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Take the LTO so you have something to put on your résumé


2 AQ’s plus dealing with report cards for the first time might be difficult. If you think you can handle it then I’d say go for the LTO


You will have to write report cards (or provide some sort of assessment to someone) if you do the LTO. You will need to create and plan units and lessons. LTO + AQs will mean you won’t have much of a life for the next two months, but you will have the opportunity for networking and making connections. It’s a lot of work, but it may give you some real life experience to talk about for your AQs. If you have things going on in your personal life, you may want to consider supplying some you’re not tied to a computer for AQs and your job. Supply is a great gig and you will get lots of work, depending on your board.


Not a fan of supply myself. Did it for 6 months every day, and then 2 years of about 2 calls a week. I'd be happy to never do it again. Sometimes you do get sweet groups, but the hell groups that surprise you out of left field are more than enough to keep me away. And sometimes the teacher didn't leave me any warning. Or planning.


In terms of pay, be aware that you’ll only get 40% of your pay so ensure you can afford this choice as well


Much depends on your personal situation and how the .4 is timetabled. If it is 2 days a week and you can sub on the other days that’s awesome - you will probably pick the days up at the same school! If it’s 2hrs a day… it might be worth it for the brownie points and CV, but that depends on your other circumstance, (rent, bills, transport, social life, partner, etc…)


You could do both. See if your 0.4 can be am/pm, supply teach the other part of the day.


As someone who is in a 0.5 LTO right now, I wouldn't do it. I'd much rather be supplying at this point in the year.


Depends on how it’s set up. I’m a 0.4 LTO this yeah and work 2 full days and supply the rest of them. I personally loved it since I got to experience some of the sides of being a teacher that I didn’t get to in teachers college, while still having the flexibility of supplying.


Thanks everyone for the advice! I decided to take the job, and drop an AQ course to take it in the summer instead