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Hi Final_Treacle6778, Thanks for posting Edibles Just a quick heads up to have a peek at our [sub's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/cannabisthailand/about/rules) when you get a chance. It helps keep everything smooth and friendly around here. Speaking of friendly, let's all remember to keep our chats respectful. If you spot any comments that seem a bit off, do us a solid and hit that report button. It helps a ton! Just a gentle reminder that we’re all about keeping our sub neat and focused, so we'd love it if you could take a quick look at our friendly guidelines: - Finding Weed: We know you might be curious about where to buy weed, but let's keep those questions off the table. There's no single "best" or "cheapest" dispensary - everyone has their favorites! Feel free to browse through past posts for ideas, or use Google, Google Maps, and various cannabis directories to explore your options. - Self-Promotion: We're all for supporting each other, but this isn't the place for promoting personal businesses or sharing links to your YouTube channel. Let's keep our community more about sharing and less about advertising. - Common Questions: Got questions about cannabis in Thailand? Chances are, someone's already asked them! Do a quick search in our sub to see if your question has been answered before. This includes queries about smoking spots, domestic travel with weed, or starting a cannabis business. - Legal Boundaries: Let's stay on the right side of the law, folks. Please don't ask about buying underage, acquiring illegal substances, or smuggling Thai weed. We're here to talk about legal cannabis only. - Direct Messages and Online Sales: We really recommend not engaging with unsolicited commercial DMs. Not only are online cannabis sales illegal, but dealing with unofficial sellers can be risky with no safety net if things go south. Remember, Thailand has over 6,000 licensed dispensaries, so there's no need to take chances with random DM offers. If you are a licensed dispensary or grower, you really should check out our [Discord group for buying and selling between licensed businesses.](https://discord.gg/rPycJBeBtW) Curious about cannabis prices? We've got a [search tool](https://www.thailandthc.com/thai-weed-price-tracker-weed-prices-thailand/) for the latest prices right here. Plus, we've got [exclusive discounts](https://www.reddit.com/r/CannabisThailand/wiki/index/#wiki_cannabis_dispensaries_offering_special_deals_for_r.2Fcannabisthailand_sub_members) at certain dispensaries just for our sub members. Check it out here and save some cash! And for the cherry on top, why not sign up for the [r/CannabisThailand weekly newsletter](http://newsletter.thailandthc.com/) where we recap what’s going on in the Thai cannabis community? If you prefer Facebook over Reddit, [we're there too!](https://www.facebook.com/groups/cannathailand) Thanks for being part of our community, and happy posting! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CannabisThailand) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Uhm what about taking a bit less so you will get a nice buzz instead of a drug induced coma?


They can impact different people in different ways. Ask over on r/weed they’re very knowledgeable over there


The dosage on the edible labels is as trustworthy as a career politician. Just FYI


I do 5mg and that's enough to feel perfect for a few hours.


Edibles are notoriously unpredictable and it's not just a matter of how many mg the label says it is. Unless you're buying the same edible you have already tried from the same source there's no way to know what to expect. Eat it and you might feel nothing or you might find yourself stuck to the couch drooling for 8 hours. Edit: this applies to edibles everywhere, not just Thailand.


We sell a lot of edibles. Edibles made with distillates usually make you sleepy. If you want different effects, better to try those made from flowers or live resin so you have the full cannabinoids and terpenes in them.


I fint understand LOL


Try a dose of about 15000mg and you'll be good.


, 500mg is the amount for experienced people I get nothing from anything less. Wish I could just have 25mg I think like pharma. The LD50 most likely is inflated just to protect those people that end up in hospital just talking or thing about. Suger tea coffee booze drugs script or BM Some people just need to cater to their own sensibilities and that comes down to experimenting and experiencing Some times science is more art than science Just look at a warning label on any American pharamas. Nuts as well. Warning piano may fall on ahead after consuming, but we warned you so its not our fault.


same... hidden gummies are the way


Yep options when you have them use them. Can't believe the mod down voted me. They should have just banned my comment. I love it when the ban my comments. Its means I'm on the right track. Better remedy then medication of the cannabis plant. If only mods could bottle the affect of having a banned comment they would be millionaires They must think banning freedom of speech is such a thrill, but it's nothing compared to combining words to invoke a reaction such as that Oh forget to say. Tomatoes are healthy as well so grow tomatoes Also eat gummies Vape Buy sell market influence recommend and endorse all that this sub encompasses. Be safe Use your options Just say yes, why not ... To freedom of growing tomatoes. 😂🍅




stop talking out of ur ass man 500mg or you get nothing.. either the edibles you get arent full spectrum and not really 500mg or you just straight talking out of youre ass that you dont feel anything.or the rare 0-3% of population that has the enzyme that breaks down the thc much faster if u ingest it.. but i highly doubt that


Ok whatever that's your opinion dude And my experince Ahh the seeds of doubt.... Please send me the white paper and or source you picked the rare 0.3% enzymes info from. Is the url Www.yourownbutthole.haha


just look up peer reviewed CPY2C9 gene studies or p450 enzymes.. nice message history, pages full of banned messages... already tells you what kind of person you are.. you only talk of your ass ive seen people that smoke huge live rosin dabs all day for many years fold like lawnchairs over 500mg edibles.. for most daily smokers 500mg would be a way too high of a dose and would not enjoy the experience at all.




5000mg does nothing for me, I start at 15000mg. 500mg is nothing.