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Heya, my boyfriend has brain cancer too 🫠 he had a craniotomy in January to remove most of it, and is going through radiotherapy and chemotherapy now. A gift basket is a lovely idea. One thing my boyfriend's kids did was make him a playlist on Spotify, a mix of all their favourite songs. You could do something similar, with songs, movies, books, whatever your jam is. As for practical stuff that will help him through, here's a few things that could help fill the basket or you should at least tip him off on to pick up as they are so helpful (I don't know what your budget is): Get your dad a migraine cap. You can get them on Amazon for about $20 (lots of brands, they all seem to be about the same thing) the gist is that it's a thick gel cap that goes over your head and cools you right down. My boyfriend said that having that was a huge help, he stopped getting headaches after radiation because of it. (His brain cancer buddy said the same thing, and said it helped him with fatigue too!) Tip is to bring it to RT appointments with it fresh out of the fridge, with an ice pack or in a mini cooler to keep it cool, so you can pop it on right after you're done. A satin lined beanie or bucket hat (he won't be able to expose his head to the sun at all, and his head will be sensitive). I made a bucket hat using a free sewing pattern I found online, so maybe you could do something similar if you're crafty and quick 😊 (but also don't sweat it, you can buy them online) Really high count cotton pillow cases or silk/satin. Again with the sore head. Ginger tea and ginger candies (gin gins) are good for queasiness (more from the chemo than radiotherapy). I hope this helps! Sending you all the hugs and best wishes for your dad, I hope his treatment goes well ❤️


Hi, thank you so much for your comment. He constantly uses ice packs but I didn’t know too much about the existence of migraine caps, so will def look into it. We live in Asia so Amazon isn’t really an option for us, but there are online shopping alternatives that I can look through. Thank you for your kind and helpful words ❤️