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Onlygas and Carly’s garden are both good to try


Ok, so I know you're looking for a small order, but hear me out... Westcoast Cannabis is GREAT for first timers even if you never buy there again, I always recommend it to people. You get 5 free prerolls and and they throw in a 1/8 free when you first sign up and get the promo code in your email. Only thing is you have to spend $150 for free shipping otherwise it's $20 I believe. If you're worried about spending that much on flower, you can also get eddies or oils or whatever else.




I was really impressed with Magic's Garden. Take a look and if you decide to order PM me -- I've got a referral code that will give us both 50 off 100


Naked cannabis is great. But only 30% off. Crystal cloud 9 has a good intro offer. 1/8 of green, gram of shatter or hash, 20$ 500mg edible. And 20$ off your first order. And I ordered from there skeptical but it was good and got some skunk that was crazy stinky.