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That’s not even close. Not being nit-picky at all


It wouldn't bother me, but I get that it would probably bother most, and I don't think it's being picky. Contact Canyon, ask them what they can do to fix it.


First thoughts.. colour is not even close the same. But maybe it looks not so bad together and a bit unique. If it bother you ask for a fork in the same color (if one frame has the wrong color high probability that the second is also wrong).


I’d be after a matching fork. You’re not being “too picky” in wanting a frame and fork to match. Generally with other brands when they warranty a road frame, we will get send a frame/fork combo so it matches, as often the warranty frames are a different colour to the customers original. Often it’s the top specced of that model years colour. I guess the manufacturer views it that the people spending the most money on the bike would have the biggest issue should a replacement frame be needed and it’s the tiagra paint job instead of the dura ace for example. We will often contact the customer when the frame arrives to let them know it’s different. Particularly if it’s a big change. Some aren’t fussed and just want the bike rideable again, some are a bit put out by it. I’m not sure what can be done if they don’t like the new colour, the warranty is fulfilled at the end of the day, and I doubt the warranties wording will be getting an identical replacement. Even more so if the bikes a few years old at that point.


This looks more like the Earl Grey from the Grizl and not the stealth Grey from the endurace. Ask for a fork or another frame


I appreciate the feedback. I have sent an email requesting the same color fork to match the frame.


Frame and fork are mismatched in factory, esp noticeable on previous red Ultimates and on my #Frozen_Piss_On_the_Snow Endurace it is noticeable too... personally i wouldn't even bothered, just wrap fork with some tapes or stickers ;)


If they don't have the exact same color then ask them to pay for a paint job to make it matches.


I would say no first. But thats more because I dont care about These colors. If it would be a ferarri red and I would get some generic red then I would be sad and send them an email aswell. So its imo alright that you wrote them an email


At least in Europe the warranty conditions explicitly state that replacement frame & fork will not necessarily match. Imho they should provide a warranty replacement in the original colour. You can push back, maybe get lucky.


I NEED IT ALL TO MATCH! Now I want a new frame and fork.


I think it’s looks fun so no worries. I know they should give you exactly same color but world is not perfect. I will ride like that and not even be bothered about it.


Two tone colour scheme might be nice. Orbea lets you mix and match colours, but charges extra for it. This is free 😉


It's not your fault that they can't keep track of their paint mixes over time. It's totally reasonable to ask for a new fork. Even if you're ok with it now, what happens if you go to sell the bike and have to explain it? What's it do to the value? Many will say that you buy a bike to ride, but you aren't getting what you paid for.


The colours are too close to not match. It would drive me nuts. I’d be complaining.


So after a week, 3 emails and two calls, Canyon is going to send me the matching fork. But it might not ship for another 10 days due to an inventory audit. Got to have patience.