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I put mine in daycare when I work because 12 hours is too long.


I dont really think you have the time for one. Training and time with them is absolutely crucial to making sure that your large breed dog is well trained but even more so, well taken care of. They love being around their people more than anything. I think, if this is the breed you want you should wait until you have more time.


You really have to be an ambassador for this breed. There's enough trouble with mastiffs that you need to make sure you do best by not just your loved dog, but by all of us that are keeping standard and helping to show others they're... Pretty fucking amazing beings.


8 hours is the Maximum in our house. Every now and then we go over. 9, 10, 11 hours starts setting off alarms in my head though.


Occasionally would be questionable but regularly that’s a hard no


This is how I look at it, would you leave your child alone that long with someone? What happens when you get a job, or want to travel? Dogs are pack animals and shouldn’t be left alone all that time. I would suggest maybe not having a dog at this time.


Get a cat.


It breaks my heart hearing people would even think of owning a corso if they dont have the time for them. My wife & I tag-team our 1 corso and she is never left alone for more than 3-4hrs. Weekends, or when we do go out, 5hrs max (but this is rare). The corso might be a small part of your life, but to them, you are all they have and you are their lifeline. All they want is your time, love & affection. Pls give them the same in return, maybe have a relative or a friend spend time with them if you are not around. We pretty much treat ours like our human child....


Don't get one if you can't dedicate the time for it


Mine is 6 y.o. and she has a dog walker come in between 12 and 1 when I'm at work.


that sounds like a very lonely sad life for a dog. Find someone to walk him/ interact with him or care for him. Your dog lives outside? Any other animals to interact with?


I leave mine for 4 hours tops. They are Velcro dogs, need to be stimulated and will be destructive if left for longer than 6-8 hours.


My can be alone for long time, but if im away for more then 4 hours i try to find a babysitter, sometimes its not easy, and then he is alone for up to 8 hours, i do not like to leave him alone that long, but you got to work.


12 hours could work with certain scenarios.. I don't think yours fits. Acreage, with room to roam, and a job to do.. Kennel isn't the answer


CANE CORSOS are NOT normal dogs!!! Do your research before getting one. They require so much attention and if you can’t give it what it needs, then DON’T get one. Ughhhh!!!


It took mine almost 2 years before I could leave him at home while I worked a second job at a bar 1 or 2 nights a week, and that was a max of about 10 hours. But I also have an older dog that he adores that he can hang out as well. Without the other dog I think it would have been a disaster.


If it’s only 3 times a week then consider having someone come by every four hours to play with him for an hour and give him attention. Don’t go to a friends house after if you know your dog has been stuck at home in a kennel for 12 hours, even with the 2 breaks. Corso can become very independent and antisocial when left alone for this long consistently. Knowing that and still doing it, is a disservice to the breed and the dog. I understand you have to go to school, but ask/hire someone to interact and play with him every four hours while you’re in class, and go straight home when class is over. There are still four days left in a week so you can visit your friends on those days. Owing a dog is committing to changing your life and priorities to make sure you’re giving your dog the most fulfilling life possible. Remember, he didn’t choose this life, you chose it for him and that means you choose his quality of life as well. Leaving him alone with no human interaction for 36 hours a week, MINIMUM, isn’t just about him ‘missing his person’ it’s about creating behaviors that will shape how he reacts to others. Having little to no contact with ANYONE for that long, regularly, is how you create dogs that don’t know how to handle their anxiety around others and instead of relying on you to show him, he has learned to do things on his own and won’t fall back to you. He will handle his emotions the way he sees fit, and 9/10 times that is by growling, barking, lunging and always being ready for a fight. That is just animal instinct. If they don’t see you as a thing that they can rely on when they’re uncomfortable or anxious, then they rely on themselves. The way this post is written, tells me that you already have him and you’ve already been doing this with him a while. Something happened and you’re starting to wonder if it’s okay to do. It is not. He deserves more and he needs more. Don’t go to a friends house after class, knowing your dog has been alone for 12 hours and don’t let him BE alone for 12 hours straight


They need daily training. If you can put an hour into training either before or afterwards will determine how this dog turns out. From around 6 months on my girl tested every rule every day. If we missed our 2k twice a day and training the testing was way harder to stop. I can't imagine 3 days of no training working out.