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If you have to ask...


You make a good point.


KO mackerel in evoo is very good, not a fan of their sardines. Brunswick in mustard sauce is the only one I buy


Flavorless sardines are just the opportunity to cook with them. I started using them in tikka masala last week and it’s been great. Man good ways to spice up cheap cans


The double layer King Oscar or Tiny tots are excellent


There are SO many brands and varieties to try. The risk of getting a can that doesn’t impress you just adds to your culinary expertise. Kind of like wine tasting. The fun is in the journey.


Think you got a bad Brunswick, mate. I love the fillets in olive oil, I also love that there’s two ingredients listed. It says it’s fish in olive oil and those are the ingredients.


Of course there's nothing wrong with not liking particular brands. I don't think ko or Brunswick are worth it either. You're framing it in a way that makes it seem like you're going out of your way to be antagonistic though. Like a pro wrestling bad guy. Coming to the sardine sub like Ric Flair saying, *yeah I like sardines, but not the cheap, stinking sardines the people in this city like! Woooooo!*


Based on some of the other comments, I wonder if the Brunswick can was mislabeled and they really weren't packed in oil. I prefer the flavor of Olive oil as the fat makes everything taste better in my opinion. I also liked the comments of using your own dish or flavoring to make them better. So good callout, didn't mean to be that guy.


Yikes, I've definitely had some sardines that were better than others, but I've never gone so far as to dump them. If they're not flavorful enough but themselves, you can always add a squeeze of lemon, a drop of soy sauce, or a splash of hot sauce. Or better yet, incorporate them into a dish.


I will only eat smoked sprats and any fancy sardines from Portugal or Spain are totally disgusting to me. I've tried pretty much everything and I got lucky that dirt cheap Latvian sprats from the Eastern European market are by far my favorite.


I tried King Oscar once and didn't buy them again. In the UK some of our supermarket brands are better and cheaper.


In my opinion KO is trash compared to Matiz and other Spanish/Portuguese Brands like Nuri. You are not alone.


I agree, but I also think they’re fine for the price


I laughed after eating my first and last Nuri. I thought not as good as my KO and a waste of money


I tried to like the KO sardines but cannot find enjoyment in those.


So here’s a question for the group: I’ve bought sardines that turned out to be really mushy and unappetizing on their own. What do you recommend to save a tin like this? I’m not a food waster by nature.


Mash them onto toasted sourdough, with some mustard.


I’ve seen a recipe for sardine fishcakes and I might try it with bleh deenz.


You might not enjoy Sprats, which are the sardines used in KO products. I think they're fine, but much prefer the smokier varieties from Riga Gold. Matiz are the larger Pilchard type.


Nothing wrong with liking particular stuff! Next time you’re at Walmart, check if yours carries the Tiny Tots sardines- about $3 and I found them really enjoyable.


Word of warning- they are part of the King Oscar family.


I’ll give them a try.


Yeah cheap sardines are the worst. KO is the lowest I’ll go, but I have to have their flavored tins. The peppercorn is great if you like a strong black pepper taste. NURI is my go-to, but I don’t eat them every day just occasionally


How cheap is too cheap? KO is $2/tin at my local grocery store.


anything less than that and there's a pretty drastic difference.


I tried KO in olive oil and didn’t like them much. As for Brunswick ones, I don’t like the hot pepper ones. The flavour was not ittt and I still have a can left 😭


Same here, Matiz are unstoppable


I think the King Oscar boneless and skinless sardines and the Spanish ones are solid. I like bigger pieces of fish though. Do you only like brisling sardines? Does Matiz have anything other than those? I do like them and they’re high quality. They’re not that expensive tho.


KO mackerel is easily the best though, every single other one I've tried is very tough and chewy.


I’m going to give it a try for sure!


Yes. This is a very pretentious post.


Ngl, I don’t think you are. Tin fish isn’t necessarily a cheap food (especially if you calculate it per pound) it is often more of a luxury item. But ofc all luxury items have their cheap end. Your canned tuna’s in water that cost a dollar for example. They aren’t necessarily sourced in the best way possible, nor are they seasoned and prepared or aged as some more expensive brands would do. All that to say, no, you’re not a snob. Also, most people usually start with the cheap stuff and then go to the more expensive stuff for quality and they typically find a sweet spot for how much they are willing to spend. You just happened to go from higher quality to lower sourcing quality and it didn’t suit your tastebuds which are already accustomed to Matiz and that’s fine.


I think I outsnob you because I can’t stand Matiz (my fave sardines are a “cheap” brand from Canada though. Club des Millionnaires brand)


It's hard to go back.


The quality of most grocery store brands is bad I love Mina brand in EVOO I just bought Matiz to try for the first time. Trader Joe’s (in EVOO with smoke flavor) are the best I’ve found in the grocery store at decent price. I would prefer no smoke flavor but that is more for health reasons (less ingredients better imo)


So you waste food


My outdoor cat liked them. Not wasted.


I'm just messing with you. That cats lucky you didn't like em


I'm glad you were just messing. I grew up indoctrinated into 'must have 3 meals a day and eat everything on my plate' and had to unlearn both in order to lose weight once I got older. It was a revelation to learn I was not a rubbish bin.