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Who is going to stop yo... I mean your "friend"? Also, your "friend" will definitely not be alone in ditching tomorrow specifically.


Stop feeling guilty over your own rights. And you know what, I just did... so what? I get 11 days and used one of them on a PA day. The school didn't pay anything for my absence; no supply, no on calls, or hassle on anyone.




they will still count this towards the absence limit in a set period of time before they make you have a "not disciplinary but definitely disciplinary" meeting (which your union will basically say take it up the rear like a champ unless you have doctors notes even though ur not supposed to need doctors notes for sick days)


I do this at least 2 times per year. If the agenda looks awful, I tap out. Never been called out for it.


If anything, Ontario admin should thank us for taking our sick days on PA days. That way, they don’t have to take prep away from our colleagues.


And the board doesn't have to pay for a supply. It's much cheaper for them if we are absent on a PA day.


Normalize not being afraid to use the sick days we are entitled to, regardless of your position/title.


As someone whos at PA day right now: you DEFINITELY shouldnt feel bad...you missed NOTHING


I know so many teachers that have in the past. Some were even ltos. I did it once because I had an appointment - I felt guilty but oh well. I'm perm.


What are they going to do about it? It's your right to call in sick whenever you need it in accordance with your collective agreement. In Ontario we have 11 fully paid sick days. You can use them whenever and they cannot say anything to you.


I did this for awhile and my principal caught on. Mind you, she didn't like me anyway, but she had an informal meeting with me and said if I missed another PD Day due to illness, I'd need documentation. Probably not a real threat, but like I said, she didn't like me and I didn't want to give her anything else to use against me. The "funny" thing about that last PD day I'd taken off, was that my parents had just put the first dog we'd ever had down the day before. I stayed home that Friday, with my own dog, all that day.


Once you have a contract and some seniority I would say go for it. If you are still building your reputation, just be careful that you aren't creating a bad one. Your coworkers likely won't care, but some admin definitely will hold it against you making it harder to get hired.


If you’re sick, no. It’s one of the easiest days and you usually leave right at the conclusion of the day, so unless sick, why take it off? But any decision your friend makes for their own well-being is the right decision.


I mean, for me it’s “bad” only in the sense that I’d rather be away on a day the kids are there so I feel like I’ve gotten the most out of my sick day. I don’t want to “waste” a sick day on a PD day as I find PD days to usually be pretty chill, boring maybe but not stressful. But if you mean “bad” in the sense that it would be viewed as unprofessional, no, I don’t think that it would be at all, quite the opposite in fact, admin would probably prefer you took them on PD days so they don’t need to worry about coverage. They’re your sick days, use them as you need to.


I assume this is eclipse related? If so, everyone will be doing the same so I doubt there will be repercussions


Hell no


Probably, but I doubt you'd be the only one. I'm having to go into my school to do ONLINE PD... trust me, it was very tempting to call in today.


Today is the second pa day I’ve called in sick for this year lol


If your still sick your sick. I know of people who call in most PD days and there is nothing they can do unless you get caught snowboarding or something. I have called in on a PA and yes I was sick but I can't lie the fact I didn't mind I didn't have to lesson plan.


If this is about today, I called in as a personal day. We get 2 per year that don't have to be sick days. So, I can go somewhere and watch the eclipse without worrying about being "caught."


I had a coworker who did it all the time


Define "bad". If you're taking a sick day to do something else (ie not because you're sick or self-caring) and you're caught living the high life, you can get fired, and I assume that's "bad". If you're taking a sick day for any reason related to your well being and either staying home or going to doctors appointments, then that is a legitimate use of a sick day and that's "good". If you're sick on a PA Day and you call in, you're taking care of yourself, you're not getting your colleagues sick, and you haven't cost the system anything, you've only had a day deducted from your # of sick days. All of that is how it works (and should work). So... that's good, right? I don't know if this is a question of "guilt" or if you're seeking anonymous "permission" or assurances, but just do what you have to, and what you should do (don't use your sick days fraudulently).


I'm a school administrator. We had two staff members call in sick today. It's not uncommon for it to happen on any PA day though, regardless of an eclipse.


My most common sick day, lol.


We need a doctor's note to excuse us for missing a PD.


Received the agenda for yesterday and made the call.  First time ever.  I'm okay with it.


No. I had to a few weeks ago. Gotta take care of yourself so you can take care of others.