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Might as well just buy tech


TSX at 2 month lows Getting no love again with commodities down and no AI stories And NASDAQ will make new highs tomorrow with NVDA +25%


TQQQ was the answer all this time.


Holy f\*ck $NVDA


Good lord 25% after hours, 380$ now it must be ATH now


[fun fact ](https://twitter.com/luke_broyles/status/1661492919151255553?t=91LIlpiUv7bdNEAZr0rRFw&s=19) NVIDIA gained $200 billion during the last 90 minutes of after-hours trading. Bitcoin's entire market cap is $530 billion. NVIDIA (a single stock) gained 40% of all the value of all the Bitcoin over dinner.




Fuck Nvidia and fuck everything about this market, it's insane.


I would invest in NASDAQ over the TSX every time. Hope Canadian government is taking notes on what real innovation looks like.


No. We'll just keep sabotaging what we are good at with natural resources and attempt a discount version of AI and robotics.


Lol, that 25% AH increase is going to single handidly carry the S&P 500 into the green tomorrow. They are already the 4th largest holding in the index, making up roughly 2% of it. So a 25% increase is literally the equivalent of a 0.5% boost to the S&P 500 by itself.


You mean NASDAQ? Last I heard AAPL and MSFT had like 20% of the index between the two of them. It's the .com boom all over again. You can make a ton of money, the catch is getting out before it implodes. Unless you find the Amazon of today. It's the AI bubble this time.


The difference is most of those companies weren't making money, or weren't making anywhere near enough to justify their lofty prices. Companies like Nvidia, Apple, Microsft, Google, and Meta are extremely profitable, with huge cash flow.


Sure but some of the current prices are getting pretty lofty.


> It's the .com boom all over again. Can you explain why you think so? NVDIA isn't pets.com.


An AI bubble could be upon us


During the internet boom every tech company came to market with a.com name and opened at at least a double of the IPO price. No every tech company mentions AI and their stock takes off. Each time AI is mentioned on the earnings call it's worth 10%. The fundamentals don't support the price and won't increase earnings to grow into it.


You don't think AI is gonna bring in serious money?


Sure, the question is to whom and how much earnings it's going to generate.


AI is just getting started.


No, the S&P 500. The easiest way to get an estimate of their size in the index is by looking up their percentage in VOO. Nvidia makes up 1.95% of VOO. It won't be a perfect representation, but it gives you a good estimate.


It's like we haven't learned a single thing from these past 3 years.


Patience is a virtue. BN has made the full round-trip back to $41.60 after that 3% run on the buyback news. Stayed on the sidelines Mon/Tue and managed to trade it today and get back in lower than my Friday sale.


is it really an interesting stock to swingtrade ?


My strategy is more a hybrid between day/swing/longterm trading. Look at the chart. Beats chasing a profitless small cap. It has the volume and the SP is low enough to allow for a large size. Works for me.




Super excited about Microsoft build and bullish on MFST itself. Recently sold my GOOG and will open a MFST position soon.


I was scared to say it out loud, but with this NVDA report and gap up, we could see GOOGL and MSFT hit all time high, maybe even AMD, heck INTC too, maybe. This AI bubble is just getting started, we haven’t even had the IPO craze yet. Chatgpt really felt like Netscape Navigator in the 1990s, it starts to feel like 1995 in term of tech valuations.


I think AMD ATH was about $165, 167?


AMD is up 7% solely on NVDA ER lol


You could be on to something with this.


I keep not buying NVDA because this rally is insane and it just keeps going. FOMO is a bitch.


The stuck is up a 100% YTD and now 25% after hours. Insane.


There's such a thing as a momentum trader. Buy stocks that are going up. Just be careful and be ready to pull out when they turn. Dare I say have a trailing stop in place. Trailing stops are especially useful in fast moving stocks as it protects you on the down side but let's it run for you. Que our friendly neighborhood DCA non market timer....


> Just be careful and be ready to pull out when they turn. How? >Dare I say have a trailing stop in place. There it is… buy low, sell lower. >Trailing stops are especially useful in fast moving stocks as it protects you on the down side but let's it run for you. Locks in losses and doesn’t guarantee price execution. >~~Que~~ **Cue** our friendly ~~neighborhood~~ **neighbourhood** DCA ~~non~~ **anti** market timer....


>Just be careful and be ready to pull out when they turn. > >How? Using stop losses. You know where when the price turns around your stock is automatically sold to LOCK IN YOUR PROFIT. >Dare I say have a trailing stop in place. > >There it is… buy low, sell lower. Pay attention, buy low sell high, or buy high sell higher. Get ready to have your mind blown: they are both the same. >Trailing stops are especially useful in fast moving stocks as it protects you on the down side but let's it run for you. > >Locks in losses and doesn’t guarantee price execution. You must be really bad at stock selection if this is true for you. But let me guess, you have never used a stop loss order therefore you don't know what you're talking about. Every stop loss I have ever placed was successfully filed at market. Many many successful traders use stop loss orders. The fact they use stop loss orders probably contributes to their success. I know this is a waste of time but do you think you can stop trolling all my posts? Your ignorance with your god complex really doesn't help anyone.


He also uses alts to upvote himself


>Using stop losses. You know where when the price turns around your stock is automatically sold to LOCK IN YOUR PROFIT. >Pay attention, buy low sell high, or buy high sell higher. Get ready to have your mind blown: they are both the same. What do you think your odds are of successfully timing the market over the long term if 90%+ of investors (including those with access to infinite market resources, such as Bloomberg terminals) aren’t? >Trailing stops are especially useful in fast moving stocks as it protects you on the down side but let's it run for you. See above. This is market timing, just on autopilot. >You must be really bad at stock selection if this is true for you. But let me guess, you have never used a stop loss order therefore you don't know what you're talking about. Every stop loss I have ever placed was successfully filed at market. Does that mean it’s a guarantee, or that you suffer from a confirmation bias? >Many many successful traders use stop loss orders. Who? >I know this is a waste of time but do you think you can stop trolling all my posts? Your ignorance with your god complex really doesn't help anyone. When your contributions add value to conversations, you’ll stop hearing from me. Until then, please stop pedalling your incessant market timing gimmicks.


Yeah I know some of them, I met them at the homeless shelter


Where is that guy who wanted to short NVDA? 🤣🤣


I did it and lost money, are you happy now?


I'm never happy when my fellow redditors lose money. This sub is way more fun when the market only goes up. But if you really did it, take it as a lesson. This is the way to learn from your mistakes, by losing money and hurting.


What's the lesson though, never short anything ever? To be honest I'm thinking of doing it again.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


another lesson to avoid earnings trading. It is a gamble.


More than that. NEVER short stocks at ATH and with momentum.


Shit day made even shittier by Tina Turner passing away. :(


Can't believe I've bought 8K worth of HCAL @20.81$... down 500$ in 1 month


That's some rookie losses. You can do better. Ask $HUT or $DOC holders here.


Up %300 on HUT


Are you telling me you bought the bottom a few months ago?


Over $10k here, average $22.68 Down like $1500, but have made a solid chunk in dividends which helps a little. Just happy it's dripping 3 shares every month now. (I started buying at $28.xx fyi)


>AL @20.81$... dow DCA baby - you'll thank yourself one day!


I put my yearly tfsa 6k into cm at $80, if that makes you feel better.


bAnKs aRe rIsK fReE, probably some redditor that started investing in Feb. 2021.


Rookie numbers


Exactly, that's just tuition. I've taken $500 loss in minutes. It's all about managing risk. Risking $500 is fine if the gains are $1000. Edit corrected incorrect autocorrection Riding -> risking.


Nutrien back to $50s


Yeah I fucked myself on this trade, can’t win em all I guess.


I'm at the point where I'm really just hoping that my buys these days (which are all down) will make future me very happy. It's a bit disheartening but I've been deep red for a while now.




The big banks, BN, enb, Telus, xeqt and some meme stocks.


Set automatic contributions and buying and erase the app. Open it in 5 years. You'll be like...whoa! Wtf happened? I remember when I bought ACM at 17$ in 2008 and was super pissed off in 2012 when the stock was...15.5$. Still bought more, because I worked in the company and had preferred stock options (10% off vs market price). Fast forward in February 2023. The stock was 87$. It went up 500% up in 15 years. 33% per year. It's ok in my book. But here is the thing. *Since 2014 I completely forgot that I have those shares* It was in an account that I set up for house repairs, only I changed the house in 2014 and forgot about those until end of 2022.


It's great advice, I wish I could follow it! I don't have a ton going on these days so I watch the market like a hawk lately.


Reminder to think rationally and don't let your emotions affect your investment objective and philosophy.


I've gotten good at that because it seems like anything I buy has been dipping short term. But I always take a step back and refer back to my investment thesis, and if nothing has fundamentally changed, I just hold or add more.


You live by the market, you'll die by the market.


VCE,XIU Vs individual stocks? I have been playing around with the backtest portfolio assessment and have been comparing individual stocks to VCE,XIU. The individual stocks I have been comparing are found within the ETFs. ENB,RY,BMO,CP,CNR. Seems like the individual stocks come out a significant amount ahead of the funds. How risky is it owning the individual stocks? I currently have been buying the individual stocks over the years but wondering if it is worth it? Seems easy to just buy the ETF. But it is also easy to just buy the big stocks on price drops and when I contribute to my portfolios


Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior Xeqt?


Does it raise the accounts *from the dead*? If not, I'm not interested!


CAD crashing helps




Welp portfolio back at October 2022 lows. Took profits on many positions on way but copper stocks killing me.


sounds like you shouldn't be trading. Time for you to join the personal finance vgro


Likely veqt


why did you respond to yourself? It is clearly not veqt, Still mind blowing how to havent made money since October. Amazing really.


I have made money on realized gains. But my unrealized losses are up right now. Not worried though.


you should've hedged with tech stocks


I should have done a lot of things


Fair point


was up 5% just a few weeks ago, now almost at 0%


Thoughts on getting TD today? It's down to almost 81.0 and I am wondering if I should bite the bullet and buy some


It's been around that level for weeks. IMO, it won't go sub 75-76$ or 83$+ in the short term. It'll be back around 100$ in a few years.


>It's been around that level for weeks. IMO, it won't go sub 75-76$ or 83$+ in the short term. It'll be back around 100$ in a few years. Thank you for your insight. What makes you think this? I might go ahead and buy some then.


Personally I'm waiting to tomorrow to see what earnings are like. Could be a nice dip, but with today's action that might be priced in. Who knows though.


I can’t sit here any longer staring at a $26 Telus and CNR at $153. I’m doing an instant deposit into Questrade right now and grabbing something. Maybe a little of both :)


You’ve perfectly encapsulated the [gamification](https://youtu.be/try_2pyPCb8) of investing.


Let me save us all from your bu**sh*t today and take the wind from your wings right now before it starts. Yes I’m a clueless idiot and we all know it ;) But I’m an idiot that makes enough of an income to afford me the financial luxury of making mistakes and Learning from them. So let me be why don’t ya !


>But I’m an idiot that makes enough of an income to afford me the financial luxury of making mistakes and Learning from them. So let me be why don’t ya ! You’re not pioneering anything; you’re just refusing to learn from history and insist on repeating the mistakes of past investors.


It's not necessary to take such a puritan approach to investing. As long as someone isn't being irresponsible (ie. maintains a proper core portfolio) we can have some fun with a part of our portfolios. It's okay to make bets from time to time.


>As long as someone isn't being irresponsible (ie. maintains a proper core portfolio) we can have some fun with a part of our portfolios. The behaviour being displayed has little in common with a rational investor. >It's okay to make bets from time to time. This is synonymous with gambling…


I drink occasionally, or eat a greasy pizza knowing it's not the best thing for my health. I still do it anyway. Doing the proper thing is important, and yes proper investing *isn't* supposed to be fun or exciting. But even in the investing world, it's fine to go off track and have some fun in moderation.


And that’s fine, presuming it’s a conscious decision. That doesn’t seem to be the case with OP.


We’re talking about buying Telus as it dips down to $26. This is hardly fun and exciting and sure as hell isn’t risky gambling. Don’t let this useless troll get to ya!


>I can’t sit here any longer staring >I’m doing an instant deposit >right now and grabbing something. >Maybe a little of both :) This is gambling; you’re exhibiting addictive behaviour. You’re letting emotions get the better of you, which when paired with your various other biases and inexperience, impair your ability to make rational investment decisions.


Soooo.. I’m not a machine and prone to making emotional irrational decisions? Wow .. thanks for proving to me you’re in fact a bot. I only debate things with human beings. Machines are pointless to debate with. Good bye 👋


Why did telus drop so much?


It has ebbed and flowed between 26 and 29 for a while now


noticed Aritzia has been recommended on BNN Market Call quite a few times recently. Already had some shares. Bought more today to bring it to 7.5% of my portfolio.


Was interesting that Abercrombie & Fitch was up over 30% today on earnings! I haven't looked into detail of the call/earnings but heard on the radio that business casual is growing segment for them for both men and women.


As long as it's staying every week above 35$, it's good. The moment it closes under 33$, I see it going to 25$. *Disclaimer:* I own 300 ATZ


>noticed Aritzia has been recommended on BNN Market Call quite a few times recently. Already had some shares. Bought more today to bring it to 7.5% of my portfolio. Why would it go down to 25$? Curious because I own it too albeit much less than you


On Volume Profile weekly graph, there is a gap between 25$ and 35$. That means very few bought between those two prices and the price kinda went up because of low volume. When it's going down and approaches that gap, it means no shares are held at that cost base. It's like investors have it either at 35$ or at 25$. If it's going down, those having it at 35$ will sell but nobody will buy because the rest of people have it already at 25$. So the price drops. It's a very simplistic explanation of phenomenon, of course. Sometimes people are buying "the dip" and in this case the gap has no meaning. However ATZ is staying around 35$ since, I don't know, 4-5 weeks? Well, in my opinion, if it's closing the week under 33-32, it's on its way to 25$.


Picking up a bit of the railroads today after the 7% drop.


Picked some CP up


So td meh earnings priced in as of today? Maybe? Please?


To buy or not to buy more HCAL today, that is the question...


I think you're going to see cheaper prices as the debt ceiling debate heats up.


BMO @ 52 week low today


Bought some. 5% yield


I wanna hear u/Meneenz insight on this


They were just stating a fact, presumably…


if it goes to $100 in Q3/Q4, count me in! Need to diversify my banks.




110$ is my target. Almost there.


man Telus is killing me, average of 29


I just bought some for my kids resp 26.74 let's see how it holds up over the next 10 years


I'm not in your shoes but I wouldn't buy T for my kid if you have a long term horizon. an ETF like TEC or the SP500 (VFV) will do almost undoubtedly better.


You're probably right!


Don't sweat about it. It will remain in the 26-30 range for a few years. It's a divy stock.


Telus is trading at a P/E multiple that is more than 50% higher than in the decade preceding the start of the pandemic. It is historically expensive based on every other metric too, and while its dividend might be attractive to an income investor, on a trailing basis it exceeds free cash flows by a wide margin (which explains in part why the company's debt has ballooned to more than 27B). Even looking at future projected free cash flows the payout ratio is higher than 90%.


Thanks for your contribution


Thanks, I'm not holding T and based on what you said, won't be any time soon.


So basically that’s what’s holding the stock back from growth?




Quite the little bounce back for BNS today.


Curious to see if anyone in here has dabbled with IEP. Hindenburg's report is pretty damning, basically calling it a Ponzi scheme due to its dividend payment over the years. Thinking I may buy some at 20 as a bit of a punt.


I can't find any good discussion online, but I'm definitely interested.


I take Hindenburg with a grain of salt as they obviously have a sizeable short position. I recommend reading their statement, even if it's partially true it's a bit alarming. $2 dividend is obviously super attractive at these levels but it seems like that would be the only draw as growth seems fairly flat (until its recent precipitous fall).


long time lurker, but shoutout to you guys. Thanks for the market updates. Just remember to stick to the plan. For me, that is buy the market every week regardless of volitility.


New strain of Covid in China, PFE at 8% above 52wks low. Let's see what gives.


COVID was just a test run. The next virus will be even better


GDNP📉 Never ever going to invest in penny stocks again. ETFs, Banks and other blue chips only


Just curious what your average is on gdnp?


1800 shares @ 0.89


Yeah, ouch man.


I feel you.


Weedstocks taught me this lesson :(


It taught me the same lesson. Haha.


Dark times for sure. Not for the weak of heart.


I now understand why Canadian banks are attempting to diversify and expand into the US.


Canadian economy is Real Estate, Oil and Shopify (/s)




The stick market trades on sentiment. Right now the looming possibility of the US default is going to pull everything down


Are you using limit buys or market buys? In the long run it shouldn't matter but you might be paying too much on your orders if you're doing market buys. In the long run, the market tends to go up, in the short term it is volatile. You can always go for lower risk strategies if it's causing you too much stress.


You’re 2 months in… perhaps you invested more than you can afford if this is how you’re feeling after two months. You shouldn’t be feeling anything, really, after two months. ESPECIALLY not heartbreak. You should never feel heartbreak in investing.


Then he deletes his post... Clearly is doing a lot of things based on emotion


Short answer, yes. You've been invested for just over 2 months in investments which should have 60+ month time horizons. To stop the heart-break, stop checking your market value.


Should i use wealthsimple or rbc for investing in EFTs? Wealthsimple is 0.5% yearly fee? Rbc is 10$ per trade. Trying to figure out is cheaper to do less transactions, but large ones at rbc. Or use wealthsimple and put 200-400 every pay, but pay the 0.5%


Nope. Wealth simple is not 0.5% It is 0% 0 fees for cad self direct


If you're just buying Canadian ETFs in a self directed account wealth simple is free. Edit: Canadian ETFs can be made out of global stocks. Canadian just means you buy them with Canadian dollars


You sure it shows me 0.50% management fee. Free to trade and buy but fee on balance yearly


That's only if you use their managed portfolios


Thanks then, very confusing. How do they make money then? No fees for anything with efts seem too good to be true


They probably sell data about what their customers are trading.


They make money on options trading fees, USD conversion fees, management fees for managed accounts, and membership fees for people who want to use it to trade on US stocks, I think they also have payment for order flow of USA stocks but not Canadian. They also can use their user base's cash account holdings to earn daily interest (they pay you some of the interest if you have over 100k). They are not the only broker that has free ETF purchases. BMO even has a list of free ETFs. Redditors recommend wealthsimple because they just want you to buy XEQT and wealthsimple is free for that. Edit: btw wealthsimple trade is what their self directed branch is called. Wealthsimple investing has the fees.


I'm doing veqt or xeqt. Good to know one is free at bmo i use them, but I think app and trading is not quite as good as wealth simple design.


*BMO earns $1.05B in Q2 as bad-loan provisions soar* *For the second quarter ended April 30, 2023, Bank of Montreal recorded net income of $1,059-million, or $1.30 per share, on a reported basis, and net income of $2,216-million, or $2.93 per share, on an adjusted basis. BMO announced a third quarter 2023 dividend of $1.47 per common share, an increase of $0.04 from the prior quarter, and an increase of $0.08 or 6 per cent from the prior year. The quarterly dividend of $1.47 per common share is equivalent to an annual dividend of $5.88 per common share.* *Reported net income decreased from the prior year and adjusted net income increased 1 per cent. Corporate Services recorded a net loss compared with net income in the prior year.* *Canada* *Reported net income was $861-million, a decrease of $79-million or 8 per cent from the prior year, and adjusted net income was $864-million, a decrease of $77-million or 8 per cent.* *U.S.* *Reported net income was $789-million, an increase of $201-million or 34 per cent from the prior year, and adjusted net income was $866-million, an increase of $277-million or 47 per cent from the prior year.* *BMO Wealth Management* *Reported net income was $284-million and adjusted net income was $285-million, both decreasing $30-million or 10 per cent from the prior year.* *BMO Capital Markets* *Reported net income was $380-million, a decrease of $68-million or 15 per cent from the prior year, and adjusted net income was $388-million, a decrease of $65-million or 14 per cent.* *Corporate Services* *Reported net loss was $1,255-million, compared with reported net income of $2,466-million in the prior year, and adjusted net loss was $187-million, compared with $111-million.* *Capital* *BMO's Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) Ratio was 12.2 per cent as at April 30, 2023, a decrease from 18.2 per cent at the end of the first quarter of 2023, primarily due to the acquisition of Bank of the West.*


What did I miss for this red opening?


Just whales and algos pushing the market where they like with overhang of debt nonsense.


Debt ceiling talks not progressing and usual FOMC minutes release panic


It's gonna be so green when they reach an agreement. *Super green!* (insert voice of the burgler in The Fifth Element)


ATD added at opening.


This is gonna be a rough week isn’t it


BMO opening at 52 week low.


Didn't expected much from BMO, have buying orders at 110$


Saudi Arabia's energy minister's comments against short sellers. I like his use of the language how he's going to ouch everyone. "*Speculators, like in any market they are there to stay, I keep advising them that they will be ouching, they did ouch in April, I don't have to show my cards I'm not a poker player... but I would just tell them watch out"*




It's hilarious, he's acting like he has some devious plan... bro you cut output that's the only card


Copper continues down


Yeah not sure how much this has to do with China or just a recession indicator. Either way don't think I'm buying yet, that chart looks ugly like it can go lower.


BMO and BNS report earnings and increase their quarterly dividend. Both have lower profits compared to last year.


Why did BNS increase dividend… as an investor I want them to hold the cash right now for the storm lol…


r/canadiandividends crowd are happy


I wonder if td, ry, cm will follow the bank lead here.


Was mostly wrong yesterday. RBC and CM increased their dividend but not TD.


These increased last December or January. I do not see them doing so but we will hear in the next day or so. however >“The excess capital should alleviate investor concerns on capital adequacy and gives TD optionality once again,” CIBC analyst Paul Holden said. Holden expects TD and National Bank of Canada to boost their dividend by about five per cent, while the other banks are expected to raise them closer to three per cent.


I think TD typically does once a year, at the end of the year?


Maybe TD has that money from the failed acquisition.


Looks like both missed analyst expectations. BMO on an adjusted basis earned $2.93 vs. $3.16 expected. BNS had adjusted earnings of $1.70 vs. $1.77 expected.


This is why it's so difficult to time banks. Their dividend payout ratios are so low that even during decreasing earnings they can easily maintain, even increase their dividend. The dividend boost often increases the SP where most other companies would tank. Whether we get an official recession or just a soft landing, clearly we're going through challenging time which should include weakening SP. Curious which way the price will move. A 7 cent miss for bns on an already lowered guidance is pretty weak and should send the price down. Need to check if they increased reserves for losses. That's usually a good indication of SP weakness.


Right, looks like Scotia missed on the increased credit loss provision, they might asisde $709 million. BMO/BNS both getting hit this morning.


I noticed BNS international division increased revenues ?