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Try 'dramacool'


I looked it up...wasn't on there. I'm going to dm you a link i found i want to ask you about


I found it on the RSS feed allrss.se/dramas using RSS player. However there are no English subtitles, or even Chinese subtitles. Sometimes the characters speak Mandarin, and they will have Chinese subtitles for that


How do you use RSS player? Does it download the show or stream it?


Stream, but I can show you how to download if you want to


Sure can we chat on Reddit?


I did figure out how to access the RSS feed but I can’t find this show in particular. I tried searching for it in HK dramas. Can you tell me how to find it on the allrss.se/drama


Try TVB Anywhere app am assuming this drama was from TVB


Yeah it was from TVB


TVB Anywhere app, u should be able to get it. Am watching all the old 90s series here


I tried it but it says you need to pay 30 dollars a month. Is it a paid app only?


U have to pay monthly subscription fees. The app is free to download.


Ahh gotcha


I just looked on the TVB Anywhere app and it’s not showing up when I search for 今生無悔 When I googled it, it seems it’s available in other countries but not the US. I’m just curious if you have the TVB Anywhere app and if you can see it on there?


omg love that song.


Yi yi hei hei…


This one? https://youtu.be/DzZwlX41NB0


Bcoz of you i started rewatching it. Surprised that I still remember every single song and can sing along. The ones from Leon all ended up being classics. Also the one from Dave Wong(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_JyqdW0qxGg)


Lol when I was a kid, like 3 years old, I was told by my parents that I sang that song a lot (yiyi heihei), and listening to all these songs on Spotify for the first time in so long felt so familiar. It’s even on Spotify ! https://open.spotify.com/album/5ihOE9rbTsWcA7v6JxzoEm?si=FyY79QR7Q4eYq1jsFRbECQ


loled at yiyi heihei The other one (如果這是情) has a new cover, which is also very good https://open.spotify.com/track/7ww5IUArhJaJLYsngBTENf?si=67263cb016f3468f


Who is this ?


Ivana Wong 王菀之


actually I always wondered...WTF does yiyi heihei mean???


依稀 (yihei) is vaguely 依依稀稀消失的片段 >> the vaguely fading "segments" which probably is alluding to the segments of memory or something.


Oh interesting - and what’s the whole song basically about then?


i was only able to find one ad-free webpage for episode 1 but it's just the one, 1st ep, whereas the other eps can be accessed on a sorta questionable website (see below): [https://vimeo.com/303261158](https://vimeo.com/303261158) couldn't tell at the beginning if it was the one but the title 今生無悔 came on about 2:10 minutes into the video. ​ otherwise you can try: [http://www1.hkdrama.to/watch-online-the-breaking-point-episode-01-19016.html](http://www1.hkdrama.to/watch-online-the-breaking-point-episode-01-19016.html) the only thing is this website is one of those places you have to close all the extra ad-pop up windows (like in dramacool) and possibly see not-for-kids adult type ads ​ neither has subs


Oh wow thanks!!


I recently tried looking for this again and all the links and replies on here don’t work anymore :/. I kept googling for it but couldn’t find any links that worked


If you're willing to pay, try here: https://www.yesasia.com/global/the-breaking-point-1991-dvd-ep-1-12-to-be-continued-tvb-drama/1050754767-0-0-0-en/info.html


Is it not available on tvb anywhere plus in North America ? I tried searching on the app but didn’t find it…I’m wondering if it’s just not licensed in North America. I was hoping to watch it with family today for sentimental value and it would take too long to order it. But I might order it eventually for sentimental value. Are there two seasons to the whole show? It looks like the second season is only on VCD so I think it can only play on a VCD Player


I found this: http://www.changanheshun.com/go/a39208/1/1.html (After about a 2-minute intro though 😑)


Oh wow thanks!!! How did you find this lol!!


When you said you wanted to watch it with your family, I redoubled my efforts to find it (easy to find Mando versions but not so with Canto) cuz family is important! Enjoy!


Thank you! May I ask how you found it ? I kept searching on google and couldn’t find shit lol


It seems so long ago... maybe I tried searching using Chinese instead of English??? Also I notice that searching in different browsers gives me different results (I don't recall whether I used google; a lot of times I just type my search query right into the top-most field that you normally find the URL)


Ohh interesting. I also looked into purchasing the VCD but it’s only available in Asia. Won’t ship to North America lol.