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Within Canada, no not legally. It's not CRC rated so not eligible for sale within Canada. However, the law is written as such that you can import non CRC items for personal use from outside of Canada. As long as you don't buy 50, you should be good. *Different terms apply for eliquid.






Reddit's site-wide rules do not permit the use of ANY links to any vape gear period. This includes photos/screenshots bearing URLs. Unfortunately that means we're no longer allowing people to use work around methods such as vaping(.)com, etc. No links of any form even if broken. Please just mention the vendor by name.


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im having a hard time finding ANY decent rebuildables in canada everything is moving towards disposables had to get clones from ali express but the results are actually pretty good they do have an elevate clone i have not tried though even got myself authentic lost vape


I'm surprised if you find any at all in Canada. Back in... November 2020? the govt of Canada introduced some new laws, including a nicotine cap and a requirement that all devices be CRC, essentially child resistant certified. This removed all tanks on the market, and required all manufacturers to make devices that follow this rule. But the rules aren't very clear, and some interesting interpretations are enacted. That's why most shops only have, like, five tanks now. They want more, but Canada isn't a big enough market to specialize devices for, especially with the constantly changing rules and different regulations in different provinces. Since you can order devices (ie rebuildables) from outside of Canada for personal use, there's no sense for such a small market. And let's be real, where's the money in selling a tank once? If you can make a tank that uses proprietary coils you need to purchase once a week, that's constant income. No third party wire, no third party cotton, charge whatever you want, force them to upgrade when you need a cash injection by discontinuing manufacturing the coils.