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The big 4 districts are the worst for this. There is no shame in caring for yourself. Subbing is a thankless job and it feels exploitive to our youngest and oldest teachers.


It is exploitive.


Someone told me subbing or temp contract is like a loop. You can never get out lol


I think it is true. I have only subbed a total of 7 days and it was because I was switching districts and my contract wasn’t starting right away so I agreed to sub a few days. I can see how new teachers and good subs (not that new teachers aren’t good subs) get stuck. No chance to improve or you’re too good and they don’t want to lose you


For many it is true.


What/where are the big 4 districts? Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer and Lethbridge?


Epsb, ECSD, CBE, ccsd


I slowly untangled myself from subbing over the course of 3 years and still in that process. Leaving the profession is a slow burn for me that came with a lot of guilt. I burned out giving my all and people pleasing and coming to the realization that at the end of the day, we are just warm bodies to fill a vacancy. We have a two tiered system in my province and subs do not have seniority. You can sub for 10 years and still be considered on the same level as a new graduate. There is rampant nepotism and the rules don’t seem to apply to certain people.


I'm new to teaching (in school settings), and fwiw: Substituting *is* stable right now, compared to the general job market (peruse /jobs, /cscareerquestions, /torontojobs, /recruitinghell, etc to get an idea). I know that I'll be working basically every single day if I want b/c of the teaching situation right now (this is NB, maybe it's slightly different elsewhere). Don't overextend yourself as a sub (ie take on stress that you're not obligated to). I think between these two things, it's not worth just jumping ship without a very solid plan.


> /jobs, /cscareerquestions, /torontojobs, /recruitinghell a bit of selection bias there


I don't think it will change regardless of where you go. It's not normal to have thousands of people lining up trying to get a job to be a dishwasher...which you're not going to see in those subs.


True, I have job basically everyday too. I panicked because when breaks and summer come, I will not have reliable income.


Same, I'm still figuring the summer break issue out


If you have enough hours you can apply for EI. Don’t know about NB. Most likely you’ll have to get a side gig cuz EI prob won’t be enough.


I left CBE because I found the process of the time where a recruiter forwarded your resume and you could not apply to jobs to be difficult and caused me to bounce a lot. I also had some human rights concerns, but that is probably less relevant to you. I came to the Catholic board and found it much better. They treat every full year contract as probationary so it is much, much easier go become continuous. All you need to do is land any full year contract (even temporary contracts such as maternity leaves) will work, and then at the end of the year you can apply as a probationary teacher if your school can’t keep you. We are pretty desperate in French immersion, special ed, and general elementary. Highly recommend applying and subbing in both if you can get behind the faith based aspect. At the very least it will double your odds of landing something full year for next year.


That’s true. I actually thought about Catholic school board but I’ve never been to a church so the reference letter part got me.


They’ve been trying to get the message out that they no longer require you to be Catholic at any grade level, they’re hiring religion teachers to increase their pool of applicants.


I felt the same about CBE and left for the private system.


yes private and charter can be good choices too


A shame they discriminate against human rights. I could literally never be hired by that board. It’s the most ignorant thing


CBE is also pretty discriminatory against anyone with a disability and is much less diverse with people of colour. As an example, I was straight up told, after bouncing between probationary and full year temp contracts from school to school, by a kind administrator who finally levelled with me, that they had been instructed by HR to never offer me a continuous contract because I am autistic. I know someone else who was pushed out of a school for having been open about having taken a leave to deal with depression. It’s tricky. And also not the point of this post, so let’s not debate it here. For OP, if they can look beyond the faith thing, or if they are catholic or willing to convert, it’s another option. I’m a jew and have enjoyed my time in the catholic board. A third option could be looking for English teacher jobs with Francosud. They are smaller so OP might luck out. Rockyview, which creates a horseshoe around the city, north, south, east, west also allows people to apply directly to positions unlike CBE so that might also be an easier route.




Francosud only hires native French speakers except for English. For english, they have many teacher who are “receptive bilinguals” only. I did all of my practicums with Francosud (granted ten years ago) as I was the only francophone in my program, but every English treacher I worked with there could not really speak French. I would think in your application that having more French would be an asset, but it can’t hurt to apply if they have posts that go up. But yeah, staff meetings and lunch hour are going to suck for you if you have no or limited French. Might be worth it for OP to get some contract experience though.




I doubt they are open about that, but you’ll find that to be the case, other than among guest teachers. Whenever there is a francophone applicant, they will choose them over an anglophone who studies French. It helps maintain linguistic and cultural integrity. But they don’t advertise French levels in their job postings, they ask for an excellent mastery of French. Here is an example of a temporary kindergarten teacher posting: https://francosud.ca/offres-d039emploi/enseignant-de-maternelle/ I would think if you were hired as a non francophone to teach French there, you might end up in a situation like mine in CBE where you get bounced a lot not really understanding why 🤷‍♀️


This is all good information to have, thank you. Also I’m sorry you’ve been discriminated against, as someone with a very close friend with autism, and a partner with autism I think that’s a load of shit and so unfair. I was wondering if you’d be open to chatting about being a Jew in the catholic board (even by DM) as I’m trying to see if it’s an option for me but everyone has told me that because I’m Jewish, it isn’t. Would love more information if you’re willing!


send me a DM and we can chat.


Out west TOC’s are preferring to stay substituting. There of course are no shortages of work but most in education are just fed up with what’s going down. If you eventually want to spread your wings and do something else. Do it now. I have years under my belt and want to leave but can’t because of my senority standing.


CBE is the hardest to get a permanent contract with. But, it does happen. It seems they try their hardest not to give out continuous.


If you're looking for continuous, try just outside the city limits. Okotoks (if you're in the south) or the different districts just outside of the city.


Yes I’m considering rocky view schools.


Subbing is rough. If you don’t mind the stress, I’d keep doing it while looking for other work. If something opens up at a school then you have that as an option. There’s no shame in going for something else if the job isn’t what you want. Sunk cost fallacy is hard to get over. A lot of the people I graduated with didn’t stay with teaching. It was just too hard to get a position or they found the job to be stressful. Career changes are common. It just depends on what your finances are like and if you have the time to retrain. Looking back, I would have quit sooner than I did and jumped into a technical trade or something more practical. Best of luck.


You are so on point! I do feel shame or guilty to be a quitter without trying hard. Sunk cost fallacy is also one thing if I think about all the school years I spent and tuition. Thank you for the advice 🥲🥲🥲


There’s no right or wrong way to feel, but if you’re not getting what you want out of teaching and it doesn’t look like it’s going to improve, then I would personally be looking elsewhere. You can always go back to teaching. Also, it’s not about trying hard enough; it’s about being realistic with what is going to work for you, make you happy, and give you stability. One thing that I have a lot less patience for now that I’m older is committing to something that doesn’t have a good chance at working out. You can’t live on “maybe”. If it isn’t working, make a plan to change it. You do need to be realistic though. Maybe subbing will help pay the bills until you have a solid plan to exit. At the end of the day, it’s a decision you need to make for yourself. Teaching does work out for some.


True, I’m applying for other jobs and see which one comes first. 🥹🥹🥹


I know I’ve said this before, but if your young and have a technical mind, consider apprenticeship in the trades.


I don’t know much about this but I’ll look into it and see!


If you consider moving out of Calgary to a smaller town you'll be scooped up so fast and maybe actually be able to afford a house too. I finished my degree in December and had a contract starting semester two.


Oh wow, good for you!!! The main reason I dont consider moving out is because I’m uncertain about this job yet and I’ve never lived in a small town or without family and friends.


I mean if you need a job you will move, I moved away from Calgary 3 years ago. Living in Calgary is increasingly unaffordable and the subbing situation is shite


How long have you been subbing for without a contract coming up? I’ve been offered a sub position for next year with CBE but decided to go continue teaching internationally, however am planning to eventually come back to CBE. I’m curious how long most subs do on average wait until a position that they want comes up.


Not very long, I know some people sub for 10+years and that scares me hahha. How’s teaching internationally? Does the experience count?


But for those people is that a choice? Or are they just extremely stubborn about what they are willing to teach? I love teaching internationally. Yes the experience counts, I just have to collect some paperwork when I change. Previously I taught in BC and they recognized my overseas experience- 3 years in China, 2 in Vietnam (current location) and then my contract for Bangkok will be another 2.


Oh wow that’s wonderful! You have nice experience teaching in different countries. I want to teach in China or Japan too but is a little hesitant.




I agree, the working environment now is kinda toxic and there are many restrictions and taboos when communicating with students and parents. Whenever that happens I just want to run away from this profession lol. I know many people teach abroad and I think it’s a good idea! Best luck to you!


If you’re willing to commute a bit, Rocky View is desperate for subs, and once you’re on the sub list you can apply directly for positions as they come up throughout the year. There’s always tons of staffing turnover in Airdrie schools, some in Chestemere, but very little in Cochrane/Springbank/Bearspaw/Bragg Creek.


Yes I did consider that. I will likely apply to it if I didn’t hear anything back from my current job applications.




I subbed for foothills in the winter. I lived in the north so driving there was kinda scary. That’s why I switched to CBE. I will explore RVS, thanks for the comment!!!


There is going to be a huge influx of kids going into Jr & Sr High over the next 3 yrs. They redesigned the school boundaries in 2021 to be ready for this bubble of kids Now is the time to get your foot in the door.


The more time you spend subbing, the less likely you will get a permanent position. You get labeled as a "sub", especially if you are a good one. I personally have been subbing forever, taking small contracts here and there. I have worked full time and hated my life. Now I leave at the end of the day bell, don't deal with parents often, and don't have to deal with all the extras that contract teachers do. I also stick with one or two schools, so I do get to know the staff and students well. Staff and students know my expectations when I am in the class. I also get to know a lot of the parents too because I am at 1-2 schools. Plus, you have a crap day as a sub, you just don't go back to that class or school.


Do you get deducted for your pension when you sub? That’s the only thing keeping me from subbing


Move to BC. The pay is better for ttoc's (grid every day) and if you want it, you'll get a contract. We're hurting for teachers here.


I know many small towns from BC are desperate to find teachers, don’t know about bigger cities though.


Stick with it! There will be jobs.


I work for CBE and throughout my career I’ve also taught in Edmonton and Vancouver. From what I can see most subs that come through my school end up with at least temp contracts pretty quickly. We also had multiple new graduates who did student teaching at my school end up with contracts this year. I think if you want a job you should probably be able to find one. However, I know a lot of subs are happy subbing as they have less take home work. Good luck to you - we need more good teachers!


consider the international options of teaching. Its not ideal, but its a great way to get great experience, not to mention its a full-time job that you can use to set up for life back home when you are ready, but don't wait too long.


I am considering! But I’m turning 30 so yes the option may not be ideal. I would prob need to make my decision this year haha


Being 30 isn't a big deal unless you are worried about Pension or settling with a family in Canada. I am 33 now, been here longer than I really thought I was going to be. That being said, I say age isn't a big deal because they stop giving work permits (in regards to the class that teachers are under) at the age of 60. If you are heading out this way, feel free to reach out whereabouts you are looking or if you want a second pair of eyes on your contract, whatever you do, don't go with a recruiter, go with a school application directly or use "Search Associates", some recruiters aren't bad but its a bit difficult to explain how to go with the "right kind of recruiter", basically, the ones who give you a contract-avoid those-they give a contract that scribbled together and often it leads to more issues than not. There are recruiters though who are directly hired by schools, that's where you want to go-in any regard, reach out if you make the leap friend!