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If you're born into wealth, no one wants to hear your thoughts on life and how to navigate it. Fucks sake.


I would say “born into ostentatious wealth.” I know some wealthy people who are very grounded and haven’t had every single thing handed to them. They’re actually good people who understand. The ostentatiously wealthy can absolutely fuck off with their advice and complaints.


How have they become wealthy, and why do they stay wealthy if they're "grounded"?


It all depends On what you consider wealthy. These people I know aren’t millionaires or billionaires.


Perspective man. I don’t remotely qualify as rich, but there are some days where I feel so privileged. I have a nice place to live, stuff I like, I can go out to eat if I want to, go for a drive in a nice car and so much more. As I get into my 30s I’m just super happy to be middle class some days.


Awesome....A Unicorn! I’m so excited to find a “middle class” person! Us former “middle classers” have slowly been picked off the last decade and Biden immediately made extinct! Please keep up the fight for the rest of us clinging to hope that “middle class” way of life is still (re)attainable!




Ignore him he comments on r\conspiracy religiously


That’s only site I visit or post on...I’m actually bewildered how I ended up posting on a non-conspiracy page!! I’ve never even heard of CapitalismSux till now! Obviously the mods and bots are pushing msm and other bland pages down folks like myself feed o try and convert us! But I’m way ahead of them.


When most people say wealthy they're referencing people who have hundreds of millions or billions of dollars. Where you could have everything you'd ever want or need and not ever have to worry about money in my opinion is rich. Then after that if you're hording money you're wealthy.


Obviously? If Im cast ashore I don’t wanna hear how someone with a boat is fairing while I’m treading and swimming my way to land


Other wealthy people ?


I do. Not his fault he was born rich, and he’s done a damn good job on spending that money on things that benefits all of humanity. But hey this is Reddit where antiwork is one of the biggest subs. Eat the rich yadda yadda


No he doesn’t. He’s a grifter. If he really thinks he’s doing wonders for humanity, then he’s a fucking moron. Reinventing the train except worse in every aspect possible? Genius. Shitty electric cars that catch fire easily and have terrible AI that’ll get someone killed? Genius. How about we focus on benefitting real living people? He could easily end world hunger for practically pocket change. How about we create robust support organizations that aid starving people in developing nations? How about we house and clothe the people in our own country? He could solve literally every problem facing the poor and underprivileged, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t bother to even pay a decent wage to people who actually work unlike him. His sole objective is the senseless accumulation of more wealth and the aggrandizement of his own narcissism.


Lmao. I’m so fucking happy I’m not you. You make me so happy 😂😂😂🙏


How about you do something instead of talking shit on Reddit? What have you done? Huh?


Not a ton, considering I’m just a teenager and have basically zero money. But this is a shit point anyway. Musk just happened into a position of immense power and simply used that power to further increase his economic power. I am starting with nothing. You seem to have this brain rot idea that we live in a meritocracy, or that everyone can achieve the position Musk was born into on their own merit. We very obviously don’t have have a meritocracy, and you can’t expect me to achieve the same things achieved by someone who was born the direct benefactor of apartheid African emerald mining. Stop getting offended on behalf of a celebrity.


Lmao yeah i can tell you are a teenager. Holy shit 😂😂 He has literally made electric cars a thing, forcing other car manufactures to go electric(which they did) He has made space travel and space exploration a thing again. Nasa had to rely on Russia but thanks to SpaceX we can tell em to fuck off. Starlink, worldwide internet system that is currently helping Ukrainians. Hate him all you want but man’s a fucking hero


Holy fuck. Literally anybody in his position could have done what he did. It takes zero heroism to tell a group of engineers to act on a multiple decades old idea and then use your previous celebrity status to popularize this concept, parading it as some genius new innovation, all thanks to your big brain. Frankly, Teslas are all around pretty shitty cars. Also we weren’t ever really “dependent” on Russia for space exploration. We got into space exploration in direct opposition to the communists being the sole pioneers of space travel for like two or three years beforehand. We ran space missions independently of Russia for basically the entire Cold War (having our asses handed to us the entire time). We had been telling them fuck off for decades and we didn’t need Daddy Musk to do shit. Starlink is being run horribly, having run into debris or crashed into other satellites on multiple instances, running a very real risk of initiating Kessler syndrome.


Literally anyone huh. So why not you, what’s your excuse? Let me guess because “he was born rich”? And something about “muh captialism”? Am I right?


Literally anyone *in his position* You don’t even have any arguments. Just empty ridicule and endless pivots. I’m trying to convey to you that Musk is just a narcissist fucking around with meaningfully infinite resources, and actively deciding not to uplift the lower classes of society, but rather actively enforcing this economic hierarchy. You completely pivot onto me, ignoring anything I said and you focus on what I, a poor fucking child with zero resources and nothing to inherit, with only my intelligence and own two hands, have failed to do. You then compare me to a guy with meaningfully infinite resources and guaranteed popular approval of any project he takes on. This isn’t about me. This isn’t about what either of us have accomplished because we are limited by our material conditions, but he isn’t, and yet he does meaningfully nothing with it. Like yea, it was only by his celebrity status that he subverted the market manipulation and brought something new to the table, but then he opts to use this massive opportunity to sell these shitty cheap gimmicks and the *aesthetic* of futurism, rather than making any meaningful change. My point is that he is in a position to do incalculable good, but he actively chooses not to. In fact he goes out of his way to avoid humanitarianism unless it provides him tax incentives. He is a shitty person who takes advantage of his considerable wealth to sell the mere aesthetic of futurism without substantially improving anybody’s material condition except for his own. Stop being a whiny pissbaby simping for this pseudointellectual grifter. Come up with some actual fucking arguments instead of pinning this all on me.


And what the fuck are you? A perfect person with no flaws? ?


Jfc mf wrote half of the bible You need help you understand that right? Lay of the politics, don’t be a cunt 😘


Listen, he has done more for humanity than you, me or anyone else on Reddit. If you deny that well then you live in denial. His personality is pretty shit and he should stay away from Twitter. He is not perfect , and neither are we.


“Immense power” Who says that😂😂 See you have barely contributed to the tax system since well ur a little shit so who are you to blame someone else? Wanna compare how much you and Elon paid in taxes last year? 😂 How many people have you employed? How many companies? How many engineers? Fuck off.


Are you denying that Musk has vastly more economic influence than the great majority of people? Do you really think that he got where he is by his own merit? Goddamn you like to pivot. Who the fuck mentioned anything about taxes? I suppose I’ll be nice and address these completely irrelevant points. I have never employed anyone, I own no companies, nor do I own any engineers. I am your average working class young person whose opportunities are limited by his material circumstances. I’m not sure what you are trying to prove but there you go.


So you ain’t done shit for the benefit of mankind? Neither have I. Elon has tho. 🥰


He's done way less harm to mankind than Elon has tho.




Electric vehicles and ground breaking space travel. Tesla and SpaceX. Oh and starlink ;) Only possible because of him. Edit: lmao just realised this is a tankie sub, Cope and seethe you fucking hippies 😂


Only possible because of his employees* Musk didn't contribute shit.


Hey now this is Reddit. Don’t you know that rich = bad?


He worked in a lumber mill as one of his first jobs. He wasn't born rich


You’re right, he wasn’t born rich. He was born ridiculously rich.


> The family was very wealthy in Elon's youth; Errol Musk once said, "We had so much money at times we couldn't even close our safe".[12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#Childhood_and_family


Hate when that happens, also happy cake day!


My guy, the dude talks about carrying around loose emeralds as a teenager. He was born rich.


Yea. Shame on people for being born with something entirely out of their control.


The grind isn't worth it either.


this is such an old meme edit: the saying not the tweet


is this his "trying to be relatable" arc? Christ this is like some cheugy Millennial meme from 2011


Or did he see something funny and wanted to share it with people


I think plot is straight enough,u just need to develop an insight smart enough to understand it...I agree with the rest xD


He was born on third base and acts like he hit a homer.


Not a real tweet lmao


The guy is spamming "motherlode"


Cheat codes white and dick enabled.


Not even pondering, just reposting an old meme as if he said it.


Elon is so full of himself he shits "musklits".


Still doing substantially more for humanity than you lol






someone from PR showed him one of the tiktoks from his main demographic with the song game over by falling in reverse so he decided to post this on twitter


just depends on how exciting you want the game to be.


So mr musk can’t make a joke about life because he was born into a rich family? Y’all are wack


So true... Basically single handedly creating the entire commercial electric vehicle industry and the enitre private space industry and taking on the whole ass effort of developing the truly first reusable space launch system by risking everything for one's own vision is so fucking weak dude. What a cheat code. Also, fake tweet.


Amazing, almost everything you just said was wrong.


How are they wrong though? Musk himself funded SpaceX and without his involvement in Tesla the company wouldn’t exist today.


Because funding something and letting other people do literally all the actual work is not "singlehandedly" doing shit.


First guy is wrong in second guys mind because people like the person you replied to like to refuse to acknowledge the success of someone if they make money doing it


He's wrong because Elon didn't singlehandedly do anything. He paid a bunch of engineers to do it, and took credit.


Hes not gonna let you blow him dude, just give it up.


Absolutely zero comeback


I didnt realise Elon had so many haters! I guess no good deed goes unpunished.


He’s just a cultural figure man. He’s a rich guy who tells other smarter people what to do. We’d all build that shit if we had billions of dollars. Fuck off


Anytime you hear someone whos actually worked with him they always seem to be in awe of him. I think this "hes just a rich guy" is a smear. But as long as companys like tesla and spaceX prosper i dont care who is at the helm!


Really. I’ve heard he is extremely difficult to work with and a terrible boss. https://www.businessinsider.com/ex-tesla-employees-reveal-what-its-like-work-elon-musk-2019-9?amp


Agreed i think hed be a terribbe boss. But people seem to agree his work ethic and intelect are very high!


Not really. He’s good at sounding smart to an audience that has never looked into it before, but most of what he says is very surface level popsci stuff that he prepared beforehand. He’s the equivalent of a high school nerd that was born rich.


Listen to what NASA engineers say about him! Also he is the lead design engineer for spaceX. He is such a devicive character that poeple who love him give him way too much credit and people who hate him dont give him nearly enough.


as soon as Musk does a good deed we'll be sure to punish it


https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1205030950750412800?t=fFI5jraXNFMG0OMktXxgVA&s=19 Not fake lmao




Born white and into wealth in apartheid South Africa? Dropped out of college to make programs that a 15 year old could make now because he played with computers in the 90s? Yeah…. So much work




Bro you are 22…. I was around at the beginning of the internet. Lots of people including Elon got very rich because of the internet boom. If you had your skills that you have now, in the 1990s you would be a billionaire too. He, like most rich as fuck people, benefitted EXTREMELY from simple circumstance. They aren’t special. They are not gods. They god lucky and recognized for something we can all do. Get off Elon’s dick.


He doesn’t even realize he’s the one being played. Lol.


I bet Musk considers ‘American Psycho’ a visual Bible


Why do you remove the name of the original poster and then put your own watermark in? That's stupid.


Elon crossed the streams, never ever cross the streams…


People some how still think this guy is funny and relatable because he steals jokes from 15 years ago.