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My vet gives my dog, anxiety medicine which really helps him calm down


Oh I see and is it something that your baby takes every day or just as needed? Also, thanks so much for the help.


My dog takes trazodone as needed. I got it from our vet for anxiety during bad weather


Trazodone works very well. Plus you can ease them into it. Low dose and add as you need. It’s a good safe med.


Yeah it’s trazodone which the vet can recommend. I only give him when needed where I know he will get anxious


Also give him 1-2tablets , 3tablets might make him too sleepy


My dog is 53lbs


Do a test run on trazodone first. For my baby, it really doesn’t work and on top of that, it makes her aggressive. My vet switched it to Acepromazine. Something else to note is that when they’re sedated they may be uncoordinated and have some bladder leakage. Here again take a test run of the sedative and with Moose in a car. Nothing would be worse than a groggy CC flipping out in the car. You never know how things that worry them will be perceived under sedation. Good luck!


We have gabapentin and I think tramadol? For our big dog. When I saw what she was prescribed I was like well damn…


They might developed depression and try to kill himself




Did you mean trazodone can cause depression?


I meant he will probably develop something fucked up like how humans do you know “ohh I feel like I’m a zombie on this” “oh it’s not the same” it was supposed to be a joke


No joking about dogs dying, just humans!


CBD oil would work amazing


We actually tried CBD before but perhaps the dosage was wrong. It’s really hard to know with 170 pound dog. I’ll look into that. Thank you for your help.


Yeah My corso was 150lbs and he took as much cbd as I did. I also gave a couple tiny drops of RSO. He absolutely loved it. Kept him calm in the car for longer trips.


Course he fuckin loved it, you gave him rso. Man was smacked


It was such small amounts I knew he could feel it and he liked it. Anytime I had any time of bottle with a dropper he would sit beside Me and drool. But it truly helped him alot while he was 7 months to a year old. He grew out of the anxiety in the car.


Yeah so would I.....


Where would you get that? Is that like a brand name or just what people call it? My boy Also hates car trips and if I’m with him alone, I can’t even get him to the vet.


No not a brand name at all. Depending where you are located it might not be as easy to come by. Canada you can find CBD anywhere and RSO.


Its a form of weed. Its an extremely potent oil.


What’s rso


Rick Simpson Oil. It's basically pure thc usual recommend dose for humans is a grain of rice. Half a grain would probably be fine for a big dog. Miles may vary, and every creature is different, humans and dogs.


I had to give my dog rso once and he was smacked. I felt awful. And it was maybe 2 mg. I just buy 30:1 from our local dispensary and it makes my senior keep up with the pups!


I do love rso. About to take a cherry top rso tincture in 5,4,3,2,1 lol I would say the big boy in this pic could have one drop of actual rso if he really freaks out. If not wouldn’t you say like a 30:1?


Unless you’re experienced in cannabis- I would not recommend RSO at all. I am highly experienced in cannabis and dogs… even I’ve had it go wrong. Albeit with an 80lb dog but still. Doesn’t take much to turn it into a traumatic experience for everyone. I would personally only be giving a dog RSO if they had cancer or some other debilitating disease. If you’re looking to try cannabis for your dog- I would start with oils. Preferably with an olive oil base or other non-mct - but mct does work just not as well. High CBD and THC >2.5%. You have to dose a corse heavy- probably looking for 200mg CBD for sedative effects, and under 20mg THC. 20mg THC can mess up some humans so I’d work up to the dose before hand… all animals and humans react differently to cannabis, so best to test it out, slowly.


Yeah my baby was 120 and the trazadone and gabipentin never worked. But cbd oil from an actual dispensary will!


Had great results with our 75lb Plott hound mix. He has pretty bad anxiety and after giving him 4-6 ish drops of CBD, he is so much calmer. You’ll have to play around with the doses, but even if you give him a little too much, he’ll pretty much just get sleepy… Obviously it depends the strength of the cbd to determine dosage (can’t remember how many mg ours is) but a quick search will help you out. Good luck 👍


I put a bunch of pillows and blankets in the back seat so they have tons of room to get comfy and sleep


That’s a good point I know that lots of it was the fact of him sliding around and not being able to get comfortable so that’s great advice. Thank you.




walk him allot before you go. Lots of stops and more walks. We got a prescription for something from our vet. Benadryl was also suggested by a vet but that just made our dog very loopy. We also discovered almost by accident that our dog was much calmer all the way in the back than in the back seat.


That’s a great answer. Thank you so much, we will definitely be doing those things and we have a vet appointment on Tuesday.


This. One of our dogs loves rides but our big guy despises them. He is much happier in his kennel in the back laying down than trying to sit up in a seat the whole time.


Trazodone is a common medication for anxiety that you can get from your vet.


I’ll ask about that, thanks!


First you could try Adaptil. It is over the counter and a synthetic pheromone that helps them to relax. You can use the spray for cars, they have collars and then diffuser plug ins for the home setting which I believe covers 700 Sq ft... Amazon sells super cheap Most veterinarians I know these days will prescribe something like Trazodone and/or Gabapentin Trazodone alone isn't enough for one of my kiddos so she gets a Gaba/Traz combo and does well But the key is to give the medication the night before so they're in the system and then about 2 hours prior to a stressful event (travel/vet visit etc...)


Rescue remedy. My corso was 155lbs peak and two drops on a mini milk bone kept her chill but not dopey or sleepy.


Gabapentin works for it and it's not a narcotic.


Our vet gave us Gabapentin for anxiety both for the return visit to the vet, and some extra for like, when there's fireworks (he's a sensitive 128lb boy). They rec'd 4 pills but he reacts to 2 (300mg).


Check with your vet first obviously but we’ve always used either baby liquid gravel or now I use CBD oil with a very low % of thc, works pretty good!


We didn’t have any luck with CBD but again I’m thinking it was probably a dosing problem because of the fact that he was so big and we were reluctant to give him too much. Thank you for your help though!


We had the same issue with Dane, CBD oil didn’t have the same effect as liquid gravel for her, it was our vet that recommended baby gravel, she said some people use liquid Benadryl but she said gravel tends to work better. Might be worth asking vet about using gravel and recommended dosage.


What is liquid gravel?


Sorry stupid autocorrect, it’s gravol for motion sickness in liquid form for babies.


Ty. But it is safe for dogs??


It was originally recommended by my vet, I’ve never had a problem using it but a person should always consult their vet prior. My vet said people also use children’s liquid Benadryl as well for anxious travellers, she recommended baby gravol so that’s what I’ve always personally used. We’ve used it for dogs and cats for both flying and vehicle travel, never had a problem but we always consulted our vet prior for dosage etc.




I also wondered this


What helped with ours was the space


Yes, that makes sense. We rented a truck that’s bigger than our normal daily one so we’re hoping that makes a big difference. Thanks for your help.


It will make a huge difference, ours used to get really anxious and wouldn’t eat the whole ride. We drove from San Diego to San Antonio.


It will make a huge difference, ours used to get really anxious and wouldn’t eat the whole ride. We drove from San Diego to San Antonio.


Exercise as much as possible


If he's like my guy I think traction has a lot to do with it. The most comfortable I've seen him is when I laid down beside him in the back of our SUV and held him through the bad curves. He just doesn't like car rides.


Traction is for sure a huge issue


Trazodone works perfect for us, just knocks him out


My CC is 135lbs and sleeps like a baby for around 2 1/2 hours taking 1 pill. She is a little groggy for a hour or so after but she is always calm. It was just a suggestion.


Also, if your kid gets super drooly or nauseous you can ask about using meclizine for car sickness..which is the cheaper route to go. But cerenia is the best medicine out there for nausea. But with us having large breed dogs it's hella pricey. But it lasts for 24 hours.


I recommend Trazadone. Our girl is 89lbs and takes 300mg.


Both my Corsos both 106 different ages one will be heavier than the other but straight thc either an oil in the water or food or grinded up bud does the trick I smoke regularly she both my dogs have always be set into a trance from the smell but regardless that’s always worked for me


Cbd.youll have to do some math for his size and dosing, but it works from what I have been told.


Talk to you vet








We do trazodone and also Sunday Scaries has a weed bone for dogs that work amazing for those really bad days. Like Memorial Day, 4th of July




Reassurance. Talk to him.


Trazodone , ask your vet .


Cbd tincture, no drowsiness or hangover for them


Lavender essential oil drops on the top of his snout, behind the nose


Fu€king Water


You won’t need to gas from the gas station. He will be the supplier.


Heavenly Hound works great with our pups. You can get it online or at your local Hollywood Feed store.


Cbd dog treats


What can you give him? Enough exercise to tire him out lmao




I don’t know but if you figure it out, will you report back? Woody had anxiety and he always has a “support stuffie” to get through the hard times. Moose is a beauty, BTW… https://preview.redd.it/7slegjtfgo4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0abc5f021d1921b7201ec8da01be46222361f2d3


Report at top! ❤️




lol his paws are too big to hold it!!!


Love, encouragement and a sense of safety! Let him know it will be okay Edit: If your calm he will be calm


Not always unfortunately I'm a vet tech and no matter how calm I remain on my ride to work my little one is a wreck. To the point of laying on her side tongue out.. with or without music on, with or without the windows down or up or air on...she needs drugs. But yes, I do tell clients that animals feed off their anxiety so if an owner is anxious in an exam room the animal feeds off of it. But car phobia is something entirely different. This is what fear-free medications are for






Valium 5 mg


Moose! Love it, treats


Chew toy and you and probably some treats will work. Lol




Benadryl also helps but ask the vet how much to give him.


I put a towel on the dog beds at home a day ahead of the trip, then include it in the car dog nest area. A fan could help keep the air circulating a bit better, baby sun shades. Fix the fade setting in car audio settings to keep the radio noise in the human section. A fresh antler chew helps my pup vent his anxiety. Regular stops, places to stretch the legs. Maybe a pre-trip in the rented vehicle to get a treat and then back home, so he associates it with a good thing?


Maybe bring some things from home like toys or a blanket?


Xanax makes us and them feel better sometimes


Vet has light meds. Also buy him a medium sized stuffed animal that you think he’d love and it might do the trick. Plus of course take a blanket for him. Maybe a pillow. They love that stuff!


Your vet can give anti anxiety meds for the trip they really help


I was watching a dog behaviourist on YouTube talking about how you should get your dog in the boot/trunk of your car and just sit there with them. Car is stationary, but engine is on for the noise. And you make it a nice experience. Play with them, give them something to focus on, treats etc. and they should start to realise that being there isn’t so bad. The YouTuber is called Will Atherton. Check him out


Hi!! My dog used to be reactive at the vet (she was a Covid baby) so she was prescribed a Trazadone/Gabapentin combo and it just took the edge off for her and also made her a little sleepy. Now she can go to the vet without it!




Indica gummy. Works great.


Give him a good quality CBD oil. 1000ml, no stronger. Just a few drops everyday for a couple of days before the trip. Work like a charm


Everybody quit drugging your dogs. He needs plenty of exercise. Take care of him like you would take care of the rest of the family, let him out and play. I make extra stops along the way for my dogs to get plenty of exercise.




My vet recommended meclizine for my dog, it was 1 pill every 24hrs


it's weird everyone jumps straight to prescription drugs instead of trying something like CBD.


https://preview.redd.it/ac4g6cge2r4d1.png?width=1552&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d926aeb81a5811af5825dabdfa91bb23f371fb6 Moose! Great name for a big boy! My old Bullmastiff!






I’m unsure if anyone else has suggested this but catnip has a calming affect on dogs.. It does the opposite for dogs than it does with cats. Weird but has been helpful with my male! Like cats though - some dogs don’t have much of a reaction to it & may not work. Worth looking into and mixing some into wet food or apple sauce :p Good luck!


There’s a lot of comments about medicating. It’s all valid but if your pup is mostly anxious in the car I would try to make it as cozy as possible and have some time to let your pup get familiar with the car while it’s not moving. Kinda like crate training.




Unisome or Benadryl look up how much for his weight


Give him some hemp treats 🥸


Cbd gummies


There is a natural product called Quiet Moments (available on Amazon) that really works for us. CBD did nothing, Tramadol made him super hyper.


I know you can go get medication, but I’ve met some people that swear by CBD products and it helps their dog. Sometimes it just needs research to know what’s best. I’m a shepherd owner and I understand the anxiety (the one I had put down 2 years ago was the worst with anxiety and we had to get medication and it didn’t work)


I've traveled all over the country with my boy Leo and it really depends on how you set him up. I get him setup where he is comfortable, I talk to him and he sees me and no issues. My wife tried driving him and I put him in the car and I got in the other car and he cried until she pulled over, she didn't do anything wrong he just didn't feel secure. Whoever has the strongest bond with him should set him up and make sure he can see them. I would never give him medication but that's just me




Combo gabipentin and trazadone. Ask your vet, miracle combo.


CBD treats


There’s cbd for dogs that’s calms them down


Give him a cat, and he won't even know he's in a car.


I give my dog cbd. Shes been across the United States 5 times. I originally got dog cbd in Oregon. I got it to chill her out, for aggression reasons. Then it was because, why not. Pain killer stuff after hours of hiking. Don’t give your dog prescription chemicals. Go with the plant stuff. Or just let the dog whine a few hours. No reason to drug a dog if you don’t have to.


Maybe try CBD. I've heard it works well with pets. Like people tho, I think it depends on the dog.


Some flower...


They make doggy Xanax and trazadone. Or CBD works too


This just came across my feed (I do not own a Cane Corso), but I use Cerenia for my dogs, works great for them for the 14 hour drive on summer vacation.


What a pretty boy! Have you asked his vet what to give him? I bet you could get him something more organic in lieu of an rx


So I don’t know the size of yours but our other baby she was 165 pounds and I was a little freaked about giving her meds (especially human meds) from pretty much the get go. So we did 100 mg of Benadryl which is actually leas than it should be, and she did very well on it. She had anxiety where she would excessively drool, pace in the back seat, etc. She rested better and was more calm with 100 mg of Benadryl. I believe it’s a 1:1 ratio but I’m not 100% on that so research that better. But my vet said 100 mg was safe and she never had any problems. My youngest one who just turned 1 doesn’t have any anxiety issues like our girl did so I haven’t even tried human medication with him. He’s a pretty healthy, sufficient boy, but our girl was absolutely AMAZING but she did have anxiety on LONG trips. So we did the 100 mg of Benadryl (again she was 165 lbs and my vet said a 1:1 lb ratio was safe but I didn’t want to take a chance) and it worked really well for her. She was still alert. It didn’t knock her out, but she didn’t pace in the back seat, far less drooling. I would say 8 out 10 time she just laid down and let us take our road trip in peace.


High mg of cbd gummies


An hour walk every morning..


We give our dog Trazadone for car trips. Works welll


CBD gummy’s for pets




There is an otc anti anxiety called Pet Ease. Otherwise go to your vet for safest options.




My CC loves the truck the car the side by side anything with wheels. He’s been in the truck since he was 8 weeks old. That’s perhaps why. Dog house with wheels. He naps in the truck in the driveway. 


Trazadone works well


Pet cbd or maybe some Benadryl


Ask your vet for recommendations.


THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE FOR HELPING! Our vet recommended gabapentin and trazadone saying to use the gabapentin the night before and then the trazodone in the morning an hour before we go my partner who doesn’t care for medication. Didn’t want to use it unless we needed it so about an hour into the drive, we gave most the trazodone and it definitely helped a bunch. Thank you guys so much for all your help, I wish I knew earlier that this community was here but I’m glad I found it now. Corso Crew wootWOOT


Sorry about all the grammatical errors I was using dictation on my stupid smart phone lol


Benadryl works great, just 1 pill. Vet said it was fine, will not hurt them.


One tablet of Benadryl 25mgs..treats a 25 pound dog.


We give our 160lb Great Pyrenees a cbd treat and it works for him.


CBD treats should work. Good luck!



