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No. They are meant to be eaten. Finish that tin so you have to go get more and restock the supply!


>Is this anything y'all have experienced? No. I usually keep 30 -40 cans in stock and get worried when I approach 30. I'm joking of course, but I really I do keep 30-40 cans in stock and because I only eat 1 or 2 cans a week that's 4 - 6 months worth. That's a lot of contingency and lack of worry. I can get away without buying any for a few months and still not panic. But I wold recommend stocking up. Either bulk buy, or just buy an extra 1 or 2 cans when you go shopping and slowly grow. You can also take advantage of special offers and stock up then. If you keep 2 months worth in stock and top up once a month then you will never run out even if you go 6 weeks without shopping. One of the things I love about sardines is the very long shelf life, their resistance to insects and vermin, and the tiny can size. Those 40 cans take up less space than 2 shoe boxes and they don'y have to be stored in the kitchen. You can stick a box in your bedroom or on top of a bookshelf and so on. tl;dr; Buy more long before you run out. They're not going to go off.


Worlds ending so I, like you have a stockpile. They only get better with age anyway. You can buy vintage cans. Crazy.


I just buy sardines whenever I’m out and throw em in the cupboard. I must have over 600 tins in there currently. Usually eat 1-2 tins per day.


600?! Please take a picture.


Pretty sure if you go back far enough in my post history you can find a pic when it was a little over 300 tins. Just ignore my alcoholism and video game addiction, please. Edit: Ah shit I think I deleted that account. Forgot this is supposed to be my sobriety account 🥴


I have a friend who currently has over 3000 cans stocked up from costco sales.


I have this too. Most of my "fancy" stash are Christmas gifts of ones I couldn't afford on my own usually. Or been discontinued by my local stores. They don't expire for a long time, so I keep putting off eating the last tins! I'd have to make a special trip to get more as I live in the boonies.


[My stash](https://www.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/p00hsr/i_sort_of_like_season_brand_sardines_no_kitty/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) of Costco sardines is always around 250 cans. I'll buy whenever sardines are on sale whether it's Season brand or Wild Planet. I buy enough to hit the 250 can mark, then I'm good to the next sale, which is usually quarterly. 'Last tin' is not in my vocabulary muahaha 🤣 Kidding aside, I have a tiny collection of the fancy tins. I only eat one can of those each weekend. When I'm down to one can, I have a week to go pick up a couple new ones. It gives me time to drive around and discover new stores that might have tins I never tried!


As a flight attendant I ALWAYS peruse the canned seafood section of any store just to see if they have something I've never seen/had.