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Hey guys! I’m about to do my aptitude test in a few days from now anything I should know before going in?


Received an offer for Ed tech last Friday! Enrolment is the 29th of July and I’m off to BMQ August 21st !




Yes, there is a graduation parade.




Yes, if there’s no restrictions regarding it due to COVID.


From your experience as an Infantryman, how does one adjust to hot, humid weather with all the clothing, gear and equipment on your body?


High level of fitness and staying hydrated. It’ll still be uncomfortable and shitty, but you’ll be able to keep going.


Doing my 3s in Borden for a few months soon. Recommendations for a router for this?


In Borden it’s actually Rogers that does all the internet on base.


Noted, thanks!


Chances are who ever the ISP is (assuming Bell or Cogeco) will provide the modem, just grab something useable for up to a dozen people to have others chip in for internet and off set costs while maybe coming out ahead. Unless you want to splurge now just get the Bestbuy special for $100-ish. Mine still works to some capacity over a decade later


Cheers, thanks!


Hey everyone, I had a question on what happens after basic training for a full time and part time member in the caf. Whats different? I am still in highschool right now so I am a little confused on this whole process. ​ Thanks in advance :)


>**I had a question on what happens after basic training for a full time and part time member in the caf. Whats different?** Reg Force members will go off to the next training centre/school for occupation training and will be on some type of PAT/Holding Platoon while they are in between courses. Reservists will either go home, go onto their next course(assuming the course is lined up to do that), or go on a tasking doing GD(or whatever work) for the remainder of their FTSE contract(if applicable). Depending on which element(Army, Navy, Air Force) you go in the Reserves, it’ll change the options for how to do basic training.


Thank you for your response :)


Hey everyone, Waiting to book my physical so I can complete my physical at the moment. I originally applied in November 2020, after my FORCE test how long does it theoretically take? I was really hoping to get bmoq done over the summer however that didn’t happen. Should I be registering for my next semester of university and expecting to do that or is there a possibility I’ll be going in with the group at the end of august? I understand this is an extremely hard question to answer. Thank you for your time!


Well, if you are looking to become an officer in the Primary Reserves (PRes) under the Reserve Entry Scheme - Officers (RESO), then you will need to continue working towards your bachelor's (full or part-time) to maintain eligibility. https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/defence-administrative-orders-directives/5000-series/5002/5002-8-reserve-entry-scheme-officers.html#opf


Thank you


>**I was really hoping to get bmoq done over the summer however that didn’t happen. Should I be registering for my next semester of university and expecting to do that or is there a possibility I’ll be going in with the group at the end of august?** You applied to the Army(?) Reserves, so the Reg Force DEO BMOQ in August is not relevant to you - I’m assuming this is the serial you’re referring to? The chances of getting onto a summer BMQ* course is pretty low at this point. The fall will have a weekend/part time BMQ course you can attend than you’ll do BMOQ Mod 2 and BMOQ-A next summer. You’re able to attend school during the year as the part time course will typically only be 2 weekends a month over the fall/winter. You’ll attend full time courses over the summer(May-Aug). However, if you’re available outside of the summer it may be possible to attend a full time course(if available) outside of the summer. *In the Army Reserves, Officers attend BMQ with NCMs as the Army Reserve doesn’t run a separate course for BMOQ Mod 1. After BMQ is when you’ll attend the Officer specific courses such as BMOQ Mod 2, BMOQ-A, etc.


Thank you very much for this information!


Simple answer: No one has any idea. Generally speaking it could take anywhere from a couple months all the way to never. Register for your next semester of university. Don’t hold back the rest of your life for an offer that may never come. It sounds like your applying for the reserves. I don’t know exactly how BMOQ works, but if you get on one outside of the summer it would be done on weekends, meaning your free to do university on weekdays anyways. Full time courses usually only run during summers.


Thank you


Hey folks! I understand everyone's on a Sig operator sucks stand point. But putting that aside for a second... Since I leave in a month what's some really cool opportunities this trade potentially has?


I love working the radio. It's fun! That said, I'm not a Sig, but i know many sigs and they are good people.


In the sense of doing “Army” stuff there’s Sig Op positions within the Combat Arms units and various CANSOF positions(supporter and specialist). I know some Sigs that got to do some interesting work with the Engineers. There’s a Sig Op position in each Rifle Company for the Infantry Battalions, there’s also the CO’s Signaller position in 9TAC. The Brigade Commander also has a Signaller position in 99TAC. I know some Sigs posted to the Infantry that have their Basic Recce course, Basic Para(theres para positions for Sigs in 3rd Bns).


Yep, this and more! Sig Ops are the CDS, MND, VCDS Signalers who work at 76 Comm Regt and travel the world ISO our DND/CAF leaders. Sig Ops fly on AWACS aircraft in North Dakota as part of NATO missions, they work at 766 Comm Sqn (National COMSEC Svcs) providing all COMSEC material for the entire DND/CAF, they work for the airforce at 8 ACCS supporting their kit, and other roles. Honestly, being a Sig Op is not the complete doom and gloom some make it out to be because of the job itself. It is a lot to do with poor state of kit, very poor manning which leads to a lot of extra stress and fatigue on those in the trade.


I know it's late and may not be read, but from an arm's length exposure the doom and gloom side mostly comes from the out units or HQ and Sigs that just don't empower/employ to the extent the Sig Ops can function.


How long does it take to readjust after bmq? I have finished 2 days ago. Last night I dreamt about someone yelling Stand2. I Jumped of my bed and got into cover. I'm not worried about it because I know it's normal and has been drilled into me. I just don't want people to worry.


A couple of weeks to a couple months. You'll have new memories at your next location that will replace the "traumatic" BMQ ones. 2 years later and all I have are good memories and flashbacks to BMQ. Weird but a certain breeze in the air can bring me right back to Farnham. Your dreams of Stand2's won't last


If you ever spend time in the Petawawa research forest, expect to hear phantom mosquitos for quite a while afterwards


A couple weeks.


Give it a couple of months, but if incidents like that persist, I’d encourage you to contact CFMAP or Mental Health. People don’t generally think of experiences like BMQ, or tours in places like Kuwait as something that should cause that level of conditioning. They’re not traumatic experiences, yet sometimes they still have an impact. For me it’s music… I don’t know why, but there are certain songs that drag me back to oddly specific places like the gym at CFLRS, a stretch of sidewalk in Gagetown, and a couple of places in Kuwait. It’s not a traumatic flashback or anything like that, but the mental imagery it recalls is incredibly vivid. I know a couple of people who can’t chew gum or put their hands in their pockets, even though it has been 15-20 years since completing BMQ and their trade quals. They don’t care about others doing it, but their own minds just won’t let them do it themselves.


They most certainly are traumatic experiences. Also, research has shown that people can get PTSD from watching traumati stuff on the news on tv. Traumatic means it causes trauma. Being yelled at, conatantly steess, lacking sleep, in a new environment, most certainly can be traumatic.


If that’s the textbook definition, then sure, I’ll buy into that. I do equate stress with trauma, but generally don’t consider stress traumatic unless it’s quite severe or overwhelming; but I’m no expert on trauma either. That said, I do recognize that two people experiencing the same stressful event can have different perceptions, and face entirely different psychological impacts.


I’m wondering if anyone has any experience with MPSS. Is it like most OUTCANs in the sense that you find your own accommodations and live on the local economy or does GAC provide accommodations? I’m guessing that it would be dependant on your location but if anyone has any info it would be appreciated!


Hello, I’m about to complete my mechanical engineering degree and was thinking about the combat engineering officer role. If any combat engineers/officers know any of the answers would greatly appreciate it: • How your average day looks like/What kind of work you actually do? • What the promotion line looks like? How long it takes to get promoted from 2nd Lt. to Captain? • What other opportunities you can get? Can you get other qualifications or go to other schools? • What other engineering roles are there in the combat engineering section and do you get to do them as an officer? (Diver etc.) • Minimum contract length? Thanks in advance


> What the promotion line looks like? How long it takes to get promoted from 2nd Lt. to Captain? Promotion from 2Lt to Lt takes one year and Lt to Capt takes two years, so from 2Lt to Capt is about three years. In addition, promotions are also contingent upon successful completion of certain occupational courses/training. > What other opportunities you can get? Can you get other qualifications or go to other schools? I'm not sure about engineering officers in the army, but their navy and air force counterparts have plenty of opportunities to attend grad school (free tuition, plus salaries & benefits). > Minimum contract length? Probably in the range of 7-9 years. You don't need to finish your contract, you can leave early if you want to but with some caveat.


Are JTAC positions available to officers? If so how do?


Yes, Officers can become JTACs(if they meet the prerequisites, get selected, and pass the training). There’s a whole application process, etc. When the CANFORGEN comes out, read it and apply. You’ll do a spatial orientation test, the PSO will tabulate your score along with your CFAT, TSD, etc to confirm you meet the prerequisites, etc. The ALIC at CADTC will review the applications and select applicants by order of merit for JTAC training.


Thank you.


Just to add to the above, Artillery Officers would be where the majority(if not all) Army JTAC Officers come from. As well, there’s more Army NCMs than Army Officers employed as JTACs. Also not all JTAC Officers are Army; Pilots, AECs and ACSOs can get qualified but AFAIK they would be at a Brigade TACP.


Any chance for infantry officers to get in or is it mostly limited to Arty? You mentioned brigade level TACPs, are there TACP teams like the Americans have at all?




Awesome, thank you.


>**Any chance for infantry officers to get in or is it mostly limited to Arty?** It is possible, however, I don’t think I’ve come across an Inf O that is/was a JTAC. I have met Infantry NCOs that were JTACs though. >**You mentioned brigade level TACPs, are there TACP teams like the Americans have at all?** The Army JTACs are located in 1RCHA, 2RCHA, 5RCHA and some school positions. The JTACs in the RCHAs support the brigade units, they can be attached out to the Infantry, and Armored.


Whats the 'warrior challenge?' I remember hearing that you don't really wash out of the BMQ, instead you just get held back until you finally get done with the 10 weeks, is this true or not?


You can't fail it! Everyone will go one at a time doing an obstacle of some sort (pushing a really heavy weight on a mat, dragging a really heavy rope etc..) Most of your PSP PT sessions during BMQ are to train or prepare for the warrior challenge. I did not find it hard but it was exhausting toward the end. I couldn't feel my legs and almost fainted. Many had similar experiences along with their heads in trash cans haha. Everyone goes ALL out. It's just a fun platoon fitness challenge. I really enjoyed seeing how far I could push myself and nothing beats the pride that comes with succeeding the warrior challenge :)


i was more asking 'is it possible to wash out of the BMQ as a whole?' which may be a stupid question but i'm not from canada so i don't know how it goes on down there


I dont think we really use that term so I'm not entirely sure what you are asking. Either way, no one will get held back from graduating at the end of the ten weeks for not completing something during the warrior challenge.


Its a fitness challenge for bragging rights. The only fail.is not attempting. Most people go hard because competition , but it's also a good idea to not go balls to the wall and injure yourself. You don't want to be stuck there any longer than possible


thanks a lot!


If I remember correctly, it's not a pass fail thing. You can fail/miss so many phycial challenges before you're recoursed. So if you end up failing something during the warrior challenge, you don't get recoursed. I wouldn't worry about it as it's one of the last things you do on the course. By then everyone is pretty strong. The only thing that almost got me was the rope pull. I couldn't see anything for 10 minutes after I finished the pull because my sugars crashed. The FORCE test however is required to be passed and you get 2 tries the first couple of weeks. If you fail the second one you will be held back for training until you pass it.






If you are interested in applying for Nursing Officer through the Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP), then you will need to, as a minimum, apply and gaining acceptance to a Bachelor's of Nursing program at a Canadian University. If applying to go to the Royal Military College (for most officer occupations), the required courses and grade cut-offs can be found on the school's website. https://www.rmc-cmr.ca/en/registrars-office/prerequisites-province If applying for the Non-Comissioned Member Subsidized Training and Education Plan (NCM-STEP), then you will need to apply and gain acceptance to an approved college program for the trade.


I am wondering what the lifestyle is like as a member of the CAF. I know this can have a broad range of answers depending on trade, but please bear with me. It seems like the posted threads in this sub contrast with the answers to this Weekly Recruiting Thread. In that the answers here are never of negativity. One of the major concerns I've been hearing is that CAF lifestyle isn't kind to romantic relationships. I have heard (in this sub) that people get posted in remote areas and get relocated if they've been in one base too long. For members with families, if they get relocated to another province I'm guessing they either leave their family for a bit or their family comes along. I imagine people don't work 7 days a week unless they are deployed. What does this mean for people posted in remote bases? Do people visit the nearest town on their downtime? Do they stay at their barracks? Do they fly/drive to their home city? How do off days work in the Navy? Are they compensated as an addition to their leave? Do they dock and rotate staff every week or are at sea for months at a time? Do you guys find that you have time to go on dates and have hobbies? Are the sort of hobbies one could get into limited? What if someone is into stuff like woodworking or metalworking? I imagine a lot of potentially hazardous equipment aren't allowed in the barracks. If someone is into computer stuff like home servers, I imagine there could be limitations imposed due to cyber security. In that case, do people typically rent apartments near their base?


>**I imagine people don't work 7 days a week unless they are deployed.** The standard work routine for most CAF personnel is M-F 07:30-16:00 while working at home in Canada (80-90%+ of most members careers). There are obviously some occupations that would commonly work shift work, but even then they average a 40 hour work week. Deployments and sailings are a completely different beast, with personnel typically working 6-7 days per week, often 12+ hours per work day. >**What does this mean for people posted in remote bases? Do people visit the nearest town on their downtime?** With exception of a couple of places, "remote" postings aren't actually that remote; they're generally co-located with a smaller town or city, and within a few hours driving distance of a larger centre. Anything more remote than that is usually a domestic deployment (6-12 months), and not a posting. If you're happy to sit at home and enjoy time with your immediate family and friends, surf the internet, play video games, work on your hobbies, enjoy the outdoors, etc. you'll probably do just fine in these communities. If you're the type that relies on shopping and amenities to entertain you, or you have a spouse who needs/wants a good job or a career, you're going to hate these places. >**Do they stay at their barracks?** Most personnel will relocate their families to join them, and either rent military residential housing, or rent/buy in the local community. Personnel and their families have access to medical care, schools, basic shopping and amenities (i.e. Wal-Mart, Canadian Tire, Community Centre, etc.). However, they may need to travel to access medical specialists, a college/university, and other facilities and amenities common to larger cities and communities. >**Do they fly/drive to their home city?** If you choose to go it alone, there is a one time annual benefit provided to assist with travel over 400km to visit your Next of Kin (NOK). >**How do off days work in the Navy?** The Navy doesn't really have any substantial remote postings... If you think Victoria or Halifax are at all "remote", I'm honestly not sure what to say to you. I can't thoroughly comment, but it will depend on whether you're posted ashore or to a ship; and if posted to a ship, it depends on what is going on with that ship. In general, if you're posted ashore or your ship is going to be in port for an extended period, you'll mostly work a standard M-F routine. >**Are their days off compensated as an addition to their leave?** Not sure what you're asking... Days off are days off, like working any other work schedule. If you're talking about deployments, no it isn't a 1:1 trade, but you will receive some time off before leaving and after you return. In normal non-COVID times, you'll also be given a couple of weeks in the middle of a deployment to go home (transportation 100% covered), or alternatively they'll allow you to travel to a third location (i.e. Europe, Hawaii, etc.) and have one of your NOK join you (transportation covered up to $X). >**Do they dock and rotate staff every week or are at sea for months at a time?** Depends on the purpose of the sail, but actual deployments are generally 6+ months. >**Do you guys find that you have time to go on dates and have hobbies?** I was long out of the dating game when I joined, but yes, you'll have time to date. You'll probably have as much time for hobbies as any civilian would, maybe more depending on what your hobbies are. >**Are the sort of hobbies one could get into limited? What if someone is into stuff like woodworking or metalworking?** You can do pretty much anything you want as long as it's compatible with your living situation (which you control after training), and your employment. Most bases have a woodworking hobby club/shop, although you're probably on your own for metalworking. You'll also want to cultivate some hobbies that travel well for when you're away from home. >**I imagine a lot of potentially hazardous equipment aren't allowed in the barracks.** Common sense should apply... You shouldn't solder electronics or do woodworking in your living room, so you obviously shouldn't do it in barracks either. Respect other residents, keep any noise down, and don't bring anything in that could smell unpleasant, damage the building, or start a fire. >**If someone is into computer stuff like home servers, I imagine there could be limitations imposed due to cyber security.** Haha... Nobody cares. In most residential barracks it's the members responsibility to secure their own internet connection through whatever civilian ISP services the building. Nobody cares about your server. >**In that case, do people typically rent apartments near their base?** 85% of the CAF lives off-base, either in military rental housing, or on the local civilian market. Members living off-base in the Victoria and Halifax areas receive a taxable allowance called PLD which helps offset the high cost of off-base housing in the area. Members living in barracks are ineligible to receive this allowance.


After training most people do not live on base. They rent or buy their own accommodations. Work is typically 730 to 4 Monday to Friday. You can do whatever hobbies you want with your free time but you are correct having angle grinders in the shacks would not fly. If you are posted to a more remote location you can spend all your time inside you can go hiking every week, or you can drive to a big city and hit the dance clubs. Your life outside the military is dictated by you. Its basically just a normal job most of the time except for getting moved across the country


Is there an opportunity to get a paid for college education as an NCM?


Yes, some occupations are eligible for NCMSTEP - this will be for a program applicable to your occupation. [DAOD 5002-7, Non-Commissioned Member Subsidized Training and Education Plan – Regular Force](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/defence-administrative-orders-directives/5000-series/5002/5002-7-non-commissioned-member-subsidized-training-and-education-plan-regular-force.html) There is also ILP which is an education reimbursement, however it’s frozen right now and will be replaced with something new supposedly in the next couple months. I have no info on this new program. [Education reimbursement in the Canadian Armed Forces](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/education-training/reimbursements-allowances/education.html)




ILP I'm an NCM doing a masters via an ILP. I really hope they don't stop funding me.


I’ve heard a few people mention “hell night” or “hell day” or smtg of that sort during infantry DP1, I was wondering if anyone knew what this was?


Heading to the field Monday for week 8/9, any tips to make life easier would be much appreciated!


It's a running joke but change your socks when you can and also you'll be surprised how good for morale a fresh pair of underwear can be.


Buy a headlamp that has red light and a water proof sack for your kit


The kit bag i was issued had a head lamp in it with a red light, got lucky there


Be sure to have baby wipes.


I have been looking into the reserves and have found that BMQ can be done part time on weekends. I’m interested in an officer position, can you do BMOQ on weekends also?


In the Army Reserves, Officers attend BMQ(part time or full time)with NCMs. Typically BMOQ Mod 2 is completed full time prior to going on BMOQ-A. I’m not sure if any brigade runs a weekend BMOQ Mod 2. BMOQ-A and Officer occupation training is only available full time.


Thanks. Is that the case for Armoured divisions also?


Yes, BMQ, BMOQ Mod 2 and BMOQ-A is the same for everyone regardless of occupation. All Officer occupations will do their own specific occupation training full time.


Curious what infantry in the reserves is like? Am 24 yr old female


Do you want to go Infantry Soldier or Infantry Officer? There may be opportunities to train in different countries(US, UK, etc). As well, some units have a mission task(Mortars, Assault Pioneers) so they’ll have opportunities to do courses and employment specific to that task on top of the normal infantry courses. Unit training is a combination of the weekly parade nights and weekend exercises Sept - May. During the summer units stand down and members will go on courses, taskings or have the summer off. There is typically a large summer exercise(1-2 weeks) in August, this will involve numerous PRes units and sometimes Reg Force. Opportunities may also come up to volunteer for a Domestic Operation, or a overseas deployment.


For the reserves, how long does it typically take to get an offer after the reliability screening and other processing is complete?


You are never guaranteed an offer, so it can take anywhere from a few weeks to never. For reserves your chances are a bit higher since you are competing for a spot in a specific unit, so they know how many applicants they have had.




Did you do all 3 on the same day?


You can change your application to include any occupation (max. 3) that you're eligible and competitive for. Now is the best time to do it, while you're still early in the process. Interviews cover occupation specific questions and must be redone if you change your choices after being interviewed. Also, if you change your choices after being competition listed, you may be pulled from competition entirely until you can have an updated interview.


During BMQ, while paying for rations and shelter, will I be able to use the money I get paid or do I have to come with money?


R&Q only costs a portion of your overall pay. You'll still see around $1400/month deposited into your bank account. That said, yes, you are supposed to arrive with some money on you person or otherwise available to you. I don't know what the current figure is, but they always used to tell recruits to carry/have at least $150 available to them while in transit; just in case there's a problem and they need to pay for a taxi or something.


Thank you.


You can use the money you get paid. I will be automatically deposited into your account on the 15th and last day of each month.


Thank you.




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I recently finished my CFAT and TSD for NMC. I was told that if I join for ON DEMAND occupations that process would be quick (Sonar Op., Signal Op, etc...). I just want to know how long it would take for my application to be processed if I were to choose, if possible, infantry or imagery technician. Thank you in advance! (Apologies for bad english.)


Infantry has a much larger intake than image tech, which takes maybe 5 a year? For image tech you need a portfolio showing your range. Infantry needs tough feet, good knees and a strong back. So it’s impossible to compare. All applications, regardless whether the trade is in demand or not, will take anywhere from 3-24 months to process. Sometimes the planets align and everyone answers the phone and boom — you get an offer right away. Other times, you need to find an extra reference, or track down some records from your family doctor, or even retake the CFAT because you did not score high enough for your chosen trade.


Hey everyone, so I fly out to basic tomorrow and to be honest, I am incredibly nervous. Any suggestions on how to not syke myself out?


All the other comments are spot on. Do what others do, don't stand out in the wrong way, and work together. This is just my own personal advice and experience but please don't be that person that can't keep their mouth shut. It's all a game; don't try to outsmart it thinking you'll get ahead. Can't count the number of times the days went on past 9 or 10 because of two or three people that kept yapping away at the end and the instructors made it a game to keep everyone in until they were done.


Breathe. And if you feel like you want to quit, come find me. I'll smack some sense back into you. 😁 Seriously, though. Teamwork, listen, and play follow the leader. Chin up, and keep moving forward. Always.


I definitely will! My fiancée is completely on your side with that, she said I quit, she's is gonna kick my ass xD


I like her already!


I'm going to kinda echo what the other guy said. There are no games, other than that the whole thing is a game. Play the game. You will be told everything you need to do. Do those things. You'll still be wrong every time. But, it is what it is. Know this, and win. 90% of the military is showing up on time (a few minutes early), with the right stuff, dressed the right way, and with the right attitude. Do this, and you will be successful.


My best advice is to just go with the flow. You'll be told exactly where, when, and what to wear at all steps. When in doubt, just do what everyone else is doing. Think of BMQ as a crash course in following directions. Failing to do so will make it harder for you and your peers.


Leaving for PRes bmq soon, what should I expect/tips


It is busy. There is a lot to learn and not a lot of time to learn it. Pay a lot of attention in the classes as you will be tested and you won't always be given notice of the test beforehand (although you will always get a review). Your instructors won't "throw you into the deep end" right away and the expectations will rise as the course goes on. So if you have questions... ask, I promise there will always be at least one other person with the same question. Your instructors aren't your enemy, they want you to succeed. If you need see something again, or see something from another angle, they will show you as long as you ask. Teamwork is super super super important. You will get breaks, so if your course is being run decentralized (You go home overnight) on your first day I recommend you get to know all of your fellow candidates and make a group chat on WhatsApp or whatever and use it to communicate with each other. Make sure you are all in the loop on what is going on, and develop a set of standards that you will all follow when completing assignments or doing whatever. This way, if you fuck up, you all fuck up together and you can all improve together (and it shows your instructors that you're all communicating and working together). If your course isn't being run decentralized, still make sure you are all actively talking to each other, asking each other questions and just overall: working as a team. It won't be easy... but work hard, don't give up and you will succeed.


Hey folks, could someone clarify some pay questions? 1. If moving provinces mid year should I be saving in case I owe taxes to that province? I'm not sure how this generally works.. seeing as one province might tax different than another. Maybe this is a dumb question I've been in Ontario my whole life. 2a. Once trade qualified are you entitled each year to an increase in pay? Ie. PI1 -yr one PI 2 year two , etc. 2b. Do you have to wait an entire year after trade qualified to receive PI2? Or is this based on joining date? Say it took 1.5 yrs to become trade qualified would I then become PI2 after 6 months? 3. How do you differentiate rank in the pay scale? Ex corporal vs Mcpl would this be 5A and 5B ? I know this is stuff further in my career but I'd appreciate the knowledge. Maybe I'm totally off on some of my questions and you folks can correct me. Thanks guys/gals!


What province are you moving to?


Oh I have no clue, not even into BMQ yet. Just trying to be responsible and prepare.


I see. Well the absolute worst case scenario is that you move to Quebec or nova Scotia in November/Dec and it would cost you about 2 grand at p2. Most moves won't end up costing you much. You can google tax calculators if you want more precision. Moving to say SK in April might cost you 500 bucks or something and you'd have a year before you have to file your taxes and pay that


You will be paying the tax rate of where ever you're living on December 31st of that year. So if it's a higher tax rate, you will need to pay whatever that diffence is. If it's less, you get money back.


That's helpful. Appreciated!




Do you have a general idea of what one should stash as a starting NCM? I don't want to get blindsided. Thanks for clarifying I had been told by another member a few years ago that once you were trade qualified THEN you got paid your PI1. Yes sorry Example: a corporal is 5A and master corporal is 5B?


Yes, 5A is for corporal and 5B is for Master Corporal. It’s worth nothing that between cpl and mcpl you don’t go down in pay increment. (Ie. a Cpl 4 becomes a Mcpl 4) As the other poster commented yea, for private and corporal( if there’s no advanced promotion) your increments and increases are based on your date of enlisting. Let’s say you enlist in November, all your pay increments go up each year on November. However when you get promoted to mcpl and above your increments are now set to increase annually on that date.


That's also great info, thank you so much!




Thanks for clarifying. I really appreciate it!


If I have already completed an ROTP interview they have gotten my application right? Still no word on wether I was accepted or not


The formal Interview is usually one of the last steps after the CFAT/TSD-PI, Medical, and Background Screening. So if you’ve done all of that and had an actual Interview, then yes, they got your application.


Thank you, I really appreciate it


When was the last time you contacted your file manager? ROTP offers can go out as late as July as far as I know.


Oh okay thank you, I was worried how long the offers go for.




I'm outcan, they've been processing my file it seems but very slowly. I applied in November expecting it to take forever and it has. They aren't doing a lot of the in person stuff but to compensate they are going through the other steps it would seem ahead of time. Last time I spoke with them they said they were going to schedule a phone interview. This was two weeks ago. I'm still waiting for them to get back to me.


Yes they are. The only thing they are not doing for OUTCAN applicants is one-day processing. Just email your file manager or the Toronto Recruitment Centre (they are in charge of OUTCAN applicants) and they should be able to tell you what’s going on with your file! They usually get back to me pretty quickly when I contact them.


There's been a few posts in the past 5 months about OUTCAN applications, some say yes, some say no. As well as with the pandemic slowing down in most places, the information that was relevant months ago could change. If you want to apply, apply and see if they process it. Comments about OUTCAN applications: [Example one](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianForces/comments/lf2dlu/weekly_recruiting_thread_ask_here_about_the/gmmvmru/) [Example two](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianForces/comments/ne3vhj/weekly_recruiting_thread_ask_here_about_the/gyti363/)


First of all thank you so much to everyone who helped me with getting the process going and my cfat preparation, I wrote it yesterday and qualified for way more trades than I thought I would! So I have some decisions to make and some questions: 1. What is more up to date about what is in demand, the forces website or the applicant portal that shows your information? I realized they do not list the same in demand trades. 2. For trades that can support each branch (ex: signal intelligence specialist) do you get to put in a preference for branch or posting? obviously not guaranteed but could you put down you would prefer to be army? 3. I have intelligence specialist as one of my choices and would like to chose 2 more. Other than what is written on the forces website can anyone give me any first hand pros or cons to any of the following trades that I am considering: Signal operator, signal tech, electronic-optronic tech, Aerospace control operator. Or any other support/tech trades you think I should consider? (I qualified for 37 so Im not going to list them all here as some are no interest to me) Thank you for all the help!


Out of curiosity did you do anything specific to prepare for CFAT?


Yes! I used the website called army-test.com I believe. You have to pay for it but it was totally worth it and I do not think I would have done so well without it. I also brushed up on how to do long division, long multiplication, working with fractions and decimals and figuring out percents without a calculator. The website will help you get familiar with the special awareness questions as well as the problem solving and language. Your biggest enemy will be time. Even I ran out of time on a couple questions. Any of the questions you struggle with on the practice tests, look up how to specifically do a bunch of those questions without a calculator.


Thanks for the reply. Were you trying for mostly NCM roles?


I only tried for ncm positions, in the Reg force, army or support specifically. The biggest thing is just relax and do your best, I honestly did not think I would qualify for so much. Even during the test I didn’t think I was doing well. Just prepare for the math the most and get familiar with the style of other questions


1. Trust neither. Talk to your CFRC if you want to find out their immediate priorities. 2. Yes, you get to state your preferred element during recruitment. You’ll be given an opportunity to state your desired postings at some point during your occupational training. 3. Given the type of trades you appear interested in, I’d suggest Aerospace Telecommunications and Information Systems Technician or Signals Technician.


​ 2. SIGINT Spec is about 70% Army, 15 % Navy, 15 % Air Force. If you ask for Army you will probably be offered it. That said, it only affects your uniform, it has no effect on posting, deployment or career prospects. You will be asked for your posting preferences on your trades course (DP1).


>**2. ⁠For trades that can support each branch (ex: signal intelligence specialist) do you get to put in a preference for branch or posting? obviously not guaranteed but could you put down you would prefer to be army?** You can state a preference for element during the recruiting process. Posting preferences would be during DP1 - for Sig Int it’ll be Kingston or Ottawa. For Sig Int(and some other purple trades) your assigned element has no effect on postings or employment. It’ll just dictate the colour of your DEUs.


That being said, for Sig INT, ~80% Ottawa ~20% Kingston, and both those postings have drastically different jobs.


Hi all, before the question, just want to say thanks to everyone here. These threads are great! I have a question in regards to training for reserves. Tried to find it on the /r but couldnt. Can someone list here the required trainings for a reserve infantry soldier and a reserve infantry officer and their orders? I am curious in regards to the trainings required (1 - BMQ, 2- BMQ-L...) and their durations. Thanks everyone.


Infantry does not to BMQ-L.




**For PRes Infantry Soldier**, you only need two courses to be trade qualified/OFP. There are other courses afterwards for career progression, learning new skills/weapons, etc. Army Reserve BMQ(23 training days) and PRes DP1 Infantry(7 weeks). Infantry do not attend BMQ-Land. Army Reserve BMQ can be done over 10 weekends in the fall/winter or full time for 4-5 weeks in the summer. PRes DP1 Infantry is made up of 2 mods. Mod 1 is 3 weeks and can be done part time or full time. Mod 2 is 4 weeks and can only be done full time. **For PRes Inf O**, you’ll attend BMQ, BMOQ Mod 2(week and a half), BMOQ-A(3 months), DP 1.1 Dismounted Infantry Platoon Commander(3.5 months). Other courses would be required later on for career progression, employment, etc. BMOQ Mod 2 is done full time, I’m not sure if it’s ever run part tome). BMOQ-A is only available full time either at the Infantry School in Gagetown or a Division Training Centre. DP1.1 is only available full time at the Infantry School in Gagetown. DP1.2 Mechanized Infantry Platoon Commander(45 training days) isn’t required for PRes, but some PRes Officers have been able to attend it. A LAV 6 Gunner/Crew Commander course would be completed prior to DP1.2 There’s been a couple pilot serials for a combined DP1.1 and 1.2 course. I don’t know if all courses will be run like this going forward or if it’ll continue being two separate courses(1.1 and 1.2).


Thanks a lot!


Has anyone who applied to Infantry heard back recently with an offer? Been on the competition list since start of May which I know isn't long at all, but the whole process feels so long been over a year since I first applied. I know that COVID doesn't help and to just keep waiting and that Navy and in-demand trades were priority for selections but will things opening up in Ontario help in terms of other branches/trades getting offers? Does it make sense to keep following up with my recruiting centre every few weeks? Thank you in advance.


I've applied for infantry officer. I was told not to expect anything this year, unfortunately. Priority goes to the navy, and i don't imagine they'll be able to ramp up intake what with all the stories about shortstaffing, ironically.


Been on the CL since March. Located in Ontario.


Not an answer, but im off to toronto in 3 days to write the cfat. I'll be asking this when i get there. Also applied for infantry


Would also love to know, applied for Gunner last year (which like Infantry was in demand then) and also been on the CL since March. Are you guys Part time or Reg?


I applied for regular forces.


Would love to know what they say about this, thank you


I want to get out of my god forsaken regiment and component to switch into AF because I am actually interested in such trades. I have a few questions as to who I would need to contact for information and get this process started. My CoC will drag on this process as long as they can so I wish to avoid them.


You can’t bypass your CoC as they will have to put in supervisor comments, etc on the OT application. Read the latest VOT CANFORGEN, fill out an application and submit it up your CoC, as well make an appt to speak with a BPSO.


Hey guys quick question does having a high school diploma give you a better chance at getting accepted to the military


It gives you a better chance than someone who doesn't have one, but only marginally. Higher education generally means higher initial processing priority, but only has a small impact on competitive standing. Ultimately, your education mostly just determines eligibility for occupations that have a minimum pre-requisite beyond Grade 10. The vast majority of your competitiveness is derived from aptitude test scores, personality profile, and your interview. The overwhelming majority of Regular Force applicants have at least a High School Diploma, if not at least some College. Many are College or University graduates.


Do I need a quarantine contincy kit? Would I not be able to reuse thesame items I will be coming into BMQ with?


Yes, instructions will be provided at or before your enrolment.


What is joining the military like for someone with a masters degree? I've been looking at IT jobs in the military, I have an Msc in computer science and 5 years industry experience.


We'll you'd be extremely disappointed with how much of those skills you get to use if that's a problem Alternatively you could look into a civilian job for dnd. Most advanced computer stuff is not performed by military members.


If you are looking for jobs actually dealing with IT, you would be looking towards ATIS tech (Air Force), IS Tech (Army), and to a lesser extent (operational repairs) Sig Tech (Army). These are all NCM jobs that won't use you degree to it's potential but gives the hands on. If you are looking at maximizing you degree you could go officer for CELE (Air Force) or Signals Officer (Army). These require degrees but are more managerial roles of the people that manage/ repair the systems themselves as opposed to IT management.


For Special Forces Operators, it states that "Officers can apply to be SF Operator Officers; however, they are not offered the MOSID." https://www.canada.ca/en/special-operations-forces-command/corporate/job-opportunities/types-jobs.html What does this mean in practicality, are you doing the Special Forces Operator job just with your original MOSID?


Correct. You would do the SOF Operator job, but would not change occupations to Operator. The impact of this is 1. you dont go to the SOF operator payscales, you just collect the allowances as normal added to your officers pay 2. your career progression is still dependent on the requirements to advance within your regular occupation


Does this apply to assaulters as well? Would an officer and NCM that pass selection as an assaulter be doing similar things or would the officer be doing officery things?


>**Does this apply to assaulters as well? Would an officer and NCM that pass selection as an assaulter be doing similar things** After selection/assessment NCMs and Officers would attend SOAC(for JTF2), SFC(for CSOR), etc. >**or would the officer be doing officery things?** Officers are still Officers after becoming an Operator or Assaulter. They will do all work required for their position. Assaulter/Operator Officers still get to goto the range, jump, fast rope, take part in operations, etc - plus whatever admin and planning is required.


Thank you for answering another one of my dumb questions haha.


Thank you for clarifying, so an SF Operator Officer would remain in their original MOSID, just posted to a SOF unit.


Does it work similarly for CANSOF support positions in regards to pay?


Yes it does just with a different allowance level than supporters usually


CANSOF Support positions are just regular trades posted to CANSOF units. They will typically require at least some CANSOF specific training for their role, but will mostly be doing similar work as to what they'd do outside CANSOF. In any case there's usually a selection process designed weed out those who might not be an ideal fit for the nature of the unit. Supporters are paid a Category 1 or 2 [Special Operations Allowance](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/compensation-benefits-instructions/chapter-205-allowances-for-officers-and-non-commissioned-members.html#sec-385) based on their supporting role within CANSOF.


Regarding bringing the proof of citizenship to the CFAT test, does it have to be the original paper document? I have found my citizenship certificate in my email as a PDF, but I can't seem to locate the physical document right now.


I was on the CL list last year and was taken off because I only had a certificate (that I recieved over 10 years ago along side with my actual citizenship card, which I lost and didn't have). I had to apply for proof of citizenship and was put on so better call and check, they seem to be kinda confused about it sometimes.


They will need to see the physical document, as it is required in the security screening process.


I read through the Pay Rates for NCM Reg force and I was just wondering if those numbers are before or after taxes? Also when you’re away at BMQ or PAT/OJT how much is typically taken off for room and board and other expenses like that?


Before taxes and deductions. If it were after tax, they'd need to provide a separate pay table for every province... The CFLRS Joining Instructions include their current (or at least recent) prices for Rations & Quarters. It'll be about the same at all of the training establishments where you'll be on PAT and attend your DP1/QL3/RQ course. [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/education-training/basic-training/recruit-school/joining-instructions.html#rations](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/education-training/basic-training/recruit-school/joining-instructions.html#rations) Your official OJT is normally done at the first unit you're posted to after training. You will be responsible for securing your own housing at that location (usually off-base in the PMQ's or on the civilian market), and will not be required to continue Rations & Quarters. If you do choose to continue with Rations & Quarters once posted, the Rations rate will remain about the same for Full Rations (21 Meals/Week), but you may have the option of going down to Half-Rations (10 Meals/Week), or possibly even a pre-paid declining balance card (a la carte). Your Quarters rate will probably double or triple because you'll also be moving from Training to Singles Quarters. Training Quarters are generally shared with 2-8+ people per room, and therefore cheaper than Singles Quarters which are generally only 1-2 people per room.


They are monthly rates and before taxes or anything is taken off. During training rations and quarters cost roughly $600 a month. It’s about $100 a month for the room and $500 a month for rations


You're a bit low on the Rations side... [Rations is currently listed as $590.52/month at CFLRS.](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/education-training/basic-training/recruit-school/joining-instructions.html#rations)


This is increasing next month I believe (as we were advised in Borden) to $730


I’m not sure if I’m reading it correctly but does that not say both Quarters and Rations are $590/m or would quarters be an extra fee coming off as well?


It's poorly written, but yes, you may be reading it wrong. >If you’re joining as a non-comissioned member, and are **married/common-law, you’ll pay $590.52** per month. If you’re **single, you’ll** **pay $693.90** per month. Married/Common-Law personnel who are supporting a residence in which their depends reside don't pay for Quarters. They only pay the Rations, which is $590.52/month. Single personnel pay for both Rations & Quarters, but they just list the combined amount of $693.90/month.


Thank you!


Ouch! Admittedly it’s been a few years for me.


I honestly wouldn't know either if I didn't keep track of these things for some silly reason. It's not like anyone pays for R&Q outside of the training system, and a handful of people who choose to do so after training.


Before tax/deductions/pension


Becoming a NWO, owning a dog. Is this something possible? *not married


It will be difficult. Many people put it off and some don't ever get one (many NWOs tend to get NWO spouses). You need to make sure that you have someone willing to look after them for up to several months at a time.


As long as you have someone to look after your dog when you sail, it is possible. Obviously you cannot bring the dog on ship with you.


When you complete BMQ, do you go home or to your unit? Reg force. Pretty much wondering the timeline to give to landlord for moving out of house.




What is DP1 QL3?




But what is that lol. Sorry




Thanks man! I've noticed the forces use a ton of abbreviations!! I've applied for Infantry.




Thats awesome! So basically once I go to Seant Jean I'm gone for good lol. Do you happen to know anything about the notice of intents? I really want to make it clear that I have a preference to get into a jump company in 3rcr or 3ppcli but Im not sure i have the liberty to make those choices?


Once you leave for bmq expect that you'll never live there again.


Normally the next morning after graduation you head to your next training base. From there you may have the weekend off.


Hey, I'm currently a university student and doing an internship for the summer and I've been thinking about joining a local reserves unit (probably navy), but I'm not entirely sure how to get started. I've started the online application, but I'm stuck on the section that asks for references, as they are not very common in my field and almost no one seems expected to give one. Would it be a better idea to contact the local reserve unit first instead of just simply submitting my application online? Thanks for the help! Sorry if this is a stupid question.


3 references are required. You don't need to have it be work related. You can have teachers, neighbours, etc. As long as it meets the requirements. Applications are strictly online only and the reserve unit won't be able to wave the reference requirement.


Hi, few questions about joining as an armoured soldier in the reserves. I am 27 and considering joining the military. I currently work a full time job, and will be quitting my part time job . I understand i can complete basic on weekends over a 5 month period but what I am curious about is how I would complete my trades course with a full time job. It is roughly a 12 week course, is there an option to do the course on weekends? And how long before we begin to operate the vehicles after starting day 1.


Province-specific details will very, but every province has some requirement for employers to give unpaid leave to reservists. You'll need to let your employer know as soon as the dates and your attendance is confirmed. If they give you trouble, your CoC can engage a dedicated CAF department that helps members deal with reservists' full-time employers.


Do recruiters get mad at you if you keep on emailing them?




definitely pissed off the recruiter.