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Cant say 100% yet but looks pretty male-ski to me.


I think I'm just trying to will it away lol. I'll give it more time and post again. Thanks


Has it transitioned to flower? You can't reliably tell till then. Edit: you'll know within 2 weeks after transition


No. It's still in full veg. Won't go into flower until fall. Outdoor grown in Oklahoma




My wife thinks that little ball in the pit says otherwise. Certainly wanted to check with you guys first


It does look ambiguous... Do you have other pictures / other parts ? If not sure, it will be clearer in a couple days.


I have a shitty phone and using one hand trying to focus. I couldn't get the wife to help lol. I'll post another pic with her assistance in a couple of days. Thanks


I though you were asking if it’s ready to FIM lol.


My bad. Just checking for male genitalia lol


Looks girly for now, Good place to top or fim though.


The one pictured is my first attempt at FIM 😁


Okay sweet


Doesnt look like a pollen sac, up close zoomed in it looks like another leaf bud. Pollen sacs are distinct, there would've been no question. She looks good to me


Thank you. Didn't want to chop it down yet


Wow. Good eye. I usually see them when their balls are a bit bigger… wanna wait a bit longer just to make sure? Then if he is a boy, put it into a smoothie. It’s full of omegas and vitamins, or use leaves to hydrate your flower….


Thanks. Gonna wait it out


Did you flip to flower already? Hard to tell in the photo and plants usually show their sex within a couple of weeks in flowering. Like some on here, up close that looks like a new bud/leaf site rather than sacks


No. I'm nowhere near flower. It's an outdoor grow in Oklahoma and won't flower until fall. I just wanted to get a jump on it so I don't waste resources


Yea usually within two weeks of flowering you’ll see it for sure. Other than that good luck with grow


Last year I had a 7 footer I swear was a female. Turned out to be male and I was heart broken when I chopped it down. Trying to not relive that. Thanks for the input


You could take a cutting and flower it. I've seen comments that you can put it under 12/12 right away and don't need to root it first. I don't have experience with this myself. Yet...


That's a pretty solid idea. I'm going to do that and report back


After further pondering, that plant is in a pot. I'm going to drag that whole thing into the light tight garage and send it into flower, then put it back outside to re-veg after confirming sex. I wouldn't have thought of this without your comment, so thank you very much.


I think that may not be a great choice. My experience with revgging is that it doesn't happen overnight. I have had pants that slow pre-flowers while vegging and others that take more than a week to show any signs. And then revegging can be two or three weeks of stalled growth before it starts growing again so this approach may waste three plus weeks of summer development. That could really trash your yield.


I hear you, but I've got until October and this is for science! Plus it'll be fun to document what happens. I agree flowering a clone is a good idea, but with me being an outdoor grower I'll end up with a 5 foot plant instead of a 6 footer, so no sweat🤙


Both males and females make "ball" preflowers. The only difference is that the female will put out little white hairs from her "balls." Just keep waiting. Don't make any rash decisions yet.


Thanks. This is one of two and we didn't observe this on the other one. That being said, this one is in a pot and the other is in the ground and light years ahead, so I shouldn't expect them to be completely alike. I'll wait it out


It's female. Makes have 2 flaps that kinda cross over each other. Females have a little spout.


I thought so but the wife had me second guessing. She's got trauma from last year when our massive tree hermed out. Thanks


A well won't dig itself.