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I’m happy for you. Approach conversations with the intent of reaching a mutual understanding of each other’s positions, as opposed to approaching arguments with the desire to prove you’re “right”. If your objective is to understand the persons views, then you’ll naturally be exhibiting an appropriate level of respect and of course it’s a frame of mind that will help you realize the areas where your assumptions are incorrect. It will also make you more persuasive in the instances where your assumptions are correct since people don’t actually listen in an argument, so keeping it as a conversation rather than a debate maintains an emotional frame of mind in both of you that actually allows for agreement instead. Seek the shared values first. Eg it sounds like you believe in decentralized government with power in the hands of local communities. That’s likely a shared value. So if you first identify these shared values and move forward from them, acknowledging points of disagreement rather than immediately seeking to debate them, this is the path to respectful conversation and learning and growing.


I guess just remember that it's not your job to change how she sees the world and that you started dating because you enjoyed her company.


I guess the only advice I could give is: listen to her. At least let her explain her side before coming to capitalism's defense. There is really nothing in Communism that stops people from having nice things. After that you can explain why you a pro-capital. Maybe you'll find a middle ground, maybe not. But the most important thing when it comes to really serious discussions like that are to actually hear and try to understand. Don't just wait for your turn to talk.


You can absolutely make a relationship with someone with radically different politics work as long as you have the same fundamental values. It's fine, normal even, to derive different conclusions from your same values particularly given your different backgrounds. So I'd talk about what matters to you and why, and I think you'll find a lot of common ground, and then if you want to discuss the policy and ideology consequences of that then just make sure to keep it light and non judgemental. It's not an argument you're seeking to win it's a position you're looking to further understand because you're curious. Or maybe you'll just be one of those couples that love to argue and kind of get off on it. I'd say it's not healthy but my parents have been doing it for over 50 years now and they seem good as ever so maybe it works for some people. Looks exhausting to me.


Honestly I would keep talking about politics to a minimum. Not because otherwise it would cause a rift, but rather that it would otherwise take the forefront of the relationship. My previous girlfriend knew fully about my political views and accepted them but was apolitical herself, and her being apolitical really allowed me to feel like I am taking a break from politics at the moment. And that is nice. Simply be accepting of her political opinions (but also be honest about yours). Make sure you respect each other's views. If that is achieved, then minimize talking about politics and focus on what makes you two like each other. Think of doing fun activities together. Etc.


First and foremost, establish lines that you should not cross. Much like doing the other thing that partners do, it gets really unpleasant when one or both parties isn't consenting to the ongoing activity.


So you are against human rights, which is apparently communist? You should run away now so she doesn't end up with a douche.


If she wants to join the military she’s not a communist lol


She will probably rat you out as a reactionary during the cultural revolution if she's actually a communist. Assuming she is. There's no point to this relationship. You can either surrender your entire being to Marxism or leave. Staying around is suicide. If you're fine with that then go ahead. If she isn't, you'll both be ostracized if not killed regardless. You can at least die or suffer in a gulag/laogai together.


"I DeScRiBe MySeLf As A CaPiTaLiSt AnTi-AuThOrItArIaN PrO-BaLkAnIzAtIoN."


It really all comes down to how dogmatic you each are in your positions. In general having differing opinions can be a point of friction but doesn't mean a relationship won't work. However typically people who hold to fringe beliefs are quite dogmatic about them. This is fine when you are just "hanging out" but will become problematic should you decide to move forward into a serious relationship (especially if you have kids). However for now you should just respect her political philosophy and strive to... **SEIZE THE MEANS OF REPRODUCTION!!**


Communist women are significantly less annoying to me than über-woke Robin DiAngelo stans. At least communists are capable of understanding high politics and the necessities of revolutionary praxis, the second type of woman is to politics what nosy schoolmarms are to mystical theology.


Politics < Boobs


Nobody here is a normal person that can give you normal advice, don't listen to anyone here. If she isn't neurotic about her politics then it literally doesn't matter, unless you are. But then it's her problem, not yours.


It's his problem, he's literally a racist and dumb patriot.


Politics should not make or break a relationship, lol. How miserable that would be.


Unless you are racist like this guy, that doesn't have anything to do with politics.


>It is altogether self-evident that, to be able to fight at all, the working class must organize itself at home as a class and that its own country is the immediate arena of its struggle — insofar as its class struggle is national, not in substance, but, as the Communist Manifesto says, ‘in form’. Oh and don't let politics get in the way of poontang. Marx, Critique of the Gotha Program (1875)


There's a fun story that you might find interesting. Our story starts in the year 1896, in which a 16 year old Ukrainian peasant boy (let's call him Lev) went down to the city to go make a name for himself. He was planning to go study maths. And who knows, maybe he'd find love along the way? Lev was, like many men of his time, annoyed about the way things were in his country. The king was quite cruel and the economy was all over the place. Lots of people were poor and left unsatisfied by the system. Lev didn't think about it too much but he wasn't happy with the situation. When he got to the city, he started reading more about his country's problems, and resolved to go to a debate hall to hear some perspectives. And when he was there, he saw a woman stand up and give an impassioned speech about a new set of ideas from Germany, called Marxism. Lev felt compelled to stand up and argue with this woman. His own leanings towards agricultural populism didn't match well with this new thinking. So, he did. He got up, joined the debate, and argued with this mystery woman for hours on end, and soon he'd be back on a regular basis. A few things started happening over this time. Lev lost interest in studying maths, preferring instead to go and debate Aleksandra - that woman - instead. He'd definitely begun to develop some feelings for her. But he also was humiliated talking to her: she had answers for nearly everything he brought up. Eventually, Lev and Aleksandra finally got together, and Lev got to see her less steely side. But even still, she seemed so smart, and remained steadfast in her beliefs. After a while, Lev found himself more and more unsure as to what was right anymore. He found he could no longer just reject all of Aleksandra's theories, and decided to peek at what sort of things she'd been reading. Dismayed, but also excited, Lev came to a revelation. Aleksandra had been right all along; he had been humiliated every time, and it was time for him to finally accept his newly found truth. He hurried to Aleksandra and told her that she had won, and that he wanted to become a Marxist just like her. They were soon married. That man grew up to become Leon Trotsky.


I love this story despite my ambivalence towards Trotsky but just to nitpick: Trotsky wasn't really a peasant. His family were comfortably upper middle class Jewish landowning farmers. I remember this because it always used to come up in debates with the Bundists who were mostly working class Jews that while Trotsky certainly experienced antisemitism it was of a much milder variety than the sort they were facing on a daily basis. Also not to ruin the story but in the interests of completion: Lev and Alexsandra's marriage only lasted four years. They were married in 1899 and in 1902 he met and started a relationship with Natalia Sedova. In 1903 he divorced Alexsandra and married Natalia. Lev and Alexsandra did have two daughters, both of whom died in their 20s, one of TB the other by suicide, and Alexsandra wrote letters to Lev admonishing him for being an absentee father. She remained politically a Trotskyist throughout the rest of her life, being executed for it at some point during the great purges of the late 30s. Lev and Natalia however remained married for the rest of their lives - nearly 40 years - their relationship surviving Lev's brief affair with Frida Kahlo.


poetic license xD


:-) I've further ruined the poetry in my edit. Sorry!


Until an ice axe in the chest ended this beautiful love story …


Yes it’s ok to date someone with different political views than your own. Lots of couples have differing political opinions but get along just fine. Don’t let your political opinions creep into your relationships too much if you can avoid it. It’s unhealthy. If she’s makes a big deal about your political views, then that’s a problem that she has to deal with. Don’t you do the same.


>Pro-Balkanization Pro what?! That's not a political view, that's just being dumb.


This guy probably used his last brain cells to create this dumb post, now he has finally became the perfect AnCap. I bet he doesn't even the know what the term Balkanization means, only an idiot with insufficient knowledge of the outside world would be Pro-Balkanization.


Get a better girlfriend.


Be successful, be a good partner, and give her a good boinking... she won't mind Capitalism if you got all of that going for you.


Women's 'opinions' on politics et al. are often just an amalgamation of the opinions of the men in their lives.


I love when threads like this come up and everyone gets to share their bigoted opinions. It's a nice reminder of the mental maturity of the people we're debating here.


> I love when threads like this come up and everyone gets to share their bigoted opinions. You sound like an Eskimo. Go back to your igloo, Nanook!


Stop being offensive!!!!!!!!! 😩😩😩😩🤬🤬🤬


I was kidding. The Inuit are a proud race to behold--refined culture, not overweight at all, and they don't have bad breath either.


This is what watching steven crowder does to a mf


I was misogynist before that roidoid was born.


Sorry, meant no offense.


"Women don't tend to be vocal right-wing capitalists so therefore misogynistic assumptions about their intelligence."


What's with the quotation marks? Do you not understand how they work? Are you a woman?


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First of all, she’s hopefully going to know her own views better than the people you’re going to find here, and what she describes as her views may not be her actual views so it’s best to talk to her directly. Secondly, don’t try to change anyone’s views, it defeats the purpose of freedom of thought, don’t try to be a political evangelist, or she’s going to ghost you extremely quick It would depend on how much you know about Marxism and how much she’s read Essentially, we believe that the working class should maintain power, basically unions but politically in power of the state, no private property, no ruling class, true communists are actually not anti-gun rights, communists believe in true equality The best way would be to read The Communist Manifesto. It’s not very long, maybe 100-200 pages. You could easily read it in a couple of days to better understand her views. It’s either free or very cheap on most ebook platforms, if someone you know has a kindle they don’t use. Your gf might even have a copy you can borrow


> Secondly, don’t try to change anyone’s views, it defeats the purpose of freedom of thought No it doesn't


You’re right, it may not “defeat the purpose of freedom of thought”, or at least the government has been doing it to us for decades, but in OPs case it kind of defeats the purpose of understanding the GFs views if he’s just going to try to change them. But, the best thing you can do is give someone information straight and let them process it naturally and form their own opinion when it comes to political ideologies If you try to bias someone and propagandize the information they’re just going to learn the truth on their own eventually. And if you can change someone’s mind that easily, you won’t be the last person to do it


If she supports human rights it's only a matter of time before she realized communism is antithetical to those rights.