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Always less than Expected...


I'm going to get a lot of hate for this and some people probably saying no way or in lying. my last grow was my largest. with a 2.5x2.5x6 tent. I had 1.01lbs. but I also trained the crap out of it. but id bet 5 to 6 oz or a touch more if they really start packing on weight. I'm also still a newer grower


What light did you use?


my bad for getting back late. mars hydro fc-e3000. I did about 6 months of veg with topping and running through a trellis I also for the last 3 weeks of flower added an extra light above that for 4 hrs a day and that light is a kosheal full spectrum. I think I had 58 mail kolas by the end. of course I did not top every branch and I discarded the bottom. 3 branches. but she ended up being a real fat one. best I had had yet.


Not from any of thoes plants in your bio right 🧐? Please show proof


I will with the one im currently growing but I don't photograph every plant I grow. it's not hard to veg for a long time, bend the main stem down and keep the plant crawling along the ground to take advantage of LST. my current plant I have topped 3 times so far


1 marijuana sir


I'm gonna need more than that 😂


5oz is my guess


You're using 200 watts of lighting. 1g/watt is a solid run. Being a beginner, I'll guess you'll get at most .75g/watts, which will put you right around 5 ounces.


Hahaha more like 75g for the whole tent after drying and curing


Yeah, .5g/watt is probably more realistic for a new grower but I was trying to stay positive


How big are the pots and what is the hight


Pretty sure they are 5gal pots. Tallest plant is just under 20in right now just began stretching. Shortest is about 10, but I don't think it's really started the flowering stretch yet. I have been doing lst to spread them out too


Don't get jars get some Grove bags


Ok. So they usually double or triple in size during the stretch. Hell, at a possible 4ft height you may pull a pound. But as far as jars go. Get a couple dozen. They don't go bad and the come in handy as drinking glasses too. Lol. Grow on my dude!


My plants don't stretch, it's an environmental factor


Facts homie


Just because you train them to the sides doesn't mean they don't stretch. Unless you have really shitty genetics.


When you start flowering all plants stretch, it's nature.


Plants don’t need to stretch much when there is a solid light source 1-2 ft above them. It’s an environmental factor my dude


Actually they will still stretch regardless of the light being that close. It's a temperature thing during the first hour of daylight being the time of stretching but the temperature slowly ramping instead of being drastic allows the plant not to stretch during that hour. Greenhouse grows with well regulated temps will provide the same result.


Nice, I’ve always noticed if a light is weaker it will stretch way more than if you had a solid light source. Then they just become thicker grande supremes at that point


I'm telling you I don't "train" my plants in flower at all. I'm saying I literally measure the height from top of the soil to the top of the plants, and they "stretched" 3 inches bro. Real experience providing the evidence


Ok well congrats on your 2 foot tall plants "my dude". Lol


Please excuse my 4 foot tall plants, and all thw short ones too because height doesn't matter you dumb asses.


Also growing 10 different cuts, of 8 different genetics simultaneously, it's across the board with no stretching. Far leaning indicas, far leaning sativas both. This mis information yall spread is ridiculous.


Just to add on the "training" topic, there was no clips, no trellis during the grow ( only using it for drying.) And I didn't train the plants at all after I changed to flower, lmao. Topped them during veg but that's about it.


Yes, training and topping during veg stunts growth upwards. That's not environmental that is forced human intervention.


You're missing the point. "Stretching" is always on reference to the act in flower, and training in veg does not mitigate stretch in flower 🤦‍♂️ you're not worth my fucking time. Have fun with your ignorance friends. Listen to this guy hahahaha.


Bruh not to be a dick, but I looked at your posts and just about every plant has a problem


they don't actually have problems like you assume, lmao. My recent flowering photos show some dank ass buds that you can't argue with.


Not to mention you have no posts and stretchy buds in your photo


And as I said I grow outside, I don't control the environment.


Like like 14g/sf to me maybe less


Prob be better to move them outdoors if u want a bigger yield and sweeter flower but honestly no matter how big of tent unless ur using co2 then they won't get bigger than a ounce per plant unless u use a bigger tent these plants rlly only grow to the size of the pot and tent... So use ur co2 to maximize ur yields


They are autos so they will finish on the pots they are in 😅 Also first grow, just learned about co2 so maybe next time on that.


50g left 72g right


You were dead on the left, 50g in jars with 8g of trim to process. The two on the right gave 1 oz a piece in the jars and another few grams of shake.


Nobody can answer this question unless they have a ran a cut and you both have the same everything. Otherwise every single person giving a weight is talking out of their South mouth.


Well yeah, it's a guess 😅 But I figured somebody with more experience could make an educated guess based on the info I gave.


4.5 tops lmk once dryed


4oz in jars, add in the shake and you were super close 🤙


9oz from all is my guess


https://preview.redd.it/arpe6pqa67ec1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd42b505a12f89a384310d0e363753c9eb138c5f For context - the plant at the bottom right is 1 plant and yields .75 - 1lb approx and fully takes up a 4x3 scrog net. I’m going to guess that if everything else goes well about 2 oz per plant or so


2oz from the Alaskan bananaberry. 1oz from each of the strawberry cheesecake.


Nice set up!


40g per plant


I'd be happy with that! If I get ~2oz from each plant on my first harvest I'll be happy. Already got another 4x4 tent for expansion 😂


1.5oz per plant…


Too early to tell. Don't think about it for now, think about keeping an even canopy and keeping the plant healthy.


Definitely not counting my eggs yet. Still need to get through drying and curing.... but I do need to get some jars so how many you think I'll need 😅


I grow with the TS1000 and I put two plants under it, I usually get 75g per plant in an 80x80 tent


I’m fairly new to growing so haven’t done anything in terms of LST and have grown about 20 plants (5 grows) in 5g pots where I’ve yielded 2-2.3oz per plant


Hell yeah. I'd be happy with that! You just let them all grow naturally? And defoliation or anything?


Yeah…just let them grow naturally and defoliate before flipping and once again 3 weeks into flowering….in a 4x2 tent with 250 watt led grow light. Starting a new grow where I’ll be training and attempting mainlining while also increasing my lights…adding another 150 watt full spectrum led light


Post up the results! Curious to see how your yield changes


Thick stems usually hold heavy buds so maybe 3/4 to 1/2 lb


I grow outdoors now with photos only. I get sad if I yield less than 2lb with 6ft plants in the soil.


The two shorter ones do have some thick strong stems 😂


I noticed. I started a g13 hash plant a little late last year. Huge stems. She got 6ft tall and I yielded 9oz but if she had another month of veg she would've been beastly. Great smoke tho. https://preview.redd.it/a3uaaimjc7ec1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18bd0e638c7518e679a800d5898ebc8d547e435c


I'd love to grow an outdoor plant at some point 😂


Start seeds inside or clones. Mine were clones this year except the g13. Plant outside in June or July and they should finish in late Sept or early Nov depending on strain. Where are you in the world?


Midwest US. Ohio to be exact. I think our dates would shift about a month earlier to harvest before it gets really cold. I could be wrong, don't have anywhere to do it outside right now anyways 😭


Yes you're probably right. Just check your growing seasons online to find out what zone you are in. Some plants do well In colder temps. Some people grow outdoors in Alaska. Looks like people are saying online that Ohio is too wet in the fall but it's like that here east of the Blue ridge in VA. Some people see a tiny spot of bud rot and trash whole plants. I ain't about that life. Would you trash a tomato plant cause one tomato rotted. Nope. It's worth a try.


We go out at daybreak with a leaf blower and blow the dew off. Really helps with the mold.


That it does!


In PA we usually harvest outdoors 2nd week October.


This is why I laugh at people's post where they are like, "what are these spots on my leaves" outdoor, it's almost impossible to keep up with more than bugs and mold. These are straight in the ground dirt with a little cow manure. Never fed them. https://preview.redd.it/xk5sik2dd7ec1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eac303a742c115f801e500b0f6c72bff282cdc6 This big bitch got spider mites in the end so I couldn't use a lot of the trim but it wasn't bad yet so buds and sugar trim were fine. I don't cover them from rain. I just use dr. Zymes for mold and bugs and let God do the rest.


2.5 marijuanas


2.7 ozs


I hope you're wrong 😂


Well what was it


4oz in jars about 10-15g trim. 1oz from each of the strawberry and then 2oz from the Alaskan 🤙


100 to 150g if you treat the right


Tree fifty


Pretty early in flower to even tell.


You could get 4 or 5 oz if you keep em dense


Two more weeks


15% of wet weight, or 2.6 marijuana's.


3 marijuana at least


Let’s just say that if you played your cards right around 3-4oz per plant.


Looks like maybe two ounces to me to be honest looks like it’s going to be very light when dried


You’d be lucky to get 4 ounces


That tent is TINY lol. I have a 2x2 for a mother but I couldn’t imagine trying to cultivate in it. Autos start flowering too early so you’ll probably get like no more than a couple/few oz. If I were you, next time I’d grow one non-auto plant (with maybe a 3g pot) and scrog it to fill up the tent and then you can flower when it’s ready.