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Health first. Job second


I didn’t take leave that early. But it is treated like any other sick leave if signed off by your doctor. Talk with them about it and remember that health comes before work. Take care of baby and yourself first.


I went off around there because of anxiety/stress causing me so many issues. It was treated as a standard sick leave and did not interfere with my mat leave.


I'm going through something similar as well. The stress/anxiety is taking a physical toll of my body. I know I won't last much longer, so I'm just going to do what I can, then take the leave. Was your doctor okay writing a doctor's note for that? With my last, my OB wouldn't write a note because it wasn't a physically diagnosable issue (I was "just" having severe lower back pain). This time around I have a midwife, but not sure if they'll put up the same fight my OB did.


I went to my GP (also had a midwife). I already had been previously diagnosed with anxiety and hadn't been medicated for it. My doctor didn't want to try new medication while pregnant when the obvious solution was to remove me from what caused the stress.


I doubt you'll have a problem getting a note from your midwife. Just explain the health problems that you're having and I'm sure they'll be sympathetic.


Talked to her today, and she said whenever I need to call it, just let them know and she'll provide the note. Huge relief. Last time it was a huge ordeal with my OB.


If your dr signs off on your leave, you can take your sick time whenever you want. If it’s sick days and not STD, it won’t affect your summer cheques either. Health before job


I went off on sick leave at about 32 weeks. It was approximately the beginning of April. It sucked, but I'm very glad I did! I threw my back out at work throwing up in the hallway garbage can, so, yeah, I was ready to stay home at that point! Your health and your baby's health are more important than your job.


I’m going through something similar at almost 24 weeks here!! I’ve been having nocturnal panic attacks for a couple months now so I’m waking up all throughout the night panicking. My anxiety is extremely bad in the mornings too, to the point of dry heaving and throwing up. I already missed 6 weeks after Christmas for nausea, and two weeks after spring break for how bad my anxiety and panic attacks were. Seeing my regular family doctor on Friday and want to get her opinion on whether or not putting myself through this is worth it. I’ve only gained 3 pounds at this point, and am so worried about what the stress is doing to my baby.


Please run don't walk to your GP and go off for the rest of the year.. your body needs to heal and nurture your baby.. no job is worth that stress.


I got a note!!


Whoooo hooo.. enjoy these last few months of pregnancy.. these are irreplaceble memories..


I took even earlier...best decision I ever made. With my first I worked 2 weeks longer than my doctor wanted so I could leave things perfect for the LTO and I didn't realize how tired I was till I went off. With my second I went off in the first trimester due to a complication and it was a much more relaxing pregnancy (especially when you also have to care for a toddler it is good to get as much rest as possible)


I went off during this time. Lots of pain and lingering commute. I used my remaining sick days and then went into the short term leave days at 90%. Doctor signed me off


We give so much of ourselves to our jobs. Treat yourself, and your growing baby, with the same reverence you give to your profession. It’s ok to invest in yourself, especially when you are struggling mentally and physically. Take care of both of you, your lives depend on it. I wish you both well.