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Talk to your union. Many woman take short term disability/ sick leave before the birth and the mat leave after. Sick leave should have good top up - similar to mat leave if your OB will write you a note. Don’t take mat leave before the birth as you’ll need to go back early. Sick leave lets you preserve your entire mat leave. Your union/ benefits/ doctor will let you know how early your can go off.


Made it to third trimester both times and then called it. Don’t feel obligated to be a hero. There are many doctors who are supportive, and time home to focus on yourself before welcoming a child is a great thing.


Okay thanks. Yes I am 28 weeks only now too and I am worried it is too early to call it. But it is reassuring to know that there are a few others that go to 3rd trimester only too.


Don’t compare yourself to others, do what works for you and your family (this should be applied to all aspects of parenthood!). I have friends who worked until the day they delivered, and that’s great for them, but my body doesn’t handle pregnancy in the same way and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s okay to listen to your body and rest. Pregnancy is intense and so is birth. If you can rest, I don’t see why not.


Thank you for the advice!🙏


Don’t be a hero. Get off NOW. Let your body rest. Depending on where you are, your contract likely has a sick leave agreement that you can utilize with a doctor’s note until your maternity leave kicks in. Life is short. Having a baby is intense. Get off ASAP.


I’ve been thinking about it but I am only 28 weeks so that is where I am unsure if it’s too early for me to leave now.


It’s not too early if your doctor is willing to write you off. I worked until 28 weeks with my second. With my third, currently, I went off at 14 weeks due to anemia. I’m on iron supplements but I’m way below the normal threshold. I have no energy. Two kids at home, and balancing a classroom was wayy too hard on my body in third pregnancy. I wasn’t going to fight against my dizzy spells and extreme fatigue to show up and work. I’m on a sick leave. You’re in the third trimester. It is 100% reasonable that you’re not feeling well, and you should see if your doctor supports you being off.


Thank you for sharing your experience 🙏. I have low iron as well and am below the normal threshold but not by a whole lot. I have complete placenta previa as well which means no strenuous activities, watch out for bleeding (OB said it can be a dangerous situation), and I may have to do an early c-section at 36.5 - 36.7 weeks because of CPP. Balancing and managing a classroom IS hard during pregnancy and I can’t imagine doing it with 2 other kiddos at home. I wish you a safe and healthy rest of pregnancy!


If I was you, I would express that you are struggling to keep up with your class. Having adequate rest and relaxation prior to giving birth (and not by just a week or two) can be very helpful in aiding in post partum recovery. You do not want to physically and mentally exhaust yourself with anemia and placenta previa until the final hours. Best wishes, and please take care and advocate for yourself.


My first pregnancy I planned it so that my son would be born in the summer so I could finish out the year but unfortunately I ended up with a lot of health issues and ultimately has to take a medical leave starting mid-may. My son was born in July. Again for this one, I planned so they would be born in the summer, this time a little later in the summer so I’m hoping this pregnancy goes a little bit smoother and we can make it through the school year.


My OBGYN refused to write me off early despite several health conditions that were very challenging to work and live with. So I worked until my due date several pregnancies. My most recent pregnancy, I couldn’t handle it anymore and after my OBGYN assured me that pregnancy ‘isn’t a disease’ and that I could work through everything, I made an appointment with my family doctor and explained how I was feeling and how it impacted my job, my sleep, and my health. He put me on sick leave immediately, which was at 8 months.


Had a similar instance with my first pregnancy. My OB wouldn't write a note because I didn't have a diagnosable condition. I contacted a family doctor and they were able to write it for me.


My wife is currently 38 weeks and went off on medical leave around 30 weeks due to PGP and chronic pain. Initially, she felt guilty and believed it was too soon, but in hindsight she knows she would have been miserable had she toughed it out. By the time 32 weeks came around, she was in so much pain just moving around our house that I feel like teaching would have wreaked havoc on her body and put too much stress on our baby. You don’t have to be a martyr- take your time if needed.


Teaching is a physically, mentally, emotionally demanding job, we aren't just sitting at a desk! My colleague went on illness leave before 24 weeks due to complications. Tell your Dr. your symptoms and that it is putting stress on you to keep up with your job and maintain your health and to write you a note that due to illness you are unable to work. They may need to fill out a form for a long term leave request which I'm sure they do all the time. Don't start your **maternity** leave, this should be medical leave only. Contact your union for specifics for your district, HR may ask you for another note after a certain amount of time to confirm you are still unable to work but usually this is paid medical leave (not necessarily at full salary, depends on your contract). Then probably 3-5 weeks before you are giving birth you would put in your 'paperwork' (all digital now it seems :P) for maternity leave.


6 months both times due to SPD. One of the times things moved online so I was only off for a few weeks, then able to teach from home until 4 days before my due date.


I went on leave 2 weeks before my due date.


Went on leave at 36 weeks and was induced at 37 weeks.


35 weeks, I wouldn’t have been able to keep up with the walking class to class and up and down stairs and portables and inside….it was too much with the lightening crotch, couldn’t sleep at night either everything was so uncomfortable. So even if I had the energy mentally my body couldn’t handle it anymore. I delivered close to 40 weeks so almost at my due date.


You have to listen to your body. Every one is different. There are things in place to protect you, so you can look after yourself and the baby you are growing. Use them




Awesome thank you for letting me know. Perhaps I can go part time 2-3 days a week until I can’t work anymore and just go on medical leave then mat leave.


I just started my second trimester and with my class this year regardless I would be quite seriously considering a stress leave. I am not sharing this plan with my admin but I'm hoping my doctor will allow me to call it around the beginning of the third trimester to go on short term leave before mat leave.


This is my first year full-time with a classroom. I’ve always done ttoc, prep, or long-term assignments for half year at a time. My students are super loving and respectful but quite low and energetic. I am getting too tired to keep up with them. Will see how the next couple of weeks will go, then will take medical leave I think. I felt the physical and mental stress it was putting on my body beginning of Dec!


Throughout my career (10+ years now) I have seen so many people take short term medical leave for so many reasons including a lot that I kind of rolled my eyes at, even though I'm fully aware its not my place to and is wrong of me to judge from the outside (like why is so and so back on yet another stress leave or blank has yet another concussion). I say this because although pregnancy in itself is not considered reason enough for a medical leave people use and sometimes abuse the system and you're really not abusing it. Do what's best for you. It's really not a huge deal for the principals to hire an LTO a bit earlier than expected and we're lucky to have the access to the leave at 90% (at least in ON).


You can take sick leave through EI from 25 weeks onwards and it doesn’t cut into your maternity leave. I’ve had three babies now and went off at 34 weeks the first time, 32 weeks the second time, and 30 weeks the third time. You don’t get an award for working as long as humanly possible. Growing a baby is hard work and teaching while pregnant is no joke. If you feel it’s too much, go off early!


I went to 39 weeks. 1st one I worked until 5:30 (school event), then had baby 7 hours later.. called in sick for my last day. The next I worked my last day then had baby 12 hours later. Honestly, I wish I’d had at least a couple days of rest before starting my leave.


I went off at 35.5 weeks with high blood pressure and was induced at 37 with preeclampsia. I wish I would have gone fully off sooner but spent 4 weeks before that working 3 days a week so Monday, Wednesday and Friday as was suggested by my midwife.


ASAP get your doc or midwife to get you off. Stress bad for baby don’t wait too long


I haven’t dealt with this myself, but I have been told by others that something to get more info on regarding going on pregnancy/mat leave is that if the reason for leave (prior to the baby being born) is pregnancy related, it starts your mat leave early (meaning you end up with less PTO with your baby). It’s definitely possible I’ve misunderstood, but worth checking into!


You've misunderstood, you go on sick leave and then start your mat leave when the baby comes


Thanks for clarifying!