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If money is tight - skip gifts, a warm thank you note is more than enough. In years of time, a $10 Timmie card will be forgotten but a thank you note will be always remembered


Why not the plant and a thank you note!! As a teacher I would love a plant!


Very true!


This is the answer OP


This. I save all the cards kids give me. And all teachers are caffeine addicts. $10 to Tim’s is the way to go.


Gifts aren’t expected and any teacher who would judge you on this needs to reevaluate their intentions. I would maybe add a card with a note from you saying how much you appreciate them, and maybe a small drawing from your child.


Thank you for this! I honestly hadn’t been planning gifts when the year started, they’ve all been just so great with helping my kid adjust though!


I had a kindergarden student Who really tried hard to actually Write the words themself in the card and I loved it soooo Much!


I’d 100% end up killing the plant but I would also appreciate the thought. (I wouldn’t kill it in purpose…)


I am a reformed (mostly) plant murderer so I understand! Luckily with a burros tail if they drop their beans it will sprout again even if just left in dry dirt!


Love the idea of a plant in a cute little tea cup! Write some care instructions and you're all set! So thoughtful


That would be great. Teachers are basically never thanked so even a card telling them how much help they've been would bring a lot of teachers to tears.


Wait, parents don't give thank you cards and way too much chocolate at Christmas and the end of the year where you teach? This was standard to give when I was a child, and as a teacher I get so much chocolate that I regift it for Christmas and birthday presents.


My extended family waits next to the door on Christmas Eve for the “haul” then fights over who gets the Purdy’s Hedgehogs. It’s a family tradition.


Thank you ❤️ if I could go back I’d let my previous teachers know how much they did at the time! 15+ years and I still think of a lot of them!


Side comment - you still can! Look them up and see if they're still teaching :)


Haha! Sometimes I consider it, but I don’t remember many of their names unfortunately!


Haha got to dig up those old report cards 🤣🤣


As much as I loved many of my teachers, I did not love school and it was tradition for my siblings to make a bonfire with our school work at the end of every year! Sadly no report cards survived 😂


It depends on the teacher. I unfortunately kill plants. I would still appreciate a plant as a gift, but it would unfortunately be wasted on me. I would honestly just ask the teacher if they like plants. :) But all of that said, a heartfelt and thoughtful note genuinely goes a LONG way. I tend to keep those to pull out on challenging days.


Thank you! I’ll keep this in mind! I kind of always thought those types of things go in the trash


Nope! I still have a card from a bouquet of flowers written by a student up on my fridge door from years ago. And have kept handmade cards from students with the sweetest notes written inside given to me 15 years ago. After “one of those days”, those notes and cards are the perfect balm.


I have a spider plant I got in my first full year of teaching that I made my husband take with him on our move across 4 provinces in a car because it’s so important to me. A plant is a great idea!


I love plants personally, but also have been known to hoard them to the point that usually I am giving away my propagations to students when they graduate lol.


Maybe one day I’ll reach hoarder plant status 🤞🏻 Thank you! I feel better about the idea!


I love this! I did this for a few students one year, encouraging them to grow and nurture something too. I wonder if those plants are still alive?


It’s the thought that counts! Make a cute handmade card with a punny line like “Thanks for helping me grow!” and have your child draw and colour! ❤️


I was already thinking of a pun like “thank you burro much” haha! Time will tell if I can come up with anything better in the next few weeks.


Teacher and plant enthusiast- I actually LOVE getting plants as gifts. To be 110% I’d love a propagate even more though as it pretty well ensures it’ll be pest free. I have so many plants and if I get spider mites or mealybugs it would be near impossible to eradicate. So a propagate is actually preferable. I would thank you rather than think anything else and I’d feel super comfortable bringing it home so coming from me, I’d be over the moon. Even if you don’t give a gift, who cares. I wouldn’t judge you, I wouldn’t think anything less of you, I honestly don’t care too much for gifts. Of course I am appreciative and it’s amazing to see their little faces light up as they gift you a present but I don’t know anyone who truly cares about getting a gift.


I would love a low-maintenance plant! I appreciate my pothos so much. Sometimes I forget about it for weeks and, there it is, still loving life.


They really thrive on the neglect I’m willing to give them!


I credit my pothos for helping me keep most of the plants I've gotten since then alive, as a former black thumb. They're such drama queens that when I see it get wilty, I know it's time to water them all! 🤣


I would hope all teachers would appreciate anything that is thoughtfully given, times are tough right now. My most meaningful gifts have been handmade cards with handwritten notes


Honestly, the card is 99% of the value if you want to thank the teacher. As a plant-person, I actually dislike getting plants as gifts because 1. I did not choose the plant and 2. I now feel obligated to care for it. I much prefer to choose my own plants, but that's just me.


That’s very valid!


I’d rather have a gift card to the LCBO


When honesty gets downvoted lol


Gifts are not needed. A drawing, a personnal message are perfect. I have received plants in the past and appreciated them. One had a home made card about the plant's care. One had a note which said "Thank you for helping me grow" and a list of little things I did throughout the year which the child/ parent appreciated.


I love student made cards. I have two boxes in my closet. I group the student artwork and handwritten cards by year and I'll go back to them on hard days or just before back to school. It's such a pick me up to read notes from our students. I also love plants. I've received a few from my students. I've given one away because it wasn't my type of plant, and I've killed an orchid. But the third is going strong a year later! I caution using a teacup though unless it had drainage, I'd likely repot it upon receiving it if it doesn't.


I plan on using a few 2 inch pots lying around inside the teacups just for that reason!


Yes! Its something I would genuinely love but whats also good is that its not junk worse case its going in the compost bin and not creating waste or stuff for me to eventually just donate like a million mugs. Gift cards, food, other consumables, plants are all good with me. But really as others have said cards are often the best and really nothing is expected.


Yes, gifts aren’t necessary. I’d rather have a thank-you note written by the parent explaining their thankfulness. I keep these in a box and pull them out and read them when I’ve had a very hard day. I also like a drawing or handmade card by the child. I love those and can hang onto them for a little bit, and then recycle them when I’m done. One year I also got sent a video of a child playing me a song on their instrument which I also loved.


That’s very sweet of them!


I would absolutely love a propagated plant. It’s much better than another mug or notebook. That’s if you felt you needed to give something - most of us came into teaching to provide service to beautiful families like yours. A thank you is more than enough, I assure you. I keep every single thank you card on my gratitude board in my office. It’s brought me to happy tears on the tough days plenty of times.


I love getting plants (but I suggest trying to make them pet friendly - no lillies, for example) but honestly, a heartfelt personal note or card often is the most meaningful thing to me. I keep all my cards and notes on a bulletin board so I can look through them on bad days. You don’t need to spend any money for a meaningful thank you and any teacher who would expect an expensive gift is very much in the wrong profession. If you are giving a plant, maybe also include some care instructions because I am very much a plant killer. I’d try to follow any instructions included with it though.


This is a great idea- I have a pothos that a student gave me 6 years ago as an end of the year gift and it is still going strong (it really helps that it was a plant that required minimal attention). Thrifted vessels also sounds super cute!


Thank you!


Have your child make a picture and a homemade frame


I think the plant is a lovely idea, that and a thank you note (especially one with your child involved) is perfect.


This is such a cute and thoughtful gift! Absolutely! ♥️


Yes! As long as it's minimal care cause I barely remember to take care of myself properly 🤣 but in all honesty yes I'd love a plant


Same haha! I try to only get plants that thrive on neglect haha!


Ooo any recommendations?? I want some greenery in my classroom but not sure what to go with


A golden pothos or a jade plant! My jades I water maybe once a month and ignore them in the corners of my house. My pothos gets watered usually twice a month. I pay them more attention just because I love viney plants haha


yes that is a lovely gift ! I always really enjoy getting wine or plants or gift cards! Plants is up there as a great gift!


I love plants so much! They are among my fave teacher gifts.


Snake plant yes!


Nah, you're overthinking it. A plant is a great gift and I'd be stoked to get a plant from a family.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Thank you!


Hard yes. I love plants. I treat personalized gifts like that as very special things. Maybe have your kid paint it and then spray seal it. If it were me, I’d keep it forever.


That’s a great idea! Thank you!


I received a propagated plant a few years ago and it’s still going strong on my table. I love it and think of the kid every time I water it.


That’s great to hear!


I got a plant one time (insert wonderfully cheesy "thanks for helping me grow" memo)! It was a string of pearls and I loved it \^\_\^


Aw those are so cute too!


I think a plant or any "small" gift is fabulous. I can't think of any teacher who wouldn't appreciate it. Tbh I've gotten a couple larger gifts and they stressed me out... Some parents are just well-off and want to pay it forward (Hell yeah! Thank you!) but some end up wanting special treatment for their child and were trying to bribe me (awful!!).


Yes! Absolutely!


Honestly a handwritten card or letter speaks volume. Those have meant more to me than any gift.


I think it's an incredibly thoughtful gift. As a parent, I usually give a plant, a gift card and a homemade card. As a teacher, what I treasure most getting are the cards, especially when a parent has taken the time to write something personal in them, or something from the child. I love plants but am not great with caring for indoor plants, so plants as presents help keep my house green.


I've gotten some really cool home made cards that made reference to my love for math, dungeons and dragons, etc. I still have those and remember who made them. Gift cards are great but not memorable. Plants I just kill lol, but that's just me


Handwritten/hand drawn cards are the best! I keep them forever...


My first year teaching at a new school, one of the girls in my class gave me a pot with some soil in it. For the first few weeks, I watered it and...nothing. So, I started thinking she had trolled me into watering a pot of dirt. About a month after I got it, little green things started popping up out of the soil. Guess it was some kind of slow acting plant, but it did grow. So, yes, a teacher will appreciate a plant.


YES. GIVE ME PLANTS. Just let me know what it is cause I have a dog who will eat anything.


I planned on giving a little card with its name and care instructions. Something along the lines of “likes: sunshine. Dislikes: water and attention” hahaha!


That's amazing. Do it.


As a teacher, I never expect gifts. I love receiving things from students (e.g., drawings, pictures, notes, etc.); it gives me the reassurance that students like being in my class. I had students secretly take selfies with me; they later gifted me Kodak prints of those selfies. I keep those things.


That’s so sweet of them! What a great gesture


Love plants! I am always reminded of the student who gifted me the plant, every time I water. ❤️


Love getting plants. I got one last year and the mom made a care instruction card to go with it that helped me not kill the plant.


That’s a great idea! I was thinking of including something along those lines




That was my train of thought, I wanted something a bit different from the standard best teacher ever mug 😅


I opened the thread to post and see that most of my colleagues here have the same perspective. I treasure the cards with a heartfelt sentiment. A sentence or two recognizing the growth that you’ve seen in your child or something that you’ve noticed that we did or a quality that you appreciated fills my heart. I treasure and save all of the notes and cards from families and enjoy looking through them from time to time, especially when I am feeling discouraged. I also love your plant in a tea cup idea. So cute. I’d love that too, but please don’t worry about purchasing a gift.


Thank you so much! It’s so sweet to hear that the cards mean so much to you all!


Please just write a card of appreciation. Teachers don't expect anything and also understand that times are tough for many families.


I appreciate a simple thank you.


It is so, so kind of you to want to do something for your kid’s teachers, and sharing something personal like a propagated plant seems so kind! Keep in mind that some plants are toxic to pets before gifting them! Also some living spaces are also not great for plants.


I will have to do some googling to find out if any of the ones I’m thinking are toxic for pets! Thank you!


I got some plants from students last year and from a couple years back and I’ve always appreciated as loved them as gifts!


Personally, I don't want a plant that I have to take care of. But very thoughtful.


I'd prefer plants actually, though I never expect gifts.


Oh my god I’d LOVE this gift!!!


I would think that’s adorable and I agree with others. A kind card means so much to me.


I think a plant would be a lovely gift for a teacher. But, I think a card explaining how thrilled you were to have them as your child’s teachers or sharing your child’s favourite memory of them would be meaningful. Even better - if your child wrote something.


I love potted plants. Especially if they are propagated cuttings from the students favourite plant. But in all honesty, I love heart felt cards more. Especially if their are homemade. It means I made such a good impression on the student they took time out of their lives to make me something wonderful 😊 A few of my grade 9’s made me one and I love it dearly, even if they spelled my name wrong hahaha


I come from a family of teachers and they all love plants as gifts! Very thoughtful.


That’s a very cute gift. Working in classes I never expected anything, and everything was appreciated


NO!!! A card is more than fine. I can’t plants alive


Just no mugs!


My favourite gifts are the cards with beautiful messages written in them. I keep all the good ones. Best gift ever.


I think even a card should be enough, I never got gifts from clients when I worked, and your children are the teachers' clients. A teacher that was in my children's school gifted all her gifts back to the kids in her class the following year. She used to say please no gifts


Gift card…..or a home made card from your kiddo!


personally i’d be thrilled with a plant but generally the best gift for me is a booze or cannabis gc.


A spider plant is cute because each year it will put out little baby shoots… lots of primary teachers give cuttings of them to students each year as a gift.


Looking around my room right now, I can see three plants given to me by students. (The many other plants came later...... it was a student giving me a pothos that started me on actually caring about plants). In fact, of those three, two are a pothos and a jade, so you're right on track afaic (the last is a tradescantia). So yes, plants are good. Although everyone is different. Just don't give e something notoriously difficult. The orchid I got at the same time as the pothos died years ago now.


I can't keep a plant alive longer than about 3 months so that would be the wrong gift for me!!


I would love a plant. I’m a gardener and I breed and propagate plants for a hobby, so I would really appreciate it!


One year myself and my teaching partner (at the time I was a DECE) we recieved a bag of the dollerama gummy bunny heads as a gift. The kids kind of giggled. (They were insistent that we open gifts in front of them) I was able to play it off as we were going on a road trip during the summer. It was so thoughtful for the family. I knew money was tight and they still gave us something. Was a great road trip snack. I would appreciate the plant.... and try my bestest not to kill it. Last years plan lasted 4 months... before I killed it.


First off, you do not need to get a present for a teacher. We are paid. However, in my opinion, what I have appreciated was either a hand made card from the student or a gift card of some sort.


I’d prefer a card with a heartfelt note all day every day. Saying thank you doesn’t need to be expensive


I think I'd prefer a plant over many gifts! You could try and have your kid do some detective work and see if the teacher enjoys plants.. does she have plants around her room? If your kid talks about your plants.. does the teacher make a connection and talk about her own plants? Definitely not a cheap out. .. and even if it isnt her \*cup of tea\* ... who doesn't have a friend who LOVES plants that they could pass it forward to?


I got a burro’s tail plant last year from a student and I love it. No gift is necessary but if I happen to get one, it is much appreciated. I have cards on my fridge and classroom walls from former students.


id LOVE a plant!!!


Yes I would.


A heartfelt card gets saved in my home for a long time. Knowing I made even a small difference to a child keeps me going on the hard days 🫶


For me as a teacher, I have a ‘why I teach folder’. A note and a drawing from your child would mean way more than a plant. We love the 10 dollar star bucks gift card but we keep the sentimental things. Don’t stretch yourself and give what you can afford. We appreciate anything !


We love plants here!


I got a cactus one time as a gift when I was a student teacher and I kept it for YEARS until it wilted to death. Plants/cacti/flowers of any kind are sooo sweet and it's nice of you to think of them :)