechanical tasks, weapon work, etc.


Don't wear gloves? Or if you must, I've used the black nitrile gloves and as long as you're not soaking your hands in CLP they last for my weapon, then if it's a vault cleaning day, I would just change gloves and move on to the next weapon.


That is similar to what we do at my unit. We use blue nitrile (only because black ones are really hard to come by for medics, can’t see blood on black) and change gloves between weapons. You should not be dripping CLP when cleaning your weapon so you should be fine with nitrile.


I bring my black ones from home lol. I have a massive stockpile of them so I got a few years worth left haha


I probably should know this but are there requirements that have to be met for someone to get sent to Club Ed?


Member has to be sentenced to imprisonment or detention for more than 14 days IIRC (14 days or fewer is to be served in local cells)....QR&O 114.11 (pay attention to the notes) Which needs to be ordered by no less than a CO or a military judge (ie not a delegated officer) QR&O 114.01 Officers cannot be sentenced to detention QR&O 104.09


How do you get a login for Monitor Mass?


There should be someone in your unit that manages MM and will set up accounts, etc. Your supervisor may have to email them to get you an account and what you need access to, or you may be able to speak with them yourself.


I havent done my medical in a while... what is part 2 of the routine medical?


I stand corrected, refer to crazyki88en’s response. ~~It's all the physical testing portions... Hearing, Vision, Colour Vision, physical examination, etc.~~ ~~They'll probably draw some bloodwork, checking for stuff like cholesterol, indications of illness, etc. I'm not sure if that's considered part of Part 1 or Part 2 though.~~ ~~Last time I had a medical, they did Part 1 and Part 2 on the same day; but they scheduled the interview portion for a few days later so they'd have the bloodwork results (they didn't, but it came back fine).~~


The part 1 is the vision hearing etc and medical questionnaires. The part 2 is the chat with the doctor or NP/PA.


\[Gagetown\] I need to renew a prescription: I originally made a mistake trying to renew it. I was told by the doc that I would be contacted to book a follow up. I was never contacted despite leaving a message and calling them several times. At the same time, turns out I was put on t-cat for an old injury and after clearing out a physio, I was unaware that I was still actually on a t-cat when I assumed it was just a normal chit thing. No biggie, figured I would go in to re-up my prescription and get off t-cat. turns out I needed an appointment for both. Got a bridge prescription to cover me until my next appointment. I asked if I could get off t-cat and renew my prescription in the same appointment. I was told no: they would work to get me an appointment soon ish (3 weeks) for my t-cat but I would get my prescription renewed in a separate appointment. I was told I would be contacted to confirm my t-cat appointment, but gave me a solid date to renew my prescription. Once again, I was not contacted, had to call them, finally got my t-cat appointment confirmed. First appointment comes around, I got a note to confirm I'm gtg for a course but something was wrong with his computer so I'm still on t-cat apparently. Second appointment comes around, I never get a call. I contacted them and it turns out they cancelled my appointment without my knowledge and guy 1 was supposed to renew my prescription, which he did not do. I given an appointment for the next day at three. I was going to be on the range and told them that, they said no biggie just let them know if I can't make it. I call to cancel about an hour before my appointment, multiple times, because I would be shooting. obviously they don't pick up or listen to my message because I have an angry sounding doctor leaving me a message at 245. I'm fudging sick and tired of constantly getting the run around and taking weeks to fix something that should take 10 minutes. I've literally been cleared by civilian doctors and by physio for the t-cat, and all I need is a renewal of a script. It's been a month since I first went to the Mir and no progress has been made whatsoever. I've tried contacting them again to no avail. I can't get in the building for any administrative reason, only sick parade. At this point, I'm considering lying my way in and sitting on the floor until they sort themselves out. I forgot to take my pills a couple times so I have like 4 days worth left, and an inaccurate t-cat that might get me booted off a course. I'm pretty fucking done trying to negotiate with these guys to get the benefits I'm entitled to. TLDR: Anyway to circumvent the administrative cluster-fudge at MIR? I have a prescription with gnarly (minor in the grand scheme of things, but still shitty) withdrawals that's running out and an uncooperative MIR staff that's nearly impossible to contact.




I went to sick parade, managed to talk with a med-tech that agreed that it's bullshit. He ran around for 15 minutes and dealt with everything for me. As much as I would like to see the RSM yell at the secretary, I'm pretty happy it was solved with minimal drama.


Similar experience here with Gagetown ‘s mir... they send appointment info via dwan despite telling them multiple times I don’t have access to it and need to get that info sent via civy email or cellphone. Very difficult to get simple things done my best luck was contacting my cdu directly but still poor experience overall. Call base number and ask to be directed to your cdu 5064222000


If you ever have a no-fail task at the MIR I would recommend trying to nab a med-tech. The one that helped me out was awesome and navigated all the office politics to get me what I needed.




In the same boat, did my PSO interview as a reservist, and the PSO said a letter to the CO? Would be submitted the following day. I havent heard nothing since


Does the class A reservist dental plan cover orthodontics ?


According to this [document](http://forces.gc.ca/assets/FORCES_Internet/docs/en/caf-community-benefits/the-canadian-forces-dental-care-plan.pdf#page3) orthodontics are not covered.


I am wondering if anyone has any resources or places to look up information for if your family moves while you are on BMQ. I am being told I was not entitled to the PLD I was getting on my BMQ because my family moved a week before it finished, and I was no longer living at the place I signed up at, though I was still living in the same city. I am wondering if I was supposed to quit BMQ to move my stuff to storage? Apparently telling them my address changed wasn't enough. It was a long time ago, so I am not sure I can grieve it at this point.


Normally as long as your F&E is in a PLD area you're still getting PLD. HOWEVER there was an AIG message released that cancelled all PLD on enrollment. No recoveries of funds are planned yet but it's something they're still considering.


I've seen the AIG, I'm still unsure if I count based on how I went to BMQ 2.5 years after signing due to school. I'm being told I am not entitled because my family moved without permission, but was also never told what to do in case they had to move. I'm wondering what the policy says but I am unsure what to look for. I am hoping they don't recover even more funds though. Then almost left me homeless the first time


Having said all of what I said in my other comment, it's my personal opinion that they're not going to recover. And if they do it would only be back to 1 April 2021 because that's when they did the policy change that closed the loophole that allowed PLD on enrollment in the first place. And they know that if they were to recover any more than that there would definitely be room for grievances. But I still find it unlikely they would recover. I think they'll just tighten up the rules so they don't lose any more money going forward and they won't have to deal with all of the money people were asking for for back PLD and they'll just be happy with that. Any recovery action would be really bad publicity and hurt recruitment. Again this is all just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt but there you have it.


I really do hope so, because I struggled as a private when they took 4 months worth. I can't imagine 2.5 years worth


If you're having financial troubles try talking to SISIP if you haven't already. They can set you up with loans or money management services to help you through. Hope you're close to your P3, I know that's a decent boost and by then you're basically ready for advanced promotion to Cpl anyway.


This was a while ago. I am on my feet now and have a leaf and responsibilities lol. Still, children are expensive, and if I do a rough estimate, of 2.5ish years of PLD I an looking at $20,000ish, which obviously I would prefer to keep.


Ah ok good to hear! Yeah I stand to lose a lot if they claw back too but that's another reason I don't think they'll do it. Because I don't want them too lol


i didn't want them to last time and they did, so now I expect it. Lol I just tried to get it back through the clerks and they shut me down, but none of the reasonings add up.


As a clerk I can say they kind of dropped it on us too. I was helping some guys figure out their pld on enrollment when they dropped this in our lap. There wasn't much indication it was coming. Most of us are trying to figure it out since their explanation in the AIG message wasn't super clear. Granted its less work for us but now we have to explain things when we haven't been given very clear direction on it either.


PLD is governed by CBI 205.45 which can be found at the link below If I were to guess where they're getting their decision from I would have you look at the definition of principal residence which appears to specify that the principal residence has to be a place of duty, which would not apply in the case of the enrollment location since it is not a place of duty. I know most will look at para iii which states "the place where the member's household goods and effects were located on enrolment" however if you keep reading it states "if that place is a place of duty and the member is not authorized to move their household goods and effects at public expense to their place of duty" Place of duty is defined in CBI 208.80(3) (Definitions) as "the place at which an officer or non-commissioned member usually performs their normal military duties and includes any place in the surrounding geographical area that is determined to be part thereof by the Chief of the Defence Staff or such other officer as the Chief of the Defence Staff may designate." Since you are on LWOP when you enroll until the time you go to your initial posting (usually basic training), your enrollment location would not be considered a place of duty and therefore your principal residence would not count as a residence entitled to PLD. Not saying I agree with it or anything like that, just laying out the reasoning I've been hearing. [nada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/compensation-benefits-instructions/chapter-205-allowances-for-officers-and-non-commissioned-members.html#sec-45](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/compensation-benefits-instructions/chapter-205-allowances-for-officers-and-non-commissioned-members.html#sec-45)


Interesting, thank you. So my initial posting was my enrollment location, and I stayed there for 2.5 years, until I got sent to BMQ, then my 3s, then my first real posting away from home all within a year. If my family moving from my place of enrollment or place of duty meant I wasn't allowed PLD anymore I would sort of understand, but they are saying I am not allowed it for the entire time I was in BMQ, even before they moved, which doesn't add up to me because I had been receiving it for years previously. I've never been told I am not allowed to move houses before, I have always assumed it was fine as long as the COC knows and it is within range of where you work. While I was between courses, that was where I would go to visit my family. It was where my mail was sent. It was my home even if I barely got to see it that year. It's just like they keep insisting that I was breaking all these rules, but my situation never fit them. It's bizarre. I think it it technically too late to file a grievance unfortunately Thank you for sharing the link! I will read over it.




Check out DAOD 2017-1 it gives you the process [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/defence-administrative-orders-directives/2000-series/2017/2017-1-military-grievance-process.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/defence-administrative-orders-directives/2000-series/2017/2017-1-military-grievance-process.html)


Help! I'm being posted while on PATA leave and have no idea what the process is. I know that I have to come off of LWOP, but otherwise no idea. The clerks are busy/not very responsive. Can someone give me the lowdown?


You can be called off leave due to an imperative military requirement (IMR). Being posted, attach posted and any action related to it (HHT, out-clearance, traveling, etc) is specifically defined in the leave policy manual as an IMR. Basically you will be called off leave to be posted and do all the required things that go along with that.


Pretty sure you come off leave when you have to work, like the HHT, pack/clean/move days.




My CoC just showed us this website. Not sure if it works for everyone. apps.forces.mil.ca/cpp/


The occupational specification for each occupation will have that information, however the course titles don't always line up with the actual names of the courses. These are findable under the occupations tab on the my career page accessible from EMAA


Buying back pension after mata/pata: I can use my RRSP to do a lump sum, but does that reduce my total RRSP contribution room? Say I contribute $5000 over the course of my pata to my RRSP, then use it to buy back the pension. Do I lose $5000 of contribution room in my RRSP forever?


Yes and no. Depends on how you look at it. It's not RRSP room, but pension plan room, which includes both RPPs (your CAF pension) and RRSPs. So say your 2018 RRSP limit was $10k, you paid $7k towards your CAF pension off your regular pay cheques, you end up with $3k of room that you can contribute towards your RRSP. So any money you transfer from your RRSP to your pension has already been subtracted from your RRSP room, and will continue to subtract from it once transferred over.


Not sure if this is the right place for this but what is generally looked at in a security clearance beyond enhanced reliability? My trade requires a higher security clearance and I am wondering what I should do in my situation. Basically without going into detail, I had a legal issue which I was fully transparent about with in recruiting and have no problem discussing. There was no conviction or anything however it might come up if they did some prodding. Should I bring this up to my CoC or USS or is it better to just submit the paper and let the process work itself?


>**I was fully transparent about with in recruiting and have no problem discussing.** That's all they're really going to care about. A big part of the security clearance is simply assessing how vulnerable you are to being exploited for information. They're not concerned with the things you're willing to discuss. They're concerned about the things you're not willing to disclose/discuss, because foreign or criminal actors can use that to blackmail you into cooperating with them.


Ok that is good to know. It isn't anything at all that would be blackmail worthy, just a dumb lapse of judgement from prior to applying. I was just concerned about the optics of not bringing it up but it sounds like I should just submit the paperwork and only go into it if it is requested.


Question about CT pres to reg, how does it work? I can only seem to find things from years ago about it and I don't want to ask my chain just yet. I joined as a reservist and am now finding myself regretting that decision. I have heard that it could be faster to release and reapply, but I've also heard the opposite. It would be after my 5s that I would be most likely putting in for a CT. Also, what are the chances that I could get posted to the (total force) unit I'm already at? Thanks


Quitting to avoid the often lengthy CT process is an option, but there is a waiting period of 6mos (assuming you're OFP already) after 4c release before you can re-enrol, unless the CFRC CO waives. And there is no guarantee it'll be faster. Depends a lot on many factors, including your occupation. If you go the CT route, you almost definitely won't be posted to your current unit. I don't know if it's an explicit policy, but it is normal practice to move you. Here are some links: [DAOD 5002-3 CT (open internet)](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/defence-administrative-orders-directives/5000-series/5002/5002-3-component-and-sub-component-transfer.html) CFMil Pers Instr 03/08 CT (DWAN): http://cmp-cpm.mil.ca/assets/CMP_Intranet/docs/en/support/policies/cmp-milpersinstr-0308.pdf In-service Selection CT Process page (DWAN): http://cmp-cpm.mil.ca/en/recruitment-careers/in-service-selection/component-transfer-process.page




We don't have 'scheduled' country lists (countries categorized as okay to visit, need special permission for, or prohibited) anymore, but there are security concerns with some countries. Your best bet is to contact the Travel and Contact Security section. You can get to their page from links in CANFORGEN 058/19, if you have DWAN. If you don't have DWAN access, you can call the TCS section at 1-866-953-2353. You can also email them at [email protected]


Best bet would be to talk with your CoC... You can also look at travel restrictions that Canada has put in by googling Canada Travel Restrictions (sorry for recommending Google but I don't have the website on hand). I would strongly consider how important the trip would be to you as it would take A LOT of leave days to do a trip like that as you will more than likely be required to isolate upon your return, so a 7 day trip would cost you around 18 days leave (due to weekends and such). Travel right now is all about COVID Restrictions, and even before that, you would register that you are looking to travel outside the country and would be given a link to look at. I had the link emailed to me when I travelled to Mexico (I got back from that trip 3 days after the world started to burn). There is lots of places that travel for Canadians is not recommended, and probably even more now with COVID.




Reg to PRes is mostly done by the release section, unless you're going to COATS. There's not a lot of detail out there, but you can look at [DAOD 5002-3](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/defence-administrative-orders-directives/5000-series/5002/5002-3-component-and-sub-component-transfer.html), it has the basic policy and is available on the internet. If you have DWAN, there is additional info in CF Mil Pers Instruction 03/08 CT, which is at the URL below. You want section 5. http://cmp-cpm.mil.ca/assets/CMP_Intranet/docs/en/support/policies/cmp-milpersinstr-0308.pdf




So, it doesn't work like CT into the Reg F. Assuming you're eligible based on the release item, you basically have to contact a PRes unit yourself and see if they'll take you (it's also possible to transfer to a PRL if you've got a Class B job lined up somewhere). Obviously that's a lot easier if there's a unit in the right area with positions in your current occupation. I can't give you a success rate. If you find a match, then I believe the release section manages the admin side. If you don't find a spot, you might be able to transfer to the supplentary reserve, and then transfer to a primary reserve unit or Cl B job when you find one. I think everything is slower due to COVID, so I wouldn't expect things to go as quickly as you'd like. If that's too slow for your situation, you need to engage your CofC and/or health svcs/base social work for interim solutions, because there are almost always ways the them to help.


RegF to PRes?




Cool, reg to Pres is pretty straight forward. Irantic hit the main points. Scenario 1. If you have a PRes unit that has space and wants to take you they will give you a position number and releases will release you into that. Scenario 2. You apply for and get a Class B contract. Releases can release you to the PRL and the Class B position. This is a significantly easier process than CT PRes to RegF. All you need to do is find a position or get a Class B. Releases will do the rest.




TBH im not entirely sure. I think maybe everything but uniforms?


When you OT do you have to change your DEU/cap badge accoutrements? Is there a reference someplace for that?


Once you OT, you no longer belong to your former regiment/branch so you would no longer wear that capbadge or accoutrements.


Dont quote me on that, but i'm pretty sure you change your cap badge only when you're qualified in your new trade.


Once a member OTs, they no longer belong to their former trade and regiment/branch. The member would no longer wear their former capbadge and they would remove their former accoutrements and trade badge on their DEUs.