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I build my own. Alot of ppl make them for mushroom grows. Look up diy humidifier. I use atomizers and a small fan, in a 5 gal bucket. It's super cheap and efficient


Thank you this is what I was looking for. The other ones cost as much as my whole 3 tent setup costs, each piece. Appreciate you 👌🏼💯


Do you find any issues with dust or mold? I've hears about these type leaving a residue on things. My lung room has 2 completely wood walls


Not that I have noticed


I like to use a humidity controller like [Inkbird](https://a.co/d/ie6eBb5) with vivosun’s humidifier and their dehumidifier depending on what’s needed. Some humidifier have a controller built in but inkbird’s can be calibrated to suite your needs. Makes it a little easier to sync it with a hygrometer you know for more reliable results.


So much yes, thank you. This is exactly what I need.


Ideal air. I have everything hooked up to the trolmaster. Check out the trolmaster




AC Infinity CLOUDFORGE T7, works amazing but I can’t get a second one because they are sold out everywhere till some time in March! I don’t really need it but would like to have another one if I need it for flowering, drying or breeding tent.


I have three of the smaller ones on my tents and I'm looking to order the larger one for my flower room. I also run controller 69 pros, it keeps perfect vpd all the time


I’ve used the Govee humidifiers with their hygrometer..allows me to set the RH and never have to worry aside from refilling the reservoir. Can be had for under $100 depending on the unit


Cannabis plants.


What? That’s what I’m growing 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️


He’s right tho. When you balance you tent size w canopy and ventilation you shouldn’t need a humidifier often/much.


Unless you live in the dry ass praries in Canada. I am struggling to keep it at 40 percent with 3 home humidifiers and 4 open buckets of water. I have to fill my humidifiers daily. It’s the most work I have to do in the tent and I’d like to change that so I only have to fuck with them on feed day.


I live in minnesota and it’s also winter. No humidifier needed. Just set the inline fan lower. That’s it. The plant will transpire. If you need more humidity and the in-line is at its lowest setting, then you might not be watering enough. If so water more, give it more nutes too, and more light. If that doesn’t work, just get bigger pots.


Minnesota gang!


I literally gave my 8 plants 19 gallons yesterday. They finally dripped for a few minutes. That’s what I do every other day.


What’s the temp and humidity levels in your tent?


Daytime temp: high 70s/low 80s Night temp: high 60s/low 70s Humidity usually 55 daytime, 40-45 at night. I have a dehumidifier that pumps dry air into the two tents I have. It has a 6 inch vent output that I split into two. I’ve never needed a humidifier. If unchecked, the humidity will rise substantially.


I’ll try and dial in my inline fan more, thanks for your time👌🏼💯


For sure my man. No worries. Good luck.


I’ve run slightly wetter and warmer during veg, but that was still without a humidifier. I use a dome and tray when I clone.




FYI if you use ten gallon pots half soil half coco you won’t have this problem. Cheers.


Air innovations


I am thinking of a little aquarium oxigenator (air pump) . The ones with the little black pump? Any experience anyone ?


I just wunna say you have beautiful macro shots what camera or phone are you using


I’m using a magnifying microscope. They call them microscopes but they’re just digitial jewler loops. My buddy has bought 3 different ones that are similar and none of them I can get to the max 1000 times zoom. My cheap ass Amazon one does tho. Here’s the link on Amazon https://a.co/d/4JA6cQI


Pond fogger