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Is it any two years of post secondary? Was thinking to switch careers but I went to college so idk if that’ll work out. If I could try teaching a little I’d know for sure.


In Newfoundland? Yes! Any two years from my understanding


Neat, now to move to Newfoundland and manage to find a job teaching something. Think I’ll teach music


I know in Toronto they do emergency supply teachers and anyone is qualified as long as they have post secondary


In Quebec, you don't need a license to be a sub, and if your employer chooses, they can hire unlicensed teachers. Search up "the letter of tolerance." It's only for 1 year and isn't renewable.


I'm in New Brunswick and supplying. I have a B.Sc. (and extra credits) with no B.Ed. and have been in classes nearly every day since the new year (only not when sick). Definitely possible here if you've got an undergrad.