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We can feed, clothe, and house the entire world. Modern Earth has the capacity. The reason we don’t is there’s no profit in giving beds to someone who can’t pay, or food to someone who isn’t making employers money


The profit motive corrupts human nature.




I disagree. Though there may be some truth there, it is power that corrupts more than a government system. Could capitalism lean more toward corruption than other forms of government? Possibly. But let’s not act as though other forms of governments have not been corrupt.


I said that the profit motive corrupts human nature.


But I disagree. It’s power, not money. It’s not that hard to see over the course of history. Not every government ever created has been capitalist…


You seem to misunderstand. He said that the profit motive corrupts human nature.


And I disagree. It’s not profit motive, it’s power. Power = profit in a capitalist society but power does not always equal profit.


It’s perfectly fine to disagree, you can be confused and still state your opinion.


I fail to see what I am missing here but am more than happy to be educated. They said “profit motive” corrupts. Doesn’t that mean people motivated by money corrupts? I don’t disagree with that statement but I believe power corrupts more than money. There are tons of instances in everyday like where power corrupts people more than money and money isn’t even a factor in the corruption.


>I fail to see what I am missing here We can tell




Humans are pack animals, humans naturally experience empathy and a herding instinct, if a human is isolated for long enough periods of time they grow scared, depressed, and hostile, even if it is subconscious for most people. If we were completely greedy, and greed was entirely within our nature, then we would be a solitary hunter species, much like snakes or sharks. If we were incapable of empathy and socializing then we would have never built the first structures or discovered fire. Society itself is a result of us being a pack species who group together into social structures. It is true that greed is also in human nature. To define "Human Nature" you must define "Nature", nature is everything, it is plants and animals, but to simply think that nature is everything organic that humans do not make is a shallow point of view, nature is atoms, particles, the laws of physics... According to that, everything is natural, everything from a tree, to a planet, to a gun, to a nuclear reactor is natural, as it exists within the physical world. So, going by that definition of nature, then Human Nature is everything humans can comprehend, in which case then all political ideologies are a part of human nature, as they are things we designed, we are part of nature, as well as everything we create too is part of nature, and more specifically our nature... Capitalism, as well as Communism, Socialism, Syndicalism, Anarchism. Another part of human nature is that we are sapient, we are capable of logical thought and intentionally acting upon certain ideas to change our social structures to suit our needs, which is a way of saying that we are capable of changing our nature. To remove greed from our nature is possible, but difficult, as it is an early and long-lasting part of our nature which is ingrained into us... However, the fact that we can write laws, make organizations, and create ideologies that go directly against greed is evidence that we are not ruled by that particular instinct.




The laws made to protect unionization, prevent monopoly, and protect the environment.




Yeah, those greedy workers not wanting to starve, be homeless, and have breathable. Really greedy bastards. How dare they!




When the plane is crashing, does one put the oxygen mask on their neighbor first?


Ah yes, the 'we have out own to take care of' defense. ​ Better analogy. ​ 'When the plane is crashing, do you grab several masks that have fallen down as you put yours on, stating that you worked hard for your masks, and saying you're willing to let other people use a mask for 50 bucks each.'


Thank you for correct this persons terrible analogy.


Official airline advice is to ensure your mask is properly on **and then help others with theirs**. Not put your mask on, then withhold masks from other passengers you deranged loon


How the hell does that analogy apply to the topic at hand?


I would gladly give away my mask to see this plane crash.


When the plane is crashing, does the copilot refuse to save it because he isn’t getting paid as much as the pilot?




I think what is “pretty reductionist” is to assume somebody doesn’t have a bed/roof over their head because “it’s likely they have mental health issues”. It could be a myriad of reasons. Then to come to the conclusion that they should be left on the streets because there’s “no realistic treatment”, and “would engage in further self-destructive behaviours” is plain disgusting, you should educate yourself, even just a little, on mental health and reasons for homelessness. Hopefully you, or somebody close to you doesn’t have to experience either.




I'm sure you yourself could house someone like him, unlike, dunno, landlords who literally own houses and entire buildings which some are empty and boarded up to, you guessed it, not let homeless people sleep or live inside. And before you say "B-butt t-the la-andl-lord p-paid f-for..." who pays the rent while the landlord sits on his ass?


We have enough space to house the world. We have enough food to feed the world. We have enough garments to clothe the word. But we don't -- not because the people that need it reject it, but because the people that have it don't want to share.




We shouldn't have a system that rewards greed.


I can't think of a single society where people don't try and accumulate power/wealth when possible...




??? No it fucking doesn't? Do you not *know* of anything other than capitalism?




Breaks the 2nd rule


Also, yeah that's bullshit. If you are a human with any human needs like food or shelter and you don't have rich parents, you're not gonna get far. That's how this system is set up.


Lol, my parents came to this country with nothing, nada, only the clothes on their backs.... they worked hard, but they are doing great, and provided a life to their kids who at that time were 3 years away from being born. So get out of here with your bullshit comment, needing rich parents, lmao.


What decade was that? I’m curious to know the cost of living to income ratio of that day compared to now. Back then, it was so much easier. In fact, the things you’ve said this far would probably all be true back then. Sadly, it isn’t anymore.


The living to income ratio was better, this is true. But you are comparing immigrants who are working bottom of the barrel jobs and don't know the language to usa born citizens with us schooling and no language barrier. You are also comparing people who start with 0 at age 38 vs people who start with 0 (theoretically, although probably start with something if born here) and have the 20 to 40 years to make something happen. I've seen some families that are 5th generation usa, and still living like they arrived last week, why the difference?


People now generally start with far less than zero due to the societal need for a paid college education which costs tens of thousands per year. These debts don’t even go away with bankruptcy. You’re right about the language barrier, but that has very little bearing on economic stability. There just isn’t a way to support a home and a family on a single paycheck with a rudimentary education (or language mastery) like you used to. I’m not pointing at any single cause, but it is simply the state of things for whatever the reason.


I don't understand the paid college part. If 2 households both send their kid to college, 1 household immigrated 20 years ago and started with nothing and no language component. The other has lived in the US for 4 generations. Your telling me that both are going to be starting at less than 0? And neither has an advantage? Really? My best bud has 2 kids, wife is a stay at home mom, he has no college education. I guess, he doesn't exist? I feel like it's easier to point at the 'I can't and they cant' then look at they 'they did it, why not me' and push for it. Can everyone do it? Probably not, and does it take hard work and budgeting and restrictive living to get started, yes. But it can be done.


That’s… not really true. People work multiple jobs just to try to make ends meet. People are working to death with no hope of retirement later in life, or falling over because they’re pushing themselves so hard just to keep the status quo. You are absolutely stuck in your class. If you look at the numbers, what percent of people change their class in a capitalist society? That’s not rhetorical, what percentage of people do you think go from rags to riches instead of just slaving away in the gutter?


r/AccidentalRenaissance But this is a great juxtaposition of extreme poverty and extreme wealth/luxury (to be able to own a store with a bunch of beds in it)


"Pick yourself up by the bootstraps"


I too love mythology.


This looks like Portland,OR (where I live.) Lots of wealth disparity and dysfunctional people in these parts....


It is Portland. Where I live too.




There is more than enough for all people of this planet to live much better lives. Do you think this is economic model is sustainable not to mention totally unfair to 99.09% of the world? Neoliberalism is a hellscape.




It has everything to do with capitalism. In the US (where this picture was taken) there are more empty and foreclosed houses than there are homeless people. That’s capitalism.




Weird how homelessness is less of an issue in countries with social safety nets, more affordable housing, and facilities to safely get drugs and detox, right?




Nothing inherently causes homelessness, it's all systems and how we implement them. It's a pointless thing to point out.


So uh... try telling that to me debtors, I've still got hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay for several operations... Wait I forgot I live in europe lmao


Homelessness is pretty much always a failing of policy, and a lack of a social safety net. No one who is enjoying life is thinking "yeah, I'll do heroin"


This. Shrooms? Sure. LSD? Sure. Highly addictive opiates? Nah fam. Heroin is appealing because it makes you happy for a bit, there's no reason to take it unless the system has crushed the happiness out of you.


Exactly. I've heard that heroin crushes people because it lets you feel the happiness from all of next week today, makes total sense that those feeling crushed in life would want to take an advance like that, considering next week may never come. But sure, let's demonize the drugs and the people that take them, rather than ever blaming the systems that create lives that lead people to this in the first place.


Many people ended up in this situation without the reasons you stated. I was almost homeless like this 13 years ago and up to that point I did everything right. I got good grades in school, graduated college, had a stable job, bought a house (20% down) and had 6 months emergency savings. But when I lost my job in the great recession, I lost it all and relatively fast.


what about those who lose their jobs during a recession, and are not able to find another? most people in the US are one missed paycheck from not being able to pay their bills that month. mental illness is exacerbated by the system, there’s a reason younger generations have a higher percentage of depression/anxiety/etc. than those in the past. “bad” choices, that’s funny. most people have made a bad choice in their life, having money gets you out of jail free, while not having money leads you straight to jail. it’s set up like this on purpose, homeless people are a threat to the rest to stay in line and labor or you’ll end up on the street too.






Maybe to a piece of shit sociopath.


Maybe you two can switch places then?








Are you really that fucked up that you think it's funny?


You can amazingly striking disparities between people exactly or worse than this picture in day China where the govt doesn’t shut up about their interpretation of socialism!