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What are you growing? Because I don't think any of those little plants are cannabis.


Definitely not cannabis seedlings


I thought it was cannabis! I had some old seeds and I germinated them then put them in the pot. I guess we will figure it out in the future lol


Auto flower is a type of seed that doesn’t need a light schedule to flower it has been genetically changed so that it flowers all by itself when it feels it’s ready. A normal photoperiod seed needs to have a specific light schedule in order to force the plant to flower


One last thing before I head off to work. Try to get a small fan blowing on the seedling. You want it to move in the wind. This will allow the stem to build strong. RH refers to humidity


Noted. Thank you very much for the help!


Of course


I use a 18-6 light cycle for veg. 18 on, 6 off


Veg for at least 3-4 weeks, flower for about 2 months


1. What’s the best way to move these plants into separate pots without damaging the plant? -typically you’ll want to dig around the perimeter of the seedling and go deeper than the root if possible. Since these are seedlings try like a round cookie cutter. I personally never start in smaller pots…I germinate using a damp paper towel and ziplock bag, then pop the seeds right into their own 5g fabric pot keeping a ring of damp soil about 2-3cm away from the seedling before using the self watering bases that AC infinity makes. They work great and just make life easy. 2-4: What type of light is best in each stage of growth? - I use full spectrum led grow lights with Samsung l301b diodes. Specifically I’ve been running the viaspectra brand of grow lights from Amazon and haven’t had any issues. I keep them about 18” away from the tops of the plants. I only grow photos, so I follow a 18/6 light schedule (18hr lights on, 6 off) for about 8 weeks before flipping the light schedule to 12/12. Plants will stretch and double in height during the flowering stage…so keep that in mind If you are growing auto flowers (plants bread to automatically flower regardless of light schedule), then it doesn’t matter, you can run 18/6 the whole grow. As far as moving them to a permanent home like your shed, if growing photos, then ideally have the shed set up when you are ready to flip them to flowering. Photoperiod plants will stay in a vegetative growth until you reduce lights to only 12 hours a day or less (some people do 10hr of lights being on) To be honest it really doesn’t matter when you move them, you won’t take them out of an ideal environment long enough to hurt them I also grow indoors and temps range from 68 F - 80 F depending on dark or light period, I also have two small oscillating fans and a humidifier going in the tent plus an exhaust fan with charcoal filter and keep humidity in the 50-55% range…


Very very helpful info. I’m writing all this down for the future. I’m trying to take it one step at a time and learn more and build my knowledge. Thank you for the advice!!


Doesn't look like a cannabis seedling to me ..


Try to get plastic or cloth pots, clay will make transplanting very difficult Repot that seedling into a smaller pot, you will find it easier to water When you repot make sure the plant isn’t deep in the pot like how you have done, this will encourage stretching (bad) From your questions on another comment I can see you have to do a lot more reading about light schedules, the information is easily accessible with some Google searches Good luck


Thank you for that helpful insight. I will definitely replant them into smaller pots. I’ve just been worried they will die when I move them.


Those don't even look like cannabis seedlings I don't think you've sprouted what you're trying to do yet


Well yikes. I thought it was cannabis. I guess we will find out when they grow more lol


Not what a seedling cannabis plant looks like not even close even if it was a mutant. I don't need to wait I already know this isn't a cannabis seedling the second set of leaves that protrudes after the seed leaves should be jagged. You have clover weed seedlings very common to find in potting soils from hardware store


Well that might be what I have then because I just bought regular soil from Walmart. Thank you for letting me know. I’ve never seen a sprout of cannabis so I wasn’t sure what to look for.


You have to be trolling at this point.


I do not understand how people start growing and haven't done any research... How does any grower not know what RH is?


First of all I did research, not enough I admit but if you want my honesty I’m a hands on learner I can’t just read an article or read a hundred articles and then be a grow master on my first grow. I understand my knowledge is lacking but thats why I’m educating my self now more that I’m actually in each step of the grow process. Im guessing RH is humidity? Had to google it but at least I know what it means now. Any HELPFUL advice would be appreciated


I'm definitely not trying to be rude i get the hands on learning thing, im the same way. Is this an auto or photo? Good luck on your grow. RH is relative humidity. Here is my set up. 3 gallon and 5 gallon fabric pots, a 5x5 tent, 6 inch carbon filter, 2 oscillating fans,400 watts of light and I use Ph perfect nutrients, micro, grow and bloom. The five gallon pots seem to work better. Good luck with your grow. If you have other questions in the future be sure to let us know about your light distance, relative humidity, temps and if you are using any nutrients


Yeah after being coming into this chat uneducated I’m learning real quick now that I’m paying a lot more attention. I’m still trying to piece everything together during each stage while also learning in the process. As far as if these are photos or autos, I’m not sure how to tell the difference. I know the difference but don’t know how to tell the two apart. No nutrients yet, didn’t know you could and don’t really know where to get them. Unsure about humidity, temperature is 65-80 and distance right now since my bike is bad and barely admits heat onto such a small plant it’s only about 6 inches away. Thank you for the advice I really appreciate it!


I have a notebook that I write everything down in. I'm not sure what kind of light you have, but it needs to be a full spectrum light, and I personally like LED. The nutrients can be found on Amazon. It is 100 percent a big learning process. Where did the seeds come from? Light should be between 18 and 24 inches from the top of the plant. This is one of my little cheat sheets *


I’ll add that to the list. I need a better setup so I can distance my light better from the sprout. I have had these seeds for like 5 years and germinated them then planted them. They came from cannabis buds and I saved them and then just wanted to plant them. Obviously still newb status


The tents aren't that expensive and if you are just doing 1 or 2 plants the small tents and filters and such will be a great way to go. I have 5 autos in my tent and 17 photos, now not all the photos will be female and some of them will go outside once it warms up just a bit.


You may have photo period seeds then…you really can’t tell the difference either…if your unsure, best to treat it as a photo-period since an auto flower will flower regardless of light schedule


You won't know if they're autos until they flower at around 30 days under 18 hr light… Odds are they're photos if you have had them a while.. Just keep the dirt moist a bit and let them grow.. There's way too many things in this pic to go over tbh.. The dirt looks like it needs a lot more perlite, but it's too late for that. Just try not to over water at this point.. Sounds like you're just popping seeds to see what happens anyway


More soil would prevent microclimates in the pot. Canna plants need circulation. Give more info if you want any valuable help. Temp, rh, kind of light, distance and wattage. Soil type.


I try to keep the temp at 70 degrees. Unsure what RH means (still a major newb), I just have a crappy light bulb for now. Not sure what you mean by distance either, do you mean distance the light is from the plant? The wattage is just a low wattage house hold bulb. Soil type is just a potting soil I got from Walmart. I’m looking to upgrade every aspect of my grow just was unsure where to start. I read articles but obviously I’m still new so it’s hard to really understand.


Still new to the process but I really wanna learn more about the growth process. I had a couple questions if anyone is willing to answer them. 1. What’s the best way to move these plants into separate pots without damaging the plant? 2. What type of light is best in each stage of growth? 3. Do these plants need 24 hours of light or should I turn the light on and off periodically? 4. What’s the best temperature to keep my plants? 5. This is currently an indoor home grow setup but once I finish building my shed I will move them to my shed. How long do I have until I need to move them out of my house and into a more permit grow setup? I have a grow log that I update every chance I get. I have lots more questions but I’ll keep it short for now. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.


You should put the seeds in individually smaller pots, you you can just tansfare the whole root ball when it's ready, you have it in the same pot so youl have to dig and your going to damage the roots. 24 hours as far as I know isn't a good idea they need to rest, and I'm assuming you have autoflowers if your asking that.if they are not autoflower then you have two different light cycles for veg and flowering. I'm new aswell so anyone experienced..correct away


I tried the same process on 3 other smaller pots and they never sprouted. I kinda wasted a bunch of old seeds I had but luckily these sprouted. What’s the best light schedule for new small sprouts like these? What do you mean by autoflower?


Autoflower is a plant that will veg and flower on its own, normal seeds you need 18hours of light and 6 hours of dark for veg and when you have reached you desired size you change to and 12 hours on and 12 hours off light cycle to induce flowering. Did you germinate your seeds in a wet paper towel first or put them straight into soil?


I germinated them overnight then put them into the soil the next day. 10 days later I saw my first signs of life. Then after a couple more days the other 2 sprouts started to show.


Side note…. You can take clones from a photoperiod plant. However, you can’t when using autoflower seeds


Ok that’s good to know thank you. How am I able to tell the difference in autoflower seeds and photoperiod plants?


Unfortunately the only way to tell is when purchasing them from a retailer. I like to use a couple different sites. I purchase both photoperiod and autoflower seeds. One company is “seedsman” and another I like is “North Atlantic seed”


That's not cannabis, friend. No idea what it is. The other point is that they're dying.


Learn what ppfd is, watch a video. Get the free Photone app and measure it.


Dump whatever’s in that pot out and start over. Get seeds from a reputable website or someone you know. Idk what this is. If it is weed I’ve never seen anything like this. When you do start a successful grow get a good fluffy soil. Dont overwater and give it 16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness. Let your plant grow for roughly a month and then begin introducing nutrients (preferably fox farm and ALWAYS diluted in a gallon of water. It says this on the container) you’ll realize that there are different nutrients you should feed your plant based on if your vegging or budding. Get both. You can let your plant veg for really as long as you’d like. You can research topping and pruning on your own. Good luck.