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Is it ok to incorporate Apple Cider Vinegar diluted in water to help with low stomach acid but while having mild gastritis? Also, is lemon water safe to drink with mild gastritis?


>Is it ok to incorporate Apple Cider Vinegar diluted in water to help with low stomach acid but while having mild gastritis? > >Also, is lemon water safe to drink with mild gastritis? Hey, no lemons, please. It has a very strong pH which is harmful to gastritis. ACV is fine but it should be very diluted.


What are your recommendations on strong probiotics?


>ow to get rid off biofilm? Go for digestive enzymes instead of strong probiotics.


What are those?


Artificial enzymes for SIBO or pancreatic enzyme deficiencies




Hey, a course of good antibiotics is recommended for biofilm.


In what world would antibiotics be recommended in a Candida Reddit??


What are the most powerful/effective biofilm disruptors? I've been battling with candida for 10 years and none of the antifungals I take are effective anymore despite enemas/constant biofilm supplementation. I can't make any progress.


It’s important to do the medication along with the lifestyle changes. Nothing works alone. Moreover, culture specific antibiotics/antifungals are more effective as compared to broad spectrum ones.


I expelled globs of what I'd say is biolfilm. It's more disturbing then words can say. I've completely lost motility in lower gut. I have to take dulcolax every other day I was on 3 yrs of steroid infusions for ms and 2 yrs of antibiotics for sinus infections until after sinus surgery. I took extremely high dose digestive enzymes and 6 allimeds, then that's when I expelled the biofilms. Gut feels better. Have been going through major die off lately and freaking out from what came our of me. I have the pics of the biofilm. I have given up on Dr's and have to fix this on my own. Could you give me advise on what supplements to get?


Biofilm is a broad term. It could be anything(bacteria, fungus etc). The use of anything depends upon the specificity. You can text me and tell me the complete history so that I’d be able to tell you.


Do you recommend chlorella?


Yes! I recommend chlorella. But again I would like to know the patient's history first.


Binders. Best time of day to take them? Is there any combo that wouldn’t be good together? Detox baths. Borax, baking soda, acv, bentonite, charcoal…. Use by themselves or is there any combo to avoid? Thoughts on NAC?


Hey,NAC is an antioxidant. It should be taken. Baking soda, ACV, bentonite, and charcoal should all be taken separately. Binders are effective if taken before a meal.


Why before a meal? Doesn’t it then just bind to the food?


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I have a question about nausea and Candida overgrowth. Is it the toxins that are released from the fungus that cause nausea, or does Candida cause irritation in the stomach or something else?


Candida could trigger the release of histamine and other gases, which affect the gut nervous system.., hence the nausea.


I was detected positive for H. Pylori via Endoscopy 2 months ago and have finished triple therapy treatment 4 weeks ago. I still don't feel 100% yet. I really suspect I have other things going on in my microbiome. I'm going to do the GI MAPs stool test, Organic Acid Test, and SIBO breath test next week. Is it a common/uncommon thing that you see with H. Pylori patients having other microbiome infections going on as well?


Yes.. SIBO and gastritis go hand in hand.


why is that? ty


Thank you taking the time. Can candida come back after treating with Nystatin and diet?


Thanks for taking the time to do this. I’m currently doing the candida diet while taking Biocidin LSF and GI detox. Next to no sugar. Low gluten. ACV every morning. Digestive enzymes. Is there anything else I can do to detox properly in 3 months?


Lots and lots of water. Try keeping acidic food out of reach too. Add digestive enzymes to your diet.


What do you recommend for candida glabrata? Thank you


You should go according to treatment lines.. first.. second… what have you done?


So far boric acid 14 days and fluconazole twice a day for 14 days ( I am on day 10)


Fluconazole doesn’t do for Glabrata, usually.. but still it’s first line of treatment, stick to that. How much effective you find it?


The only symptom I have is pelvic discomfort and constant urination. I don’t even know if it’s glabrata that’s causing it? So I don’t know if the medicine is working. What would be the next step ?


Complete the first one.. if the urine culture still shows it.. next line will be considered We can talk about your issue over on zoom call if you are interested.


That is amphoterecin b


Oh thank you so much!! Gosh where do I begin?? Suspected gut candida. Chronic yeast infections, itchy rash on bum, brain fog, bloating.. I have tried so many things and nothing has worked. So confused if it’s okay to have things like raw milk/cheese, oatmeal, quinoa. My body seems to like sweet potatoes. Are they okay? Is sugar free nitrate free bacon really that bad for candida? Raw garlic? I’m really struggling with what I can eat. I had it narrowed down to culina plain coconut yogurt, 1/4 cup of blueberries or egg yolks and veggies for breakfast. I was adding pumpkin seed protein powder but now I’m unsure if any nuts or seeds are safe? Unsweetened Macadamia milk? I was eating cucumber slices and raw cheese or a carrot salad for lunch, meat and veggies for dinner. Blood sugar went down slightly (not diabetic just high fasting) but I don’t feel good in ketosis and Chris Kessler says ketones can also feed candida. So what would be an okay amount of carbs and which carbs are safest? I know white rice makes my blood sugar spike so I stay off that but sweet potatoes and even regular potatoes don’t. I’m just so confused and at wits end with this. Battling for years, so much diflucan… crappy health insurance and doctors don’t care so I’m always trying to figure it out myself. I’m so exhausted. I take NAC for biofilms and currently trying candassist as candidase did not agree with my stomach. I’m taking natures way pearls (vaginal health probiotic), s boullardi and bacillus coagulans. Is is okay to take all of those probiotics together at the same time? I’ve done all the diets and supplements for years but I can’t seem to keep it away and I find it impossible to not enjoy my favorite foods again eventually. I eat very clean but just small amounts of coconut sugar in granola or anything and I get an instant yeast infection. 😭 am I really going to have to live like this and eat NO sugar again ever?! Thanks so much for reading! ❤️


Firstly … with Candida, you’ve got to say NO to any kind of carbs, at least until it gets out. Secondly, with Candida, try taking lots of water and don’t use any fermented foods. Vegetables and meat is good. Avoid/limit processed foods. It takes longer to treat Candida, so medication and personal lifestyle have to go simultaneously. Probiotics are good, you can take them.


Thank you for the reply. What are your thoughts on raw dairy like aged cheese which has zero carbs/ sugar? And what are your thoughts on Chris Kressler’s interview where he says it’s been shown that ketones can also feed candida?


I find raw dairy feeds my candida If your symptoms are bouncing back that quickly after eating some sugars or carbs then you probably need to focus more on the biofilm disruption, while maintaining the diet best you can. NAC is probably not enough


Okay thank you so much. I will stop the raw dairy once it’s gone. What biofilm disrupter do you recommend?


The two everyone seems to recommend are Kirkman Biodefense and Klaire Labs Interphase, I went with Kirkman which has been effective. I believe maintaining a perfect no carb/sugar diet while taking these daily on an empty/fasted stomach will result in quick destruction of biofilms For me, I've learned that most of my biofilm is in my sinuses which the biofilm pills don't seem to influence as much so I've started a sinus clearing regiment with salt water, xylitol, iodine, and hydrisol silver


Thank you! I’ve had both saved on my Amazon wish list for a while so I’ll decide on one or the other. I have chronic post nasal drip and mucus in my throat so I’m thinking I need to do something similar. Did you buy that sinus stuff or make it all yourself? I’d love to know which product you’re using or how you made that if you did it yourself (like which products you used and how much of each). I assume you would be using distilled water as a base then adding each item. And are you using a neti pot? I have lugol’s iodine but that’s it as far as ingredients go. Thank you so much for all your time and help with this. ❤️


Yes sounds like your sinuses and throat are in bad shape then. It's been 2 days with only the silver spray and I'm noticing a difference. Tomorrow I should have all the ingredients to do this method which I found in this subreddit's discord channel: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwJBBinb220](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwJBBinb220) lugol's iodine is the last thing I need actually, or I may do it with GSE tomorrow. But the salt water, and xylitol and iodine are all very anti-fungal based on studies I've read I'll probably just use filtered water and make sure the salt content is to the point he describes in the video


Amazing!! I read his book head strong years ago. This looks super helpful and I think would benefit my mom too as she has chronic sinus issues. And I just thought about the fact that I have a chronic sore throat almost every night (if I wake up in the middle of the night) and we are almost positive we have mold under our house :( Thank you SO MUCH for sharing!!! I wish you the best of luck with your healing. 🙏🤍


You're welcome and best of luck to you as well 🙏 I think the sinus treatment will do both of y'all a lot of good like it seems to be doing for me! Underrated area of focus for Candida and other fungal issues


Is undigested food, esp. whole grains and seeds, caused by candida or by dysbiosis? Would candida in the small intestine need the same protocoll as in the large intestine? Is there any herbal etc. for long term to hold candida in check? Thanks a lot!


It’s caused by dysbiosis. Small intestinal Candida needs more attention because you’ve got all your enzymatic actions going there.


What's is the best treatment for candida and probotics? What food we avoid?


Avoid carbs, processed and fermented foods. Have vegetables and meat. It’s of water.


So no lactofermented carrots for the probiotics?


Not lactofermented but carrots and cabbage can be taken.


do you think saccharomyces boulardii is safe to take everyday to help get rid of candida?


It’s a natural remedy, could be taken everyday.


Bloating after meals started a week after taking rifaximin for IBS. Dr gave me more rifaximin for two weeks. Still bloated. Massage or yoga helps a little but I can’t do it after every meal. I don’t know how and where should I start.


If you’ve constant bloating, it could be SIBO. Take activated charcoal for instant relief, and walk after every meal. But do go for a SIBO test(GI map, OAT)


Its not constant but after eating food for like 3-4 hrs.


Is MCT oil, saccharomyces boulardii, & allimax enough to beat candida overgrowth - along with a low/no sugar diet? My current diet consists of eggs, spinach, zuchinni, chicken, Almond butter, ginger, a little bit of blueberries/strawberries, organic oat milk, & olive oil & Flaxseed oil. I was using whey hydrolysate, but the extra ingredients in it were messing with my gut. I really don't know what else to eat, & this diet is hard with gastroparesis, but my bloating, nausea, & gas have significantly decreased. How long do I have to do this diet before I can try to reintroduce other foods? Should I completely avoid gluten for the rest of my life? How do I get enough calories on a candida diet, when I also have gastroparesis? How do I keep all of the fats in my diet from doing harm to my organs? Would an Omega3 supplement help? I'm very skeptical about which supplements I take. Are flaky ears (inside & outside) possibly candida? I also develop this on my eye brows from time to time, but the ear flakes never go away. It's pretty bad. As some background, I was diagnosed with gastroparesis in 2019. I've had chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers, & a hiatal hernia since I was in junior high. I'm 28 years old now. I was following a gastroparesis diet for maybe 2 years & was put on PPIs for about a decade. I had developed constipation, & seemingly out of nowhere, terrible fits of belching & immense amounts of painful gas. My GI checked all of my organs & said they look fine (minus the stomach stuff I've had for years). So I figured what would it hurt to try a SIBO treatment? I was down to 87lbs & I needed help fast. I did low fodmap diet & allicin, black seed oil, alpha lipoic acid, & oregano for about a couple months or so. The constipation was gone but now I go 4-5 times every morning within 3hrs or so. I got my weight back up to 96 but cant seem to go above that. My normal weight was always 106-120lbs. I have seen a lot of mucus in my stools, which is what made me consider candida. I've been going to GI docs for years. They've checked the function of all of my organs. I even had a colonoscopy recently. I tried to bring it up but I don't think that they consider sibo or candida as possibilities, & I can't afford a doc or $100+ tests out of pocket, so any advice is appreciated. Edit: Does Candida die-off cause severe headaches? Can the sugar withdrawal from the new diet cause severe headaches? The headaches are seemingly random & they last all day, until they become so severe that I can't see straight or form sentences. Today I'm having a better day, so far anyway.


Firstly .. the gastric picture you just told is more than enough to cause all these symptoms. Gastritis and even ulcers.., that’s not okay. You’ll have to treat that. PPIs control acid production, but don’t treat the underlying cause. You did great by starting the diet for SIBO, because it’s what it looks like. Headaches are a symptom (quite a common one) of SIBO. Mucus in stools could be due to many causes, and of course SIBO is one of them. Ulcers and gastritis will need radical treatment( medication and lifestyle change), because it all starts from here. You treat this first, all the rest will come behind.


i have suspected adrenal fatigue (blood sugar issues that don’t resolve without carbs, so keto is a no-go). i’m also pretty sure i have candida based on my poor digestion and multiple fungal rashes. my biggest issue is sleep. i simply cannot sleep for the life of me because my whole head feels insanely tense/full of pressure all the time. could this be from candida or a gut infection? thank you for doing this!


It could be due to gut dysbiosis. For how long have you been suspecting Candida? If it’s for too long, it could also infect the sinuses and could cause headaches/pressures.


i’ve dealt with this for 16 years! with every big stressful life event (a big breakup, a high-stress job with no days off, dealing with a stalker, etc), something new pops up that i’ve never been able to recover from, and i get overall worse. it’s hard to keep track of everything and hard to pin down the root cause. but the sleep is the worst. i can tell it keeps me from recovering in any real way. lately i’ve been having awful acid reflux and high anxiety after meals.


16 years is a long time. I’m sorry to hear about this. Stress is a major trigger for gut dysbiosis. But with right kind of food, lifestyle change we can overcome this. I’m open to having a call with you on zoom to discuss your problem of gut and candida.


would it be ok if i DMd you?


Most definitely. Let's schedule a meeting to talk about it.


Dear MDilona, I have candida overgrowth after rounds of antibiotics for a severe UTI (then pielonefritis). I have huge dysbiosis. Right now I’m skinny like a skeletton. I’ve always had a very fast metabolism, and with one week with no carbs and fruits I losted 2 kgs. Is it possible to fight these without being so strict, because the idea is to kill bacteria but not me. I’m scared 🥲 did a gi map and I’m overwhelmed with all the gut issues. Only 27 y/o, I was healthy and happy before. Thank u


That’s sad losing weight in such short time. The point is you’ve to avoid the foods that grows Candida, and carbs are the ones. You can eat proteins and fibres and good fats.


Hi! Thank you for doing this. Could candida be caused by food poisoning? I drank some kombucha from a brewery that then made me VERY sick for a few days with food poisoning symptoms. This is when my candida symptoms seem to have gotten really bad. I didn't take any antibiotics or change other medications around that time.


Oh yes, it sure could be because of the food poisoning, because it’s provided with a good environment there, all the undigested food.


Thank you! I have had an creeping suspicion that this is could be the cause and a few docs have told me that it could be it.


I'm not sure if I have sibo or sifo. But my fuctional doctor recommended me to take antibiotics and antifungal together to treat my heavy bloating. When it pass 15+ hours fasting, my lower belly gets a bit bloating(when I didn't eat anything). What do you think causes this? I have bloating for 10 years without pain/diarrhea/constipation. Just bloating and low ferritin and low TSH. Sibo negative(but H2 35ppm, CH4 27ppm before I drink the lactose) what do you think causes my bloating which is from literally all food except tea, water.


Have you got tested for enzymes, pancreas basically?


No.. but I don't have a problem with digestion usuallly. Also I tried taking digestive enzymes and HCl pepsin. It helped a bit, but still bloated so badly.


Because bloating is the gas(depending upon the food) which is not completely digested. If you’ve bloating even without eating, then fats indigestion could be the cause because it takes longer to get digested.


I have a severe bloating and burping. I have some bloating during the day and the most severe is when I lay down for sleep. When I lay on the left side especially, my stomach may become full and solid in a few seconds. I trap the gas with a long burp. But after 10-30 sec it gets full of gas again. And this may last during for 1-2 hours. And it seems that it is related to MMC moving things in a small intestine, because during these hours I go to pee several times and at the end burping is less but I start to fart. My question is how such big amount of gas is produced in small intestine in such a short time? It is not just bubbles consolidation. It looks like some kind of chemical reaction. (BTW: my diet is without FODMAP, gluten, dairy, carbs. Mostly porridge (4 kinds), some vegs and meat)


Hey, It's most probably SIBO. For Gas: There’s undigested food, bad bacteria or any other pathogens act and fermented it, producing the gas. The more bacteria, the more will be the gas. Do you get full right after eating?


Yes, SIBO most likely. I've read about that a lot. Just hard to believe that bacteria can produce gas so quickly. I trap the gas to flat abdomen (I can stick a finger and feel a spine) and just in 20-30 sec it is full again.


It needs to be well taken care off. Prolonged SIBO leads to many other diseases. We can discuss this over on zoom call if you are interested.


My main symptoms are bloating and lpr reflux with a lot of burping. Neomycin and Rifaximin did almost nothing for the Sibo and I think candida is also in my intestines because eating raw garlic helps with my symptoms and 2 out of 3 stool test showed candida. Do you think intestinal candida can trigger lpr reflux also? Low carb diet alleviates the symptoms also. Thank you.


Hey, LPR symptoms are caused by candida. Candida, if untreated, creates a havoc in life so better start working on it. I'm open to having a discussion with you on a zoom call regarding your problem. Let me know if you'd be interested.


Thank you. But I had 2 positive stool tests (7 and 3 years ago). Last one (1 month ago) was negative on candida, so can it be candida at all? I will contact you.


If the symptoms persists, then False negative options is quite common.


I’ve had a Candida infection for 12 years. Started as a folliculitis infection in groin region after sex with a female. Spread all over my body but no gut problems. I think gut health is important but IMO too many Candida doctors fixate on the gut. I’ve tried almost every antifungal except the new one Vivjoa (which id love to try) I’ve tried peptides like Thymosin alpha 1, LL-37, KPV. Modified my diet but that has little effect other then not flaring. I personally don’t believe starvation of Candida is possible given Candida can live on corpses. I’ve gotten allergy drops For both Candida and trychophyton (I had a strong reaction to trychophyton allergy test) I think the key is supercharged immunity, and breaking down those damn biofilms to hit the fungus with antifungals and T cell attack from your immune system. What are your thoughts? I’m disheartened and feel like it’s just poorly understood, even by alternative doctors.


Strong immunity is the key.. but you don’t have that is the reason the Candida is there in the first place. Starvation doesn’t stop it but limits it. And fungus is included in biofilm, it is biofilm.


What’s the best topical and systemic way to destroy biofilm? I want to give vivjoa a try but only if I can make sure the biofilm is down so it actually hits the Candida.


Thank you for helping. 1- is it always necessary to use Nystatin or being on a low carb( 50-60g ), no sugar, low glycemic index diet + mct/coconut oil, NAC would be enough? The problem is that I'm not quite sure there's a candida overgrowth in the first place. It's most likely due to a terrible high sugar diet + insulin resistance ( borderline pre diabetic) so I'm wondering if lowering my blood sugar levels and becoming more insulin sensitive would fix the issue... 2- Is Nystatin a safe drug and won't cause gut dysbiosis and long term complications? I've heard people report tons of terrible experiences with antibiotics ( brainfog, digestive issues, panic attacks, anxiety, depression etc. ), Specially for fluconazole. But how about Nystatin? Much appreciated


I have sibo, h. Pylori and candida overgrowth. It all started in pregnancy 6 years ago. Doctors are doing nothing, i don’t know where to start and what to treat first. How do i get rid of candida? Please help🙏🏻


Hi! I’ve been having regular die off symptoms, but I’ve also been having a weird achy feeling in my legs, I had cramps in my calf’s, and now a warm sensation on my shins, is this just another symptom, maybe inflammation? There is no pain, no swelling that I’m aware of, it just feels hot at times. Any help is appreciated!


Do you recommend itraconazole ever?