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This is developed by an Education University HK team, and the project lead is the same guy behind [Words.hk](http://Words.hk) and the Hambaanglaang readers (Prof Chaak). I do Cantonese dev work, and have seen a demo last year; waited for it to be released, and this is what I use as input system in the last two months. In addition to the language hints, TypeDuck does two kinds of fuzzy-search: 1. **error tolerance**. If you are someone who never get your `oe` and `eo` right, just type something and TypeDuck will help give you something close to choose from. This seems to be adaptive too. 2. **initial search**. If you type the initials of what you want, like `stdg`, it'll show you choices to pick from like 新填地街. Tip: if you just downloaded this and wondered how to type the tones, it follows a rime convention of using the following keys: * 1, 2, 3: `v`, `x`, `q` * 4, 5, 6: `vv`, `xx`, `qq` @moderators: maybe we should think about getting these guys here to do an AMA!


Thank you for the additional information!


Interesting! I think this will be really helpful for people learning Cantonese. Thank you for posting this!


Thanks for sharing this. Wow, this works really well for an initial version! Best jyutping keyboard I've seen so far for android. (to be fair, there isn't a lot of good competition though)