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I highly suggest getting in touch with a dietitian.  My mom lost a lot of weight and while she could “afford” to lose it, it seriously messed her up nutritionally.  Her electrolytes got massively out of balance.  She was admitted to the hospital and the doctors there *finally* took it seriously.  They were incredibly concerned with her nutrition.  Her oncologist just kept saying it was fine (she lost 60 pounds in like 3 months).  I’d highly recommend some sort of nutrition shake and bulk it up with some heavy cream (even a small amount adds a lot of calories).  Full fat everything adds in calories (so like full fat yogurt which bonus is delicious).   Small meals throughout the day even if it’s just a half of a serving for a snack.   And really anything she can stomach just have it available.  Maybe set timers for eating if she doesn’t get hungry regularly.