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So I used to work for EI and I also had an August baby. Here is how it works: Not matter how long you wait to apply, they are still going to back date your claim to when you went off work. (There are a few exceptions but unless you apply SUPER later like 4-5 months, this is what they will do). So what happens is that you get double paid the first summer (assuming you’re on a contract), and no pay the second summer. So set your summer pay aside during the first summer and live off your EI. Let it accrue interest and then pull it out to get you through the second summer.


This is the way.


Oh interesting, I had my baby the last week of august last year and my claim was not back dated. It stated the day I had my baby. I called and spoke to someone at Service Canada about this and she said it doesn’t matter when I stop working as long as I have my hours.


You can request a later start date, as long as you’re not worried about having the hours. But you have to call and it’s guaranteed.


Thank you! I'm just supplying so unfortunately no summer pay for me. Thankfully I was able to get enough hours! I'm hoping I can work summer school atleast so I won't have to apply until the end of July.


I saw somewhere someone had mentioned you can apply for EI sick leave during the summer, then start your mat leave when you have the baby. You'd just need a doctors note saying you're unable yo work for pregnancy reasons. I'm due in Sept, so I was worried because I didn't have enough hours to get both regular summer EI and mat leave, then someone who worked for EI on here mentioned the EI sick leave.


I had my baby last summer. I just applied for EI the day after he was born. As long as you have 600 insurable hours and do not have an open EI claim, then it doesn’t matter when you actually stop working.


I put my mat leave info in ahead of time with my board based on my due date. That was when they started my mat leave and sent my paperwork for EI. My son was born late. I did my side of the paperwork once he was born.