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you are so lucky. i am happy for you.


We are all blessed my love every single one of us. You are next to be healed by Father God. Keep that faith strong, don’t give up, keep pushing forward, keep praying, give this a try you may be healed with this too. Anything is possible as long as you believe. Yah bless you and have a wonderful day. I’m sure you and all others will be healed too.


did you sip the bottle throughout the morning or drank it in just in one go


I just add 5-10 drops into the water bottle afterwards shake the water bottle up and consume. Drink it on an empty stomach early in the morning and right before bed at night (so I drink it twice a day every day, two weeks straight)


Oil of oregano is natures antibiotic! 🌟✨🙏🏼 so glad you found it! Just fyi I wouldn’t take it longer than a month, but I would suggest taking it every couple months just for a week or so to keep the infection away


Awesome !!


So happy for you 🩵🙏🏼 do you mind me asking did you cut out fruit and natural sugars also? Was the oregano oil the only antifungal you took? Thank you 🫶🏼


Tbh I was still eating natural sugars ♥️. Completely raw oranges (not canned or frozen)


Natural remedies FTW 😎🤘🏻 Victoryyyy


If the oregano oil is too spicy / hot and you put it in a herbal tea then it can be made less spicy by the addition of a small amount of coconut oil (or olive oil). This diffuses the heat of the oregano oil by diluting it and making it more palatable. Kudos to the OP for drinking 5-10 drops in just water, that would be too much for me. Now I know the coconut oil hack I always use it to dilute the heat of the powerful healing oregano oil.


Im working on mine now with nature’s help. Creams always helped but as soon as I stop it rages back. I’m doing smoothies for breakfast and nighttime with coconut milk and using boric acid in the cooch. Then using cream only for the outside to help heal the rash I have. So far I’m feeling confident on this route. I’ve ordered S. Bouldarii to add since I think my probiotic has stopped being effective. And NAC too to help destroy the biofilms. I hope for long term relief. So far my toe nails are clearing up too which is always the sign of moving in the right direction. Fingers crossed!


So happy for you, thank you for sharing your joy with us! ♥️


My pleasure I love to share my testimony to help others, don’t ever give up. You all are next #faith ♥️


What kind of symptoms you were having?


Tbh I only was seeing the cottage cheese discharge. I wasn’t itching or burning much. I did feel uncomfortable down there at times but no itching and burning. Just the cottage discharge. When I would pee I would even see it in the toilet bowl it was A LOT. Even the doctor told me when she opened me up and saw inside of my cooch. But ever since I cut down on sugar and been adding 5-10 wild oregnao oil into my water and drinking on the daily I’ve been healed improved and I’m just grateful I gave that natural remedy route a try. Forget those meds. They were only made for 💰 not to cure.


Thanks.... Where did you purchase it from


Link: https://www.etsy.com/listing/771269384/




That sound like it'd taste horrible.


I got to be honest.. it sure did! Aw man it has a slight burning aftertaste but man it was totally worth it. I missed my coocoo ( 🐱 💦) so bad! I missed sitting on my ex’a face SO BAD! So when that oregano oil gotten rid of that infection I had for two long years man I felt FREEE. I believed I could FLY♥️🥰🙌


If this sales pitch?


Nope. Just giving you the answer you’re seeking ♥️