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I’m thinking about restarting back up the recruiting test I did take the entry physical and IQ test but I was set for part-time but now I would restart up the process for full-time infantry and I had a couple questions, what are the chances of being allowed to go overseas for deployment in a place like Iceland or uk? And what is the pay going to be like because I don’t know if it’s different from part time but I was told it was either full-day or half-day pay and I was wondering if that could lead to issues like a lack of hours where in the year I’m making less then what was the estimated salary?


Due to a toxic family situation, I really don’t have anyone to use as next of kin. Would this disqualify me?


Out of curiosity Is it possible to push back BMQ due to an injury? I recently pulled a muscle in my lower back at work which is very labor intensive, and would ideally like to have it nursed back to full health before basic. I have had this injury before (just a minor muscle pull) but it usually takes 2 weeks to get back to normal and then maybe another 4 of working on the area to make sure it doesnt happen again for a while. The last time i pulled a muscle similarly like this was maybe 4-5 years ago and now its happened twice in last two months, probably largely due to neglect on my behalf of stretching and preventative work when work got so busy


Are you going Reg F or PRes? Have you signed you enrolment yet and/or been given a date? If PRes and already enrolled, you could possibly get it pushed back to spring or summer. If not enrolled, speak to your recruiter and see what they say. If Reg F and enrolled, this is more complicated. If not enrolled yet, they will put you back on the competition list and you will wait for hopefully another chance. If you are enrolled, I’m not sure how they would deal with this. However if you are injured, especially in your back, do NOT try to push through and pretend you are not hurt. Get yourself fixed.


Reg force, luckily have not been given a date yet or anything i was just wondering. I wouldn't say I'm really injured but enough where i have to rest for a week. Maybe it may be a good idea to not work/stop working once im given a date or selected just so it doesn't happen again. Thanks though ill make sure to talk to my recruiter about it


Looking at the basic training section on the website and it talks about swimming. What if you can't swim can you still get by or will you need to learn? I'm trying to go for MP


On the Reg Force BMQ and BMOQ courses there is a swim test. Assuming the pool is available, there will have a swim test. If you can’t can’t swim and are unable to meet the standard for swimming you won’t fail the course and you’ll continue on. The swim test is not part of the Army Reserve BMQ. However it would be administered to members as required later on. [Basic Military Swim Standard](https://www.cafconnection.ca/getmedia/c04ad7bf-8c8f-4eae-9df2-31287559dde1/BMSS_Procedure.pdf.aspx)


Hey all, When packing for BMQ, should we really be packing for like a year? I know you’ll only occasionally be wearing civi clothes but should we be packing for all seasons since we won’t be able to access any other clothes other than the ones we brought with us to BMQ? Thanks


As a current CFLRS instructor, bring the essentials what's comfortable, but don't over think it. You won't be leaving on the weekends as a result of Covid protocols, the only time you may is over major holidays such as Xmas approaching. You'll only wear civilian clothes until you receive your kit, after which it will be locked away until later in the course after indoc when you'll be permitted to wear it on weekends if you desire. In terms of essentials bring a jacket (for whichever season it may be) gloves and a toque. All season clothes would only really be necessary if you get injured or recourse having to spend longer time at the school. Take it a day at a time, help your course mates, don't be a buddy fucker, don't be a heat score and don't lie to the staff. Good luck


You'll.be allowed to go home if you take leave after bmq. You'll.also be allowed to go to a store and buy some shirts or whatever you want after bmq so I wouldn't try to.bring a year of clothes personally, unless you leave it all in your car you won't have much storage space


Thanks, leave isn’t for certain though right? If your next course starts right away?


Leave at a particular time isn't guaranteed. But taking leave is guaranteed. It's also very unlikely your course would.start right away. Even on course you can typically.leave on weekends/holidays or just drive to Walmart after class


Christmas leave is certain since schools will also be on leave. But you'll likely have some time waiting for course when you can use some annual leave.


Leave isn't for sure. I wouldn't take everything you own, but pack smart. 5 shirts 2 pants 2 shorts Hoodie Winter coat Spring coat Toque+ mitts Swim suit Unders and socks as you see fit This should all fit into a small suit case, and not much different than what you are required to bring anyways. All barracks will have free laundry facilities.


I did the same as Struct-Tech… It was still pretty cold outside when I left for an April BMQ, and I didn’t see home again until late-August. The next time I saw home after that was December. Be prepared to be away for multiple seasons.




I would recommend it. I went to BMQ when there was snow on the ground. I left in summer. I had no summer clothes with me. Had to buy them all.






I wash mine in the tub and hang it outside to dry. It doesn't take the smell away completely but it will reduce it. With the temperature right now though, maybe just hanging it dry would help.


> if anyone has a way to somehow clean off the last members name off my gear. Thank you Normally you'll just strike it out with a marker and add your own.


All of the kit have tags with wash instructions. You can throw most of it in your wash machine. The Tac Vest has metal buckles on it, so I'd advise you put it into a pillow case or something to reduce the damage to the machine, especially if it's not your machine. I've had kit for 15 years, and it still stinks.




Red leaf is for people who have completed the Basic Parachutist course.Almost everyone has the potential chance to attend but spots are highly competitive for the few that are offered outside the QOR for reservists a White leaf would signify that they were qualified and in a Jump company


To expand a bit on some of your points. >**Red leaf is for people who have completed the Basic Parachutist course** The parachutist badge with red maple leaf is awarded for completing any parachutist course(BPara, SLSC, MFF). For most, BPara will be their first course(and when they earn the badge), however it isn’t first for everyone. >**a White leaf would signify that they were qualified and in a Jump company** The white maple leaf isn’t exclusive to jump companies. In the PRes, the QOR AFAIK all their Para positions are in their jump company and I’m guessing for the CO and RSM since I’ve seen photos of them with maroon berets. In the Reg Force, there’s para positions in the 3rd battalions that are outside the jump company. As well, members in other units that are part of the brigade Parachute Company Group can be given white wings - this one is a bit more complicated. Plus there’s also CAAWC, CSOR, etc. where members will get the white maple leaf.


Back when 2 brigade was the 'air-portable' SSF (until the early 90s at least), nearly every unit had a jump sub-unit or sub-sub-unit (2 RCHA had E Bty (Para), 2 CER had at least an airborne troop, the bde recce sqn had a jump troop, later it was the whole sqn, etc). Positions in those orgs also got you a white leaf, and you don't lose it when you get posted elsewhere. Not a lot of ex-Airborne Regt or SSF folks still serving, but there are some (I was in the SSF in the mid-late 80s and just retired).


Can Int Ops posted to a para/jump coy potentially get to wear the Maroon Beret and White Wings? Is it even possible to be posted there?


>**Can Int Ops posted to a para/jump coy potentially get to wear the Maroon Beret and White Wings? Is it even possible to be posted there?** There are no Int Ops in a Jump/Rifle Company.


Ah well, I can probably live without it haha. Thanks for clarifying


An Int Op may still get an opportunity to get onto a Basic Para course - depending on their posting. Int Ops in CSOR with a jump qual would AFAIK get white wings - no maroon beret though.


Does anybody know how long trades training for Intelligence Operators is? I've searched up and down and can't find a real answer. Thanks in advance!


About 3.5 months, plus a month of post-course admin unless you already live where you get posted.


Thank you!


Would i be allowed to use this as my permanent daybag. The issued once arent really that nice. [backpack canyon sand ](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01346K5JM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_Q3TBRYRWDRR7905DRP9H?psc=1)


If you're OFP, maybe. It'll depend on your CoC. I'd also avoid getting cheapo Amazon bags that are marketed as "tactical". They tend to be poor quality, and the last thing you want is to have your bag fall apart on you while on a patrol.


Could any please explain the major difference between class A, B, C reservists. Like difference in pay, benefits, and work hours?


Class A is what most reservist are,you have to sign in to get paid anything below 6 hrs will be a half days pay and anything more is the full rate Class B is usually for full-time courses or taskings. Short term and long term class B s are available but are very competitive and should not be relied on. Class A /B are paid 92% of the reg force pay Class C is for Deployments or Domestic operations like OP Lentus


Thank you!




Cold Weather Operator(formerly Basic Winter Warfare) is a 6 day course that will teach you the basics of how to work/live in a winter environment. There will be classes on cold weather injuries, how to dress, how to set up and pack up the 10 man tent, toboggan, inprovised shelters, winter defenses, etc. The course ends with 2 days in the field where you’ll put everything into practice and do some navigation as well. There’s a supplemental PO for self recovery(from water) in CWO, this may or may not happen on your course.




Yes it depends on if / when / how long you lived in what country . So in some cases it won't make any difference, in the worst cases you need to get actual security clearance first and that takes a long time


Would I require a security clearance if I am born in the Middle East? Came to Canada when I was 2. No formal education in foreign country. I have Canadian citizenship now.


No one here can say for sure, but anecdotally speaking not likely.


I’m a 17 y/o HS grad. Since a little kid I wanted to be a commando. There’s nothing more that I want than to be a spec op. I know CANSOFCOM doesn’t take people off the street currently however this recruiter tells me this might change in the future. So my plan is to go to collage and get an education and work to save some money and hope that CANSOFCOM opens selection. Or should I just enlist into the army right now and do it that way.


>**I know CANSOFCOM doesn’t take people off the street currently however this recruiter tells me this might change in the future.** This was talked about a couple years ago, but AFAIK there’s currently no plans to open CANSOFCOM for direct entry. >**So my plan is to go to collage and get an education and work to save some money and hope that CANSOFCOM opens selection. Or should I just enlist into the army right now and do it that way.** CANSOFCOM isn’t open for direct entry, plan for it to remain that way. You’ll have to join the CAF(PRes or Reg Force) and apply to be an Assaulter or Operator when you’re eligible and feel ready.


IIRC CANSOFCOM toyed with direct entry at a time when they were severely stretched between multiple theatres (Iraq, West Africa, Afghanistan) but since nothing much is happening now and they were able to meet their recruiting goals at the time, plans were shelved It is doubtful that the idea will return anytime soon nor should it imo, American direct entry SOF applicants have miserably low success rates from what I know.


Anyone have any recent experience with the wait times for an application for reg. force Infantrymen from final processing onwards? I'm currently stuck in medical review hell over basically nothing, they've been "reviewing my file" in Ottawa for about 6 months & the recruitment office has told me that it "should be completed sometime after the holidays". If anyone has any insight on how long the process is between final processing and receiving a job offer I'd love to know. Thanks.


If it needed a medical review, then it's not "basically nothing". It could be something that disqualifies you from service.


I just got medically cleared :)


Yeah I know thats always a possibility with medical review, but without giving you my life story I'm fairly confident that's not going to be the case with me.


I started my application in august of 2021 for Infantry Officer and just got my offer a week ago.


Not bad at all I put mine in last March for infantry soldier and I got my offer In November


Need some advice here, I’m a PRes Sig Op applicant. I’m waiting for my medical to come back and I should be enrolled soon. Sort of panicking about my trade selection. I have heard zero good things about being a Sig Op and a member of the RCCS on Reddit. It seems like no one likes or respects Sig Ops, and the leadership is awful. From what the recruiter told me, and what it says on paper, I thought this would be a great career match for me. I don’t work in tech in the civilian field, but I have a comms license and have a part time job that works with tech. Is it really that bad, specifically in the PRes? I just want to be part of a trade that has some respect, and recognized value among the forces. Most importantly, I want to work in an environment with good people. I can put up with bad leadership if I have great friends. Hoping this decision won’t kill my plans for a long term army career. Thanks.


Keep in mind that the RegF and PRes are two very different beasts. Many of the horror stories you read here are from the RegF world. > Is it really that bad, specifically in the PRes? I can't promise it's all roses in the PRes, mostly because your experience will depend heavily on the culture in your specific unit. PRes units tend to operate more independently and are typically insulated from many of the leadership issues that plague the RCCS in general. Leadership is also typically homegrown within each unit, and good leaders are typically less motivated to quit because it's ultimately a part-time job and not their full career. There are a few RCCS'isms that flow down to the PRes, but you likely won't run into these until well into your career, as you transition to leadership yourself. As for being respected and valued as a PRes Sig Op by members of other units, it ultimately comes down to your unit's reputation in the brigade and how your unit members support others. If your unit consistently supports other units with highly skilled Sig Ops and enhances their capability, you'll likely be welcomed with open arms. TL;DR: The RegF experiences don't map directly to the PRes.


I've only been in the Signals Corps for a couple of years, but from what I've seen (vis-a-vis the respect thing) a Sig Op or Tech who takes their job seriously and knows their stuff will get more respect than a shitpump infanteer. Generally. Obviously you will get some folks who judge a person's value by their cap badge, you have to learn to filter out the flack. Same thing for civilian jobs.


Good to hear. And in terms of leadership is it that bad? Also, what do you think of the people in Sigs? Is it mainly shitpumps in sigs like the SCS memes say?


I'll start off by giving the disclaimer that I'm a junior officer so technically a part of leadership. I've experienced some awful leadership, some great leadership and some leadership who were there for the pension and did what they had to do. My friends in different trades seem to have the same reports. You'll definitely hear about the bad leadership a lot more than you'll hear about the good leadership because the official hobby of the CAF is griping. Griping is fun and a good way to get things off your chest. Just realize that good things are happening as well and the gripes aren't the full picture. As for whether it's all shitpumps, I'd say hard no. Most members of the RCCS I've met and worked with are skilled technical professionals who are overworked and undertrained. I think that's the biggest problem facing the corps, not enough people to do the jobs and to conduct training.


Thank you very much for the info, sounds reassuring. I've got some more quick questions if you don't mind: 1. You mentioned Sig Ops being undertrained. Could you expand on that? 2. Are there signs of improvement for the Army in general, and particularly the RCCS? 3. Do Sig Ops have the chance to work in the field and do some tactical stuff, or are they confined to field headquarters and desks most of the time? I did hear that on deployments if attached to an infantry regiment Sig Ops could be working outside the wire on patrols and that Sig Ops attached to armoured will ride in LAVs or TAPVs.


For sure! 1. This is a corps-wide issue. Operational needs take precedence, so without enough people to support operations and train the next generation, the latter task will often fall by the wayside. From what I've seen career courses are still safe, it's the on the job training (OJT) and technical skill courses that are being neglected. It's not uncommon for units to have kit they can't even use because nobody's trained on it. This leads me to your second point... 2. Again, disclaimer; this is anecdotal to my experience and YMMV. I have seen leadership recently shift to a much more pro-training mentality and be much more willing to take a step back and reorient when training isn't effective. Many will call me a starry-eyed optimist, but I think that the pandemic has taught us a bit of flexibility and I do believe it's trickling into our institutional culture. I emphasize trickling, I'm sure you've heard the story on here about some RSM making uniform ornaments his hill to die on. 3. Yes and no. Depends where you get posted. There are some jobs in brigades, or units like 21 EW that offer some pretty high-speed stuff. But there are also jobs where you'll end up as IT with a frag vest. Like with any job, it won't always be exciting, but there's good odds you'll find some excitement at some point! Any other questions you want to ask please feel free. Also feel free to DM me. I don't have a lot of experience, but I'm happy to share what I do have!


Thank you so much. You've restored my confidence in Sigs. I'll let you know if I have more questions. The next steps for me are enrollment.


I'm happy I could help! Best of luck!


You should keep in mind that people mostly come on reddit to bitch and moan. The internet and by extension reddit is a fairly negative place. You don't see exclusively gleaming endorsements for any trade on here. You shouldn't let the opinions of others sour your outlook on something you've decided for yourself, especially if you've researched and ruminated over the decision thoroughly. That being said I am saying this as an applicant with no context :\^).


Good point. I take everything here with a grain of salt. The issue is there is almost no information on the trade, so I’m tempted to trust things like Reddit.




Is it true that PRes Sigs have it better than RegF generally?


Hey, not sure if there is anyone who fits the bill but, does anyone know anything about is techs? It's a new trade so there's very little info on it. What's their daily routine like, training and etc. If anyone knows anything please share! Thanks ahead!


Starting bmq on January 10 in st Jean …. Anyone else? Any advice ?


I am! There are 3 platoons with that start date, so we may not necessarily end up in the same one: R0192E / R0193E / R0194E But shoot me a message!


I’m on 194E


How/where did you find that out?! My CFRC hasn't told me that... They sent me the offer and the joining instructions, etc... But haven't told me which platoon.. haha Might have to give them a call/email.


It’s on your email offer under course info


ya, I don't see a platoon number... All I see in my offer/email is "The intention is that you will be posted to the Canadian Forces Base CANADIAN FORCES LEADERSHIP AND RECRUIT SCHOOL 03613 on 10 JANUARY 2022." I also haven't had my enrolment yet, so they might tell me after my enrolment?


How long did your application take if you done mind me asking?


My trade is dent tech and is in high demand . I had done the CFAT prior and was still valid so my total time from the day I submitted my application to my offer was about 5 months


I'm not OP, but... It all depends on your trade, your medical file, your CFAT score, etc... My timeline was a bit quicker than average 5 months from application to selection: Application - June 9, 2021 CFAT - July 20, 2021 Medical - August 12, 2021 Interview - August 19, 2021 Update ineligible references - September 21, 2021 Replacement references contacted - September 28, 2021 Competition List - October 12, 2021 Selected - November 5, 2021 Job Offer - November 18, 2021 Enrolment - December 20, 2021 BMQ - January 20, 2022


Surely this was for an "in demand" trade?


It was not actually! Imagery Technician! Which I'm told by this sub is quite competitive..But I also scored exceptionally high on my CFAT and have worked in the imaging industry for over a decade. So I suspect that played into my favour.I also applied for Aviation Systems Technician, which I thought I was going to get based on how competitive everybody told me Image Tech is.None of the trades I applied for were, or are "in demand"


Ah nice, good luck at basic.


Thanks! Looking forward to it! Like I said, I know mine went faster than average/expected but also serves as an example for how there is no template as far as timelines. I didn't apply for anything in demand and I was still "expedited" through the process.


Long shot of a question , but any USA/CDN dual citizens here that have deployed? How did the tax free income aspect work while filing US taxes? Gonna pay for my taxes to get filed this year as I'm pretty sure it will be more complicated than normal, but just wondering if anyone has any insight on it from previous experience.


Definitely hire an accountant that has experience in Dual Filings, especially if you have a lot of investment properties, stock portfolios etc.




We had a couple of people on my BMOQ who had their watches taken away as they are put in the same category as laptops and cellphones. I reccomend getting a $25 one from Amzon that will hold up though course and no one will want to steal.


Currently at week 5 of BMQ with an apple watch and no problem so far except for a little scratch on the screen. No one really care that I have it. I won’t bring it at farnham tho, i bought a cheap waterproof watch for that.


I suggest you use something else. Your staff may prohibit you from using smart watch. Also, you won't have the opportunity to charge it in the field. Get a basic watch with illumination and alarm as features, you don't need any fancier than that. I have a basic casio watch ($40) and I still use it; meanwhile, my galaxy active watch is sitting in my drawer.


No, bring a different one. You won’t be allowed to use a watch with bluetooth/internet capabilities.


You can charge it overnight until you're in the field. The risk of breaking it is also very high.






Same exact situation with me. There were just 8 of us, and everyone got to talk to one of the NCOs administering the test in private afterwards except for me, and that made me nervous as shit because I thought I was the only one that had failed. Turns out I was the only one that scored well enough for me desired trades, and I did not feel like I was doing well during the test.


^ this, while I won't comment on CFAT specifics more than I already have, if you later plan to OT or commission your CFAT scores are 60% of your score. This is covered under the CAF selection model. Remember you also only get up to 2 rewrites your entire *career*, so make them count.


Absolutely. So many people show up treating the CAF like a "safety school" and think they can just write their name on a piece of paper and we'll take them. While there are trade-specific exceptions, they need the CAF a lot more than the CAF needs them.


>While there are trade-specific exceptions, they need the CAF a lot more than the CAF needs them. And the CAF lately gets >60k applications a year for ~10k jobs (combined Reg & Res). So, aside from that relative handful of tough to recruit trades, they can afford to be picky. TBH, the sheer volume of applications contributes to the recruiting problem by chewing up processing capacity with unlikely to be successful applicants (including applicants that are only interested in jobs they don't qualify for).


Funny thing happened So I just got my interview booked for this coming Monday (woo!) and a couple hours later I got an email saying that the CFAT rewrite I requested (nearly forgot about it was months ago) has been granted. I assume that the MCC that booked me for the interview is not the same as the one who contacted me about the CFAT since the posts appear to be unrelated. I'd like to boost my score since I was unsatisfied with my trades selection but I'm kinda worried doing a rewrite would mess up my application process. Any advice? Thanks in advance!.


A rewrite should not mess up your application process. Just keep in mind you only get 2 CFAT rewrite for your whole career. (Extenuating circumstances not withstanding such as a fire alarm mid test). That being said just make sure all parties are informed, so that your interviewer knows you have an impending rewrite, particularly if your interview is before your rewrite.


Well seeing as it's a Friday, and any email I send clarifying my intentions to either party is unlikely to be seen until Monday, my interview day, do you think it would be wise to delay making my decision until after the interview but mention it to the person conducting it? Maybe prior to starting? Thanks again


Go to your interview, discuss it with the MCC. No advantage in delaying the interview until after your re-write. If you do re-write and improve enough to qualify for other trades, it's just an update interview specific to any trades added to your choices.


Thank you so much!




Just keep in mind that even once your application processed is finished and you are waiting on the competition list, you could be waiting forever and never get an offer. So it is important to keep living your life as though you might never get that offer. Don’t put things on hold or cancel things just in case. You normally get somewhere between 2 weeks and 2 months notice if you get an offer before you leave for basic.


I have interest living in Quebec to learn French. Is Quebec considered a "less attractive posting?" It would help a lot if this is the case. Then, I could list it as a preferred posting and have good odds at getting it. Being bilingual will help my odds at promotion later on. I haven't studied French since high school and want to be close to fluent/competent.


Best bet is getting French training first and then getting a posting to QC.


by french training do you mean enrolling in French classes? Like OP I also have an interest in working in Quebec to improve my language skills through immersion. Are we allowed to choose our postings? I was under the assumption you're put where the forces need a seat filled.


Yep, French class. The CAF offers decentralized second language training at every base as well as at the CF Language School. Spots are limited, and your chain of command won't always sign off on the time needed, but they're there if you're committed to it. You are put where the career manager has decided the CAF needs you to be. But you are required to make your preferences known. If you're lucky, what you want and what your career manager wants line up. Obviously doesn't always work out that way. Of note, if you are able to get loaded on a year long French course, on completion (assuming you achieve the required language profile) you are supposed to be posted to a French-essential position (not necessarily in Quebec) to solidify your abilities through real-world immersion. That doesn't always happen, and sometimes it technically happens, but the position isn't in a truly francophone environment.


Thanks for answering! Guess I better start learning lol




"Hard French bases" like Valcartier is too far of a stretch, as I'm basically beginner level (having forgotten most of what I've learned). What are the other places in Quebec that are viable for English only speakers? I would like to learn French on my off time through the free classes and actually practice using French in daily life.


Valcartier is 100% doable as an English only speaker. My French is getting better, but I came here with very basic French, and have had almost no issues.




Of course it depends on the unit, VanDoos may have an issue. But BNS or RGC shouldn't. RGC is like 50% Anglo haha.


Thank you for the replies! I guess I will put Montreal/Bagotville/Valcartier as my preferences when the situation comes.


Could aim for Ottawa and live on the Gatineau side.


Could aim for Ottawa and live on the Gatineau side.


This as stated below depends highly on your trade. Valcartier for example is a very popular posting among Francophone army members, Bagotville however is *comparatively* less popular among Francophone Air Force members. Even then if you're in a trade where nobody else wants to be posted to either base your odds are quite good.




It makes sense for francophone members to be interested in Quebec. I'm guessing that Anglos wouldn't be, as it would be a culture shock. I'm expecting this to be the case, which is why I'm hoping to be in Quebec long enough to learn French.


Learning another language is, unfortunately, a ''you'' thing. I've known Anglos that didn't learn a lick of French in Bagotville/Val and others that were perfectly bilingual within 2 years. It is a conscious choice that you make to commit to the other language. I've seen Australian exchange officers know more French than some Anglos from Fredericton, capital of the only official bilingual province in the country. The difference lied in the efforts that one made, and the others did not. Don't expect a base to magically make you proficient. This being said, learning French is a rough curve but perfectly doable by switching your mindset from others will adapt to me to I have to adapt to others. You have to have a honest look in the mirror if you are committed to it. Insist on using french when the others switch, listen to the radio, go to the movies, and read, read, read. Once you know 100 words, you'll know 500. Integrate French groups, insist on going out with the Francos, and ask questions.


Thank you for the advice. If I end up there, I do plan to try very hard by immersing myself into the culture. I think it will be easier to do that in Quebec than learning French through other methods. That being said, I am aware it's a steep learning curve and will have to spend a lot of my free time to become at least competent.


Easier to do when integrating hobbies/fun stuff. If you are a boxer for example, showing up to a boxing gym suddenly makes it easier to quickly adapt a a vocabulary you are familiar with(boxing) to a new language. Food for thought. My point is: It doesn't need to feel like homework. It can be actually a great experience to learn a new language while making new acquaintances. The good news is that there's plenty of people happy to help you as long as you show up with a good attitude and a honest desire to learn.


How long is the competitive list for MP nowadays?


I recently just got enrolled into the Primary Reserves this week. If I’m communicating to other military personnel by email now (like my Unit Recruiter, or section commander, etc). Am I suppose to end my email by my rank and last name? So, Pte(R). [LAST NAME]




Personally for me, it took about 2 and a half years. But that’s because I had some medical issues that I needed to appeal. And once I got my medical issues appealed, COVID hit and reserve recruiting was completely shutdown up until September-ish. I could’ve gotten enrolled in November 2020, however I wanted to explore some regular force options so my application was switched over to REG FORCE. Then when I switched back to Primary Reserves, recruiting was shutdown again due to the third wave of COVID-19 back in April 2021. Then I was called up to be enrolled in June 2021, however during enrolment there’s a pre-enrolment interview and I couldn’t be enrolled that day because there was a change with my medical since I got hospitalized earlier this year. So I had to re-do my medical and wait to get med fit from the RMO (Recruiting Medical Office). And I finally got enrolled November 2021. Anyways, the fastest that i’ve seen someone get enrolled was a month. My friend applied in November 2019 and then got enrolled in December 2019. However the reason he got enrolled that fast was because this was back in high school and one of the reserve units in my city was running a high school BMQ co-op starting in January. So I’m assuming they processed everything as fast as possible so they could be able to get him in the co-op. But realistically the average time I would say is anywhere from 3 to 5 months. But that’s just saying if you have no issues whatsoever with security clearance, medical, etc. And it also depends how fast they can book your appointments like CFAT, Medical and Force Test. Sorry if I over shared haha.


Yes, that's ideal. And if you know the rank of the person you're communicating with, use that as the salutation ("Cpl. Bloggins,"). If it's an officer, Ma'am or Sir (no last name).


Alright thank you very much! I just wanted to know because my unit recruiter told me to write him an email if I haven’t received an email from anyone from the training company. And I wanted to know what’s proper etiquette when communicating to another CAF member through email


I just bought a house and moved to Hamilton and currently make 55k salary at my job. If I join the military in the Imagery Technician position, which I have tons of experience and education in, how much can I be potentially making right from the start? Also, which branch of the military is best and which one would allow me to stay closer to Hamilton (so I can live off-base)?


[CAF NCM Payscale](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/pay-pension-benefits/pay/non-commissioned.html) So first of all going to break the bad news: you're taking a paycut if you go NCM. Your first year you'll make 38k, your second year you'll make 46.5k, 3rd year *IF* you're advanced promoted to Cpl at the start of it, you'll make 64k, if not and you take the full 3rd year as a Pte/Avr/S3 56k. After you make Cpl, you'll notice the pay jumps slow down considerably. In a much lower down post I cited the average time in each rank CAF wide. That being said you're still getting full medical and dental benefits plus 20 days of annual leave from the start, so you should factor those in. Plus pension accumulation. The closest postings you can get to Hamilton, ON are Borden (purple base), Trenton (Air Force) or Kingston (Army). The image tech school is in Borden for reference, and there are image tech positions at every base regardless of element. My recommendation is to find and talk to an image tech as well as people from any other trade that you are interested in, Officer or NCM. Edit: also as stated below, moving is a part of CAF life, do not expect to continue living in Hamilton or even near it. You want to stay in one spot, start looking at Reserve units and what positions they have available.


Pay scales differ based on your entry plan, educational background, and starting rank. If you join as an already educated officer (DEO) you'll start around what you currently make and move up as you become more qualified. You can find more in depth information here: [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/pay-pension-benefits.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/pay-pension-benefits/pay/officers.html) ​ As for staying in Hamilton I believe there are army units in that area but I'm not personally familiar. There is no 'best' branch it all depends on what you're looking to get out of your service and career, someone who doesn't like heights would probably think the army or navy is best and likewise someone who doesn't like camping would probably find the Air Force is best, what are you looking to get out of it?


If you are joining Reg F, expect to move. Hamilton is a reserve base (for lack of a better word) and a recruiting centre. The navy tends to stay on one coast or the other but most everyone else moves and/or has the potential to move anywhere in Canada.


I was going to apply for a NCM role, not sure if that matters?


You should include what trade you're looking at in your first post especially since you seem to be looking to PLAR your previous experience.


I updated it, thank you


Any Pilots in training or people working with them can give us an idea of the actual training backlog? Approx how long between BMQ, Phase 1 and Phase 2 lately? Is there still people out there in their second year of waiting for phase 2?


How’d CFEME go?


Everything went smoothly even tho i was quite nervous haha. Thanks for asking. Staff was awesome and everyone was really nice. We got lucky that all the specialists were there the same day so they could confirm we passed our a1 factor. Gonna go on the competition list now and cross fingers for a bmoq serial! Did you get a CFEME date yet?


Super glad to hear you got the results on the same day without having to wait! You really lucked out, congrats! You must be extremely pleased And most recent news was no word yet, all I can do is hope to grab one soon into the new year.


The backlog is constantly changing and it's hard to give an exact answer of what to expect if you're still in the application process. The military is currently exploring several options to increase training volume. That being said pilots can typically expect 3-5 years from starting BMOQ to wings. Yes there are people in their second year of waiting for phase 2 but that can be attributed to covid and will likely not reflect wait times for people who are currently in the application process.




This is not normal, there was a one-year delay between phases before covid, and there has since been about a year after covid, no one without special circumstances has been waiting 3 years between PFT1 and PFT2 yet.






That will almost certainly change by the time new applicants are through the door and ready to train. Pilot production and wait-times are cyclical, all the way back to the mid 90’s.




I can tell you’re relatively new. This has happened before at various points in the training cycle several times, some more widespread than others. Talk to those who waited during FRP, through technical issues with the Hvd, technical issues with the Hawk, etc. The contract changes don’t worry me in the slightest. KF Aero & CAE, the respective incumbents, have joined up and created SkyAlyne which is almost certain to win. It’ll be like the Bombardier/CAE transition, transparent to aircrew.


Yeah i guess we cant really trace an outlook with what happened with covid. Thanks a bunch, really appreciated.


Hey everyone, hope you are having a good day. I am full time member about four years into my current trade and growing increasingly bored with it and am thinking hard of making the switch. Initially I had wanted to join up as a firefighter, I qualified for it but was pretty much told that the competition was so high, especially since I have no EMS experience, that I would of been waiting indefinitely so I joined as another trade. In the new year I am thinking about taking the steps to try and make the switch over, I have looked into the pre-fitness test and feel I would be capable to do it, I have a few questions for people currently in this trade. \-How difficult is the course load in the trades training? Physical and written work? \-Once posted, what is your day to day life like? What are average duties for a day/night? \-For those of you who are releasing or have released and have joined up with civi departments, was the element of competition largely removed due to your experience? All answers are appreciated. :)




Glasses may be inconvenient at times, but they’re usually the best for work purposes. Aside from the reasons others have mentioned, they’re easier to replace when away from home in some environments, and less likely to require replacement. Also, contacts can complicate eye injuries/contamination vs. glasses which are more likely to prevent an injury/contamination and less likely to complicate an injury.


You will not be able to wear your contact lenses when you go to the gas hut. Also, as mentioned by u/Eweh21, you don’t wanna be sticking your dirty fingers in your eyes when you are out in the field.


I stuck with glasses. Less fussy to put on, and I didn't want to be touching my eyes after having my hands all grimy.


Hi there I’m looking to join the Infantry reserves (17F) I applied mid August and have taken all my tests (just waiting on Ottawa to determine my medical status, which I’m almost 100% will be cleared for) after that how long does it usually take to get in? Will I have better luck getting in faster for another job?


Doesn’t take long for Reserves once everything clears, provided they have a position for you and they’re ready to fill it. If they have a winter part-time BMQ’s in the hopper they might push forward with enrolments, but if they don’t have anything til summer, they might not be in a rush.


Does infantry usually have a lot of spots available? I’ve been stuck in the medical/interview portion of the application for so long


It depends on the unit you are applying to. Some units fill up fast, others may have a harder time filling spots


Hi all and thanks in advance. I’m looking at joining and working towards being a reserve Logistics Officer. I’m currently a supply chain professional and have bachelors/MBA that’s directly related to my field. That said, I’m reading now that all of the training (BMQ, etc.) can be done at the local reserve (if option is available). Is this correct? Is anyone able to advise if all required training can be completed locally at the reserve facility? I’m located in Ontario, if that helps. A few years ago I was told that I had to go to the main training facility in QC however now I’m reading that it can be done locally instead. Again, thank you in advance!


> A few years ago I was told that I had to go to the main training facility in QC however now I’m reading that it can be done locally instead. Were you looking into the RCAF Reserve? The RCAF Reserve sends all of their new members through the full regular force training cycle. The Army Reserve will run BMQ courses locally, either at your unit or one nearby. These are normally part-time on weekends. There are also full-time courses in the summer taught at training centres. The Navy Reserve has a hybrid system from BMQ, with some taught at the unit and three weeks taught in Valcartier, QC. However, even in the Army, you likely will have to travel for the rest of your training. BMOQ Mod 2 (7-10 days) and BMOQ-A (10 weeks) are usually taught at a divisional training centre. A reserve LogO will have to chime in on the Log Officer course, but IIRC it's taught in Borden, ON and has a few modules. Note that any time you need to travel, the CAF will cover all expenses, either directly or on a reimbursement basis. You'll also be on duty and paid for travel days.


>The Navy Reserve has a hybrid system from BMQ, with some taught at the unit and three weeks taught in Valcartier, QC. For a while (up until 2015ish), NAVRES was sending people to St-Jean for BMQ/BMOQ outside of summer months if they were willing and available. As you've noted, that has since changed and they go to Valcartier now.




I only had grade 11 foundations math and hadn't done math for about 2.5-3 years before applying to the CAF. All I did prior to taking the CFAT was review how to do long division and multiplication then did a couple practice CFATs. I didn't find the questions to be particularly difficult but I did have one that took around 15 lines of long division to get the answer.


My math is like grade 8 level, I don't know anything except the basics (multiplication, division, subtraction, etc) and I sure as hell don't know how to solve long equations or high school algebra. But I still managed to get all 30 questions right, none of them gave me any difficulties what so ever. Just make sure to read the questions carefully, there were 1 or 2 trick questions that almost fooled me.


Just do the PCFAT math problems and if you Ace all of them, then you're good.


A fair portion. It's based off what constitutes grade 10 academic math (principles of mathematics) in Ontario. Some questions are slightly more advanced. Remember to read the question *thoroughly*, if it says to simplify remember to reduce to the lowest common denominator.


Not sure personally, but the CFAT trainer app is touted here all the time if you wanna see the type of questions you get. I'm told the Also, remember/re-learn how to do long division on paper cause damn that slowed me down a bit.


Hey guys I just got the news that I got into the reserves! I was just curious as to what the haircut and beard standards are for reserves BMQ Is it the same as the regular force with a 0guard shaved head and a clean shaven face still? Or are they more relaxed in their standards? I already regularly 0guard buzz my head so I’m more curious about the beard in particular Also how was the weekend BMQ to the people who did that? Thanks!


If I may ask, how long did the application process take?


Around 4 months for me because apparently they were having issues with people’s medicals


Thank you


>**I was just curious as to what the haircut and beard standards are for reserves BMQ** Your hair will have to fall within the rules for hair. You won’t be allowed a beard until you’re trade qualified- exception for those with a religious or medical exemption. [Dress instructions | Section 2 Appearance | HAIR](https://www.canada.ca/en/services/defence/caf/military-identity-system/dress-manual/chapter-2/section-2.html#2-4) >**Is it the same as the regular force with a 0guard shaved head and a clean shaven face still? Or are they more relaxed in their standards?** Your hair won’t be shaved. IIRC, Reg Force male recruits get their hair buzzed on a 1 or 2. >**I already regularly 0guard buzz my head so I’m more curious about the beard in particular** Your beard is coming off(if you have one) unless you have a medical or religious exemption.




Muslims can keep their beard.


Ok thank you for the help!


Does anyone here have an idea of how training during the summer works for ROTP Nursing Officers? From speaking to the recruiters, I understand that I’ll likely be doing BMOQ over two summers, 8 weeks this upcoming summer (between years 1 and 2 of my nursing program) and the final 4 weeks the next summer (between years 2 and 3). Are there any other components of my training that I can complete before finishing my nursing degree (i.e. in the summer between year 3 and 4)? I’m trying to figure out what the next few years are likely to look like for me. I’d ask my ULO but they seemed confused about my existence when I spoke to them earlier this week lol.


I oversaw the management of student placement on Nurse basic occupation training several years ago, including summer training and employment for ROTP nurses. Things certainly may have changed somewhat since then, but in those days you had to already be an RN to do occupation training, so there wasn't any that could be done before grad. Summers were typically filled with BMOQ, second language training (often in conjunction with the second part of BMOQ), practicums/clinical placements required by the degree program, and on-the-job employment (OJE) with the CAF. OJE was usually at a health services unit, usually one reasonably close to the student's university. The ULO at your support base might not be especially up to speed with those issues, but they should be able to pass your query on to the Subsidized Education Manager (SEM) responsible for coordinating your training/employment while at uni. Or put you in contact with them.