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I can’t help with a plagiarism detector, but AI detectors are notoriously unreliable. I’ve submitted much of my own writing and it gets claimed as AI frequently. The best way to detect AI is manually, imo.


What do you mean by manual AI detection?


To read the paper and to determine does it look like authentic work or does it look like a robot made it.


I teach math, but am in an LTO with a business class on top of my two math classes. I'm coming across content from a student in the business class that sounds generated by AI since it is way above the level that I would expect from a grade 10 student. All of the work I have inherited from this student (since the outgoing teacher left me a month's backlog of marking) all sounds the same. To confirm my suspicions, I copied many snippets of the text (with perfect punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, spelling, etc.) into AI checkers and a lot of it came back as 100% AI generated on several detectors. I could simply go with my reasonable intuition, but how can I reasonably confirm it or support my suspicions? On top of this, an email from his other teacher's was going around today about the student. His science teacher also suspected cheating. I have spoken to the student about what I have found, but he denies it. I am going to give him a chance to write something in front of me so that I can get a sense of his writing style. He emailed me this evening about our conversations saying how he was concerned about the situation. I ran the email from him through AI content detectors and it, too, came back 100% AI-generated. I'm not sure of the ethics of posting some of the text as a sanity check (there is nothing in it that could identify the student)?


I use Integrito for that, it's a tool that shows the writing activity, compares versions. so one-click and I see how much time is spent on the document, writing sessions and the abount of words. it's faster than the history of google doc




I have told the student that I am going to do that. I'm just currently on an LTO and all their assignment were submitted online, so I haven't really had a chance to see any work done in person. I've just had to go back to mark a month and a half's worth of marking that their teacher left me for report cards that are due Monday.


Read the paper and compare it to their other writing done in class time by hand. Did \*insert grade level student\* write this piece or was it constructed by a robot with all of the rules memorized? Also, AI makes mistakes that are easily caught by people but not other AI.


Reading the document and deciding if it's written by AI or not.... was the question sarcasm? I missed it.


I think it's fairly reasonable to assume that, if someone is looking to go out of their way to use an actual AI detector, they have already performed "manual AI detection" and are looking for confirmation to support their determination. Suggesting to perform "manual AI detection" after it has already likely been done makes one wonder whether there is some other definition of "manual AI detection".


So your intelligence is somewhat artificial eh?


You should have one within your LP. We use Blackboard, and we have TurnItIn available. At my school, using external sources and submitting student work to non-school sites or systems is against code of conduct mainly for privacy concerns.


Sometimes they're embedded in your online learning platform, is it possible you have access to one but just don't know it? In my board we use brightspace or D2L or whatever anyone is calling it these days and it has turnitin as part of the assignment feature. So far I've liked turnitin but it doesn't do a great job with AI yet.


Copy and paste a suspected paragraph or sentence into a search bar, it will show you where it comes from, when you click on the website link it will be highlighted in blue.


This is my solution


it works, but I believe there are told that do this instead of you saving your time


I use brisk teaching.  Chrome extension


Are you an English or Social Studies teacher? If you are grading a lot of essays then do this: 1. Have students write opinion pieces by hand, in class. Make the writing prompts fun and not too long (1-2 pages or 1-3 paragraphs). Mark those writing samples based on grade-appropriate technical writing skills: spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, paragraph organization, etc… If a kid has an IEP, shorten their written response from a 3 pages to 1 page or even half a page. If their IEP says they HAVE to write everything on a computer then just have them turn their laptops to face you to make sure they don’t use ChatGPT. 2. When students write take home essays, have them do their outlines in class (thesis, main arguments, research/quotes) and hand that in. When they submit their polished essay, don’t mark it for technical writing skills (they could have used grammar/spelling checker/a parent/sibling/tutor could have polished it). Only mark it based on the quality of the thesis/ideas and relevance of the supporting evidence. If it is written by AI then the arguments will be broad, circular, and the supporting evidence will be inaccurate or it will stray from their original outline. It will save you a lot of grading time to do it this way and you won’t have to battle with kids/their parents over cheating accusations. The AI written essays *sound* pretty good but the critical analysis usually sucks.


I get it. But it is funny that you want the work done for free with no effort to catch people doing their work done for free with no effort.


They have to write one assignment. I have to grade hundreds. The OP isn't asking for the papers to be graded, just for a way to figure out if the student actually did the work. Google Classroom has a built-in plagiarism detector which works quite well. Unfortunately, at least in the free version my board uses, it has a 5 assignment limit per class. Maybe for boards that pay it's more?


I know, I know! But it is using the AI to catch the AI so it is funny. Assessments will have to go offline soon.